
  • This episode kicks off a three-part series on angels, also known as God's servants or heavenly hosts. We'll explore key questions, like: What is the purpose of angels? Where did they come from? What do they do? How can we partner with them? Do we partner with them? In this first episode, we lay a solid biblical foundation for the series and offer practical insights on interacting with these heavenly beings.

    Angels are given to us primarily to help fulfill God's will by bringing heaven to earth. As we grow in understanding who angels are, we will begin to see how God empowers us through partnership with both the angelic and Holy Spirit. This also helps us discern their presence in our dream life. Angels serve many purposes, including warring, protection, revelation, delivering messages, imparting strength, deliverance, judgment, prosperity, encouragement, instruction, and bringing understanding.

    Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss the next episodes as we unpack this powerful series and demystify the roles of these heavenly hosts!

    *Scripture References: Ephesians 2:8-9; Genesis 18:1-2; Numbers 22:21-35; 2 Kings 6:16-17; Daniel 10:19; Psalm 91:11; Luke 1:11-35; Matthew 1:20-25; Acts 5:17-21; Acts 12:6-11; Acts 10:3-8; Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Corinthians 6:3; Psalm 103:20; Hebrews 13:2

    “We do not exert authority over angels, not even the archangel Michael resorted to slanderous accusations or spoke of his own opinion against the devil–He used the word of the Lord. So we, too, are to use the word of God when we mobilize angels into action. And we should never slander angels nor use them for slanderous works against others.”

    “Angels will only respond to our decrees when we declare out of a revelatory understanding of being a son or a daughter.”

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    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Promo Music Oleksii Kaplunskyi, Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • This week Margaux’s friend and fellow podcaster, Megan Nilsen, is joining us for a live dream interpretation, where God emphasizes a common theme through a series of curious dreams. These dreams highlight God’s preeminence and power, accentuating that He is the one who goes before all things, providing the grace needed for 'impossible' situations and miracles.

    If you’ve been tracking with us for any length of time, you’ve likely heard us go through these key questions while interpreting a dream:

    When did you have the dream? Title of the dream, if you were to give it one. Emotions: mostly positive or negative?

    As we interpret the dreams, Megan also shares her metamorphosis—from living one way to discovering what it truly means to yield to God as the Vinedresser and experience the fruit of His handiwork. Check out the full episode to hear Megan's powerful story of letting go of the flesh and embracing the joy and whimsy of the Spirit—and discover how you can experience your own transformation!

    *Scripture References: Luke 2:52; Isaiah 43:19; John 15:1-8; Zechariah 4:6

    “The Spirit of God is the X Factor that you can’t predict; you can prophesy it, but you can’t micromanage it. It happens or it doesn’t happen.”

    “When we’re processing our own dream, God is speaking to us about our life. We don’t need someone else to be an expert on our life, no one else can be. Sometimes another person coming in helps break patterns we get into in our minds…having someone else come in and ask those questions gives more space and permission for you to dig into what’s happening.”

    Megan’s Website: https://meganbnilsen.com/

    Healing The Soul Through God Encounters LINK

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    Promo Music Oleksii Kaplunskyi, Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

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  • Here we are with Season 3, Episode 3, where we aptly discuss the meaning of the numbers 3, 33, and numbers in triplicate! Numbers are more than just random digits or odd ‘coincidences,’ God speaks to us through numbers in dreams, visions, or even patterns we see in our waking life. Believe it or not, this isn’t a new way of God speaking to His people. In fact, it’s an ancient method of communication from God. Did you know that every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a number assigned to it? God has used numbers to speak profound messages to His people for thousands of years and still does today.

    The number 3 often symbolizes the Trinity and divine perfection, while 33 can represent the death and resurrection of Jesus, or death unto life. We also explore the significance of numbers in triplicate, such as 333 or any other repeated number. When you encounter these patterns, God is likely highlighting His presence in your life and bringing a sense of completeness concerning what the number in triplicate signifies. However, each occurrence is an invitation to seek deeper understanding from God. To learn more about these numbers and how to interpret them in your life, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and be sure to tune in to this week’s episode of Breathing Underwater!

