
  • Virtue Signaling?

    Subtitle: Red Keffiyehs and White Supremacists

    Our hosts rant after a seemingly innocuous (yet viral) tweet of Jessa wearing a red keffiyeh triggered both zionists and white supremacists, who felt quite safe to air their anti-Arab racism, misogyny and affinity for violence.

    As they unpack the response, they discuss individualism and lack of understanding of solidarity among right-wing ideologies, as well as the misconceptions around multiculturalism, cultural appropriation, and the complexity of the Palestinian resistance movement.


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  • An expert panel of activists and independent journalists talk media strategy when it comes to setting the narratives around our movements.

    We find out from organizers Fatima Saleh (Edmonto and Anna Lippman what its been like responding to the ridiculous claims levelled at the Palestinian Solidarity movement, and what they've been doing to make sure our opponents don't decide the talking points.

    Journalists Dave Grey-Donald of The GrindTO and our very own Santiago Helou Quintero talk media strategies for activists - what works, who we don't talk to and ways to get your points across as effectively as possible.

    This was from an event livestreamed from our YouTube channel on June 18, 2024. To be at the next one, be sure to Follow us on Instagram

    All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons. If you would like to support us: Patreon


    Find Dave Grey-Donald on Twitter (X)Find Anna Lippman on Twitter (X)Find Fatima on Twitter (X)The GrindTO
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  • Two special guests, Kim Crawley and Bothered Boy, join host Jessa McLean to talk about the mask bans being introduced in the United States, the attitudes here in Canada and the recent uptick in activists being charged for wearing COVID protective masks during direct actions.

    We keep us safe - wear a mask comrades.

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    REFERENCED EPISODE: Unlawful Assembly While MaskedAP NEWS: North Carolina Mask BanFind Bothered Boy on YouTubeKim Crawley's LinkTree
  • As we discuss and draw lessons from recent police actions at student encampments, peaceful protests and marches for genocide, it becomes clear exactly who is breaching the peace.

    McGill students escalated their actions and occupied a building on campus, while York University students finished setting up their encampment. Both had the police set on on them by the very people tasked with ensuring their safety. We talk about anarchist organizing, the need for backup plans, and remind folks to never trust these University Presidents.

    The discussion then moves to the Walk for Israel and the arrest of counter-protestors for breach of peace. This is contrasted with the egregious police violence at a Toronto rally that same weekend, where they stole a large Palestinian flag.

    Beyond getting mad - our hosts provide constructive takeaways for organizers everywhere. They provide, Blueprints of Disruption.


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  • The Canadian Socialist Rifle Association makes it clear - they are nothing like the notorious NRA, nor are they some sort of militia. In fact, a lot of their focus is on things like mutual aid and community defences that don't involve guns. But they do insist that all of us (gun owner or not) should, at the very least, be familiar with them.

    Listen in as we talk to CSRA Spokesperson Isla Jerowsky about fitting into Canadian leftist spaces, the misconceptions that come with 'rifle association', and the need to distinguish themselves as an exclusively socialist space.


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    Canadian Socialist Rifle Association – Canadian Socialist Rifle Association
  • CROSSPOSTED: From Rabble Rants Feeds

    Topic 1: All Eyes on Rafah

    We give an update for the week of May 24th, including the latest attacks on a 'safe zone', the lack of a US 'red line' and the creation of buffer zones that block the border with Egypt.

    Topic 2: Students and Labour Unite at UofT Encampment

    An Emergency Rally in the face of a possible injunction and police action saw Ontario Labour leaders pledge to "put their bodies between police and students". We give updates on the encampments, discuss the possibilities of escalation and vent about the hypocrisies of our politicians.


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  • Rachel Small, World Beyond War Canada's spokesperson, discusses the organization's work to disrupt the military industrial complex and challenge the culture of war using a variety of tactics.

    Lately, World Beyond War's focus has been on Gaza. They see their role as highlighting, Canada's complicity in the genocide via our role in the arms trade. Rachel shares details about their latest campaign, Arms Embargo Now, and the promise this moment holds for all movement.  

    The conversation also explores the deep-rooted nationalism in Canada, how it contributes to the support for war and conflicts with our perception we are a peaceful country.


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    Find a Weapons Manufacturer near you - CANADACALL TO ACTION: Stop Arming Genocide, World Beyond War
  • Local Palestinian solidarity groups are popping up all over Canada. Organizing mostly by federal or provincial riding boundaries, they have been putting massive pressure on their elected representatives. But that isn't all they do...not even close.

    Listen in as four activists from Toronto, Edmonton, Montreal and Oakville talk about doing their part to grow a global movement by organizing hyper-locally. Intergenerational knowledge sharing, creating police-free spaces, and mobilizing for further disruption are all on the agenda.

    *Episode was recorded April 25, 2024.


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  • As more student encampments spring up daily, our host talk about the divestment demands being made, and the responses from the Universities, the police and the public.

