
  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

    ⚙️ Restart your practice in 7 days


    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we’ll explore hiring, training and paying a great coordinator. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.

    As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying.” I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Hiring, Training and Paying a Great Coordinator — with Catherine Maley, MBA.”

    Obviously, a great patient coordinator is an indispensable asset to your practice. Furthermore, the right one enhances the patient experience, increases conversion rates, optimizes the surgeon’s time, drives practice growth, and builds long-term patient relationships.

    Additionally, in this highly competitive field of plastic surgery, the difference between a thriving practice and one that struggles, often comes down to the effectiveness of the patient coordinator and their skill in representing you as the best choice, because they can significantly influence a patient’s decision to move forward with surgery.

    In short, it’s vital you invest in hiring, training, and adequately compensating a patient coordinator so they keep your surgical schedule filled.

    Also, if you need help training and managing your coordinator to take it to the next level, let’s talk. To be sure, I have been training coordinators for decades and will turn your coordinator into a revenue-producing rock star using my proprietary Converting Academy.

    Indeed, your coordinator will receive the strategies, scripts, structures, and tools to convert consultations confidently. Furthermore, they also are held accountable for their results and actions and they get 1-on-1 coaching with me personally to ensure they represent your practice with excellence.

    The details are at: www.convertingacademy.com


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpatientconversiontraining #patientcoordinatortraining #theconvertingacademy

  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

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    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about going from having a med spa to a 50K square ft mansion. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Med Spa to 50K Square Ft Mansion — with Hani Sinno, MD, CM, MEng, FRCSC, FACS.”

    Imagine dedicating 15 years of your life to becoming a top-tier plastic surgeon, only to work for the Canadian public healthcare system to experience grueling hours, driving 1.5 hours to serve four different hospitals from 7 AM to 10 PM, including weekends.

    Of course, that leads to burn out, disillusionment and an unhappy family life and stirs up the desire for change.

    Specifically, this is Dr. Hani Sinno’s story. Indeed, he’s a board-certified plastic surgeon, with a residency at McGill University and further studies at Harvard. Later, he then returned to Montreal to train new surgeons at McGill University.

    Notably, his breakthrough came when a colleague with a thriving medispa in Quebec called Victoria Park, offered Dr. Sinno the chance to help expand by opening a second location.

    Furthermore, this wasn't just any location—it was a 50,000 square foot, 4-story mansion in downtown Montreal. Additionally, under his expertise, this new venture flourished, eventually expanding into 22 locations.

    To be sure, we talked about his shift from the Canada public healthcare system to private practice and he shared his innovative approach to learning the marketing and business side of aesthetics.

    In short, his dedication to learning not only drove massive growth but also earned him a partnership in the business.

    In summary, listen to Dr. Sinno’s story about the crooked path he took from the Middle East to Canada, then the US and back to Canada and how he has set himself up with a practice, life and kids he loves to spend time with.

    Visit Dr. Sinno's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpracticemansion #medspa #drhanisinno #hanisinnomd

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  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

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    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to differentiate from your competitors. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Differentiate From Your Competitors — with Catherine Maley, MBA.”

    Obviously, as the competition continues to heat up with no end in sight, it’s more important than ever to differentiate yourself to avoid commoditization.

    Certainly, YOU know you are different/better than other providers, but consumers do NOT…unless you show and tell them.

    Specically, the latest Beauty and the Biz podcast episode, "Differentiate from Your Competitors," is a must-watch for actionable strategies that have you standing out over everyone else.

    To be sure, in this episode, you'll discover how to:

    Firstly, address common patient objections and enhance the patient experience. Secondly, implement unique services that set you apart from others. Thirdly, build strong patient relationships that drive loyalty and growth.

    In short, don't miss these insights that help you attract more patients and beat the competition.

    P.S. If you enjoyed the audiocast from my "Differentiate or Die" video, there are 23 more mind-bending, growth-building practice management videos available for instant viewing in the Cosmetic Practice Vault.

    These trainings are filled with real-world proven strategies that were implemented in hundreds of practices all over the world with good results.


    Use PROMO CODE: “Different” to get 80% OFF.

    This is only for you because you are reading this email and the only notice you will get. Go to the link below now to discover the inside strategies to grow your cosmetic revenues.

    www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com PROMO CODE: DIFFERENT


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpracticevault #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeondifferentiators

  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

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    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about the demand for non-SX vs SX increases. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Demand for Non-SX vs SX Increases — with Kay Durairaj, MD.”

    Obviously, cosmetic patients have a growing desire for less invasive options with minimal downtime and comparable results to surgical interventions. In other words, they are opting for injectables, laser therapies, and advanced technologies that don’t require surgery.

    Specifically, my latest guest on Beauty and the Biz was Dr. Kay Durairaj — a facial plastic surgeon practicing in Pasadena CA for the past 20 years, who has adapted to this growing demand.

    Indeed, she is USC and UCLA -trained and Chairman of the Dept of Ear, Nose and Throut Surgery at Hunginton Memorial Hospital and serves as an advisor to multiple aesthetic industry companies such as Merz, Allergan, Evolus, Prollenium and Galderma.

    Furthermore, Dr. Kay saw the opportunity to diversify her practice and significantly ramped up her non-surgical efforts by catering to a much broader audience.

    Additionally, by offering a diversity of procedures that can be performed by her or several members of her staff, this has freed up her time to spend on other business ventures.

    To be sure, Dr. Kay is definitely thinking bigger!

    Visit Dr. Durairaj’s website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #drkaydurairaj #drkay #kaydurairajmd #injectablessurgeon

  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

    ⚙️ Restart your practice in 7 days


    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about the challenges of practicing in the city and suburbs. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Practicing in the City and Suburbs — with Anna Petropoulos, MD, FRCS.”

