
  • In any relationship, communication, respect, and understanding are the essential foundations that nurture a deep and fulfilling connection. Finding the right partner goes beyond compatibility; it involves choosing someone who complements your strengths and weaknesses and aligns with your core values, beliefs, and principles. By creating an open and supportive environment, you are making a space where you can flourish and grow both as an individual and a couple.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike answer your top ten relationship questions, offering wisdom on how to find genuine love, embrace your waiting season, and stay true to your feminine energy. They also share personal stories and faith-driven insights on poly vs. monogamous relationships, unequally yoked partnerships, and how to attract the right partner in your life.

    Key Highlights from the Episode:

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [01:18] How to know if your partner is genuine in the relationship

    [04:27] How God prepared Ang and Mike in their singleness and waiting season

    [12:57] Tips on what to do if you are in the waiting season

    [15:20] Poly relationship vs. monogamous relationship

    [22:18] How to navigate unequally yoked relationships

    [31:57] How to get back to your feminine energy after work

    [39:22] Chatting and communicating with a busy partner without destructing them

    [43:11] When to ask or expect a man to provide for you

    [49:27] The ideal age gap for a man and a woman in a relationship

    [54:03] The right time to find a provider man and where to get started

    [56:33] What Ang did that made Mike to marry her

    [01:01:31] How God prepared Ang and what she did during her waiting season

    [01:07:55] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    God will prepare you, but you also need to prepare yourself. - [12:42] If you are in the waiting season, instead of trying to find a relationship with another person, you should build a relationship with Jesus first. - [12:58] If you are not growing together, you’re growing apart. - [28:16] Relationships are much better when the woman is younger than the man. - [49:31]

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo

    [Our Socials](https://www.instagram.com/angandmikepodcast?igsh=aWRnOWFxcmM2ZTk0)

    Thank you very much for listening!

  • Intimacy is not just about sex. It extends beyond physical connection to emotional, spiritual, and intellectual connections. It involves a deep sense of understanding, trust, and affection that allows partners to share their innermost selves without fear of judgment.

    True intimacy requires communication, vulnerability, openness, and a safe space where both partners feel valued and cherished. This connection is essential for the health and longevity of any relationship, as it builds a foundation of mutual respect and love that can weather the inevitable challenges and changes that life brings. In essence, intimacy is the glue that holds relationships together, enriching the shared experience and deepening the connection between partners.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss intimacy in a marriage relationship. They explore what intimacy truly means, why it's crucial, and how to cultivate it inside and outside the bedroom.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode:

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [04:58] Why Mike was a bit reserved about today’s topic

    [08:04] What intimacy is and what it’s not in a relationship

    [12:37] Why intimacy is important in a relationship

    [16:43] How to build intimacy in and outside the bedroom

    [20:46] Steps on how to handle loss of attraction to your partner

    [25:19] Setting boundaries on changing to stay attractive to your partner

    [32:08] How to fix lack of intimacy and rekindle the flame

    [41:03] How to engage and get your partner in the mood

    [43:57] Scheduled intimacy and when it works

    [46:42] How and who should initiate sexual intimacy

    [48:53] What happens when one partner is more sexual than the other

    [52:27] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    ● Being intimate spiritually and emotionally can help you be more connected when you are physically intimate. - [10:02]

    ● If you have intimacy in the bedroom, your relationship is not going to last; you cannot be intimate in one category. - [17:10]

    ● Women's sexual response is different from men's; men have physical and visual stimulation, but for women, it requires psychological and emotional stimulation. - [34:22]

    ● It’s easier for a woman to initiate sexual intimacy than it is for a man. - [47:10]

    Let’s Connect!