    We inevitably make comparisons to the Occupy movement, all while noting the very unique circumstances facing students organizing against genocide.

    *The opening sound is credited to Mike Litwack. It is taken from a video posted on Twitter (formally X).


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    Video: University of Alberta via Mike LitwackUCLA clashes: Police criticised for 'delayed' response to violenceArticle: UBC Endowment Fund
  • Mskwaasin, a Dene activist, shares her experience of being arrested during a recent railway blockade in Toronto in solidarity with Palestine. She highlights many of the common struggles faced by Indigenous communities in so-called Canada and Palestinians, both under settler colonialism.

    Its clear Police were targeting Indigenous activists both with arrest and what Mskwaasin calls unconstitutional bail conditions. Despite the tactics used against her, she continues to encourages escalation in activism and unity among different movements for collective liberation.


    Mskwaasin's statement to media on bail conditionsFollow Mskwaasin on InstagramPalestinian solidarity Archives - Yellowhead InstituteHome - Arms Embargo NowCanadian police connections with Israel colour responses to Palestinian solidarity | Green Left


    All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons. If you would like to support us: Patreon

  • Longtime queer rights activist Gary Kinsman resigned from Toronto Pride in April 2024 over their refusal to adequately address the genocide in Gaza. While telling his story to host Jessa McLean, Gary also provides a history of Pride, and its transition from a grassroots march to a corporately structured and funded cultural event.

    Together with host Jessa McLean, they talk about the cost of that corporate funding, the event's continued collaboration with Police and how the Queer fight for liberation is tied to the liberation of all peoples, including that of Palestinians.


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    NPPC · – No Pride in Policing Coalition (Toronto)UBC Press | The Regulation of Desire, Third Edition - Queer Histories, Queer Struggles, By Gary Kinsman By Gary KinsmanAfterword by Tom Hooper By Gary KinsmanAfterword by Tom HooperForeword by OmiSoore DrydenLetter of Resignation - Radical Noise.caFollow Gary Kinsman on Twitter (X)
  • Voices for Unhoused Liberation are folks experiencing homelessness or inadequate housing while organizing their community. Whether its against encampment evictions or the prison like conditions of the Toronto shelter system, these folks are getting things done under incredibly difficult circumstances.

    The interview with Dredz Green and Nahum Mann, two community organizers with Voices for Unhoused Liberation, touches on strategy building, the limitations of advocacy work and the need for escalated direct actions. As they describe their lived experience and recent developments, it becomes clear the City of Toronto is actively, and purposely harming the unhoused members of our communities. Under attack, they vow to fight back.

    *AUDIO NOTE* at approximately the 1hr mark, there are issues with Dredz audio that lasts about 10 minutes. We opted to not edit this out, so as to not lose any part of his message. There is a transcript available.


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    CBC: Community group calls on city council to impose moratorium on evictions of unhoused peopleFollow Voices of Unhoused Liberation on Twitter (X)Voices for Unhoused Liberation
  • Pier-Philippe Chevigny, writer-director of 'Richelieu', discusses how he uses his skills in filmmaking to shed light on social issues, particularly the exploitation of temporary foreign workers in Canada in his first feature length film, 'Richelieu'. The film follows a translator who sees this exploitation first hand and fights back against the bosses.

    Chevigny's focus on systemic issues rather than demonizing individuals, allows the message to resonate to audience of all political persuasions. Although he shies away from the activist label, his films share themes of resistance and are created with purpose.

    Be sure to check out the Mayworks Festival, where Richelieu will open on May 1st. The festival runs the entire month of May and its exhibits include endless mediums artists have used to connect people with social issues.


    All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons.

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    2024 FESTIVAL — Mayworks Festival of Working People & the ArtsFollow Pier-Philippe on InstagramRichelieu (2023) directed by Pier-Philippe Chevigny — Mayworks Festival of Working People & the Arts
  • Are we there yet?

    In the wake of the Liberals 2024 Budget, we pulled Nik Barry-Shaw into the studio to unpack what it all means for the long fight for Pharmacare in Canada. Nik is a campaigner with the Council of Canadians.

    All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons. If you would like to support us: Patreon

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    Follow Nik Barry-Shaw on Twitter (X)Toronto Star (paywall) Op-Ed: PharmacarePharmacare now – The Council of Canadians
  • All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons. If you would like to support us: Patreon


    Episode Summary:

    Anna, an activist with Labor for Palestine and Independent Jewish voices, discusses her recent arrest and the ongoing struggle for Palestinian solidarity. She was arrested for participating in a peaceful sit-in at AWZ Industries, a company profiting from the Israeli occupation.

    The conversation looks at the tactics used by Police to intimidate and scare activists, and highlights the importance of not letting them intimidate the movement. One key lesson from the discussion is the how and why of people fighting these unjust charges and bail conditions, when possible.