    Obviously, the choice between practicing in a city or in the suburbs can significantly impact your success and profitability.

    Furthermore, the city setting has more consumer demand; however, that also includes more supply of competitors so your overhead costs are also higher. Indeed, there is also a popular consumer belief you get better quality surgeons in the city.

    Specifically, the suburbs are often used as a "surgery feeder" to compel these consumers to have surgery in the surgeon's city office. Or, some surgeons set up shop in the suburbs to make their commute easier, work closer to home and pay less overhead, even though the demand might be as robust as the city.

    In other words, which is the best setting to give your practice the best chance for growth? Notably, the answer is always, "That depends...."

    Specifically, in this episode of “Beauty and the Biz”, I interviewed Anna Petropoulos, MD — a Harvard-trained facial plastic surgeon and master injector with over 24 years of experience practicing in Boston.

    Chiefly, she talked about her unique perspective, and how she decided on both worlds, by practicing in Boston as well as the suburbs outside the city.

    Notably, topics we discussed included:

    Firstly, how patient trends and marketing strategies differ by location

    Secondly, why customer service is a priority and how it pays off

    Thirdly, has investing in 18 devices paid off and a lot more...

    Visit Dr. Petropoulos’ website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #citycosmeticpractice #suburbcosmeticpractice #drannapetropoulos #annapetropoulosmd

  • 📅 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine

    ⚙️ Restart your practice in 7 days


    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to become patient-focused vs. ego-focused. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Patient-Focused vs. Ego-Focused — with Jae Kim, MD.”

    Obviously, balancing patient-centered care with personal aspirations is a key challenge when building a young plastic surgery practice.

    Specifically, in this episode of the “Beauty and the Biz" podcast, I interviewed Dr. Jae Kim — a facial cosmetic surgeon based in Fairfax, VA, in private practice for the past 5 years. Moreover, he shared insights into navigating this delicate balance with some awesome tips that will work well in ANY practice.

    Notably, Dr. Kim discussed the evolution of his practice towards patient empowerment, emphasizing the role of authenticity. Additionally, he shared a pearl that helped him in building meaningful connections with patients.

    In the same fashion, he's thinking differently and talked about the need to shed old mindsets and embrace a patient-focused approach. Also, he also created a "You Are Beautiful" brand with a unique twist on the branding.

    In particular, Dr. Kim also talked about the significance of setting boundaries and embracing a specific mindset in his practice. In the same way, he discussed his take on plastic surgery marketing, and included a big tip that helped him in reaching and engaging with new cosmetic patients.

    Visit Dr. Kim's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    ⬇️ FREE BOOK:

    📕 Get my 5-Star Rated Book, "Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients Are Saying," FREE! Just pay S/H


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    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #patientfocused #egofocused #jaekimmd #drjaekim

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about why SEO leads are declining, and how to stay ahead of the curve. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, "SEO Leads are Declining — with Catherine Maley, MBA."

    Obviously, Even the most skilled and experienced surgeons can struggle to attract new patients and grow their practice without leads. Because just like a human body needs blood flow to survive,

    Furthermore, you need leads to keep your cosmetic practice alive. Certainly, you depend on a steady flow of cash-paying patients willing to pay a fair price for your services.

    So, leads are your lifeblood. Without them, your whole operation (pun intended) comes to a screeching halt. In similar fashion, when the leads dry up, nobody notices until it’s too late and your schedule is empty.

    Specifically, leads provide a consistent source of new patients, help you stay visible to prospective patients searching for your services online, allows for specialization so you can focus on an area of expertise, and helps ensure you stay up-to-date with technology and patient trends.

    SEO Leads are Declining: Current Situation

    Currently, you’re probably paying an internet company $2-5K per month to keep your Website updated and use SEO to get you leads organically. But how’s that working for you?

    Surgeons tell me daily those free leads have slowed down. If you, too, noticed a significant reduction in your organic traffic and leads recently, you’re not alone. Google just completed rolling out the largest algorithm update in the company’s history.

    However, many practices are complaining their website is being outranked by spam and/or by plagiarized low-quality AI content. This abuse is manipulating search rankings and making it challenging for google to deliver accurate results (and for your website to rank). It seems Google is unable to reliably tell the difference between human-generated and generative AI content. So marketers are having a field day exploiting AI to try and highjack good rankings. By clogging up the internet with keyword-stuffed junk, they’re making it tougher and more expensive for Google to separate the good from the bad content.

    BTW, Google derives over 75% of its revenue from ads on search engine results pages, so the fluctuations in search volume affects their ad revenues if businesses no longer see a good return on their ad budget and go elsewhere.

    Since all of this affects you big time if you are attempting to attract new cosmetic patients via organic SEO, here are 5 recommendations to help you rank:

    SEO Leads are Declining: Focus on high-quality UNIQUE content that AI cannot duplicate:

    Create informative, engaging, and trustworthy content that provides value to prospective cosmetic patients. The use of quotations, statistics, and writing in an authoritative tone, makes content more likely to be cited in responses generated by large language models like ChatGPT.

    Knowing that, you can upload your consumer guides and research papers sighting big name publications, universities and/or medical organizations.

    From that, you can write press releases about your guides and research papers and post them on numerous PR sites such as prnewswire.com and prlog.org. The fees range from free to a few hundred dollars.

    And to really turn up the uniqueness, make a video talking about it, because your voice and visuals are way more likely to be ranked by google because they cannot be duplicated by AI.

