We will delve into a very deep Likutei Halachot on this week’s parasha, explaining why the temple was destroyed, and how we rebuild it / return to Yerushalayim through finding good points, longing for G-d, and finding happiness!
In this week’s class on Parashat Vayikra, we take a deeper look at the word “Vayikra” and why it’s written with a small aleph. Looking at likutei Halachot and Torah 282 of Likutei Moharan (better known as Azamra) we see how one is able to elevate one’s sins into mitzvot and bring the world to the side of merit!
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Discussion on Parashat Teruma focussing mainly on the first 8 passages and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman and Rebbe Nathan of Breslov as it relates to the subject at hand. The secret of the Teruma (contributions of every jew towards building the Mishkan) is founded in understanding the power of the heart. The heart is dependent on 2 fundamental concepts: longing and will. Developing this within yourself will allow for you to create a space so that Hashem may enter your heart and dwell amongst each and every one of us - B'H.
We Discuss some interesting concepts around space and time, as well as some paradoxes and parables to show us how the world is not as it appears. Ending the class with some personal thoughts and mystical ideas including gematria to connect the main concepts back to fundamental ideas in Breslov Chassidus.
Parasha class from 2021
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Rebbe Nachman was famous for stressing the importance of Happiness, every day, every moment! Rebbe Nachman had a unique outlook on Happiness and we try in this discussion on Simcha to learn why happiness is so special and difficult to feel at the same time. We spend the end of the class focusing on practical pieces of advice on how one can lift oneself up when feeling down. We share many stories of Rabbeinu Hakadosh in regards to Simcha, as well as lessons from Likutei Moharan to explain certain ideas discussed in the class.
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In tonight’s class, we try and discover what Rebbe Nathan and Rebbe Nachman say about a very unique law in this week’s Parasha: if one acquires a Jewish slave, he shall work for 6 years and on the 7th year he shall be released to his freedom etc…
Using the teachings of Rebbe Nathan and Rabeinu, we begin to understand that this law (along with all the other laws in the Torah that don’t seem to apply to us today are actually filled with secrets and advice that are extremely practical and applicable in today’s day and age. This law of a Jewish slave, Rebbe Nathan says, is actually speaking about blemishing one’s intellect and how to repair it with emunah/faith!
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In tonight’s class, we discuss the most fundamental concept in all of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings: the Tzadik. We explain the importance of attaching oneself to the true Tzadikim, what makes the Tzadikim so great, and specifically, what makes Rebbe Nachman of Breslov so special.
We use many different sources and stories across the books of Rebbe Nachman, the Oral (Talmud) and Written Torah (5 Books of Moshe), Zohar, and other holy books that help us explain this most fundamental concept.
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Introduction into what is Breslov Chasidut and who Rebbe Nachman of Breslov is.
We discuss how one becomes a true student of Rebbe Nachman.
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Recording from 2020: Sharing a few special pieces of Torah I enjoyed learning from this parashah while in Mexico. One of the deepest parashiot in the Torah, making us realize how little we know. The Zohar introduces the concepts of the Chochmat HaPartzuf - the wisdom of the face (essentially the secrets behind reading people's faces etc...) and also discusses the steps necessary for us to receive the Torah. The Ari'zl discusses some gilgulim and the interesting connection between Moshe and Yitro. The Midrash shares incredible, fantasy-like details behind Moshe's ascent to Heaven to receive the Torah. Specifically the Midrash from the Pesikta Rabbati. I also shared wonderful teaching from Rebbi Shimshon of Ostropoli in connection with the Zohar.
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We take a look at a very special lesson in Likutei Moharan that speaks about ignoring the feeling of rejection one tends to feel when he starts serving G-d. Here, Rabeinu Hakadosh tells us what one needs to know in order to get up when he “falls” along the way. For anyone who truly wants to set out on the path to find G-d, this lesson gives them the essential tools for this lifelong journey. נ נח נחמ נחמן מאומן
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First Q&A session; a few of the questions discussed in this sichat chaverim (conversations with friends) were:
1. The connection between Tefillah/Emunah and Hishtadlut. How much effort should one put into each of these?
2. Hitbodedut, and what it means to be having a conversation with Hashem. Does Hashem talk back or is it a one-way conversation?
3. How does one learn Torah?
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In this week's class, we discuss the story and events surrounding the Jewish people leaving Egypt. We discuss the symbolism of what slavery means and ask the questions: Are we slaves today? Are there parallels we can draw between today and the Jews in Egypt? We try to speak of practical advice from the teachings of Rebbe Nachman to work on ourselves. In particular, we speak of simple faith because Emunah is the key to finding ourselves and finding Hashem.
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