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelikaciullo/?hl=en


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  • Whether consciously or unconsciously, women often test men's emotional strength to see if they can protect them or are easily swayed and manipulated. Understanding these tests is crucial for men to respond with confidence and love. By recognizing how women test men and the dynamics at play, you can maintain control, strengthen your flame, and build a relationship filled with mutual respect and happiness. Cultivating daily attraction, breaking the cycle of negative emotions, and creating a strong foundation of love, spirituality, and education are key strategies to becoming a leader and leading your home with confidence, strength, and compassion.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss the ways of a superior man, how to navigate women's tests, and how to build a home full of love, respect, and happiness. They explore the essential strategies for maintaining control and shifting the power back to yourself through daily attraction, understanding emotional dynamics, mutual respect, and building a strong foundation of love, spirituality, and education.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in store for you

    [01:34] Updates from Ang and Mike

    [04:45] Mike’s insights from The Way Of The Superior Man

    [11:41] Understanding how women test men's strength and status

    [13:57] How to build attraction as a man on a daily basis

    [18:01] Overcoming a woman's negative emotions with love

    [24:55] The crazy cycle of love and respect and how to break it

    [29:38] Making the first move and learning to apologize

    [31:21] How to build a foundation of love every morning

    [33:37] Why a man should never seek approval from a woman

    [36:28] What a good morning routine for building your frame looks like

    [40:02] Tests women do during dating and how to overcome them

    [47:07] How to attract the woman you want and regain your marriage

    [51:28] Perfection: passing more tests than you are failing

    [53:01] Building a strong foundation in God and education

    [54::49] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    A big part of masculinity is building attraction on a daily basis, and it never ends. - [09:57] 99% of the time, when a woman has negative emotions, it’s because she feels unloved, so show her love: be persistent, and you will break through the barrier. - [23:02] By reading the scripture, praying, and meditating every morning, you’re building a good foundation of love, and it’s hard to stray from it. - [32:19] Building a strong frame every morning will enable you to lead your family with strength, and this will help your woman feel safe and attracted to you. - 38:07] When you put education and God together, you will be a rock star. - [53:50]

    Resources Mentioned

    The Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida: https://amzn.to/3LjAVxh

    Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1591451876/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_api_gl_i_S5D9AJPZ3DEQBFSH7E9N?linkCode=ml2&tag=angelika020-20

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/angandmikepodcast


  • In a world where most women feel pressured to adopt a more independent and self-sufficient personality, embracing feminine attitudes that men love can be refreshing and transformative. These are qualities that men cherish in a relationship as they allow for genuine connections and create an atmosphere of trust and care. Men connect deeply when women embrace their natural femininity, as it contributes to a positive dynamic, making everyday interactions more joyful and appreciative. By embodying these attitudes, you can create a balanced and loving partnership where both you and your partner feel valued and understood.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss more feminine attitudes that men love, drawing inspiration from Chapter 7 of Simply Feminine by Morgan Wonderly. They also share stories and personal experiences in their relationship, offering valuable insights into how these attitudes can help you build a happy and fulfilling relationship.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [01:19] A general update on Ang and Mike's life and what they have changed

    [14:48] Men love women's vulnerability and authenticity

    [22:46] Embracing vulnerability: Finding true strength from vulnerability

    [27:48] How vulnerability cultivates care and protection without competition

    [28:41] Men love to give, and the receptiveness from their women

    [36:01] The one thing women need to do for divorces to be fewer

    [39:05] How shifting from miss independent to miss receiving changed Ang life

    [41:12] The Holy Grail: Men love admiration of them

    [46:07] Storytime: Dangers of lack of appreciation and admiration at home

    [54:38] Men love women's gratefulness and gratitude

    [59:59] How to shift from a place of discontentment to gratitude

    [01:04:06] Men love our youthful attitude: How to fill your cup every day

    [01:11:33] What to add and remove in your routine to be in a more youthful state

    [01:21:23] Men love light-heartedness: How to be more light-heartedness

    [01:29::03] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    When you are in a relationship, you have to work as a team, and creating structure is very important. - [09:57] True strength comes from vulnerability because we live in a society where so many people are fake and not vulnerable. - [15:21] Every time your man wants to help with something, and you say yes, you give them a chance to be your hero, feel masculine, and feel good about themselves. - [33:30] Many men thrive on words of affirmation, being admired by their women as heroes and being complimented on their masculine qualities. - [.42:42] Gratitude goes both ways for men and women, and a lack of gratitude leads to destruction and discontentment. - [55:02] Gratitude is a muscle that needs to be worked every day, just like going to the gym - [55:38]