    SEO Leads are Declining: Optimize for human-generated content:

    Google likes content from sources that are more likely to be human generated content such as Reddit groups, as well other forums and discussions. For example, I googled, “Have you had a Mommy Makeover?” and an entire page of Reddit Forum search results popped up.

    Knowing that, you could jump into a conversation the audience is having to offer your expertise (just like you did on RealSelf) by explaining what a mommy makeover is. Keep it 100% educational NOT promotional, but do add a sentence that says:

    Please feel free to email me at X or send me a direct message here on Reddit if you have any questions.

    BTW, the leads will come from far away and not be the best quality, but its adding to your digital footprint online giving you credibility and every little bit helps.

    SEO Leads are Declining: Be sure your internet company is monitoring algorithm updates: Adjusting your SEO strategy accordingly. For example, they should regularly be checking reputable SEO blogs and websites like Search Engine Land or Moz, for the latest news and insights.

    SEO Leads are Declining: Prioritize your patients’ experience:

    Focus on providing an excellent patient experience to build trust and loyalty, which lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals. And make videos interacting with your patients. For example, at a patient’s post-op appointment, do a rhino reveal and capture the patient’s reaction. Or, show the patient their before body photos and compare them to their new look.

    Now ask them simple questions such as:

    What do you think? Are you happy with your results? Any advice for others considering it?

    In these videos, your letting your patients tell others how awesome you are, how good they feel, and how they wish they had done it sooner. While you’re at it, ask these happy patients to give you a Google review and walk them through it on their cell phone, to make it easy for them to complete.

    Lastly, remind them how much you appreciate their loyalty and support and you would appreciate them referring their friends and family.

    SEO Leads are Declining: Diversify search traffic:

    With the rise of search engine competitors such as ChatGPT, Bing, Reddit and social media platforms, it makes sense to diversify your search traffic to reduce reliance on Google.

    For example, bump up your social media efforts and post several times a week and send fun and engaging emails to your current patient list at least 2x a month.

    So, If you believe you should diversify so you are not relying too heavily on organic search traffic, let’s do a 30-minute complimentary strategy call to discuss other lead generation options you might want to add to your marketing plan. Click HERE to schedule your free strategy call.


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #seoforsurgeons #seoformedicalpractices #seoforplasticsurgeons #seoforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeon #cosmeticsurgeon

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to safeguard from irrational patients. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Safeguard from Irrational Patients — with Nabil Fanous, MD, ORL, FRCS(C) (Ep. 257).”

    Obviously, in cosmetic surgery practices, surgeons and their staff often encounter challenges in managing irrational patients. Furthermore, this can impact both the quality of patient care and the well-being of everyone in the practice.

    Specifically, in this episode of "Beauty and the Biz", I interviewed Dr. Nabil Fanous — a cosmetic surgeon and founder of the Canadian Institute of Cosmetic Surgery in Montreal, Canada. Moreover, he gave a lot of pearls on how to safeguard you and your practice from irrational patients.

    Notably, my latest “Beauty and the Biz” guest went through that journey herself.

    Specifically, Dr. Allison Pontius, a facial plastic surgeon, made a huge shift in her career 15 years ago when she changed her focus to 100% nonsurgical procedures. To be sure, this including regenerative aesthetics, hair treatments and skincare.

    Then, she made another big shift a couple of years ago when she moved from a big group practice in NY to working independently in a boutique practice in California.

    Additionally, Dr. Pontius explains the mental shifts it took for her to do life on her own terms and if it was worth it.

    Visit Dr. Fanous' website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. If you need help differentiating yourself, schedule a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with me.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #badpatients #irrationalpatients #badcosmeticpatients #nabilfanousmd #drnabilfanous #theuniversalrulesoflife

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll answer the question of "What should I pay my coordinator?" To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, "What Patients Want from You — with Catherine Maley, MBA.

    Obviously, cosmetic and plastic surgery patients are a fickle group of consumers. Additionally, their wants and needs vary as much as their shapes and sizes.

    Certainly, working with them can feel like a maze of ups and downs and twists and turns.

    To be sure, one minute they are smiling and nodding yes to you and another, they are frowning when they hear something they don’t like.

    Or worse, they are attentive throughout the consultation with you and you’re sure they are on board, only to learn they were quick to get the quote and leave, never to be heard from again.

    What the heck?

    Specifically, in this episode of Beauty and the Biz, I talk about the emotional and logical journey of the cosmetic patient’s decision-making process and how they choose a surgeon, given a plethora of choice.

    Furthermore, you’ll learn the nuances to connecting with the cosmetic and plastic surgery patient, so they see you as the best choice over all others.


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. Get a FREE copy of my book “Your Aesthetic Practice — What Your Patients are Saying”. It’s a quick read and will help you understand cosmetic patients better, so you do the right things to encourage them to choose you over your competitors.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2024 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #whatcosmeticpatientswant #whatplasticsurgerypatientswant #cosmeticsurgerypatients #plasticsurgerypatients

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about making major career shifts. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Making Major Career Shifts — with Allison Pontius, MD (Ep. 255).”

    Obviously, making a major career shift requires mental toughness. It’s a test of psychological resilience.

    Certainly, it involves assessing your current situation, your values, passions, and skills and asking yourself, “What do I really want out of life and my career?”

    Furthermore, it takes courage, flexibility, and acceptance of uncertainty to change course like that.

    Notably, my latest “Beauty and the Biz” guest went through that journey herself.

    Specifically, Dr. Allison Pontius, a facial plastic surgeon, made a huge shift in her career 15 years ago when she changed her focus to 100% nonsurgical procedures. To be sure, this including regenerative aesthetics, hair treatments and skincare.

    Then, she made another big shift a couple of years ago when she moved from a big group practice in NY to working independently in a boutique practice in California.