    Resources mentioned:

    Numbers That Preach by Troy Brewer Googling the Hebrew meaning of a given number Hebrew linguistics for numbers 1-40 Strong’s Concordance Scripture! 🚫 Avoid reading meanings associated with “Angel Numbers”! ⚠️This is New Age!

    *Scripture References: Genesis 2:22; Deuteronomy 1:11; Daniel 2:22; Jeremiah 33:3; Psalm 33:3

    “The natural mind wants to argue when things feel foolish. But there’s also doubt and unbelief in that which we know comes from the pit; God’s realm is accessed through faith.”

    Hebrew Numbers Website LINK

    Healing The Soul Through God Encounters LINK

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Need help discerning God’s voice? Book a dream appointment HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Promo Music Oleksii Kaplunskyi, Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Have you ever wondered what the emotions in your dreams might mean? In this episode, we explore the vital role emotions play in dream interpretation and how they can help us discern the source of a dream—whether it comes from God, our soul, or even a demonic influence. Understanding the overall emotional tone—whether positive, neutral, or negative—provides key insights into the dream's meaning and helps us understand what’s being communicated.

    As discussed in previous episodes, not all dreams are from God; some reflect our inner thoughts and unresolved emotions, while others may be designed to deceive or cause fear. Discerning the source of a dream is crucial, and emotions provide essential clues. For example, dreams marked by hope and encouragement, even when addressing difficult topics, align with God's character, while those filled with condemnation, shame, or hopelessness do not. Tune in to this episode for practical guidance on navigating the emotions in your dreams with the help of Holy Spirit, and learn how to understand the messages these emotions reveal as they relate to your waking life.

    *Scripture References: Hebrews 4:12; Galatians 5:22-33; Genesis 15:12-16; John 16:33; James 1:17-18; Hebrews 12:6

    “God’s atmosphere is not one of anxiety, criticism, shame, or darkness.”

    “As we grow in wisdom, discernment, and yielding our hearts, minds, and spirits to God, He’s going to start to entrust us with more of the mysteries. More of the things that are ‘underwater’. This is what it means to ‘breathe underwater’; you see more of what is happening on the deep, deep end, rather than what you see at face value because He wants us to be wise and discerning. He wants us to make decisions based on truth, not on being manipulated by what we see. And more than anything, He wants us, as His kids, to establish His kingdom on earth and to intercede and pray that these situations would be turned around, people would be set free, and truth would be revealed.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Need help discerning God’s voice? Book a dream appointment HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Promo Music Oleksii Kaplunskyi, Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Fall is here! And with it, a new season of the Breathing Underwater podcast, where we dive into the deep things of God and explore the mysteries of how He speaks to us through dreams.

    As we transition into the fall season, we're also discussing a common dream: the falling dream. This type of dream often reflects areas in your life where you feel out of control or unable to change the outcome. The context of your dream matters—were you alone when you fell? Did you jump, or were you pushed? The details can reveal more about what God is highlighting in your life. Remember, dreams are not just about conveying information; they are an invitation to draw closer to God and seek His guidance.

    With Labor Day approaching, we’re also talking about pregnancy dreams. These are more common than you might think and - believe it or not - are not just for women. These dreams often symbolize that you are spiritually pregnant with something new that God is bringing forth in your life. It could be a new job, season, relationship, or opportunity. Pay attention to the details in your dream: how far along are you? This could provide insight into what God is doing in your life. Be sure to ask God what He is birthing through you and be open to the journey of discovery!

    Join us as we fall into a new season, exploring these themes and more, as we grow in intimacy with God and understanding the language of dreams!

    *Scripture References: Genesis 15:1; Genesis 20:1-7; Genesis 28:10-17

    “He’s giving us keys to pray to bring His kingdom to earth.”