    Resources Mentioned

    Simply Feminine by Morgan Wonderly: https://amzn.to/4clz3zK

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angandmikepodcast


  • Every man will tell you that looks can initially catch their attention, but it is the feminine attitudes that truly captivate and sustain their interest. While physical attraction may serve as the first spark, the warmth, kindness, authenticity, and nurturing nature create a lasting impression. Men are often drawn to women's inner beauty. Women who radiate happiness, maintain a positive outlook on life and exude confidence, empathy, and a sense of genuine care. These qualities build deeper connections, transforming fleeting attraction into meaningful, long-lasting relationships. The nature of a woman’s character and how she carries herself hold far greater power in capturing and keeping a man’s heart. A beautiful personality or inner beauty not only multiplies outer beauty and attracts men but also helps nurture healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss the feminine attitudes that men love, drawing inspiration from Chapter 7 of Simply Feminine by Morgan Wonderly. They also share stories and personal experiences in their relationship, offering valuable insights into how these attitudes can help you build a happy and fulfilling relationship.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [01:08] About Simply Feminine by Morgan Wonderly

    [02:26] Chapter 7: Feminine Attitude that Men Love

    [03:00] Inner beauty and how. it multiplies our outer beauty

    [05:10] What a man who wants to love and protect you is looking for

    [10:08] The cool girl's vibe attitude vs. a beautiful personality

    [14:23] Why men adore women who radiate happiness

    [19:39] How men feed off our different energies

    [21:48] Choosing happiness and how men can win with us

    [22:47] Heart of gold: Why men love a classiness attitude

    [29:36] When emasculating becomes a man’s fault

    [34:16] Men love our kindness: Choosing kindness over being right

    [46:17] Why men love our authenticity, vulnerability, and confidence

    [50:39] What it’s like to be in a relationship where you can’t be your true self

    [55:00] The best way to resolve issues in your relationship

    [01:03:00] Authenticity and why you should always trust your intuition

    [01:08:14] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    A positive, happy Inner attitude radiates beauty, while a negative, bitter attitude exudes unappealing quality even if we’re raving beauty on the outside. - [03:21] We’ve got women who aren’t as blessed physically, but because their personalities are so beautiful, it puts them up on the scale. - [11:58] Men adore women who radiate happiness because seeing a woman who is happy is one of their top sources of joy; making a woman happy makes a man feel happy and purposeful in his relationship with her. - [14:31] True men enjoy the sacrifice; they enjoy working endlessly, knowing their family’s life is good. - [16:43] It’s classless when you tear your man apart in front of a group of people because men thrive on respect. - [25:26] Kindness is free; why not be kind to everybody? - [40:46] Trust your intuition; God gave it to you for a reason. - [01:03:00]

    Resources Mentioned

    Simply Feminine by Morgan Wonderly: https://amzn.to/3VMXmRh

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo




  • Have you ever experienced church hurt? Church hurt is the emotional and spiritual pain caused by negative encounters within a church community. Church hurt, whether from judgmental attitudes, hypocrisy, abuse of power, or unkind behavior from church leaders or members, can make someone feel alienated and disillusioned and may even push them away from their faith.

    Church hurt has shaken our faith in different ways, but the good news is that healing is possible through building a personal relationship with God. Putting your trust in God, finding a supportive and nurturing faith community, and embracing forgiveness and reconciliation are the first steps to healing, finding peace, and living a fulfilling life.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss church hurt, what it is, and how it manifests in our lives. They also share their personal experiences and testimonies to provide you with the tools and space to explore your encounters with church hurt, work on your healing, cultivate a relationship with God, and live a life filled with joy and inner peace.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [01:28] What is the definition of ‘Church Hurt.’