    Additionally, Dr. Pontius explains the mental shifts it took for her to do life on her own terms and if it was worth it.

    Visit Dr. Pontius’ website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. If you are considering making your own shift and need someone to bounce ideas off of, let’s talk. I can offer you different perspectives that give you more clarity.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #nonsurgicalpractice #nonsurgicalcosmeticpractice #allisonpontiusmd #drallisonpontius

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about managing and motivating 47 staff. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Managing and Motivating 47 Staff — with Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS”.

    Obviously, running a successful aesthetic practice relies heavily on effective management since it greatly affects the overall success and productivity of the practice.

    Moreover, you realize as a surgeon, you can’t grow on your own and you need the support of staff to keep things running smoothly by taking great care of your patients as well as each other.

    Speficially, in this episode of Beauty and the Biz, I interviewed Dr. Angelo Cuzalina, MD, a cosmetic surgeon in private practice since 1998 in Tulsa, OK, who has figured out how to hire and motivate his team to help him reach his goals.

    Furthermore, Dr. Cuzalina runs a very successful practice in a 16,000 square feet facility he bought and built out. Altogether, it includes a movie theater, 2 operating suites 5 surgeons work out of, and a staff of 47 who assist in surgery and run a popular med spa growing at 30% per year.

    Notably, we talked about:

    Firstly, how he hires the right people for his practice and retains them, with ½ his staff being with him more than 10 years; Secondly, how he keeps them motivated to bring their best, using incentives strategically, such
    as implementing bonus and commission structures; and Thirdly, how role modeling the work ethic and behavior he wants to see from his team, works to get the most out of staff, and a lot more.

    Overall, you’ll want to listen in if you continue to struggle with staff challenges.

    Visit Dr. Cuzalina's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. To get even more clarity on “How to Hire Rock Stars”, “How to Turn Staff Into Revenue Generators” and “Hold Staff Accountable”, check out The Cosmetic Practice Vault
    for the answers.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpracticecoordinatortraining #plasticsurgerycoordinatortraining #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #plasticsurgerypracticestafftraining

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll answer the question of "What should I pay my coordinator?" To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “What Should I Pay My Coordinator? — with Catherine Maley, MBA”.

    Obviously, for plastic surgeons, the value of a skilled patient coordinator cannot be overstated. In other words, this role is crucial in converting consultations into scheduled surgeries for not only your practice growth, but also your reputation as a sought-after surgeon.

    Certainly, a really good patient coordinator bridges the gap between a prospective patient’s curiosity and their decision to move forward with a procedure.

    To be sure, their ability to understand patient needs, present tailored solutions, and foster confidence is fundamental. However, they expect to get paid accordingly. Indeed, this is key to answering the question of, "What should I pay my Coordinator?"

    Specifically, in this episode of the Beauty and the Biz Podcast, I talk about what makes a good patient coordinator and the various ways to pay them, so they stay motivated to bring their A-game and close consults for you!

    If you need help training the right coordinator for your practice to take it to the next level, let’s talk. I have been training coordinators for decades and will turn your coordinator into a revenue-producing rock star using my proprietary Converting Academy.

    Your coordinator receives the strategies, scripts, structures and tools to convert consultations professionally. They also get one-on-one coaching with me personally to hold them accountable to ensure they represent your practice with excellence.


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. The fastest and easiest way to grow your practice is to do the right things proven to work. If you could use help with that, schedule a no-obligation call with me to learn more.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpracticecoordinatortraining #plasticsurgerycoordinatortraining #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #plasticsurgerypracticestafftraining

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll discuss how to hire and train RNs. To be sure, we'll also discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “How to Hire and Train RNs —with Joseph A. Russo, MD”.

    Obviously, running a successful aesthetic practice relies heavily on having a skilled and well-trained team. Undoubtedly, this also included RNs who play a crucial role in patient care and treatment delivery.

    Specifically, in this episode of my Beauty and the Biz podcast, I interviewed Joseph A. Russo, MD, a renowned Boston plastic surgeon in private practice for the past 33 years. Chiefly, he shared solid insights into his approach to hiring and training RNs for his practice.

    Notably, Dr. Russo emphasized the importance of hiring RNs who not only possess technical skills but also have a deep understanding of aesthetics and a commitment to patient safety and satisfaction. Indeed, Dr. Russo highlighted the need for ongoing education and mentorship to ensure RNs stay updated on the latest techniques and best practices in the field.

    In similar fashion, he shared his groundbreaking initiative of partnering with a nursing school to launch the first certificate program in aesthetics. Additionally, he also discussed various other topics, including patient trends, anesthesia options, and marketing strategies, showcasing his comprehensive approach to running a successful aesthetic practice.

    Visit Dr. Russo’s website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. The fastest and easiest way to grow your practice is to do the right things proven to work. If you could use help with that, schedule a no-obligation call with me to learn more.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #drjosepharusso #drjosephrusso #howtohirerns #cosmeticnurseadvice #josepharussomd #josephrussomd #howtotrainrns #cosmeticnursetrainingadvice

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll discuss being in private practice inside a group practice. To be sure, we'll also discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Private Practice Inside Group Practice — with Kian Eftekhari, MD”.

    Obviously, perating a private practice within a larger group practice presents unique opportunities, as well as challenges for the surgeon. Certainly, this model allows the surgeon to benefit from the infrastructure and resources of the group while maintaining some degree of autonomy in managing their own practice within it.

    Specifically, in this week's Beauty and the Biz Podcast episode, I interviewed Dr. Kian Eftekhari — a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in oculofacial plastic & reconstructive surgery in private practice inside a big ENT group practice in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    Notably, we discussed the benefits of a private practice running inside a large practice with an in-house surgery center and how he manages both cosmetic and insurance patients while emphasizing great patient care for all.