    “Don’t forget…learning to interpret your dreams isn’t just about getting information. It’s about intimacy. It is about hearing from your Creator who wants to be in relationship with you.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Need help discerning God’s voice? Book a dream appointment HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Promo Music Oleksii Kaplunskyi, Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • In the final episode of our Summer Refresh series, we revisit Episode 29 to explore the common meanings behind dreams involving your ex. This was first aired as part five of our series on "the deep" things of God.

    As we know, dreams are frequently metaphorical. Dreaming about past relationships or even friendships is no exception! Often when we dream about a former relationship, friendship, boss, or even colleague, it is unlikely that God is directing us to return to those situations. Instead, such dreams often indicate that you may be in danger of, or have already fallen back into, old habits, thought patterns, or belief systems prevalent in that dynamic. Discerning which area of your life God is speaking to and understanding the context of the dream is key to gaining clarity.

    Margaux shares a personal dream involving an ex-boyfriend, who often symbolizes a spiritual dynamic prevalent in her past relationship with him. In her dream, this ex-boyfriend wasn't a call to rekindle the relationship, but a warning from God that she might be at risk of falling under the influence of these negative forces again. Additionally, if you’re having dreams where you're either kissing, holding hands, or walking with someone from the past, do not fret! This can symbolically represent agreement or alignment with what that person represents in your life. Understanding these symbols can help you navigate the deep spiritual truths God is revealing through your dreams.

    *Scripture References: Psalm 29; Revelation 2:4-5

    “Anytime there’s pain around something there’s a huge opportunity to believe something false.”

    “We don’t have to be afraid of these kinds of dreams or images. Holy Spirit is never going to push us away, He’s always drawing us to Him. There is a fear of punishment or getting called out that so many of us have around these things, but God does not deal in shame…He operates in truth, He loves to reveal what’s hidden, and He loves to keep us healthy and connected to Him and ourselves.”

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Joined by her friend Jake Bullard, Margaux and Jake discuss the importance of redeeming nightmares and taking back what the enemy has stolen from our night seasons. Have you ever experienced spiritual attack in your dream life? Have you ever had a nightmare? Sadly, you are not alone. There are many dreamers who have subsequently chosen to either shut down their gift as a result of this violation, or, they continue to struggle, having only seen the counterfeit compared to what God has for us in our dream lives. BUT - there is good news! God redeems ALL things - including your dream life!

    Because the enemy can only create a counterfeit, that means somewhere in that nightmare, there is a redemptive word of the Lord to be sought out. We must dive in and ask God how He is speaking redemptively into this so that we can, with our God-given authority, take back this territory for the Kingdom and God’s purposes. Often times the area in which we are most attacked in our dream lives is the area in which the enemy is most intimidated by your gifting, calling and identity. Join us in this episode to hear powerful testimonies of breakthrough and learn how to see God’s redemption in all things!

    For more info on Jake and/or his courses, visit: www.dreams222.com

    *Scripture References: Psalm 37:12-15; Colossians 2:15; Romans 2:4; Psalm 91:1; Numbers 21:6-9; Colossians 1:20; Matthew 10:16; John 3:14; Psalm 139:17-18; Isaiah 9:7; 1 John 4:18

    “The enemy has hijacked the night season from so many people. Your dreams are the purest form of a prophetic word that you’re ever going to receive because it bypasses your frontal lobe of consciousness, and God uses the limitlessness of your subconscious to speak to you the vastness of your destiny.”

    “The places that people are being attacked in their nightmares were generally the place where they are the strongest and the enemy is the most intimidated…God wants to redeem that.”

    “God is the God of the night just as He is the God of the day. There’s never a moment where God is not God. And in that, He wants to speak to you.”

    “The cross has the final word, period.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux: Free Consultation HERE 

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • As believers, phrases like “the deep” or “the depths of God” are often used, but what do they actually mean? In this Summer Refresh we take a deep dive…and reair Episode 26, the second part of a series on “The Deep”.

