
  • In the highland forests of central Kenya, the Ogiek thrived as hunter-gatherers for centuries. But from the colonial era to the present day they have faced wave upon wave of encroachment into the ancestral lands they have stewarded for so long. This has posed enormous challenges to their survival and well-being. Still, their fight for recognition, and for the fulfilment of their rights, has been a source of immense inspiration for Indigenous communities worldwide.

    For this episode, we are joined by Daniel Kobei, the Executive Director of the Ogiek Peoples' Development Program, who has played a pivotal role in the legal case brought to the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, demanding justice for the abuses committed by the Kenyan government against the Ogiek. The outcome of this legal battle constitutes a historical landmark, not only for the Ogiek, but for all the Indigenous communities in Africa facing displacement and forced eviction.

    Through his organization, he has also overseen numerous projects benefiting the Ogiek communities in areas such as Corporate Governance and Institutional Capacity, Education, Culture, Language, Land Rights, Natural Resources, Environmental Conservation and Climate Justice. Daniel has extensive experience participating in international advocacy and decision-making forums, establishing international alliances, and contributing meaningfully towards a robust and impactful worldwide Indigenous Rights movement.


    Follow the Ogiek Peoples’ Development Program on social media and through their official website: https://ogiekpeoples.org


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-daniel-kobei.html



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  • In a recent episode of our podcast, we had an enlightening conversation with Iñupiaq Conservation Biologist Dr. Victoria Buschman about the role of Arctic Indigenous communities in shaping conservation strategies.

    Today, we are expanding upon our previous discussion to more deeply explore a decolonizing approach to Arctic research in general. We are privileged to have not just one, but two highly knowledgeable guests joining us for this episode: Dr. Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq and Corina Qaaġraq Kramer, who are not only sisters but also collaborators currently spearheading the groundbreaking Respectful Research intiative.

    Dr. Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq is assistant professor of technical and scientific communication at Virginia Tech. Cana is Iñupiaq, from Northwest Alaska and an enrolled member of the Noorvik Native Community. The digital humanities, data analysis, critical race theory, and Indigenous knowledges are combined in Cana’s research, in order to investigate the intersections of identity, science/technology/medicine, colonialism, and culture. Their work sheds light on how the marginalization of underrepresented scholars and communities is often perpetuated in mainstream academic, institutional, and societal practice.

    Corina Qaaġraq Kramer, also of Iñupiaq descent, hails from the Native Village of Kotzebue. As a community leader with extensive frontline experience, Corina brings a unique expertise to her work, specializing in bridging traditional Indigenous knowledge and values with Western institutional practices to enhance the well-being of Native communities, health, and sovereignty. Notably, Corina played a pivotal role in establishing the Sayaqagvik system of care for children, youth, and families in Northwest Alaska. She served as a co-investigator at Siamit Lab, an innovative academic–tribal Health Partnership affiliated with Harvard Medical School, and held the position of community director for the Della Keats Fellowship, a postgraduate program based in Northwest Alaska supporting the development of the next generation of Indigenous health leaders. Recently, Corina founded Mumik Consulting, dedicated to assisting Indigenous-serving organizations in enhancing their initiatives.


    We strongly encourage our listeners to continue exploring Cana and Corina’s work: https://respectfulresearch.com


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-cana-corina.html



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  • In recent years, we have seen a global resurgence of the Indigenous movement. For the world’s Indigenous Peoples, in all their diversity, new technologies have brought greater visibility, anchored in these Peoples’ ability to construct their own narratives about the past, the present and the future. A new visibility that has created bridges of solidarity between Indigenous Peoples, but also with non-Indigenous people all over the world.

    More than ever, it is essential to strengthen this resurgence of the Indigenous movement in the face of energy transition and environmental protection international policies. In this crucial moment we must ensure that the foundations of our common future protect human rights. And especially the rights of Indigenous Peoples, in whose territories natural resources and biodiversity are protected, essential for maintaining balanced ecosystems.

    In the work of Edson Krenak all these issues intersect, creating a unique path of Indigenous rights activism. Edson is Advocacy Coordinator at Cultural Survival, and he leads the organization's work in Brazil. He is also deeply involved in the Keepers of the Earth Indigenous Fund, through which Cultural Survival supports Indigenous-led projects focused on environmental protection and territorial sovereignty. Alongside his work capacitating and supporting Indigenous organizations, Edson has dedicated his life to the dissemination of Indigenous cultures (including as an award-winning author), to the promotion of decolonized history education, and to the creation of alliances that strengthen the Indigenous movement, both in Brazil and internationally.