    Furthermore, Dr. Eftekhari shared insights into his 'private practice inside of a group practice' marketing plan, including his social media strategy to use educational content as a tool to connect with and inform prospective patients.

    Additionally, we also talked about his rocky start of opening his practice just before the COVID shutdown with his website still in development.

    Indeed, despite the challenges, Dr. Eftekhari’s positive attitude and resilience enabled him to successfully build a private practice inside of a group practice to be proud of.

    Visit Dr. Eftekhari’s website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. The fastest and easiest way to grow your practice is to do the right things proven to work. If you could use help with that, schedule a no-obligation call with me to learn more.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #groupprivatecosmeticpractice #dreftekhari #kianeftekharimd #privatepracticeinsidegrouppractice

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll discuss marketing a young practice. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Marketing a Young Practice — with Victoria Givens, MD”.

    Obviously, in the journey of a facial plastic surgeon's career, the first few years are filled with challenges, lessons, and growth opportunities when marketing a young practice. To be sure, it's a scary and confusing time, but it’s also a fantastic time to build character and get to know YOU better!

    Notably, in this Saturday’s video, we delve into the valuable lessons learned from 4 years in practice with Dr. Victoria Givens, a facial plastic surgeon based in Austin, Texas.

    Chiefly, Dr. Givens shares insights she’s gained from navigating the complexities of building and growing and marketing her young practice. Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of patience, perseverance, and self-determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in this competitive field.

    Additionally, Dr. Givens discusses the significance of continuous learning and improvement in patient care, highlighting the need for practitioners to adapt and evolve with the ever-changing landscape of cosmetic surgery, while marketing her young practice.

    Certainly join us as Dr. Givens lays out her journey’s wins and challenges, offering inspiration and guidance for fellow surgeons navigating their own paths in the field of cosmetic surgery, or who themselves are marketing a young practice.

    Visit Dr. Givens' website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    P.S. The fastest and easiest way to grow your practice is to do the right things proven to work. If you could use help with that, schedule a no-obligation call with me to learn more.

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #cosmeticpracticemarketing #newsurgeonmarketing #marketingfornewsurgeons #victoriagivensmd

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to max your practice worth. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “MAX Your Practice Worth — with Catherine Maley, MBA ”.

    This podcast is for you if you’ve been in practice for a few decades or only a few months and everyone in between because if you don’t figure out the ever-changing business landscape, you’ve only created a job for yourself.

    That’s not a bad thing if that’s what you want. But the goal is to be sure you’re clear what you’re working towards, so you’re satisfied with the outcome now and when it’s time to grow and/or exit.

    I would think your overall objective is to set up your cosmetic surgical practice so it’s more profitable, more enjoyable to go to every day, and it frees up your valuable time so you have more of it to spend doing what you like, with the people you most enjoy being with.

    I’ll start with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said:

    “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow”.

    You already mastered surgery so the next step is to master the business and marketing side of surgery.

    THAT is what catapults you to success and a more certain future.

    However, that is the very thing that holds you back….the surgery. You went through hell to become a surgeon and you’re good at it. But you soon realize being a good surgeon isn’t enough.

    It takes business and marketing finesse to build a busy surgical practice.

    But in a cosmetic practice, you, the surgeon are the technician performing the surgery, but you’re also juggling the jobs of the business owner, visionary, and manager and that takes different skill sets. It’s also not a good use of your time and it will not get you to your financial goals.

    So we’re going to change that up for you because when you set up systems, you and your staff get clarity. And when you remove the complexity, results happen because “Money is Made in the Processes”.

    So, here are the main success principles to focus on to get your practice off the ground, grow it year after year and weather the storms along the way:

    Success Principle #1 on how to max your practice worth: Build a Team of Rock Stars

    Hiring the right team for your practice will be your biggest challenge but also your greatest asset. Because it’s all about the WHO.

    Jim Collins, Author of Good to Great) says:

    “The most important decisions that businesspeople make are not
    “what” decisions, but “who” decisions.

    What typically happens is surgeons want to fix the staffing problem quickly so when a staff person leaves, you have a tendency to hire fast to fill the position but then you have to deal with bad hires who don’t fit your values or your culture. And, you know all too well what bad hires cost you:

    You can’t rely on them; They are adding stress to your day and maybe even your nights when you’re trying to sleep; They have a negative impact on you, your other staff and your bottom line; and And did you know a bad hire costs at least 15X their salary in lost productivity?

    That is a problem that is not going away so do everyone a favor and take care of it sooner rather than later.

    So your new motto is….. Hire Slow – Fire Fast

    The point is to take more time at the beginning to choose the right team players so you save a lot of time and grief at the end trying to deal with a toxic staff person who is just not cutting it. And, be sure you have the right people doing the right jobs.

    There is a saying in business,

    “Get the right people on the bus and then get them in the right seats”

    For example, certain staff should be on the front lines because they have excellent people skills and other staff have analytical skills and are better suited behind the scenes.

    And, It’s time to view staff as an asset vs. a liability.

    They ARE your secret practice-building weapons when it comes to patient-relations since they spend more time with your patients than you do. Staff can make or break your cosmetic practice so be sure you have the right people representing you.

    They are your leverage.

    You can’t do it all alone, nor should you want to. When you hire the right people, give them the right tools and hold them accountable, they handle the majority of the practice, so you don’t have to.

    So what about Pay and Perks?

    The rule is, Don’t overpay on the hire. They must prove themselves first, since you can always add to but not take a way from their pay. Give them a 30-90 day probationary period so they can eliminate themselves if this is not a good fit after all or you can free them without much hassle if you don’t see them fitting in.