    The Toronto Community Justice Fund is one of the movement’s tools that helps thwart these legal barricades put in our way. Please donate if you can: www.tcjf.ca


    Introduction and BackgroundFocus on Genocide and SolidarityThe Long-Term Fight for JusticePolice Tactics and Arrest ExperiencesThe Need for Escalation



    Joshua Best's Post on Toronto Rail Blockade CBC: Stephan Harper and AWZ InvestmentsToronto Community Justice Fund - PLEASE DONATE
  • Summary

    Andrew Crosby, a postdoctoral researcher at Carleton University, discusses his book Resisting Eviction and focuses on the case study of Herring Gate in Ottawa, which is labeled as the largest urban eviction in Canadian history.

    The conversation explores the role of municipalities and the financialization of housing, the detachment of home as an investment, and the settler colonial aspect of property and wealth in Canada.

    Key Takeaways:

    The case study of Herring Gate in Ottawa sheds light on the largest urban eviction in Canadian history and the resistance efforts of tenants.Tenant organizing and solidarity can yield positive results in the face of powerful entities like financialized real estate investment firms.The financialization of housing and the detachment of home as an investment have detrimental effects on communities and the social fabric.The settler colonial aspect of property and wealth in Canada is intertwined with the housing crisis and the displacement of Indigenous peoples. Tenant organizing and direct action are powerful tools for challenging unjust housing practices and advocating for tenant rights.Municipalities have a responsibility to consider the impact of their policies on communities and should involve tenants in decision-making processes.A praxis of refusal, refusing to accept unjust conditions and using unconventional tactics, can lead to positive change.The right to return is an important aspect of addressing displacement and should be protected and advocated for.

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    Vice: The Story of the Largest Urban EvictionCBC: Legal Fees Piling Up for Heron Gate ResidentsResisting Eviction: Domicide and the Financialization of Rental Housing – Fernwood Publishing

    Keywords: resisting eviction, Herring Gate, tenant organizing, tenant rights, housing justice, financialization of housing, settler colonialism, property, wealth, housing, affordability, gentrification, commodification, displacement, tenant organizing, direct action, municipalities, policy-making, praxis of refusal, right to return

  • The conversation explores the current situation in Israel and Palestine, focusing on the goals and actions of the Israeli government, the role of the US, and the potential consequences of the conflict. It discusses the unwinnable battle Israel is fighting in trying to eliminate Hamas and the need for a way out to avoid looking like their actions were in vain. The conversation also touches on the economic and global implications of the conflict, the delegitimization of leaders as a distraction tactic, and the rise of extreme fascism in Israel. It emphasizes the importance of education and counter-education in the anti-imperialist fight.

    Key Takeaways:

    Israel is fighting an unwinnable battle in trying to eliminate Hamas and needs a way out to avoid looking like their actions were in vain.The conflict between Israel and Palestine has economic and global implications, and the US is concerned about protecting its assets and maintaining its superpower status.Delegitimizing leaders is a distraction tactic used to shift the focus away from the systemic issues and maintain control.The rise of extreme fascism in Israel is a concerning development, particularly among the younger generation.The anti-imperialist fight is a long one that requires continuous education, counter-education, and re-education.


    Introduction and BackgroundReligion as a Unifying FactorIran's Response to the Embassy StrikeEconomic and Global Implications of the ConflictDelegitimizing Leaders as a Distraction TacticThe Long Fight: Anti-Imperialism and Continuous Education


    RECOMMENDED READING: Trinity of FundamentalsWashington Post: Why Iran Attacked Israel



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  • Canada’s Era of Rebellion: 1837 - 1885

    Its always much easier to understand Canada’s behaviours’ now when we hear its real story of inception. As we go through the years before and after Confederation, clear patterns emerge that imitate a lot of what we are seeing today - here in Canada, and over in Palestine.

    The episode includes stories of brutal suppression of resistance, land theft, executions of indigenous leaders. It explains why the retelling of history is so important to the powerful.

    Content creator and history buff, Bothered Boy covers the early rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada, the Red River Resistance and the Northwest Rebellion. He tells a story of Canada's "creation" that is steeped in political violence and indigenous resistance.


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  • Multiple UN Bodies Pass Motions Against Israel to No Avail

    After rulings by the ICJ, and motions passed at the UN Security Council and Human Rights Council, Israel has continued its onslaught of Gaza and its many violations of human rights and international law.

    Host Jessa McLean gives updates on the latest rulings and examines the history of the U.N., its failure to prevent other genocides and its true purpose.


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  • Street photograph Joshua Best has been front and centre for the escalation of police violence against protestors in the City of Toronto. He joins the hosts to talk about his his experience, his intriguing photography and what drives him to document disruption.

    It's also a discussion about police brutality, the resultant radicalization of participants, of solidarity and street level battles for a better world.


    All of our content is free - made possible by the generous sponsorships of our Patrons. If you would like to support us: Patreon

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    Joshua Best (Homepage)Follow Joshua Best on Instagram