    [02:27] How church hurt happens and what scared Ang away

    [07:45] Shifting your perspective and building a solid relationship with God

    [12:08] Living as a representative and leading by example

    [13:02] The biggest reason why people don’t want to tap into Christianity

    [15:06] How church hurt happens to people who grow up in the church

    [15:52] Mike’s experience growing up and why the church is the highlight of his week

    [21:51] How having a relationship with God has changed Ang & Mike’s life

    [25:09] How to find a church where your soul feels alive and at home

    [30:02] Living a life full of joy and fulfillment by building a relationship with God

    [35:32] Surrendering to God and allowing Him to fix you

    [37:46] Mike’s testimony: Mike’s party life and how he turned to God

    [47:48] Doing the inner work and putting God first to move past the church hurt

    [51:14] Wrap up and end of the show

    The best way to be the best representative so that people don’t get church hurt is by living as an example. - [12:41]

    The reason why people don’t want to tap into Christianity or leave Christianity is because of other Christians. - [13:13]

    There’s a beautiful relationship waiting for you; you just have to get past the church hurt that you have been through and give it another try; go to the right church, and find the right community- [20:53]

    Building a relationship with God teaches you what peace and joy are, so anything that you do in your life that rips you away from God forces you to confront it and make amendments as quickly as you can. - [33:25]

    You don’t have to be perfect to be a christian; you just have to read the bible and believe in Jesus, and He will fix everything that needs to be fixed. - [36:42]

    Angelika & Mike Ciullo

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelikaciullo2/?hl=en

  • In a society where men are often portrayed as weak or incapable, the idea that "it's always the man's fault" may seem harsh and unfair. However, beneath the surface lies a crucial message about responsibility and leadership. It's not about assigning blame but rather about acknowledging the power and influence that men have in their relationships and family.

    There's an undeniable admiration for a man who doesn't shy away from responsibility—a man who stands tall in embracing his role as a leader. To a woman, there's nothing sexier than a man who steps into his leadership role with integrity and strength. This creates a sense of security and trust in a relationship.

    In this episode, Ang and Mike discuss why it’s always the man's fault, how men can take the leadership role in their relationships, lead by example, and much more. The episode is not about accusing men but encouraging them to rise and lead with courage and embody the essence of true faith and masculinity.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction and what’s in for you in today’s show

    [01:12] Rebranding Bring Back Femininity to Mike & Angie podcast

    [05:48] Why is it always the man’s fault

    [07:36] Ephesian’s 5:25-33: How husbands should treat their wives

    [11:04] Why men should take the leadership role in their relationship

    [17:24] How the society’s display of men as ‘weak’ is destroying families

    [22:01] What it means to create boundaries around your relationship

    [31:36] How to build a strong foundation of faith, love, and trust as a man

    [35:10] How to love your wife like your own body

    [42:14] Becoming a family man and an example to your wife and children

    [49:37] Mike’s advice to men dating that has worked for him

    [52:32] How getting off from social media humbled and changed Mike’s life

    [01:01:04] When social media can be a useful tool in building a relationship

    [01:03:15] Tips on how to lead by example when it comes to social media

    [01:07:08] How Angie’s content changed on IG after meeting Mike

    [01:09:12] Taking responsibility as a man even when it’s not your fault

    [01:11:41] The kind of leadership a woman will submit to

    [01:12:35] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    Anything and everything, it’s always the man’s fault, whether it’s in his business, health, or relationship. - [05:52] It’s up to us as men to be the leaders of our homes, relationships, and everything spiritual that happens in our lives. - [09:33] As a man, you have way more responsibilities than your women, you need to be able to lead your woman, and that starts with leading yourself, operating by a moral code, and getting close to God. - [15:03] If you want to measure a man's wealth, it’s not by the clothes he wears; it’s by how big the smile the woman in their life has on her face. - [34:27] If a man is confident with who he is and what he brings to the table, he won’t need any outside validation. - [36:25] There is nothing sexier to a woman than a man taking responsibility. - [01:09:12] A woman will not submit to a man if she doesn’t respect his leadership role. - [01:11:41]