    And rather than overpay, list all the perks they get in detail so they can see it’s not just their salary involved but all these other perks that really add up such as:

    Health insurance, profit sharing, ½ day Fridays, attend industry conferences, free training, complementary services and so on…

    Regarding bonuses, I realize there are all sorts of fee-splitting issues within our industry; however, I’m a huge believer in bonusing staff when they go above and beyond what’s expected of them.

    So, rather than pay direct commission (which could be seen as fee-splitting), your team should win as a team and celebrate as a team since you want to create an environment where they all work together to achieve your goals. And today’s staff doesn’t stay with you just for the money, so include:

    Acknowledgement since 70% of employees leave a job because
    they don't feel appreciated. Fun Work Environment Camaraderie Clarity Stress-Free Atmosphere

    So the goal is to build a culture of like-minded people who have your back, love aesthetics, and love coming to work and giving it their all for the good of the practice.

    Success Principle #2 on how to hax your practice worth: Build a smooth-running operation

    Streamlined operations increase the value and marketability of your practice for several reasons. Well-defined processes add consistency and reliability to patient care. Now your cosmetic patients have a consistent patient experience every time and that leads to not only patient satisfaction but also long-term loyalty.

    Smooth operations increase efficiency and reduces waste of resources and overhead costs. You’re eliminating unnecessary steps and bottlenecks, as well as preventable mistakes costing you time, money, and aggravation. This clarity also attracts and retains the best team players because they enjoy working for a practice that has well thought-out systems that allow them to do their job most efficiently.

    To make this happen, document every step in the patient experience. Details count so take your time. Now brainstorm with your team how to improve it. Get it in writing so any team member can reference the document. The time you spend on this will pay off handsomely in time and money savings later.

    Then, there is Success Principle #3 on how to max your practice worth: Automated Marketing Systems

    The objective is to have a strategic marketing plan that uses technology and creative strategies to attract more cosmetic patients to your practice and convert them into paid procedures AND do it profitably.

    In today's uber competitive market, finding and nurturing prospective cosmetic patients can be a daunting task that can’t be ignored. Because leads are the lifeblood of a cosmetic practice. When they stop – you stop and so do your consultations, surgeries and revenues.

    The secret is to have many “poles in the pond” so you have leads coming in from all fronts. So, if one marketing channel flops or closes on you, you still have the other marketing channels working.

    Because “The key to success is not doing more it’s doing more of what works”

    When you know how to leverage technology and the latest marketing strategies to attract a steady stream of cosmetic patients, while keeping your lead generation costs down, that increases your practice’s profitability and transferability to a buyer.

    But please keep in mind – leads are only 1 part of it.

    That means a lead is just a lead until you get them through your processes to a YES. Otherwise it’s a dead lead going nowhere. Which means you are just burning money on lead generation and NOT conversion and retention.

    Before you invest in any more new patient-attraction shiny objects, plug up the holes in your systems that are costing you a silent fortune. That’s where you’ll see new profits more quickly and easily. It’s quality over quantity, which means you do less but get a better result because you slow down and go deeper.

    So, yes, Increase the # of Leads by setting up automatic assets that get you more leads.

    For example,

    Organic content on your website that google ranks

    Google adwords for key words

    Social media so would-be patients follow and interact with you
    opt-in form on your website for visitors to book a consult to name a few

    Then Follow your successes.

    This is so obvious; it’s easily missed. You monitor the particulars of who gave you money. Pull reports called Revenues by referral source because you want to track how they heard about you.

    You also want to note the procedure they had as well as the demographics such as age and zip code because you will see trends that you’ll want to capitalize on and budget proportionately to those successes. Now you map out a Marketing Mix plan to reach more of those demographics that have proven to be a profitable target market.

    Doesn’t that make more sense?

    Now that you have leads coming in, you want to Increase the # of Appointments scheduled.

    You can get leads all day but can your receptionist convert them to a scheduled consultation with you? In a nutshell, here are the 5 phone fixes that make all the difference in your receptionist being able to book a caller to an appointment:

    Answer the phone within 2 rings with a warm, friendly human Ask How They Heard About You Promote you, the Surgeon, as the best choice ASK for the Appointment Collect Contact Info

    Please be sure you have the right person representing you on the phones or let me know if you need help with that.

    Then you want to increase the # of Consultations by Decreasing the No-Shows

    How many of the prospective patients who book an appointment actually show up? You block time for a consultation, and if your prospective patients are not showing up for their appointments, your valuable time is wasted, so here’s what you do.

    First, you establish a cancellation policy and then live by it. For example, you get their credit card upfront and either a charge a consultation fee or at least get a credit card to reserve time and the reservation is only charged if they do not cancel within 24 hours. Then call/email and text reminders. Keep in mind, nobody needs cosmetic rejuvenation so you want to help prospective patients make this a priority on their schedule.

    Now you want to Increase # of Converted Consultations

    How well do you and your patient coordinator convert consultations into procedures? Everything that happened until this point is just “pre-marketing”. You don’t get paid for consultations. You only get paid if you can successfully convert a consultation into a paid procedure. Therefore, THIS step has the biggest impact on your bottom line. The better you convert consultations into procedures, the more revenues you’ll make for your practice.

    I have been training coordinators to convert consultations for years, so if you need help with that, check out www.convertingacademy.com.

    Then you want to Increase # of Returning Patients

    If your patients are NOT returning, they most likely are still getting aesthetic rejuvenation. They are just not getting it FROM YOU. Sorry!

    You cater to a very hungry audience with endless needs. The patients who care about how they look and feel have all sorts of concerns you can address NOW AND for years to come thanks to the relentless aging process.