    We must also highlight his role on SIRGE Coalition’s executive committee, an alliance that is doing remarkable work to ensure that the rights of Indigenous Peoples are respected in policies regarding the extraction of essential transition minerals. Edson is currently finishing his PhD in Legal Anthropology at the University of Vienna in Austria.


    Follow Edson Krenak’s work at https://www.culturalsurvival.org & https://www.sirgecoalition.org


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-edson-krenak.html



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  • Nos últimos anos, temos assistido a um ressurgimento do movimento Indígena a nível global. As novas tecnologias têm permitido que a enorme diversidade de Povos Indígenas do mundo ganhe mais visibilidade, e que o faça ancorada na capacidade de construir as suas próprias narrativas sobre o seu passado, presente e futuro. Uma nova visibilidade que tem criado pontes de solidariedade entre os Povos Indígenas, mas também junto dos não-Indígenas, um pouco por todo o mundo.

    Mais do que nunca, torna-se essencial fortalecer este ressurgimento do movimento Indígena, em face das políticas de transição energética e de proteção ambiental definidas internacionalmente. Vivemos um momento crucial para garantir que as bases do nosso futuro comum estejam assentes na defesa dos Direitos Humanos, e muito particularmente nos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, em cujos territórios se encontram protegidos recursos naturais e índices de biodiversidade indispensáveis ao equilíbrio dos ecossistemas.

    No trabalho do Edson Krenak, o nosso convidado de hoje, todas estas questões se entrecruzam, criando um percurso singular de luta pelos direitos dos Povos Indígenas. Edson é Advocacy Coordinator na Cultural Survival, onde também guia o trabalho da organização no Brasil. Está ainda envolvido na coordenação no fundo Indígena Keepers of the Earth, através do qual a Cultural Survival apoia projetos Indígenas de proteção ambiental e soberania territorial.

    A par deste trabalho de capacitação e apoio a organizações Indígenas, Edson tem dedicado a sua vida à divulgação das culturas Indígenas (que inclui a produção do seu premiado trabalho como autor), à promoção de uma educação descolonizadora da história, e à criação de alianças que fortaleçam o movimento Indígena, tanto no Brasil como internacionalmente.

    É de destacar a sua atuação no comité executivo da SIRGE Coalition, que tem desenvolvido um importante trabalho no sentido de garantir que os direitos dos Povos Indígenas são respeitados nas políticas de extração dos minerais essenciais à transição energética. Edson está atualmente a terminar o doutoramento em Antropologia Legal pela Universidade de Viena, na Áustria.


    Siga o trabalho de Edson Krenak’s em https://www.culturalsurvival.org & https://www.sirgecoalition.org


    VEJA o vídeo desta entrevista ou LEIA a versão escrita, em Português ou Inglês, em: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-edson-krenak.html



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  • In this episode, we dive into Decolonizing and Indigenizing Philanthropy, movements that are changing how non-Indigenous donors support Indigenous-led organizations, and promoting the creation and expansion of networks for Indigenous-led funds.

    Our guest today, Naomi Lanoi Leleto, a Maasai from Narok, Kenya, is at the forefront of these movements. She is a board member at the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples, as well as Program Coordinator for Global Indigenous Grantmaking and Coordinator for the East Africa Advisory Board for the Global Greengrants Fund.

    Naomi worked as a Women Land Rights Program Officer at the Kenya Land Alliance, advocating for the effective implementation of constitutional provisions to secure women's land rights. She has extensive experience advocating for inclusive grantmaking that upholds the rights, self-determination, and environmental work of Indigenous Peoples.

    Naomi has a Master's degree in Legal Studies from the Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program at the University of Arizona and has contributed to the UN's Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues since 2011.


    Follow Naomi Leleto’s work at https://www.greengrants.org & https://internationalfunders.org


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-naomi-leleto.html



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  • Batwa communities in Uganda, Rwanda, and the DRC are clear examples of the devastating effects of fortress conservation, the colonial model for nature preservation that posits the mutual exclusion of nature and humans. Often, the designation of protected areas leads to the displacement of the very people responsible for stewarding that ecosystem—those who thrived in and relied on that land for their spiritual and physical sustenance.