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Michael Ciullo

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelikaciullo/?hl=en


  • Etiquette is like a set of unwritten rules that guide how we should behave politely in society. It is all about being considerate and showing respect for others, whether by saying "please" and "thank you" or knowing how to act in different social situations. Social etiquette focuses explicitly on how we should behave around other people, like at parties or gatherings.

    Sadly, many people these days pay less attention to social etiquette than they used to. Sometimes, even if someone looks nice outside, they might not know how to give others their space or show respect. They are missing the social smarts that help us get along well with others and make life easier for everyone.

    In this episode, Angelika and Michael sit down to chat about some odd behaviors they have noticed that break the rules of polite society. They discuss people who leave public bathrooms a mess, not caring about the next person who needs to use them. They also grumble about people who blast loud music or have loud conversations in places where quiet is expected. They also talk about how annoying it is when someone always tries to one-up others and when people don't respect others' time by being late.

    Tune in to find out how we can all do our part to make the world a nicer place for everyone.

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction to the show and what’s in for you

    [02:58] Examples of a lack of social etiquette and intelligence

    [03:16] Leaving a public restroom messy

    [07:39] The one-upper personality

    [09:33] Loud music volume or conversation in places that require silence, attentiveness, or relaxation

    [17:35] Not observing punctuality and respecting other people’s time

    [22:45] Not being observant and not knowing your surrounding

    [30:00] Men who don’t spoil or treat their women well

    [41:10] Close talkers

    [45:22] Basic manners of saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’

    [48:27] Not cleaning up after your pet

    [51:05] When on a dinner, wait for everyone to be served and enjoy the meal together

    [54:48] Littering mindlessly

    [56:35] A quick recap and why there’s a great need to observe social etiquette

    [58:18] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    One-upping someone comes from a point of jealousy, and it is not good. Just be genuinely happy for people when they share the good news with you, and let them just own that moment.- [08:36] Time is one of the most valuable things in life. So, people need always to be mindful and respect others' time. It is disrespectful not to be punctual- [17:51] One of the best feelings as a man is to be a good provider and spoil your woman and kids. It is the best and most fulfilling feeling. - [30:00] Nothing is more sexy and fulfilling to a woman than knowing how to cook a meal for your man, and the meal is made with love and care. - [39:27] Saying please and thank you does not mean weakness. Just because you are kind does not mean that you are weak. - [47:18] Being kind will never go out of style. - [48:09]

    Let’s Connect

    Angelika & Michael Ciullo

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelikaciullo/?hl=en


  • Welcome back to the long-awaited Season 3 of the Bring Back Femininity podcast with yours hosts Angelika & Michael Ciullo! After a pause filled with adventures, personal growth, and entrepreneurial pursuits, we're thrilled to reconnect with you and dive back into femininity conversations. Throughout our time away, we've been exploring new territories, both geographically and professionally, which has provided us with fresh perspectives and valuable insights to share with you.

    In this season, we're excited to bring you even more authentic and real discussions about femininity, masculinity, and everything in between. From navigating life's challenges and maintaining personal well-being to exploring the depths of love, purpose and faith, we're committed to diving into topics that resonate with you and inspire meaningful change.

    So, buckle up and join us on this journey as we embark on another season of candid conversations and heartfelt reflections.

    Tune in!

