
  • Since the age of 10, when she receives her first bicycle, Dervla Murphy dreams of pedaling all the way to India, but her travel plans are put on hold when she becomes caretaker of her mother at just 14 years old. This doesn't stop Dervla from dreaming, though, and when she is released from her caretaker duties 16 years later, her trip to India becomes a reality.

    Even though it's the worst winter in almost a century, Dervla sets out on Roz, her trusty bicycle with nothing but her passport, a camera, a map, a spare pair of nylon pants and shirt, toothbrush, comb, writing paper, two pens, a copy of Blake’s poems and a pistol. What unfolds next is an incredible trip filled with many challenges, dangers, profound beauty and human connection. It has to be heard to be believed - so listen now to Dervla's story!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Sara sheds some light on The Invisible Battalion! While Ukrainian women have been defending their country on the front lines for decades, it wasn't until 2018 that they were actually allowed to serve in combat ranks, thanks, in large part, to a massive campaign known as "The Invisible Battalion," led by the NGO Institute of Gender Programs (invisiblebattalion.org). The women leading this movement have opened the door for Ukrainian women's rights, and their powerful campaign also gives us a stark and heartbreaking window into the war Ukrainians have been fighting to keep their homeland since 2014.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

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  • Cornelia Sorabji dreamt long and hard about becoming a lawyer, even though in India in the late 1800's women were just barely allowed to go to University at all, and were NOT permitted to law school or the court system as a whole. Born into a progressive, education-minded family, though, Cornelia was not deterred by these archaic laws - instead she gathers supporters and chases her dreams all the way to Oxford, where she becomes the first woman to study law and the first woman to be admitted to the men-only library.

    What follows is a difficult pathway trying to weave her way into a men-only profession, but Cornelia is able to build a successful career defending the Purdahnashin (women who weren't allowed to talk to men outside their family) who could not engage the services of male lawyers to defend themselves in cases of wrongdoing, neglect and abuse.

    Her advocacy for this undefended population and her own success breaking down the male only walls of the British and Indian legal systems, make her an absolutely epic BYSK, but her name and achievements are pretty forgotten. Why? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Today, Colin A. Borden brings us the tale of Verity Lambert - the founding producer of Doctor Who!

    As an aspiring young writer and director, Verity kept running into the glass ceiling, being told time and time again that there wasn't any more room for another woman.

    Verity kept at it, though, and when an accident on set means someone has to step in to keep the show together, Verity meets the challenge with aplomb and leaves an indelible impression on the studio department head. Later, when he's looking for someone to try and get a weird show called "Doctor Who" on its feet, he remembers Verity, and she becomes both the first UK female TV producer, and the youngest at the time.

    Her story is amazing, and this now beloved TV show is a staple in many a home, but it wouldn't have even happened were it not for the tenacious, creative, and get-it-done attitude of Verity Lambert. Listen now for the full story!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • The Broad, the Myth, the LEGEND! We all know her name, but do you actually know her story? To start with, did you know that wasn't really her name?!

    Joan was born into a war-torn France at a time when French hope was greatly diminished. How on earth does a thirteen-year-old farm girl travel across dangerous, disputed territory, win an audience with the Crown Prince of France, inspire the entire French army and restore the hope of France, when it would have seemed statistically impossible? And what price would she have to pay for her stunning accomplishments? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week Sara brings us one of her personal heroes and feminist icons, the incomparable and prolific - bell hooks! Growing up a segregated Kentucky, Gloria Jean Watkins witnessed firsthand the wake of destruction wreaked by what she would later dub the Imperialist-White-Supremacist-Capitalist-Patriarchy. She spent the rest of her life in a fight against it as a writer, teacher, scholar, intellectual, cultural critic and author, and in Sara's opinion, is the the architect of a modern feminism that is both transformative and accessible to all.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • When Cnopus goes to invade Erythrae he calls on an oracle to provide some wartime guidance. This oracle advises he put a Priestess of Hecate from Thessaly in charge of his army. Chrysame is sent forth from Thessaly and she immediately sets to work devising one of the most epic strategies of 11th Century BCE using none other than her Hecate-given knowledge of animals and poisons. So epic, in fact, that her name appears in Polyaenus' Stratagems in War - one of the only women even mentioned in it. What does she do? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • In 1908, when Winston Churchill shoots his mouth off about women during an election cycle the suffragists in town are not having it, and Mary Moloney puts on her boots, grabs her dinner bell and becomes Churchill's greatest nightmare: A silencer of his voice.

