I LOVE CANVA. but not for the most casual piece of the instagram content ever. stop using canva on stories for like daily use duuuude ESPESH during launch. your face and your voice authentically sell better - i PROMISE <3
show flow ~
- when and when not to use Canva - the time & place for the hyper-designed stuff
- cultivating KNOW/LIKE/TRUST with your dream clients relies deeply on being you & positioning yourself as an expert - not your canva experience
- don't canva tf out if you can't value tf out tooooo
- if you're hiding behind canva designs because you don't know WHAT to post that's actually gonna work for you - you need to hire a strategist/mentor !
this is just a quickie episode today !
P.S. yoooo, i know you're obsessed with me so if you've run out of podcast episodes to binge - i GOT YOU. follow me on instagram, i show up there daily woo woo : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
P.P.S. if you were like, actually logan, all i do is canva slides bc i don't know what to post - i don't know what's holding me back, i'm super overwhelmed by my clients, my content is a mess, i want to scale but i'm burning out so hard -- the truth is boo you're experiencing all that bc you don't have a content strategy that's authentic to you & you def need one.
drop me an application here if you would like help with that : loganmackenzie.com/dcss
today let's have a chat about pricing...
show flow ~
- how i started selling high-ticket products/offers
- high ticket sales VS. low ticket sales in product
- why i chose to expand into coaching & aligning pricing with that mission
- "charging what you're "WORTH" is gross & problematic. let's stop this
- don't charge what YOU'RE worth, charge what the person you want deeply to help can pay
- toxic "money mindset" is also gross & problematic
- ASHLI POLLARD'S PRICING GUIDE : https://bit.ly/3gQxuOS & HER PODCAST : https://spoti.fi/3gKGpCH
- pricing your offers ETHICALLY at the start of your business
- accessible pricing & lowering your prices without feeling less valuable
- what is my signature offer DCSS and what do i charge for it right now and WHY (allllll the juicy details so you can compare!)
- why i lowered my prices <3 checking my intentions & challenging my beliefs!
P.S. yoooo, i know you're obsessed with me so if you've run out of podcast episodes to binge - i GOT YOU. follow me on instagram, i show up there daily woo woo : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
P.P.S. if you were like, actually logan, i don't even know what work i'm avoiding - i don't know what's holding me back, i'm super overwhelmed by my clients, my content is a mess, i want to scale but i'm burning out so hard -- the truth is boo you're experiencing all that bc you don't have a content strategy that's authentic to you & you def need one.
drop me an application here if you would like help with that <3 : loganmackenzie.com/dcss
Missing episodes?
okay outsourcing just literally doesn't make sense right? we're diving deeply into BURN OUT and whether or not you actually need a VA or a SMM or just.. a content strategy?
show flow ~
- social media burnout : the first step solution is not hiring out when your income isn't consistent enough for that yet
- the first step of outsourcing - the importance of mentorship & individualized strategy & having a game plan that's actually sustainable for you
- my podcast episode on mentorship & making critical investments - do you (specifically you lol not collective you) need COMMUNITY or 1:1 GUIDANCE ?
- *intro rain sounds*
- what is DCSS & is it the right mentorship fit for you?
- the second step of outsourcing (what can you do before hiring a team?) - SOFTWARE BABYYYY. where do you even start? what software do you need?
- proactive content strategy & making software work for you
P.S. yoooo, i know you're obsessed with me so if you've run out of podcast episodes to binge - i GOT YOU. follow me on instagram, i show up there daily woo woo : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
P.P.S. if you were like, actually logan, i don't even know what's holding me back, i'm super overwhelmed by my clients, my content is a mess, i want to scale but i'm burning out so hard -- the truth is boo you're experiencing all that bc you don't have a content strategy that's authentic to you & you def need one.
drop me an application here if you would like help with that loganmackenzie.com/dcss
self-accountability, when should you launch, messy action - psst.. i'm not going to say what you think i am
show flow ~
- don't waste your own time when you know 10000% that you've been cutting corners in your strategy
- avoidance/procrastination is REAL. it's nothing to be ashamed about so don't ignore it, sit with it & ask yourself how you can manage your time better
- small bit on outsourcing :)
- the truth of "messy action" (hint : messy action is NOT an excuse for laziness in your business)
- if you already know you've been avoiding the work - stop. do it first. you don't get to skip steps.