    In the Bwindi forest in 1991, wildlife conservation efforts pushed Batwa communities to the margins of Ugandan society. Unable to navigate this society, their marginalization deepened. And this very brief, abrupt, and violent chapter had devastating consequences for a people who had been thriving for millennia as forest dwellers.

    We are honored to have Sylvia Kokunda as our latest guest on Connecting the Dots. Sylvia, a Batwa leader, is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Action for Batwa Empowerment Group, a non-profit Ugandan organization working to empower the Batwa. After completing a bachelor's degree in Public Administration and Management and a Master of Arts in Organisational Leadership and Management, Sylvia decided to commit her life to representing her community at national, regional, and international human rights forums, where she has boldly spoken out against the unbearable injustices that the Batwa continue to suffer under the Ugandan government's watch. Her organization's projects empower the Batwa community through advocacy, education, skills development, healthcare, commercial agriculture, tourism and research to holistically transform their lives and culture for a prosperous future. Action for Batwa Empowerment Group also engages with several national and international stakeholders to find a comprehensive approach and solutions that address the challenges the Batwa face.


    Follow the work of Action for Batwa Empowerment Group: https://www.abeguganda.com


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-sylvia-kokunda.html



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  • In a rapidly changing world, the urgency to protect nature is undeniable. However, there is an uncomfortable truth we must confront. The climate change and biodiversity crisis, largely caused by the West's lifestyle and consumption patterns, disproportionately affects communities in Africa and all of the global South. And that's not all. In the West, we often envision conservation through romanticized images of pristine natural landscapes inhabited by charismatic megafauna, leading to generous financial support for conservation organizations.


    These conservation organizations often displace communities by creating pristine nature wildlife reserves or parks, and thus conservation refugees expelled from their ancestral lands. Ironically, it is these very communities that have conserved the areas through their lifestyles and ancestral knowledge of the land and ecosystems. Conservation is an exceedingly intricate reality, deeply entangled with the history of colonialism and the global capitalist market. Its geopolitical implications and impact on Indigenous and local communities should not be underestimated. While the concept of protected areas appears deceptively simple and universal, it masks a complex and at times violent and corrupt reality. Stripping away the powerful myth-making machine surrounding conservation requires a candid and unflinching gaze into its inner workings.


    Guiding us on this journey to explore the path of decolonizing conservation is Dr. Aby Sène-Harper, a distinguished faculty member in Parks and Conservation Area Management at Clemson University, South Carolina. Her groundbreaking research delves into the intersections of parks and protected areas governance, livelihoods, nature-based tourism, and the relationship between race and nature. With her extensive writings on the colonial structures of power and conservation, Dr. Aby Sène-Harper has shed light on essential issues that demand our attention and action. We are eager for our listeners to join us in exploring her extraordinary work, as it inspires all to embark on a transformative journey towards decolonizing conservation.


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights.html



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  • It's impossible to discuss the global climate and biodiversity crisis without talking about the Amazon. Deforestation, illegal mining and logging have reached alarming levels in recent years, pushing crucial ecosystems to the brink. The Amazon bears the visible scars of our collective impact on the planet: pollution, overconsumption, inequality, alienation.

    In Brazil, Indigenous communities continue to struggle for their right to inhabit and manage their land. Their lives are under constant threat, despite their globally recognized invaluable contribution to our environmental well-being. Colonization is far from over, and survival is on the line for many of these communities.

    It's a critical time to listen to people like Ana Rosa de Lima, the founder of Meli Bees Network, who works to protect Indigenous Peoples' rights and self-determination. Drawing from her Indigenous ancestry and driven by the ecological, cultural, and social tragedy unfolding in the Amazon, Ana Rosa and a generation of Amazonian leaders established Meli Bees. Their goal is to strengthen land protection and regeneration through Indigenous and local-led projects. Ana Rosa is committed to amplifying the voices of the communities she works with and creating networks of knowledge, solidarity, and allyship to tackle the enormous challenges we face.


