Episode 1,262. Metal Radio. Lots of Heavy Music. . Request Lines are open.
Episode 1,261. Tons of hard rock and metal music . Request Lines are open.
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Episode 1,260. Curse the Son is our Guest Metalhead. We discuss their new album, " Delirium" and the plans for upcoming events.
Episode 1,259. Chock full of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock spanning the decades.
Episode 1.258. A Saturday Night Special Listener Takeover In Studio with WTF Chuck and Annie Oh. Kris Keyes from Engineered Society Project calls in.
Episode 1,257. Robbie Hambone , guitarist from Tennessee's WyndRider is our Guest Metalhead. They are one busy band .
Episode 1,256. Football is starting soon but Metal Radio is here year round !
Episode 1,255. First Monday after a weekend of fantastic live metal shows in Maryland.
We look back at the Hard Rock and Heavy Metal albums that came out in 1983. The tides were changing...
Episode 1253. Restless Spirit is calling in as Guest Metalheads to talk about their upcoming shows , including impending tour dates with The Obsessed.
Episode 1,252. Another show filled with great heavy metal and hard rock and discussions of the bands we all love to jam out to.
Episode 1,251. We have the Founders of the Stoner Hands of Doom Fest as Guest Metalheads to discuss the 25th Anniversary of SHOD concert this month .
Episode 1,250. It's a Throwback Thursday chock full of heavy metal and hard rock .
Episode 1,249. Coming off a weekend of promoting live shows and gearing up for August's concerts.
Episode 1248. Gearing up for TWO live concerts this weekend with Horseburner as they kick off their US Tour tomorrow,
Episode 1247. It's a Monday Night Metal in July and there are TWO Zentagram / Benzotti Live Presents concerts this weekend .
Episode 1,246. Funeral for a friend today. Perhaps will be slighty tipsy and disturbed.
Episode 1245. Tons of hard rock and heavy metal commentary with tunes from bands you know and some you may not have heard of yet.
Episode 1,244. It's 7-11 Day and once again I did get a free slurpee. Lots of great hard rock and heavy metal in this one.
Episode 1243.Horseburner , from West Virginia , is our Guest Metalhead. They have a tour coming up of the USA.
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