    Margaux is joined by her friend Brandi Haskins, an incredible teacher and woman of great wisdom, to discuss the deep places of God, the spirit realm, wisdom that comes from God, and how they all interact. Heavily referencing the Book of Genesis, the two unpack the reality that the unseen realm has always been part of our world; it is what brought forth the seen (also called the natural) realm.

    Margaux and Brandi also discuss how not all wisdom is truly wise, and not all facts are truth.  Adam and Eve traded wisdom (or at least the beginning of it) for facts and logic. Many of us are taught a very Western or heavily logical way of thinking. We are spiritual beings first; God is spirit (John 4:24)! It’s time to learn to strengthen the senses that cannot always be measured logically, allowing those faculties to carry weight. We must unlearn the idea that the unseen is not part of our world. Be sure to check out this Refresh to learn more about the Way of Wisdom and the importance of training ourselves up to partner with Him!

    *Scripture References: John 3:16; Proverbs 9:10; Genesis 1-3; Genesis 1:2; Genesis 3:6; Hebrews 11:1; 1 Corinthians 2:9

    “Fear is not of God. When you’re in the fear territory, you are far from right sight.”

    “Wisdom that comes from God is not worldly or fleshly wisdom. It is wisdom that is revealed by the Spirit.”

    “The path to God is not through fact.”

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    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux: Free Consultation HERE 

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • In this revelatory episode of our Summer Refresh series, Margaux walks us through the interpretation of a profound dream of her own. This episode is all about the abundant kindness of God, His justice, and waiting with expectancy for the promises of God while they have yet to be fulfilled. Originally aired in Season 2, Episode 20, the number 20 aptly represents waiting and expectancy, the completion of a waiting cycle, and being made holy through trials.

    Through recounting her dream, Margaux emphasizes the importance of being honest about our disappointments with God, advocating for authentic relationship over dismissing our pain. Despite her initial interpretation, Jesus - in only the way Jesus can - reveals and removes a lens preventing her from experiencing greater depths of His compassion and justice.

    Jesus is leading us to His promises for our lives, even when we face piles of pain, disappointment, and loss that seem to conflict with what He asks us to believe. We are challenged to bring our "eggshells" to God, asking Him how these can be turned into fertilizer rather than becoming barriers to belief.

    Margaux concludes with a powerful covering prayer, reminding listeners that nothing can stop God's word from being fulfilled. Join us in this Refresh to learn how to embrace God's promises and turn disappointments into growth!

    *Scripture References: Isaiah 61:7; Joel 2:25

    “No matter what happens to you, nothing can stop God’s word from being fulfilled. Even if everything looks completely backward, wrong, thwarted, delayed, and dead, He is the God who fully fulfills to the letter the promises He gives His people.”

    “Isn’t that just like God? Scripture talks about Him giving a double portion of blessing and giving double honor for shame. Job received double for what he lost. That is God’s economy.”

    “God doesn’t just give back, He adds and multiplies.”

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    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux: Free Consultation HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • This week we return to Episode 16 of Season 1 where Gary McGinnis, a seasoned dream interpreter with over 20 years of experience, shares his journey and invaluable insights. Influenced by several notable Christian dream interpreters, Gary has honed his skills over a lifetime and imparts sage insight to us as a father in the faith and fellow dreamer.

    Ever the learner, Gary exhorts us to remain open and malleable to the Holy Spirit, especially as we grow and become more seasoned in this gift. He discusses the importance of dreams and how they are a medium through which God communicates about life, destiny, healing, breakthrough, and even salvation, admonishing the audience that stewardship of our dream life has eternal consequences.