    WATCH a video version of this interview (English and Portuguese subtitles available) or READ transcripts in English and Portuguese here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-ana-rosa-de-lima.html


    Learn more about Meli Bees Network: https://www.meli-bees.org



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  • Earlier this year, Azimuth World Foundation, in collaboration with Jamii Asilia Centre and Global Wisdom Collective, co-hosted a side event at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York. This event provided a platform for our partners to share the framework of "Revitalize the Roots," an intergenerational knowledge-sharing project they have developed for the Endorois community in Kenya. But the event also allowed us to hear from remarkable speakers who shared their experiences in passing down traditional Indigenous knowledge to the younger generations.

    Among these inspiring speakers was Christine Kandie, a member of the Endorois community and the Executive Director of the Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN). Founded in 2016, EIWEN initially served as an advocacy platform for the rights of Endorois women, girls, and individuals with disabilities. Over the years, it has grown in its ambition to champion the rights of Indigenous communities all over Kenya and across Africa.

    The Endorois people have twice faced forced evictions from their ancestral lands. The first was prompted by the government to create a game reserve for tourism development, and the second was due to the devastating impacts of climate change. Christine's unique perspective as an Endorois woman and a person with a disability enables her to present the importance of intersectional approaches in securing the rights of Indigenous Peoples with much more clarity. EIWEN's distinctive approach encompasses a broad spectrum of issues, aiming to holistically improve the lives of those it serves. From empowering Indigenous women to assume leadership roles to documenting traditional knowledge and integrating it into resource management through the creation of the Endorois Biocultural Protocol, EIWEN has made significant strides.

    Ms. Kandie has taken her experiences and powerful message to international platforms, gaining visibility and garnering support for her community's struggles. She has also forged global alliances and is a shining example for countless communities facing similar challenges. We are truly honored that she has joined us on "Connecting the Dots."


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Spanish here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-christine-kandie.html


    Keep up with EIWEN’s inspiring work: https://endoroisindigenouswomen.org



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  • According to Global Witness, three people are killed every week while trying to protect their land and their environment from extractive forces. Many are Indigenous Peoples, whose stewardship of their territories has been key to the maintenance of balanced, biodiverse ecosystems. Drilling, mining, logging, intensive agriculture, the threats are too many to count, as are the ways in which they affect these communities, whose relationship to the land is often their material, cultural and spiritual backbone.

    Indigenous rights are not only violated by these aggressors, but also by governments who fail to implement crucial articles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, such as the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent. More than ever, Indigenous communities need legal assistance to protect environmental defenders from unjust criminalization, to identify and take legal action against invaders, to hold aggressors responsible and to guarantee that the laws that are supposed to protect Indigenous communities are enforced and implemented.

    That’s exactly the kind of of support that EDLC - Environmental Defender Law Center has been providing for over 20 years. EDLC finds private lawyers to work for free on the behalf of communities looking for legal assistance, but also provides resources and grants. The organization specializes in cases of international significance, where innovative legal strategies can be developed and later replicated to help other environmental defenders. During this year’s International Funders for Indigenous Peoples global conference we crossed paths with EDLC staff attorney Fernanda Venzon, who generously shared with us extremely valuable insights from EDLC’s vast, global experience defending environmenntal defenders.


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ transcripts in English and Spanish here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-the-environmental-defender-law-center.html


    Learn more about Environmental Defender Law Center’s current and past cases, and overall mission here: https://edlc.org



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  • An inspiring conversation with the Asháninka activist and filmmaker in training, who is bringing visibility to the struggles of Indigenous women and girls in her native community of Cushiviani (Satipo, Peru).


    Throughout history, cinema has often perpetuated stereotypes and misrepresented Indigenous Peoples, their communities, aspirations, and wisdom. Today, storytelling still tends to prioritize narratives about Indigenous Peoples rather than amplifying Indigenous authors’ own voices.

    But initiatives such as the Indigenous Cinema program developed by Chirapaq (Centro de Culturas Indígenas de Perú) are working to bring Indigenous creators to the forefront. By providing equipment and building capacity in filming and editing skills among Indigenous youth in Peru, Chirapaq's workshops enable them to explore and shed light on the issues that matter most to them. The result is a collection of original and powerful short films that challenge conventions.