- MY FAVORITE TIMER APP : https://www.forestapp.cc/
- keep yourself accountable!
P.S. yoooo, i know you're obsessed with me so if you've run out of podcast episodes to binge - i GOT YOU. follow me on instagram, i show up there daily woo woo : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
P.P.S. if you were like, actually logan, i don't even know what work i'm avoiding - i don't know what's holding me back, i'm super overwhelmed by my clients, my content is a mess, i want to scale but i'm burning out so hard -- the truth is boo you're experiencing all that bc you don't have a content strategy that's authentic to you & you def need one.
drop me an application here so i can help ya <3 : loganmackenzie.com/dcss
how to make your social media marketing about people (not #'s)
the algorithm sucks. right? always. but guess what - it literally doesn't matter.
making your business about humans is THE number 1 life hack bestie. it is ironically the only algorithm-proof way you'll be able to scale successfully. so let's dive into it <3
show flow ~
- numbers that we shouldn't care about
- authenticity sells so worry about being YOU
- my 3 top tips to make your organic marketing ETHICAL & HUMAN-CENTERED
- the two reasons you feel weird and sleazy selling your dope offers
- scripting stories/content is no substitute for practicing speaking directly to your community
- & most importantly - EMBODY HOT RICH AUNT ENERGY, but make it authentic online coach version 😎
follow me on ig to connect with me in the daily : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
like what you hear & want my eyes directly on your business? check out my offers here : loganmackenzie.com/offers
MYTHBUSTERRRRR : "value is the most important thing" - ew. let's talk about why this sucks. fr.
show flow
- value is NOTHING without context
- what does "valuable" even mean in content?
- the importance of specificity & intentionality with your value
- the balance between VALUE, SALES, and CONTEXT
- frustration & imposter syndrome kicking your lil entrepreneur booty - why this is happening.
if you've made it this far and you're like "damn logan, quit calling me OUT! i need your help" - apply for my 1:1 coaching program & i'll give you the tools you need to figure out WHO you're speaking to so creating value content that actually converts becomes easy peasy ~
instagram : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
hi bestie, so what's the difference between mentorship & community support and which is the right fit for you? let's chat.
show flow :
- what is community support and how is it not mentorship?
- what the "if she can do it, i can do it" mindset misses
- what is true mentorship & when do you need it?
- the importance of customizable systems & working with mentors who want to coach you NOT to need them anymore
- my experience investing in real mentorship for the first time - unlocking your potential through 1:1 guidance and actually having experienced eyes on your business
- the #1 question you have to ask yourself when looking at a business mentorship investment <3
- seeing through the marketing facade / buzz word of "mentorship" in potential programs
hi bestie, let me guess - you're here because you wanna make money authentically online? welp boo, you're in the right place bc that's exactly what i teach you how to do here.
on monday's i drop a new "bestie chat" which is basically just me being super raw, unedited, unfiltered with ya about life & business.
on wednesday's (we wear - well, probably black tbh lol) i check your vibe. "vibe check" episodes are normally a lil spicy, i'll call you out - with love - and share some unpopular opinions about online sales.
and on friday's we get back 👏 to 👏business 👏 with value-packed trainings!
i'm so happy to have you here & look forward to connecting with you in this space :)
~ where to find me ~
instagram : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
learn about my programs : loganmackenzie.com/offers
yo, hello, my name is logan and i'm your resident biz bestie here to share why authenticity is the best strategy. in this space you and i will be connecting a whole lot on all things online business and marketing organically (which means that i'll teach you how to leverage free platforms even with a small following to make money online - we won't be talking about paid ads.
can't wait to chat with you in this space soon, but until then you can connect with me on instagram for more short form info & daily stories : instagram.com/l0ganmackenzie
thanks for being here bestie appreciate youuu x