    Four Tenets from Gary to Consider with Holy Spirit While Interpreting:

    1. Why did God give the dream? Who or what is it about?

    2. What kind of dream is it (healing, calling, deliverance)?

    3. What response is God looking for from the dreamer?

    4. Keep interpretations simple and make sure they glorify God to the dreamer.

    This episode is chock-full of practical and transformative advice! It is “a kiss from heaven” as Margaux calls it. The episode concludes with a father’s blessing over the listeners from Gary, and a powerful charge from Margaux around stewarding our dreams and being accountable for them. Tune in to this week’s Summer Refresh to discover how dreams can shape your life and destiny through partnership with God!

    *Scripture References: 2 Peter 1:3; Colossians 3:2; Matthew 6:33; John 6:63; John 14:26; Matthew 7:6; Numbers 6:24-26; Luke 12:32; Matthew 6:19-21; John 16:23-24

    “Life begets life. When you’re moving in the thing that God has created your life for, you receive more life back than you could possibly give out.”

    “A right interpretation at the wrong time is the wrong interpretation.”

    “We need to allow the things of the Spirit to become wine in us and not just water…It needs to sit in those jars and become wine, so that in the right timing when it’s released it actually carries the Spirit of God…and there’s actually something in it that has weight on it.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux: Free Consultation HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • This week we refresh ourselves on one of the most pivotal live dream interpretation episodes of the Breathing Underwater series: The Baby Factory. Originally released in Episode 14 of Season 1, Margaux’s dear friend and fellow dream interpreter, Heather, joins the show and shares a POWERFUL dream. Without prior interpretation, the two stumble upon one of the most profound and weighty messages for us to hear (and heed) as underwater breathers.

    This episode is holy, convicting, and an invitation for all of us to walk in purity, righteousness, and wholehearted yieldedness so that we can align with the fullness of what Jesus paid for and has designed for each of our lives. Margaux and Heather discuss the cost of saying yes to God’s best above our ‘good enough’, and the very real temptation to settle for a desire - even a good one - before its time. We revisit the Garden of Eden and how the enemy uses many of the same tricks to keep us tethered to cyclical patterns of dysfunction that inhibit us from fully stepping into our God-given identities.

    The message gleaned from The Baby Factory is for everyone: it’s a summons to draw near to God, no matter your choices or stage of life, and remember that the blood of Jesus can take care of anything. If you missed it the first time around - and even if you didn’t - you’ll want to listen to this Summer Refresh; it is brimming with heavenly revelation and divine insight into what we are called to as a people.

    *Scripture References: Song of Solomon 8:4; Matthew 7:11; James 1:17; Romans 8:37

    “I didn’t realize the cost of waiting on God’s timing or even just taking things into my own hands…it looks like laying it down on the altar. It looks like watching the fire hit the altar and watching your dreams burn, that’s what the waiting looks like. It looks like not keeping it on the back burner so that maybe you could pull it out later.”

    “With God, the cost is always upfront. He's not shady about the cost. He is very truthful, very honest, but the cost is unto a reward. With this other scenario, with us choosing to partner with the flesh, the reward comes first and then the cost.”

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    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Today’s episode of the Summer Refresh series covers one of the most common (though sometimes uncomfortable to share) dreams. That’s right, we’re talking about bathroom dreams. If you’ve had dreams of going to the bathroom or trying to find a bathroom, you are not alone! Previously aired in Episode 11 of Season 1, this common dream is broken down and shame around it is eliminated…or should we say, flushed? Bathroom dreams are valuable and are meant to encourage us regarding what God is doing in our lives.

    Wondering what a toilet could possibly represent? How about a sink? Had any shower dreams? Are you in a public bathroom or a private bathroom? Where is it located? All of these and more are covered in this bite-sized yet power-packed episode so that not only can your dream self feel relieved, but so can you as you connect to what God is revealing through bathroom-themed dreams.

    “...God is speaking to you being in a time or in a season of going through healing….or spiritual cleansing in your life, or the need for that.”

    “These kinds of dreams can be the linchpin…helping name what you’re going through…why... why does it all-of-a-sudden feel like this past emotion is coming back up.”