    Among these talented creators is Sofía Chapay Marcos, a young Asháninka activist who recently presented her community's short film, "Noñantarí," at the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Global conference. Translated as "what I really live and feel" in Sofía's Native Asháninka, it’s a strikingly honest portrait of the profound violence experienced by the children in her community. The courage displayed by these young storytellers has sparked intergenerational reflection within the community, brought attention to the crisis of violence perpetrated by outsiders near Sofía's village, and resonated deeply with international Indigenous audiences.

    The issue of violence against Indigenous women and girls is a global crisis, and films like "Noñantarí" are instrumental in fostering global solidarity among Indigenous communities. We are immensely honored that Sofía accepted our invitation to be interviewed for "Connecting the Dots." Her inspiring work, profound wisdom, and unwavering love for her community make this interview a very special one for us. Sofía’s story is for her to tell.


    WATCH a video version of this interview or READ an English transcript here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-sofia-chapay-marcos.html


    Learn more about Chirapaq’s Indigenous Cinema program: http://chirapaq.org.pe/en/secciones/indigenous-cinema



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  • Earlier this year, Azimuth attended the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples global conference in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. This was such a special moment for us, as we got to connect with like-minded funders, meet Indigenous organizations and so many inspiring people working on the frontlines for their Indigenous communities from all over the world.

    We had been following NDN Collective’s work for a long time, developing a great admiration for their Land Back, Climate Justice and Racial Justice campaigns, just to name a few. And when we learned that NDN Collective would be at the IFIP Conference, and more specifically their grantmaking arm, NDN Foundation, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to have a conversation about Indigenous-led funds and the unique role they play in decolonizing philanthropy.

    Associate Director at NDN Collective's Foundation Tina Kuckkahn and Director of Grantmaking Nicole Yanes were incredibly generous to spend some time with us, and the passionate way in which they describe the work of NDN Foundation can only make us hopeful for a future where Indigneous communities are more empowered, their rights fully respected and their self-determination upholded. As both Tina and Nicole told us, NDN Collective is just starting, and we can’t wait to see what comes next.


    WATCH the video version of this interview (English and Spanish subtitles available) or READ a transcript in English or Spanish here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights.html


    Keep up with NDN Collective’s campaigns and learn about ways to directly support their extraordinary work: https://ndncollective.org



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  • They make up less than 5% of the global population, yet Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities support about 80% of the world's biodiversity. Still, again and again we hear about Human Rights violations, land dispossession and offences that limit these communities’ self-determination in the name of conservation. The vast Arctic region is home to many Indigenous communities, who in the face of numerous challenges, have been developing and implementing successful conservation strategies. Iñupiaq Wildlife and Conservation Biologist Victoria Buschman, our guest in this episode, is uniquely positioned to help us understand how these communities’ efforts can be valued and defended, and also how we can build bridges between conservation movements worldwide. As the first Inuk Doctor of Conservation Biology in the world, Victoria tirelessly works to promote the role Indigenous Peoples must play in every aspect of Arctic conservation strategies. This fascinating conversation was guided by Azimuth Advisory Committe member Thea Bechshøft, a Marine Biologist and researcher with Polar Bears International, who has done extensive field work in Greenland and Canada.


    WATCH the video version of this interview or READ a transcript here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights.html


    LEARN MORE ABOUT VICTORIA BUSHMAN’S WORK: https://www.victoriabuschman.com



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  • At the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples' Global Conference in Mexico, we videoed a very inspiring conversation with Cultural Survival's Executive Director, Galina Angarova. A member of the Abzai Clan of the Ekhirit Nation of Buryat Peoples in Siberia, Galina has dedicated her life to Indigenous Rights, Climate and Land Rights activism.


    In her role directing Cultural Survival, an Indigenous-led organization on the frontlines for 50 years, she oversees their Advocacy, Capacity Building, Communications and Grant Making efforts, which directly impact the lives of millions of Indigenous people worldwide. Cultural Survival has a vast scope. Examples include managing a global network of Indigenous radio stations, supporting Indigenous-led projects through their Keepers of the Earth Fund, or meeting with members of the European Parliament to work on the EU battery regulation and defend Indigenous territories against mining for transition minerals.


    Galina also discusses one of the great achievements of the Conference in Merida—after the first meeting of Indigenous-led funds in 2018, this working group has now become the Global Alliance of Indigenous-led funds, encompassing 36 funds and growing—a hopeful development that points towards the future of philanthropy.