    So, you want to Cross Promote Your Services

    Cosmetic Patients enter your practice through many doors. That means a patient who came in for Botox will often work their up the ladder to surgery or other big-ticket procedures and those who came in for surgery are much more likely to now be open to your minimally-invasive procedures and skin care treatments to stay looking good and feeling great.

    You have so much leverage here because you already did the hard part, which was spending time, money, and effort attracting this patient to you. Now it takes only minimal effort to keep them coming back. This is how you max your practice worth. You set up a cosmetic patient attraction and conversion blueprint that keeps money flowing through your practice.

    And last but not least is Success Principle #4 on how to max your practice worth: Is to Set Standards so You Don’t Compete on Price

    If you believe cosmetic patients believe there is no difference between you and your competitors, all they have to go on is price as their determining factor. But we know there’s way more to it.

    If aesthetic rejuvenation was based solely on price, this would always be about the lowest price and that would turn into a race to the bottom and then nobody wins. It’s only about price until YOU add in other determining factors to help the prospective patient consider the VALUE they get.

    Patients Weigh Their Options

    When a cosmetic patient questions your price, they are really doing a cost-benefit analysis in their heads and asking:

    “What am I getting from you that I’m NOT getting from your competitor for that higher price?”

    Patients select their surgeon based on the perception they are getting “better”. Better really equals more benefits, less risks and/or less hassle and that equals peace of mind, certainty and reassurance.

    Actually, contrary to popular belief, the majority of cosmetic patients rarely decide based on price alone. Affordability – yes but price alone – rarely.

    Pricing Starts with Your Own Mindset

    Get very clear about your value and what you stand for. Have conviction and believe in yourself and your prices. If you believe you deserve top dollar because you do great work, then price your services for your “preferred” patients. Those are the patients who see you as a skilled, reputable plastic surgeon and they are glad to pay more for your expertise so they can be confident they’ll get a great result safely.

    So, determine what’s most important to your preferred patients and give it to them. For example, is it price, procedures, technology, innovation, expertise, credibility, status, convenience, quality and/or 5-star customer service?

    Once you have clarity about your preferred patients, you attract more of them and deter everyone else. Now you and your staff have more time and energy to focus on the serious prospective patients who are looking for quality and service more than saving a few dollars.

    So, to recap, the success principles on how to max your practice worth to focus on are:

    Build a team of rock stars

    With smooth-running processes that keep your office running smoothly and your staff on their game.

    And you have an automated marketing system for attracting AND converting new cosmetic patients, that generates cashflow predictably

    While Setting Standards so You Don’t Compete on Price

    And, of course, If you could use some help to max the worth of your practice, let’s do a strategy call to ensure you are building a worthy asset….

    Visit www.Catherinealey.com to set it up and we’ll talk soon.

    That’s it for this episode of beauty and the biz Please feel free to share this with your colleagues and staff, and check out more free resources on my website at www.Catherinealey.com.

    And you can always DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Schedule Your FREE Strategy Call with Catherine!

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #morecosmetircpracticeprofits #profitablecosmeticsurgeon #betterruncosmeticpractice #catherinemaley #catherinemaleymba

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to obtain reviews & B/A photos. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “1,247 Reviews & B/A Photos — with Anil R. Shah, MD”.

    Obviously, in the competitive landscape of cosmetic surgery, building a thriving practice requires more than just technical skill. To be sure, it demands a commitment to excellence and a dedication to patient satisfaction, in order to get more reviews & B/A photos.

    To summarize, in this week's Beauty and the Biz episode, we delve into the world of exemplary patient care with Anil R. Shah, MD. Chiefly, he's a facial plastic surgeon in Chicago who's been in private practice for the past 18 years, and has 1,247 reviews & B/A photos.

    Notably, Dr. Shah shares his philosophy on cultivating lifelong patient relationships and delivering outstanding results. Furthmore, with a staggering number of positive reviews and captivating B/A (before & after) photos, Dr. Shah's practice serves as a beacon of excellence in the field.

    Above all, tune-in as we uncover the strategies behind Dr. Shah's practice's success and learn how a focus on patient well-being and clinical excellence can fetch you more reviews & B/A photos. Furthermore, it can elevate the patient experience to unprecedented levels of satisfaction and success Additionally, we also discussed: Firstly, the importance of patient testimonials (reviews) & B/A photos. Secondly, building trust through exceptional results to gain reviews & B/A photos. Thirdly, fosering a culture of continuous improvement in patient care. Visit Dr. Shah's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Schedule Your FREE Strategy Call with Catherine!

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #moreplasticsurgeryreviews #moreplasticsurgerybeforeandafterphotos #anilshahmd

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to achieve a scarless facelift. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “A Scarless Facelift? — with Harvey ‘Chip’ Cole, III, MD”.

    To be sure, we've all seen tell-tale signs of facelifts: pulled skin, scars around the ears, and “Spock-like” earlobes.

    Obviously, this is a big reason why a lot of would-be patients hold back from surgery. They do not want to look unnatural.

    So, what if you could offer a scarless facelift with skin tightening that is natural? Would that be something your patients want?

    In short, that’s what Harvey Chip Cole III, MD wanted to test. Notably, he's a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon specializing in Ophthalmology and cosmetic surgery of the eyes and face.

    Moreover, Dr. Cole has been in private practice since 1992 in Atlanta, GA. Chiefly, he’s coauthored a dozen+ medical books, as well as his own consumer Facelift book and he’s given over 100 lectures around the world.

    Additionally, although he was on beauty and the biz over 2 years ago talking generally about his practice and our industry, this podcast episode focused on his unique approach to face lifting using the InsideOut Technique that he has perfected after 3800 facelifts.