    Key Highlights from the Episode;

    [00:01] Introduction to the show

    [00:49] Why we have not been online and podcasting for so long

    [04:18] Travel, running a business and building new routines

    [07:47] The podcast comeback and what to look forward to

    [08:09] Perfectionism vs. Being real and authentic in podcasting

    [12:08] The future of the podcast and our upcoming podcast, Finding Faith

    [18:03] What Angelika wants to focus on in this season

    [24:16] Building a healthy relationship with a Purpose-driven, successful, and ambitious man

    [27:20] Why being in your feminine energy is life-changing

    [28:30] Wrap up and end of the show

    Notable Quotes

    The best thing is always being authentic and real. - [08:23] If you can get into something that helps other people, it's where your fulfilment will come from. - [13:42] Successful men want to have somebody by their side who will be the rock and understand that hard work and time will be president most of the time. - [21:26] It's really nice to help people, be real, and be authentic with your journey, even though it's hard to be vulnerable. - [29:43]

    video, it is now available on our Youtube channel @bringbackfemininity

  • Hello Everyone! Angelika here and today I have the lovely Sarah Dawn Moore joining me! Sarah is a fearless advocate for men, dedicating her time to studying and coaching them, helping with their mental health and navigating the complex world of dating. I can assure you, listeners, that Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, making her insights truly invaluable.

    In a society where understanding and connecting with men can sometimes feel like a mystery, Sarah's perspective shines a light on the importance of learning and comprehending the male experience. After all, how can we, as women, truly know how to act or understand what men want without actively seeking to learn and comprehend their needs?

    That's where Sarah's incredible work comes into play. Through her coaching and deep understanding of men, she not only empowers women with knowledge but also bridges the gap between genders. By delving into the male psyche, Sarah enlightens us, empowering women to engage with men on a more profound and meaningful level.

    Some of the topics we discuss are
    🌸Who is Sarah Moore and how did her journey start?
    🌸 Insights into the inner workings of the male mind and understanding how men think and process emotions differently from women
    🌸 Common misconceptions or stereotypes about men
    🌸One thing men wish women knew
    And so much more!!

    So, fasten your seatbelts, listeners, because today's episode promises to be an insightful journey into the world of men. Hopefully you will leave this episode with newfound wisdom and a new perspective just like I did.
    Thanks for tuning in, Enjoy! Xo

  • Greetings, lovely listeners! 🌸 I'm Angelika Ciullo, your podcast host, and I'm delighted to introduce our incredible guest for today's episode Sarah Bohdanova,
    a femininity and body language coach! Todays conversation is going to be about “High Value Dating” High value dating refers to approaching dating with purpose and having certain standards in order to build meaningful, long-term connections. It goes beyond the casual dating culture prevalent in today's society, where short-term encounters and hook-up culture often dominate.

    In high value dating, individuals focus on finding compatible partners with whom they can form deep connections and potentially build a lasting relationship. They prioritize qualities such as shared values, emotional compatibility, mutual respect, and genuine interest in one another. It involves being intentional about the dating process, investing time and energy into getting to know potential partners on a deeper level, and assessing compatibility for a long-term commitment.

    Having a conversation on high value dating is important because it encourages individuals to reflect on their dating goals and values. It prompts discussions around the kind of relationships they want to pursue, the qualities they seek in a partner, and the standards they set for themselves. By promoting intentional dating practices, high value dating encourages individuals to prioritize their emotional well-being and seek fulfilling, meaningful connections rather than engaging in superficial or short-lived encounters.

    Thank you for tuning in and hope you enjoy the episode! 🌸

  • Welcome back, dear listeners! It's Angelika Ciullo, your host, and I'm thrilled to present another exciting episode with a fantastic guest. Joining us today is the incredible Emily Dini. an inspiring coach on a mission to help women attract healthy love. With her expertise in relationships, dating, self-worth, femininity, and more, Emily empowers her clients to build inner confidence as the key to lasting love. Emily's warm personality and creative coaching approach ensure a truly special experience for those seeking their happily ever after. She's always exploring innovative ways to help her clients create their dream relationships while igniting a spark of joy in their lives.