    Learn more about Galina’s work at Cultural Survival: https://www.culturalsurvival.org


    You can watch a video version of this episode, with English or Spanish subtitles, or read a transcript in both English and Spanish here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights/entry/stories/connecting-the-dots-with-galina-angarova.html



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    - LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/azimuth-world-foundation/

  • Last month, Azimuth attended the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples’ Global Conference in Merida, Mexico. That’s where we had the wonderful opportunity of sitting down with Tarcila Rivera Zea, Quechua Chanka from Peru, who for over 40 years has been a leading Indigenous activist and recognized defender of the rights of Indigenous girls, women, youth and peoples.

    A founder of CHIRAPAQ - Centre for Indigenous Cultures of Peru, and of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA), the International Indigenous Women's Forum (FIMI-IIWF) and the Abya Yala Indigenous Forum (FIAY), Tarcila was also a member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the International Civil Society Advisory Group of UN Women, and the International Commission on the Futures of Education of UNESCO.

    Just reading through this outstanding trajectory, it’s easy to understand how much Tarcila has to share about the vindication of ancestral cultures, the training of indigenous leaders and the fight against all forms of violence. But getting to hear directly from Tarcila in this new episode of “Connecting the Dots” was truly an honour.


    Learn more about Tarcila’s work:

    - CHIRAPAQ - Centre for Indigenous Cultures of Peru: http://chirapaq.org.pe/en/

    - Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas (ECMIA): http://www.ecmia.org

    - International Indigenous Women's Forum (FIMI-IIWF): https://fimi-iiwf.org


    You can watch a video version of this episode, with Spanish subtitles, here: https://youtu.be/UvRQtZlmToc



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  • One of our current grantees is the Fundación Sobrevivencia Cofán, an Indigenous-led organization working to protect the Cofán-Bermejo Ecological Reserve. Shortly after awarding our grant, we asked the FSC to share some pictures of the Cofán-Bermejo Reserve. We were very happily surprised to learn that the stunning images they sent us were taken by photographer Kiliii Yuyan, whose work we've been following over the past few years.

    We're obviously not alone in this respect to Kiliii’s work. As an award-winning contributor to National Geographic Magazine and other major publications, his stunning images have become powerful conveyors of the stories of human communities connected to the land. Kiliii’s work offers an exploration of the human relationship with the natural world from different cultural perspectives. But this approach and Kiliii’s biography are inextricably connected. Raised by refugee parents in the US, informed by ancestry that is both Nanai/Hèzhé (East Asian Indigenous) and Chinese-American, photography was, as he puts it, “one of the ways that would bring me home”.




    LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR GRANT TO THE FUNDACIÓN SOBREVIVENCIA COFÁN: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/grants/entry/projects/control-management-and-protection-of-the-cofan-bermejoecological-reserve.html




    You can find the video versions for out "Connecting the Dots" episodes here: https://azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights



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  • The original inhabitants of the Great Lakes region of Central Africa, the Batwa were semi-nomadic forest-dwelling expert hunter-gatherers. In 1991, following conservation projects by the Ugandan government and Western international agencies to protect endangered mountain gorillas, the Batwa were removed from their ancestral forests. This was done without their free, prior and informed consent, any public hearing or compensation. Dispossession of land meant being unable to hunt or gather, leading to extreme poverty and a breakdown of social relations. One of Azimuth’s current grantees is the Bwindi Community Hospital, whose Batwa Outreach Program aims to improve the water, sanitation, hygiene and psychosocial situation among the Batwa communities living in Kanungu District, in Uganda.


    Our wish to learn more about the Batwa makes biologist and anthropologist Rui Diogo a perfect guest for this episode. An associate professor at Howard University in Washington D.C., his extensive work as a researcher, speaker and writer is renowned worldwide for addressing broader scientific questions and societal issues using state-of-the-art empirical data from many different fields of science. In 2022, as part of his anthropological research at Howard University, he traveled to Gabon, Uganda and Rwanda with an international team of scientists, physicians and filmmakers, where they visited Batwa and Baka villages. We are honored to have Rui Diogo sharing some of his first-hand experience and knowledge regarding the Batwa’s situation.