    Ok….then how does he get inside?

    Visit Dr. Cole's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Schedule Your FREE Strategy Call with Catherine!

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #oculusplasticsurgery #atlantafacialplasticsurgery #insideoutfacelift

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about the why and how private equity fails. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Why Private Equity Fails — with Edwin Williams, MD”. Without a doubt, the intersection of plastic surgery and private equity is growing in popularity, but it presents both opportunities and challenges. Specifically, to delve deeper into the nuances of private equity within our industry, I asked Dr. Edwin Williams, a distinguished facial plastic surgeon with decades of leadership and businessl experience, to come back onto the Beauty and the Biz podcast to share his invaluable insights and advice.

    In summary, Dr. Williams has become somewhat of an expert on PE after interviewing 20 PE firms personally to position his own practice for a transition.

    Overall, here’s what we covered:

    Firstly, Why they fail: To be sure, Dr. Williams shares candid observations on the common pitfalls that lead to the failure of private equity ventures in plastic surgery practices. Secondly, Navigating complexities: Additionally, from financial intricacies to maintaining practice autonomy, we talked about the multifaceted challenges that come with the merging of private equity firms and privately-run practices. Thirdly, Keys to success: Moreover, drawing from his own experiences, Dr. Williams offers practical advice and strategic approaches for plastic surgeons aiming to navigate the private equity landscape successfully. Undeniably, It takes years of planning to set yourself up for your own profitable so these PE pearls will help. Visit Dr. William’s website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Schedule Your FREE Strategy Call with Catherine!

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

    🤝 LET'S CONNECT! 🤝

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3GynMvz Facebook: https://bit.ly/3IJxL35 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3GxJUGy LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3lWoYRM

    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

    "The fastest way to success is to model other successful surgeons who have what you want, but you can only see their results, not the path they took to get there.

    So, you continue to jump from one thing to another, hoping to find something that will work for you too, but it rarely does. So, try this shortcut instead. It’s guaranteed to move you forward. I compiled my intellectual property to grow cosmetic revenues, everything I’ve gleaned over the years into one playbook of the most successful practices and what they do to win.

    Go to www.CosmeticPracticeVault.com and let’s grow your cosmetic revenue."

    #cosmeticsurgeonpodcast #plasticsurgeonpodcast #aestheticpracticemarketing #cosmeticpracticestafftraining #cosmeticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #plasticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #strategiesforsurgeons #morepatientsmoreprofits #aestheticsurgeonbusinesscoaching #medspabusinesscoaching #medspamarketinghelp #cosmeticsurgeonmarketinghelp #howtogetmorepatients #plasticsurgeonmarketinghelp #aestheticpracticemarketinghelp #beautyandthebiz #podcastforplasticsurgeons #podcastforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonideas #plasticsurgeonagency #plasticsurgeonconsultant #plasticsurgeonstrategies #plasticsurgeonservices #plasticsurgeontrends2023 #plasticsurgerymarketing #marketingplasticsurgeons #marketingplasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgeondigitalmarketing #cosmeticsurgeonmarketing #howtopromotecosmeticsurgery #socialmediamarketingforplasticsurgeons #socialmediamarketingforcosmeticsurgeons #plasticsurgeonsocialmediaideas #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtofindcosmeticpatients #howtoattractcosmeticpatients #howtoconvertcosmeticpatients #howtoretaincosmeticpatients #cosmeticpatientadvertisingideas #cosmeticpatientstrategies #cosmeticpatientconsultant #cosmeticpatientservices #cosmeticsurgeonads #digitalmarketingforplasticsurgeons #consultanttoplasticsurgeons #consultanttocosmeticsurgeons #seoforplasticsurgeonsusingai #onlinereputationmanagementforplasticsurgeons #leadgenerationforplasticsurgeons #cosmeticpatientreferralmarketing #brandingforplasticsurgeons

    #dredwinwilliams #aafprspresident #cosmeticpracticeprivateequity

  • 📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs

    📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa

    ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

    Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about how to live off of referrals. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general

    Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.

    Presenting today’s episode titled, “Live Off of Referrals — with Babak Azizzadeh, MD”. Is it possible to have a steady stream of patients without advertising? Today's guest reveals a practice strategy that relies solely on referrals, without the need for ads. It's all about cultivating trust and reputation, building solid relationships with patients and fellow doctors. Who needs advertising when you've got a network singing your praises? Good referrals are pure gold. When you give patients a fabulous experience with great results, you're also organically turning these patients into brand ambassadors. And, as we know, word-of-mouth is the absolute fastest, cheapest, easist path to new patients. Tune in to learn more about how to keep your practice thriving with a focus on top-notch care and letting the results speak for themselves. In this week's Beauty and the Biz episode, I interviewed Dr. Babak Azizzadeh — a facial plastic & reconstructive surgeon in LA, who caters to aesthetic patients wanting facial rejuvenation, as well as specializing in the treatment of individuals with facial paralysis and Bell’s palsy. We talked about how he balances both patients with a credit card as well as patients with an insurance card, how he lives off of referrals and zero advertising, and how he manages to live in LA without a car. Visit Dr. Azizzadeh's website


    Catherine Maley, MBA

    Schedule Your FREE Strategy Call with Catherine!

    Review Beauty and the Biz on Apple Podcasts and get my 5-star rated book. FREE!


    Website: https://bit.ly/31O4DHp Blog: https://bit.ly/31HmEHx Podcast: https://bit.ly/3DMIHJN Videocast: https://bit.ly/3DNLjXL Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pGyY2o

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    Catherine Maley, MBA:

    Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.

    If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.

    And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.

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