    Mary rings her bell for a whole week during by elections in Dundee Scotland, following Churchill wherever he goes, winning crowds over in droves and drawing large press attention. Does he ever apologize? Does he win the election or does Mary prevail? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Chloe joins Sara this week to talk about the laugh of the century: Why men can't figure out why a woman thinks bears are less dangerous than them and how deeply upset they are about it. They cover this latest viral TikTok, as well as the latest in women's rights in the US, the temptation of protest voting, Nikki Glaser's brilliant roast of Tom Brady, Challengers and the most recent, female-led True Detective season, beloved by many and unjustly crapped on by the one person who probably should have just kept his mouth shut.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Chloe Skye returns to bring us the story of Beate Gordon! When Beate's Ukrainian-born Jewish parents fled Russia in the 1920's, eventually landing in Japan, Beate fell in love with the Japanese people and culture, but WWII leaves Beate in the US, separated from her parents and unable to contact them. Beate uses her incredible ployglot skills to become a translator, eventually working her way onto Douglas MacArthur's team and to the very table where his team was writing the new Japanese Constitution and Beate, of all people, became responsible for the future of all Japanese women.

    Her story is astonishing, and her impact on the women of Japan cannot be understated. How the heck did she meet MacArthur and become a feminist leader in Japan? And did she ever find her parents?? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Sara brings us the story of Kadambini Ganguly, the first woman to graduate college, first woman admitted to an Indian medical school and the first female medical doctor in India! Her work wasn't limited to medicine, either. A champion for women's and worker's rights, Kadambini's socio-political impact on India was undeniably incredible.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Mary Baker Eddy did not have things easy. As a young girl, she was plagued with fits and ill health and then later much family tragedy made life even harder to bear. Mary found much comfort, though, in the scriptures and her study of them and this love of the the Bible would lead to her becoming one of the only women in modern history to have formed a major religion: Christian Scientists!

    Learn more about Mary's incredible story of resilience and the grassroots work she did establishing Christian Science here in the US and abroad.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • When Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina showed up on the doorstep of Fyodor Dostoyevsky to serve as his stenographer, helping him complete his next deadline, she had no idea that that life was about to change big time.

    What follows is an unusual courtship and unexpected happiness for both of them, despite Dostovesky's significant challenges, physical, familial and otherwise. Their resulting marriage seems to be almost the opposite of the Tolstoy's, and yet much like Sofia Tolstoyana - Anna clearly was responsible for much of Dostoyevsky's success, both before and after his passing.

    Listen now for the story of a woman who, against many odds, was able to pull her husband out of debt and poverty cycles and into the literary hall of fame.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Sophia Tolstaya never got a lot of fame or credit for all her accomplishments, in fact, she is generally reviled as famous Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy's b*tchy wife, but she was a brilliant talent and bright businesswoman herself. In fact, without her, Leo's work likely would never have been circulated so widely and successfully, nor would Leo have even been able to write such brilliant books - his characters draw inspiration from her, and her feedback deeply shaped the books and the mind of the man holding the pen.

    In this episode we look behind those historic rumors to find a dirty smear campaign waged against Sophia towards the end of Leo's life, after his passing, and even beyond her death for another century. This episode is a fascinating (and heartbreaking) look at the building of a genius, and the destruction left behind in his wake at the expense of the woman who made him who he was.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Before Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, even before Edgar Allen Poe wrote his Tell-Tale Heart, the genre of gothic horror was brought forth out of the incredible mind of a 21-year-old woman name MARY SHELLEY.