    Learn more about Rui Diogo's work: https://www.ruidiogolab.org


    If you want to support the Batwa, learn about these organizations:

    - Bwindi Community Hospital: https://www.bwindihospital.com

    - African Initiative fro Mankind Progress Organisation: https://aimpo.org

    - Pygmy Survival Alliance: https://pygmysurvival.org


    You can find the video version of this "Connecting the Dots" episode here: https://www.azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights



    - WEBSITE: https://www.azimuthworldfoundation.org

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    - TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/AzimuthWF

    - LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/azimuth-world-foundation/

  • In this episode, our guest will help us understand how vital the role of Youth, and more importantly, Indigenous Youth, is in reconciling Humankind and Nature. Josefa Cariño Tauli (Sefa) is an Ibaloi-Kankanaey Igorot Indigenous youth from the Cordillera, Philippines. She is a steering committee member and Policy Co-coordinator of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) - the international youth coordination platform and constituency to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. A dedicated advocate for meaningful youth engagement, human rights, and Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge, she plays active roles in GYBN’s capacity-building efforts and participation in global biodiversity policy processes. She is also the Advocacy Officer of Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines, a learning network of organizations and individuals with initiatives on promoting and strengthening Indigenous knowledge.

    Her contributions to our understanding of the socio-cultural-ecological problem are invaluable, so we are very grateful to have her with us on "Connecting the Dots"


    Learn more about the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN): https://www.gybn.org


    You can find the video version of this "Connecting the Dots" episode here: https://www.azimuthworldfoundation.org/insights



    - WEBSITE: https://www.azimuthworldfoundation.org

    - INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/azimuthworldfoundation

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    - TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/AzimuthWF

    - LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/azimuth-world-foundation/

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has brought Public Health to the forefront of our concerns for the 21st century and showed us how justice, politics, economics, education, and every sphere of our lives is inextricably linked to Public Health. The way Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities were disproportionately affected during the pandemic is a tragic example of this. Their exclusion from strategic decision-making and lack of access to healthcare services aggravated pre-existing structural inequalities. Now, more than ever, recognizing these inequities in Indigenous Health can help us reflect on the broader issues of Human Rights, sovereignty, sustainability and the fundamental role indigenous voices must play in shaping our future.


    It is equally important to look at Indigenous Health from another angle. One that focuses on valuing the wisdom these communities have accumulated over thousands of years about our bodies and how the surrounding environment affects them. Traditional knowledge is now beginning to earn recognition as an essential tool to face our present-day challenges regarding our Health, the Health of our planet, and the way the two are profoundly connected.


    There's no one better suited to help us think over these issues than Dr. Nicole Redvers. She is a member of the Deninu K'ue First Nation, a professor at the Department of Indigenous Health at the University of North Dakota and a co-founder and chair of the Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation. Dr. Redvers is also an internationally recognized researcher and author whose work alongside indigenous communities worldwide actively contributes to a better future.



    - Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation: https://arcticindigenouswellness.org/

    - "The Science of the Sacred" book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/599277/the-science-of-the-sacred-by-nicole-redversnd/

    - Indigenous Health Ph.D. program at the University of North Dakota: https://und.edu/programs/indigenous-health-phd/



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    - LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/azimuth-world-foundation/

  • On April 28, 2016 Congress passed the National Bison Legacy Act, which would lead to bison being named the US National Mammal. The Act recognizes the historical, cultural, and economic importance of bison, and how this species stands as a symbol of unity, resilience and healthy landscapes and communities. The bison is a prime example of the importance of promoting a balanced relationship between Humankind and Nature, which is one of our pillars at Azimuth World Foundation.

    The near extinction of the bison in the 19th century is essential to understanding the history of the United States. In the intersection of the devastating past of the bison, and the hopeful future we can now envision for the species, lie the present efforts to conserve the bison and restore it to tribal lands. And so we couldn’t be happier to have Jason Baldes as our guest in this episode of "Connecting the Dots", our interview series.

    As the Tribal Buffalo Program Manager at the National Wildlife Federation and a Board member of the InterTribal Buffalo Council, Jason has been dedicated to the conservation, restoration and cultural revitalization of the bison. He’s a member of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, where many wild bison now roam as a result of the initiatives he has led. Having Jason with us is a unique opportunity to truly grasp the cultural and scientific significance of sharing the world with the bison.



    - WEBSITE: https://www.azimuthworldfoundation.org

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