    In this episode, we delve into the intriguing topic of "signs that you are stuck in your masculine energy." And of course we share tips on how to shift back into your feminine energy. But thats not all! We also explore:

    🌸Healing self-worth and femininity.
    🌸 Healthy Feminine Energy.
    🌸 Feminine vs. masculine strength.
    🌸 Using "I feel" statements.
    🌸 Complimenting small improvements.
    🌸 Wounded feminine energy.
    🌸 Signs of being in masculine energy.
    🌸 Healing journey and femininity.

    And so much more! This episode is filled with nuggets of wisdom and practical tools that you won't want to miss. So tune in now and join us as we uncover a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help you reclaim your feminine energy and create the love and life you desire.

    Get ready for an enlightening and empowering conversation. Let's dive in!

  • Step into a world of spiritual awakening and feminine empowerment on the latest episode of Bring Back Femininity podcast with your host, Angelika Ciullo. Join us as we dive deep into a captivating conversation with the remarkable Sima Shamash, a spiritual medium and beacon of light for women everywhere.

    Sima Shamash is a spiritual liaison dedicated to supporting women on their soulful journeys. With her remarkable ability to connect with her clients' spirit council, Sima assists individuals in awakening and aligning with their true selves. As a vital bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, she works wonders, helping people heal and flourish. Sima's profound understanding of both worlds allows her to effortlessly provide guidance and wisdom, serving as a guiding light for those in search of healing, growth, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual paths.

    Sima shared so much knowledge and wisdom during this episode and I learned a lot from her! Some of the things we talk about are:
    ✨What it means to be spiritually awake
    ✨Importance of spiritual awakening.
    ✨Embrace your divine feminine strength.
    ✨Healing the divine feminine wounds.
    ✨Trust your intuition over ego.

    And so much more! Our conversation delves into a multitude of other fascinating topics that you don’t want to miss out on so make sure to tune in and enjoy!!🎧🌸

  • When considering femininity, one might initially associate it with physical appearance and domestic skills such as cooking and cleaning. However, true femininity extends far beyond these aspects. It encompasses personal growth, healing, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

    In a recent episode featuring Angelika, her husband Mike, and Mike's life coach Lance Mikkel, they discuss the significance of mastering emotions in various aspects of life such as relationships, careers, divorce and heartbreaks. All too often our emotions dictate our actions which can prevent us from pursuing what we genuinely want or stop us from engaging in crucial conversations for fear of rejection or disappointment.

    But what if there was another way? What if you could rewire your brain to bounce back quickly from negative feelings and situations without remaining heartbroken or depressed for extended periods? This enlightening episode delves into numerous insights on this topic - be sure not to miss out!

  • Join us on this episode of our podcast as we Angelika Ciullo and her guest Elle Ray, also knows as @manifestelle on social media talk about the red flags, yellow flags, and green flags in men that you may not have considered before. Elle is highly knowledgeable in femininity, high value women, high value men and how to manifest everything you desire in life.

    We all know the classic red flags - dishonesty, lack of communication, controlling behavior - but Angelika and Elle take things a step further by sharing some lesser-known red flags that could still be cause for concern. They also discuss yellow flags which may not be immediate deal-breakers but should still be taken as an alert to do your due diligence.

    But it's not all doom and gloom - the episode also covers green flags, or positive traits to look out for in a partner. These include things like having a provider mindset, God fearing, and more.

    Throughout the conversation, Angelika and Elle share stories and provide practical tips on how to recognize these flags early on in a relationship. And perhaps most importantly, they stress the importance of self-awareness in relationships and making sure that your own needs and boundaries are being respected.

    If you're tired of hearing the same old dating signs and want to approach your relationships with fresh eyes and greater awareness, this episode is a must-listen. So tune in and join the conversation as Angelika and Elle share their insights on red flags, yellow flags, and green flags in men that may have flown under your radar.