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Originally aired in Episode 10 of Season 1, today’s Summer Refresh is all about alignment with what God is actually saying when it comes to judging the interpretation of a dream. Whether you’re interpreting a dream for yourself, others, or, if someone else is interpreting for you, we cover 4 valuable questions to consider as you are judging the interpretation of a dream.

    4 questions to consider when thinking through interpretation:

    Is the interpretation or message in line with Scripture? His character + nature? Is there an inner witness, or knowing in your spirit, that this is from God? Does this message or interpretation draw you closer to God, or cause you to feel further away from Him? Does this message or interpretation line up with what God is already saying to you through other avenues? (People, Scripture, other dreams, prophetic words, etc.)

    Margaux also lays down some key ‘tent pegs’ to keep us in alignment with God’s heart and within the bounds of spiritual wisdom as we judge the interpretation of dreams. This includes being aware of any lenses we might be wearing that could cloud us from seeing the way God wants us to see, or color the interpretation in a way that isn’t the heart of the Father. To learn more about these 4 questions and uncover the specifics of common lenses we can wear while interpreting, check out this episode of the Summer Refresh series!

    *Scripture References: Matthew 10:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Galatians 5:19-23; Psalm 23:2-3; Exodus 34:6; Romans 12:19; Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 46:10; Acts 10:34; Ephesians 1:18-21: 2 Samuel 22:33

    “What God is speaking through a dream is always redemptive, it always comes from His voice and it’s usually to lead you, or to correct... or to speak truth, healing, and alignment.”

    “He is not afraid to brag on us. He is not afraid to call us out to be great…to be beautiful, and to stand in the fullness of who we are."

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux: Free Consultation HERE

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    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • “We’re missing the point here; I think what we need to address is the burglary that’s going on.” First aired in Episode 7 of Breathing Underwater, Margaux interprets a dream of her own, offering a timely word and inviting the Body into a “stake in the ground” moment regarding the sacredness and holiness of dream interpretation.

    There has been a “burglary” in the territory of dream interpretation and we need to address it. The bulk of what we find as we search out answers to dreams, name meanings, numbers, and other symbols is unfortunately rooted in witchcraft/New Age beliefs. It is imperative that we reclaim this territory as sacred and holy; it belonged to God first.

    As humans, we can desire knowledge and wisdom outside of relationship (e.g. The Fall in Genesis); it is still a temptation for us today. As Believers, the heart of dream interpretation is and has always been an invitation to deeper intimacy and relationship with God. Join us in this Summer Refresh as we remind ourselves of practical ways to protect the holiness of dream interpretation, and what it looks like to move forward after this “stake in the ground” moment.

    *Scripture References: Proverbs 9:1; Genesis 1:3-5; Genesis 3:1-6

    “The purity and the holiness of this topic has been burglarized for a long time. And it’s time to make it sacred again. This is His and it’s always been His. And in this podcast we are going to take every measure to protect the holiness and the sacredness of this. This is something that is very important to me, and deep down, at the core of who I am, is to call holy what is holy and call sacred what is sacred and to protect it.”

    “It is all about relationship; this is one of the main differences of interpretation that we’re going to see in the world…We are relying on a different spirit. We are relying on the Holy Spirit of God. We are also getting this interpretation…because we want to know Him more and we want to know ourselves more."

    "We’re not going after information for information’s sake - we’re going after intimacy. This is a really big difference.”

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    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux:  Free Consultation HERE

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Originally aired in Episode 5 as the first of many live interpretations to come, this session features Margaux’s best friend, Brienne Trauter. Brienne is also an avid dreamer and brings a powerful dream to interpret using the questions we discussed in last week’s refresh.

    This episode is so beneficial when it comes to applying the basics of dream interpretation! It’s packed with insightful teaching moments that Margaux later discusses while debriefing the episode. For instance, Margaux and Brienne were able to identify the source of this dream using the framework discussed in last week’s refresh.