    Mary had already suffered quite a bit of loss in her first 21 years and her connection to death, grief, and the existential human story created not only the first novel of its' kind, but what would also become one of the most quintessential horror novels of all time.

    Listen now to hear the full story of Mary Shelley's fascinating, and heartbreaking life, and the birth of her Frankenstein.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Sara brings us the story of Alexya Salvador, the first transgender pastor in Brazil and all of Latin America, and the first transgender person to adopt a child in Brazil.

    As a young child, Alexya found great solace and belonging in the Catholic Church, so much so, that she entered seminary to begin a path to priesthood. But as her studies progressed she uncovered deeply held core teachings that made her feel like a criminal just for being gay.

    Alexya's story is one of overcoming the great sorrow of losing her faith in the church, only to discover the true face of God and a new church family, ultimately becoming a beacon of hope and light for all transgender people in Brazil and South America (who face increasingly hateful rhetoric & violence just for being LGBTQ+).

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Sara brings us Sarah Winchester! When Sarah Winchester inherits the vast fortune of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company she decides to spend her fortune warding off the vengeful spirits of the victims of the Winchester rifle and builds the Winchester Mystery House - known widely as one of the most famous supernatural/haunted places in the US. But is that the real story? Listen now to hear the TRUE story behind the legend of Sarah Winchester.

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

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    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • This week, Sara brings us the Mongolian Warrior Princess, Khutulun Khan! Her remarkable battlefield prowess was only eclipsed by her mad skills in the wrestling arena. This Princess-who-would-be-Khan (Great-great Granddaughter of Genghis Khan and cousin of Kublai Khan) wrestled & defeated hundreds of men to avoid arranged marriage. She helped her father Kaidu hold onto his massive territory, but does she inherit her father's mantle when he dies? You'll have to listen to find out!

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • We're wrapping up Black History Month with the story of Carrie Johnson! During the 1919 race riots of Washington D.C., Carrie and her dad were holed up at home trying to stay out of trouble, but when white policemen barge into their home and their .38 rifle hits and kills one of the detectives, Carrie and her dad are carted off to jail and put on trial for first degree murder - a capital crime.

    What follows is a strange series of events that is not particularly well documented, or at least the real underlying reasons aren't well known, but essentially her father turns on her in exchange for a case dismissal, so now 18 year old Carrie faces a potential death penalty sentence all by herself. What happens to Carrie? You'll have to listen to find out!

    #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blackwomen

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye

  • Continuing our celebration of Black History Month, guest Amelia Hammel brings us one of the most iconic Black Broads in American History - Harriet Tubman!

    Born into enslavement, Harriet Tubman suffered great at the hands of her "owners" including, one night as a six-year-old, taking at hit to the head by a metal tub. This skull cracking moment would forever change her life - instilling her with a god-given mission to help free as many enslaved people as she could.

    What follows is a lifetime of not only forging the Underground Railroad and helping almost a thousand people find freedom, but also a strong feminist voice in a world where non-white women's advocacy was seldom heard and never appreciated.

    #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blackwomen #undergroundrailroad #harriettubman

    A Broad is a woman who lives by her own rules. Broads You Should Know is the podcast about the Broads who helped shape our world!


    YT/IG/FB @BroadsYouShouldKnow & TW @BYSKpodcast

    3 Ways you can help support the podcast:

    Write a review on Apple PodcastsShare your favorite episode with a friend or on socialSend us an email with a broad suggestion, question, or comment at [email protected]

    Broads You Should Know is hosted by Sara Gorsky.

    IG: @SaraGorsky

    Web master / site design: www.BroadsYouShouldKnow.com

    Broads You Should Know is produced by Sara Gorsky & edited by Chloe Skye