  • Get ready for a thought-provoking conversation with the one and only Keli Pitts, also known as The Femininity Doctor! I'm thrilled to have her as my guest on this episode since she played an instrumental role in helping me start my own journey towards embracing my femininity. Her wealth of knowledge and passion for empowering women is truly inspiring!

    In our discussion, we covered a lot of ground - from the importance of our relationship with God, to understanding the differences between femininity and masculinity, to navigating the pressures of the "boss babe" culture. We even went back into time with a fascinating deep dive into the history of feminism - and so much more!

    What made this conversation so enriching was the valuable insight that Keli shared from her own experience as The Femininity Doctor. She's a true expert when it comes to helping women unlock their inner power and tap into their feminine essence.

    I had a blast recording this episode and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Be sure to follow Keli on Instagram at @thefemininitydoctor and check out her book "The Doctor's Orders" available on Amazon located on my storefront under “books” (link in instagram bio). Thank you so much for tuning in!

  • Hey Guys!! So happy to be back, this time as Husband and Wife and as Angelika Ciullo! April was a busy month for us with the wedding and moving so we wanted to do a quick little catch up episode. In this Episode we talk about the wedding, what we are doing now, and our plans for the future! We just wanted to come on and talk, say whats up to all of you before we get into all the interviews we have planned! Thank you all for listening! 🌸

  • When Mike and Angelika talk about “creating a list” this list- think about it as a Vision board, we all love to make those and envision all ours plans and goals for the future no matter how crazy or unrealistic they maybe this it exactly the same thing, but instead of career goals, houses, shoes, and purses, you are creating “A LIST” catered to only your future partner or the partner you have now and instead of photos they recommend writing it down. “This list” is where you write down all the qualities you want in your potential partner and make it really detailed. All the way to their appearance- like height, hair color, weight etc and all their inner qualities and character - like ambition, loyal, provider mindset, all that. Whatever you want!! It can be a list of 10 things or a list of 100. This list allows you to get honest about your true desires. You might think it’s shallow to write down “rich, financially independent, or whatever it is but if thats what you want, nothing is off the table. Same thing for a guy, if you want a women who “cooks, has her nails done all the time, feminine” literally whatever, write it down. Also make sure you know which items on you list are negotiable and non negotiable. Mike says appearance can be negotiated but the inner qualities are the non negotiables.
    Love you all and see you back in MAY for season 2!!!💗

  • Did you know that there are natural stages in a relationship that majority of couples go through? We didn’t. Knowing about these stages are so important and if Angelika and Mike didn’t educate themselves they probably would have just thought they weren’t right for each other and incompatible. Knowing what stage in the relationship they were in was so important because it helped them get through the “tough times” and make it out the other side and also knowing that what they were experiencing as a couple was totally normal. Angelika and Mike also talk about their personal experience going through all these different stages so you get a more personal and relatable experience when listing to this episode.
    The different stages we talk about it
    ✨The honeymoon Phase
    ✨Back to reality Phase
    ✨Decision Making Phase
    ✨Settling down - Wholeheartedly Love Phase
    Another stage that Angelika added in was
    ✨Finding God

    PS. Every couple is different and every couple goes through different stages and they all have different timeframes. However as different as we all are, we all go through these similar experiences.
    We hope you enjoy this episode! Xo

  • So the fact Mike and I made a part 2 clearly shows that we had a lot of things that we both needed work on. The whole point of the two episodes is to prove that two unhealthy people that have a past of toxic relationships, trauma, and dysfunctional homes can change into someone healthy and have healthy relationships if they PUT IN THE WORK. Mike and I knew we wanted to be together and we were willing to do the work to make it happen and when two people already have that mindset you are 50% there. I know it’s easy to blame everyone but yourself, but hows that going for you? A part of maturing and inner work is taking a look at yourself and realizing where you are falling short and need to make changes. It’s 2023, let that toxicity go and start growing into the new and healthy version of YOU