    We also learn in this episode that the interpretation of the dream will always resonate with the dreamer - even if you feel something else strongly! Interpretation is all about finding a few keys for the dreamer to go forward with and talk to Lord about, even if you don’t get the complete interpretation immediately (though sometimes you do!).

    Hungry for more practical dream interpretation insight? Be sure to check out the refresh to uncover more golden nuggets of wisdom as we dive into the meaning of Dolphins + Teslas!

    *Scripture References: Proverbs 24:3-4, Proverbs 9:1

    “Dreams are so multifaceted. We’re talking about the word of God. We’re talking about something that is living and active. So this could have interpretation now and then six months later have another layer and another facet in three years.”

    “The purpose of all of our dreams is to bring us into deeper relationship - into encounter with God and connection with ourselves.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux:  Free Consultation HERE 

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • In the second part of our Summer Refresh series, we revisit some essentials originally aired in Episode 4 that will help set you up for success when identifying the sources of dreams and knowing where to start when interpreting. Grab a pen and paper because this is chock-full of dream interpretation GOLD! Taking her own advice, Margaux also goes through two examples of dreams from her life to model interpretation for us.

    4 sources of our dreams: Body, Soul, Demonic realm, God

    Before interpreting dreams:

    Write the date! If you happened to be somewhere that’s not your norm, this could add to interpretation. Write a title for your dream. For example, if it were a film, what would you title it so you could easily pick it out from a pile? Write down your emotions. Were they primarily positive or negative? This is an indicator of the source and can help with interpreting symbols within the context and with the witness of Holy Spirit.

    Then, invite Holy Spirit to come be with you and to help interpret the dream.

    4 Questions to ask when interpreting dreams:

    Who or what is this dream about? What area of your life does this pertain to? Are there any recurring themes in the dream? What are the main focuses of the dream?

    *Scripture References: John 6:53-69; 1 Corinthians 1:27; Mark 4:21-25; Proverbs 25:2; 1 Corinthians 2:10

    “God is not the author or source of all dreams, but this is secondary in importance to His sovereignty and relational pursuit of us through them.”

    “The spirit realm operates on attention. If we’re going to talk about the currency of the Kingdom, we’re going to talk about faith. We have all as humans been endowed with this gift of faith, and we get to choose where we deposit this currency.”

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    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • Remember when you dreamt you were naked, your teeth were falling out, or you were pregnant? You are not alone! These are among the most common dreams. Originally aired as Episode 3, this episode kicks off our Summer Refresh series. Last week, Margaux shared a prophetic word about experiencing refreshing this summer as we step into a new season (literally and spiritually).

    We’ll revisit key basics of dream interpretation from previous episodes to stay sharp. As the title suggests, we’ll discuss the importance and power of symbolism in dreams. How do you know if your dream is literal or symbolic? The vast majority of the time, dreams are SYMBOLIC - just as God often used symbolism in the Bible to communicate, He still uses that same language to speak in your dreams.

    When deciphering dream symbols, here are some helpful guidelines:

    1) Rely on Holy Spirit for interpretation!

    2) Consider what the symbols mean to you personally and their biblical context.

    3) Google the prophetic meaning of the symbol - no shame in the Google game! Ask Holy Spirit to highlight anything He wants to speak through your search.

    This episode offers key practical tips for interpreting dreams with Holy Spirit’s guidance, and of course, we reveal interpretation for the three common dreams mentioned above!

    *Scripture References: Mark 4:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2:9-14

    “What do I mean when I say that dreams are symbolic? I mean that often times you will have a dream where the things or the people in your dreams actually represent something else.”

    “We are receiving information in parables and the invitation here is to get into the quiet place, sit with God, listen to your heart, and He’s going to describe and tell you what He was talking about in those dreams.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux:  Free Consultation HERE

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    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

  • Episode 65 Summer Refresh

    As we enter into as CRAZT HOT WEEK in Northern California ( think triple digits )- Summer has arrived. This episode is the first in the Summer series of Breathing Underwater called “The Summer Refresh”. In this episode Margaux shares 3 reasons for the title Summer Refresh as well as 3 practical ways to intentionally engage with the new physical and spiritual season of summer with a return to simplicity and refreshment in the truth of the Gospel, as God as our first lover and to the foundations of biblical, spirit lead dream interpretation. Here are the practical ways to engage with the reset:

    Get a dream journal or a new dream journal. Or create a new folder on your phone. Set some time apart to go back through the last quarter of your dreams and reflect. Are there any patterns you see in your dream content? Are there any dreams that have been fulfilled? Make a new folder or tag them so they go into a new mental category. Look at your summer and ask Holy Spirit to help you find a REALISTIC rhythm of time to spend with your dreams. Time to seek out God: "For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened”. Matthew 7:8 Take an honest assessment of your days and set goals that are realistic and life-giving.

    Summer brings something different for all of us. For some it’s a winding down, others it’s a ramping up and many have lives that stay the same. But let’s acknowledge the change in season and respond to the newness of it but taking a pause to re-align, re-set and intentionally seek God for His voice in our lives.

    More on Breathing Underwater Memberships HERE

    Need Help with dreams or discerning God’s Voice? Free Consultation HERE 

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    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • The third in the series on Kids and Dreams, we. Hear from Mila, 7 and her dream called Snake Bites- and from Jackson , 4 on field trips with Jesus and defeating Goliath. Margaux also teaches on how to talk to your kids about their nightmares, about seeing things in their bedrooms, and how to find Jesus and His angels in the midst of it. Dreaming for children can be a sign that their spiritual senses are coming alive and we as parents are wise to make space to hear what they say and to validate their experiences. As we give language to their spiritual experiences we give them keys to trust themselves we set them up for a lifetime of connection to God’s voice. Dreams have the potential to be a rich source of intimacy and connection with God that will only strengthen their relationship as they grow. In this episode you will learn questions to ask, and potential language to use to teach your kiddos about what they are seeing and sensing.

    More on Breathing Underwater Memberships HERE

    Need Help with dreams or discerning God’s Voice?: Free Consultation HERE 

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE 

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

  • In Part 2 of the Kids and Dreams series, we continue discussing the importance of engaging with children when it comes to their dream lives and cover practical ways how we can do so. In this episode, we hear more from our sweet friend James (whose dream we heard a teaser clip of last week) and from another friend, Sawyer.

    As parents and adults, we can teach children to recognize when and how God is speaking through their dreams by asking the following questions:

    What would you title this dream?

    -Titling the dream allows them to think about the content of the dream and find language for what the overall meaning might be.

    2. What were the emotions felt in the dream? What did it feel like? (Positive, negative)

    -Talking through the emotions felt in the dream creates a space for them to process and release what was being brought up or revealed in the dream.

    3. What do you think this dream means?

    -Children are quick to grasp the meaning of their dreams. Even if they don’t remember everything, they remember what they need to know. Growing the muscle of remembering dreams helps further establish the value for and culture of dreams (last episode) and helps them learn to recognize how God may be speaking to them.

    4. Do you think God is speaking? Where is God in this dream?

    -Asking this question teaches children to connect to the character of God through their dream life and discover where He was in the dream. Don’t worry about getting the full interpretation - the important this is for them to just get talking!

    *Scripture References: Acts 2:17; Isaiah 61; Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Acts 17:28; Psalm 139: 7-12

    “Our children are hearing from God. Regardless of their age, the Spirit is speaking to them.”

    “The most important thing we’re doing is allowing the dreams to be a bridge to connect us to them so that the conversation is open, so we’re connected to what’s going on with them, to give them a place to talk about what they’re feeling…[It’s] also to make space to talk to them about God’s character and to start to connect THEM to the voice of God as well, whether through their dreams or dialoguing about their dreams.”

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux :  Free Consultation HERE 

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE 

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay