
  • Join us for an insightful episode featuring Shari, owner of Murry Transport, as she shares invaluable tips and strategies for a stress-free moving experience. From efficient loading techniques to packing hacks and choosing the right mover, Shari provides expert guidance based on years of industry experience. Discover the importance of caring for movers, building a reliable crew, and engaging with the community through charitable initiatives. Gain insights into emerging trends in the moving industry and learn how Murry Transport blends technology with personalized service for optimal results. Whether you're planning a move or simply curious about the logistics behind it, this episode offers practical advice and actionable insights to make your next move a breeze.

    Murry Transport Contact Info

    Shari : 514-995-8737, [email protected]

    Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn


    Shari, owner of Murry Transport, joins the podcast to share insights into efficient moving strategies and industry expertise. With a focus on providing stress-free moving experiences, she discusses essential aspects of the moving process.

    Loading Strategies:

    In the conversation, Shari highlights the puzzle-like approach to loading trucks efficiently. Experienced movers prioritize loading heavy items first, followed by lighter ones. She emphasizes the importance of correctly sizing trucks for moves to optimize space.

    Packing Tips:

    Listeners gain insights into effective packing techniques. Shari recommends packing boxes tightly, especially for fragile items like dishes and glasses. She advises against overly heavy boxes to prevent strain on movers and suggests labeling boxes by room for easier unpacking.

    Choosing the Right Mover:

    The discussion delves into essential questions to ask potential movers, such as years in business, insurance coverage, and crew availability. Shari underscores the importance of thoroughly vetting movers to ensure a smooth moving process, sharing personal anecdotes to highlight the significance of communication and reliability.

    Caring for Movers:

    Shari emphasizes the importance of caring for moving crews during the process. She provides tips on providing refreshments and snacks for movers to maintain energy, advising against heavy meals and suggesting quick, convenient snacks instead.

    Building a Reliable Crew:

    The conversation focuses on the value of maintaining a loyal and experienced team. Shari highlights the family-oriented approach to business and customer service, sharing testimonials praising the professionalism and dedication of Murry Transport's crew.

    Community Engagement:

    Listeners learn about Murry Transport's involvement in supporting local charities and foundations. Shari highlights participation in initiatives like coat drives and fundraising events, stressing the importance of giving back to the community and supporting charitable causes.

    Moving Industry Trends:

    Shari explains efforts to integrate technology into administrative processes for greater efficiency. She balances modern technology with traditional, personalized approaches to customer service, sharing experiences and challenges faced during the transition to virtual estimates and...

  • Join the Broady Windsor Group as they delve into the intricate world of condo ownership in this insightful episode. Seasoned broker and advisor, Mark Rossi, shares invaluable expertise to guide both buyers and sellers through the complex landscape of condominium purchases. From understanding condo fees and amenities to navigating management structures and legislative impacts, this episode provides comprehensive guidance for anyone considering a condo investment. Learn about the crucial due diligence process, the significance of bills 16 and 141, and practical tips for evaluating condo listings. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, this episode equips you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions in the condo market. Tune in to ensure a smooth and successful condo purchasing journey!


    The Broady Windsor Group presents a real estate podcast catering to homeowners, covering a wide array of topics such as mortgages, home maintenance, renovation, and community insights. In this episode, Mark Rossi, a seasoned broker and advisor from the Broady Windsor Group, shares his expertise on purchasing condos.

    Understanding Condo Fees:

    Condo fees are determined by the percentage of ownership in the building and cover various expenses including a contingency fund for necessary repairs, general maintenance, landscaping, cleaning common areas, and insurance. Low condo fees might seem attractive, but they can indicate inadequate funding for future repairs, potentially leading to special assessments.

    Key Considerations When Reviewing Condo Listings:

    Apart from location, buyers should carefully review condo fees, square footage, parking availability, and amenities. The percentage of ownership and the type of unit (e.g., penthouse vs. one-bedroom) significantly impact condo fees. Lifestyle preferences play a crucial role in deciding whether amenities justify higher condo fees.

    Management of Condo Associations:

    Smaller condo buildings may be self-managed, where decisions are made by condo owners themselves, potentially leading to short-term financial decisions. External management firms for larger buildings ensure professional oversight, financial stability, and proper maintenance.

    Impact of Bill 16 and Bill 141:

    These bills mandate building inspections by certified professionals to assess maintenance needs and financial audits to ensure sufficient funds for repairs. The goal is to protect condo owners from unexpected costs due to insufficient funding for essential maintenance.

    Due Diligence for Condo Buyers:

    Buyers must thoroughly review documents such as meeting minutes, budgets, and financial statements to understand the building's condition and financial health. Requesting information from the condo association provides additional insights into pending assessments, legal actions, and other pertinent details.

    Final Considerations:

    While a summary document like the Request for Information from The Syndicate is helpful, buyers should still review comprehensive documents to safeguard their interests. Examples like the importance of verifying the certificate of location for new buildings underscore the necessity of due diligence in condo purchases.

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  • Join us on an immersive journey into Quebec's vibrant wine scene with Lucas from Vignoble Souffle de Vie. Discover the unique flavours, innovative techniques, and passionate storytelling behind these exceptional wines. From misconceptions to creative winemaking, explore the fascinating world of Quebec wine culture in this engaging podcast episode.

    In this episode of the podcast, Scott sits down with Lucas Vlahakis - sommelier, from Vignoble Souffle de Vie to discuss his experience working at a vineyard in Quebec. We explore various aspects of winemaking, including techniques, misconceptions about Quebec wines, and the unique qualities of Vignoble Souffle de Vie.

    Discovering Vignoble Souffle de Vie:

    Lucas shares his journey of discovering Vignoble Souffle de Vie and his initial impressions of the quality and uniqueness of the products. Despite leaving a stable job, he was drawn to the potential he saw in the wines and the passion of the vineyard's owner.

    Misconceptions about Quebec Wines:

    Lucas shares common misconceptions about Quebec wines, highlighting the challenges of winemaking in the region due to its climate. However, he emphasizes the improvements in Quebec's wine industry and the potential for producing high-quality wines, especially whites.

    The Experience at Vignoble Souffle de Vie:

    Lucas reflects on the positive experiences customers have had at Vignoble Souffle de Vie, emphasizing the importance of providing a memorable experience beyond just the drink itself. He shares stories of customers' reactions and the gratification of building relationships with regular patrons.

    Developing a Palate and Exploring Wines:

    Offering advice for those looking to develop their palate, Lucas encourages experimentation and exploration of different wine varieties. He shares personal experiences of transitioning from casual wine consumer to wine enthusiast and emphasize the joy of discovering new wines.

    Unique Qualities of Vignoble Souffle de Vie:

    Describing Vignoble Souffle de Vie in a couple of words, Lucas chose "unique" and "creative," highlighting the unconventional approach to winemaking and the freedom to experiment with different styles. He discusses the balance between traditional techniques and innovative practices at the vineyard.

    Finding Vignoble Souffle de Vie:

    Listeners are invited to visit Vignoble Souffle de Vie during their operating hours from Wednesday to Sunday. They can find more information on the vineyard's social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

    The episode concludes with an invitation for listeners to try Vignoble Souffle de Vie for themselves! The conversation highlights the passion and dedication behind Quebec's emerging wine industry and the potential for growth and innovation in the future.

  • In this insightful episode, join our host in a conversation with Stefan, a roofing expert, as they explore the crucial aspects of maintaining a healthy roof for your home. Discover the signs of potential issues, the key components of an effective roofing system, and how to address common problems like ice dams. Stefan shares valuable advice on preparing for roof replacement, debunking common myths about warranties, and provides real-life case studies to emphasize the importance of informed decision-making. Whether you're a homeowner, buyer, or seller, this episode equips you with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex world of roofing and make informed choices for the longevity of your home.

    Stefan Milosevic and the Scott discuss the importance of roofing and how a well-maintained roof is crucial for a home's longevity. They emphasize the significance of addressing roofing issues promptly to avoid potential damages.

    Detecting Roof Issues:

    The conversation delves into methods for homeowners to identify potential roof problems. Stefan shares insights on signs of leaks, ventilation issues, and moisture in the attic. They stress the importance of regular inspections to prevent long-term damage and mold buildup.

    Roofing System Components:

    Stefan outlines key components of an effective roofing system, highlighting the roles of insulation, ventilation, and air intake. They discuss the impact of inadequate insulation, blocked soffits, and the importance of proper ventilation for preventing ice dams.

    Dealing with Ice Dams:

    The discussion shifts to addressing ice dams, a common issue in colder climates. Stefan suggests solutions, including ice dam removal, improving insulation, ensuring proper ventilation, and using heating cables as a last resort.

    Preparing for Roof Replacement:

    Stefan offers advice on preparing for a roof replacement project. He recommends seeking recommendations from trusted sources, joining homeowner advisory clubs, and understanding the roofing company's estimate process. The hosts stress the importance of building a relationship with a reliable roofing company.

    Common Myths and Misconceptions:

    Stefan addresses common misconceptions, including the belief that a lengthy warranty guarantees a roof's longevity. He clarifies the prorated nature of warranties and emphasizes the need for regular inspections, irrespective of visible leaks.

    Case Studies and Final Thoughts:

    The conversation concludes with real-life scenarios, highlighting the importance of thorough inspections. Stefan shares stories of roofs done incorrectly, emphasizing the need for informed decision-making. The hosts wrap up by encouraging listeners to do their homework, invest in reputable roofing companies, and stay informed about proper roofing practices.

    How to Connect with Stefan:

    Stefan provides various ways for listeners to connect, including their Facebook page, Google reviews, Instagram, and neighborhood lawn signs. The episode ends with a reminder of the value in choosing a reputable company for roofing needs.

  • In this podcast episode, Sean introduces Eric Cyrenne, a trusted mortgage professional with 17 years of industry experience. Eric dispels myths about mortgages, explores the advantages of working with a mortgage broker, and delves into creative financing solutions.

    Mortgage Specialist vs. Mortgage Broker: Debunking Myths

    Eric clarifies the difference between a mortgage specialist and a mortgage broker. He emphasizes the advantage of working with a broker who has access to over 60 lenders, offering diverse solutions beyond what a single bank can provide.

    Creative Financing and the Role of a Mortgage Broker

    Exploring myths about mortgage solutions, Eric discusses how a mortgage broker can cater to diverse financial situations, from subpar credit to self-employment. He highlights the flexibility of brokers in offering various lending options, including big banks, B lending, private lending, and even commercial solutions.

    Reverse Mortgages: A Growing Need

    The podcast delves into reverse mortgages, a financial tool gaining popularity, especially among seniors. Eric explains how reverse mortgages work, providing an option for seniors to access their home equity without monthly payments, allowing them to age in place.

    Pre-Approval Process: Importance and Common Mistakes

    Sean and Eric emphasize the significance of the pre-approval process and the common mistakes clients make. Eric provides insights into factors affecting mortgage rates, such as income, loan-to-value ratio, mortgage size, and credit score.

    Homework and Preparation: Key to Smooth Mortgage Transactions

    Discussing the importance of preparation, Eric stresses the need for clients to do their homework, including checking their credit reports before seeking a mortgage. He shares anecdotes about clients facing challenges due to overlooked details on their credit reports.

    Different Mortgage Products and Customization

    Eric sheds light on the variety of mortgage products available and the importance of tailoring them to clients' specific needs. He explains how mortgage brokers can provide personalized solutions, considering factors like income, credit score, and loan-to-value ratio.

    Understanding Mortgage Rates, Terms, and Payment Acceleration

    The conversation shifts to the complexities of mortgage rates, terms, and payment acceleration. Eric advises clients to consider flexibility in mortgage terms, portability, and payment acceleration options based on their financial goals.

    Renewal Mistakes and Rate Guarantees

    Exploring common mistakes during mortgage renewals, Eric warns against last-minute decisions. He explains the advantages of seeking rate guarantees when switching lenders and the protection it provides if rates decrease before the renewal date.

    Closing Remarks: How to Connect with Eric Cyrenne

    Sean expresses gratitude for Eric's valuable insights and highlights Eric's role as a mortgage advisor. Listeners are encouraged to reach out to Eric for personalized mortgage solutions and advice.

    Eric Cyrenne: (514) 704-8549, [email protected]

  • Join us in this enlightening episode as we dive into the captivating world of landscape design with Stephanie Bonin from Studio Bonin Design, a professional landscape architect. From water management strategies to emerging environmental trends, we explore the key elements shaping modern landscapes. Discover the latest trends in outdoor living spaces, uncover the secrets behind collaborative project success, and gain valuable tips for homeowners embarking on landscaping journeys. Whether you're planning a phased project or seeking expert advice, Stephanie's insights will guide you through the process. Tune in and envision the possibilities of transforming your outdoor space into a personalized oasis.

    Water Management and Environmental Trends:

    Stephanie discusses the importance of managing water on a site to prevent infiltration into basements. She highlights the growing trend of homeowners considering environmental factors, including native tree and shrub species. Additionally, the discussion touches on the evolving aesthetic trends in paving materials, moving from bumpy to flat surfaces and transitioning between gray tones and earthy, natural tones.

    Outdoor Living Trends:

    The conversation moves on to explore the rising demand for outdoor living spaces. Stephanie notes an increase in requests for covered porches, outdoor fire pits, and elaborate outdoor kitchens. The hosts share how well-designed landscaping can significantly enhance the value of a property, making it a smart investment.

    Collaborative Project Approach:

    Stephanie expresses her enthusiasm for projects that involve collaboration with various professionals, including engineers, arborists, and contractors. Stephanie discusses the rewarding aspect of creating outdoor spaces tailored to each homeowner's unique preferences. The conversation emphasizes the importance of proper planning and collaboration to address challenges in the landscaping process.

    Phased Landscaping Projects:

    Stephanie provides insight into phased landscaping projects, where homeowners work on different aspects over time. A master plan is emphasized, helping homeowners visualize the entire project and phase it according to budget constraints. The hosts discuss the benefits of having a comprehensive plan to guide the landscaping process.

    Tips for Homeowners:

    Stephanie offers practical tips for homeowners embarking on a landscape design project. She advises them to gather images of designs they like and create a wish list. Keeping tags from plantings is suggested to facilitate replacements or additions in the future. The hosts emphasize the importance of clear communication with a landscape architect to bring the homeowner's vision to life.

  • Join Megan and guest Me. Sevana Poladian, a seasoned Quebec lawyer specializing in real estate litigation, on this episode of the Broady Windsor Group podcast. Delve into the intricacies of legal warranty in real estate transactions, understanding hidden and latent defects, and the crucial role of due diligence. Gain valuable insights into the notification process for defects, seller's responsibility, and the remedies available for latent defects. Whether you're a homeowner or a prospective buyer, this episode provides essential knowledge to navigate the legal aspects of real estate.

    Legal Warranty in Real Estate Transactions

    Legal warranty, as per Article 1726 of the civil code of Quebec, obligates sellers to warrant that the property is free from latent defects affecting its intended use.Sevana emphasizes the importance of understanding legal warranty, a key aspect in real estate transactions.

    Responsibility for Defects and Notification Process

    If a buyer discovers a defect, they must notify the seller within a reasonable timeframe.The severity of the defect determines the reasonable delay; serious issues require quicker notification.The buyer has three years from the discovery of the defect to file a lawsuit against the seller.

    Seller's Responsibility and Bad Faith

    Even without legal warranty, a seller can be held responsible in cases of bad faith, where they intentionally withhold information about defects.Legal experts recommend opting for the legal warranty option due to its evidentiary advantages over proving bad faith.

    Hidden and Latent Defects

    In Quebec, the terms "hidden" and "latent" defects are often used interchangeably.Five criteria must be met to give rise to a legal warranty claim, including seriousness, hidden nature, unknown to the buyer, pre-existence, and proper notification.

    Court Procedures for Legal Warranty Claims

    Depending on the claimed amount, legal warranty claims go to different courts in Quebec: small claims court, Civil Division of the court of Quebec, or the superior court.Small claims court doesn't allow lawyers; above $15,000, a lawyer can be hired.

    Importance of Due Diligence

    Due diligence, though not explicitly in the legal code, is crucial in real estate transactions.A 1989 case emphasized the buyer's obligation to inspect and be aware of potential defects, setting a precedent for due diligence in real estate.
  • In this episode, Keith Matthews, Partner and Portfolio Manager of Tulett, Matthews and Associates, shares insights into real estate trends, financial instruments for homebuyers, challenges in the Canadian housing market, and his philosophy on wealth management.

    Real Estate Trends:

    - A record number of couples or individuals live in four-bedroom homes with no kids.

    - High demand for properties, but a lack of suitable options for young individuals trying to enter the market.

    - Challenges faced by active seniors in finding suitable housing options.

    Financial Instruments for First-Time Homebuyers:

    - Discussion on the First Home Savings Account (FHSA) and its benefits.

    - Comparison with the First Home Buyer Plan through an RSP.

    - Recommendations for sequence of deposits for optimal financial planning.

    Seniors and Equity Release:

    - Exploration of reverse mortgages as a financial instrument for seniors.

    - How individuals can tap into home equity through reverse mortgages.

    - Considerations for using home equity to maintain lifestyle in retirement.

    Current Real Estate Situation in Canada:

    - Analysis of the imbalance between housing demand and supply in Canada.

    - The role of immigration and municipal policies in shaping the housing market.

    - Challenges posed by the reluctance to embrace higher density housing.

    Wealth Management Philosophy:

    - Keith Matthews' philosophy on passive investing and timeless principles of asset allocation.

    - Emphasis on the importance of staying disciplined in investment strategies.

    - The role of diversification in managing risk and achieving long-term financial goals.

    Challenges and Solutions:

    - Recognition of the need for compromise and open dialogue in addressing housing challenges.

    - The impact of housing affordability on future generations and healthcare.

    - Urgency in redefining urban planning, transportation, and rezoning to meet growing demand.


    - The importance of continued discussions and education on real estate challenges.

    - Recognition of the vital role real estate professionals play in guiding individuals through market complexities.

    - Encouragement for individuals to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing dialogue on housing issues.

    Connect with Keith and become an Empowered Investor: The Empowered Investor BookWebsite - Tulett Matthews and AssociatesConnect with Keith Matthews on LinkedIn

    - Visit the website

    - Download a complimentary copy of the book, fourth edition

    - Tune in to the podcast available in English and French

    Closing Remarks:

    A big thank you to Keith Matthews for sharing valuable insights, shedding light on the complexities of the Canadian housing market, and providing a glimpse into his wealth management philosophy. Tune in for more discussions on the Empowered Investor Podcast.

  • Introduction:

    Overview of the episode discussing various aspects of plumbing. Special guest: Jason from Precision Plumbing, a trusted service provider in plumbing and heating.

    Types of Pipes:

    Discussion on different types of pipes: copper pipes, commercial-grade PVC pipes (Warbow, Upor), and Propess fittings. Emphasis on the shift towards simplicity and efficiency for time and cost savings.

    Complexity of Jobs:

    Importance of proper planning and sizing in plumbing jobs. Collaboration between engineers, architects, and plumbers to ensure correct installation and layout.

    Common Misconceptions:

    Warning against flushing non-dissolvable items like wipes. Personal experience shared by Jason on the challenges of unblocking drains filled with wipes.

    Exterior Plumbing:

    Importance of frost-free faucets in exterior plumbing. Tips on draining frost-free faucets properly to avoid freezing and bursting.

    Preventing Floods:

    Highlighting the significance of knowing the location of the main water valve. Recommendation to update old shut-off valves for easier operation.

    Water Conservation:

    Discussion on low-flow toilets and fixtures for water conservation. Stressing the financial impact of leaks and the importance of prompt repairs.

    Hot Water Tanks:

    Advice on being aware of the lifespan of hot water tanks. Recommendation to install a pan underneath to catch leaks and prevent basement damage.

    Water Damage vs. Fire Damage:

    Insight into the destructive nature of water damage compared to fire damage. Emphasis on addressing leaks promptly to prevent further property and health issues.

    DIY Plumbing:

    Cautionary advice on DIY plumbing, recommending homeowners stick to tasks they are comfortable with. Warning against working on old plumbing systems and the potential for causing floods.


    Recap of key points discussed in the episode. Encouragement for homeowners to follow tips and advice to prevent plumbing issues and save money.

    Contact Information:

    Contact Precision Plumbing on Facebook or call/text Jason at 514-209-3489. Join the Homeowners Advisory Club for access to a directory of trusted service providers, including Precision Plumbing.

  • In this episode, Scott is joined by Anthony Woo from Climatisation ACG a local HVAC company that is making a real impact in the West Island community. The episode begins with a discussion about Anthony's business philosophy and journey from working for a company to starting his own HVAC business. The key focus is on the unique approach to HVAC services and how Anthony's background in the restaurant business shaped his customer-centric approach.

    Community Engagement and Philosophy:

    Anthony highlights his 16 years of experience in the industry, emphasizing the importance of community and personal interactions. Mention of joining a Facebook community page, offering quotes, and going above and beyond to help community members with their HVAC issues. The philosophy of educating clients, outperforming competition through education, and the importance of being an HVAC advisor rather than a salesperson.

    Customer Testimonials:

    Recognition of Anthony's outstanding customer service, demonstrated by over 160 five-star reviews. Testimonial sharing an example of Anthony guiding a customer on fixing an issue themselves, reflecting the commitment to customer education.

    Technological Advancements in HVAC:

    Discussion on the evolution of HVAC technology, particularly in Anthony's region with high-performing heat pump systems. Comparison with the U.S., highlighting the unique challenges and efficiency benefits of running heat pumps in colder climates. Explanation of the cost savings associated with using heat pumps, especially in regions with severe winters.

    Community Giveback:

    Anthony's commitment to giving back to the community, participating in fundraisers, and contributing to community well-being. Recognition of the community's role in Anthony's success and the importance of reciprocating that support.

    Q&A on HVAC Technology:

    Exploration of common questions homeowners ask about HVAC technology. Emphasis on the innovative solutions available to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality in homes. Mention of government subsidies and loans for greener home initiatives, including HVAC upgrades.


    Closing remarks on the significance of staying informed about HVAC advancements, the value of community support, and Anthony's commitment to providing top-notch service.

  • In this episode, Sean sits down with Sun Ah Brock, founder of LUX decor, a full-service design firm, specializing in space planning, full renovations, custom millwork, kitchens & bathrooms, and everything decor-related. Learn what you should do to maximize the resale value of your home and hear about LUX's new decorating program and the difference between a decorator and an interior designer.

    LUX decor's 20th Anniversary Celebration:

    Sun Ah Brock, founder of LUX decor, shares her excitement about celebrating the 20th anniversary, which has evolved from a retail store to a comprehensive interior design firm.

    Evolution of LUX decor's Services:

    LUX decor transitioned from a retail store to an interior design firm in 2019. The current services include renovation, interior decor, and design choices for homes.

    Interior Design vs. Decorating:

    Sun Ah highlights the distinction between interior design and decorating. Interior designers focus on everything that stays in a home, including renovations, while decorators concentrate on items that can be taken out, such as furniture and wall art.

    Role of Interior Designers:

    Sun Ah emphasizes the importance of interior designers as advocates for clients during renovations, bridging the gap between contractors, tradespeople, and clients to ensure the desired outcome.

    Trends in Home Design:

    Current trends, including the preference for larger homes with all-in-one features. The discussion covers the balance between open concepts and designated spaces and the trend towards smaller homes with efficient layouts.

    Kitchen and Bathroom Trends:

    Sun Ah shares insights into popular kitchen and bathroom trends, such as walk-in pantries, larger and more functional kitchens, unique bathroom features like heated tiles, towel warmers, and modern toilet technologies.

    Basements and Backyards:

    The conversation explores the transformation of basements into valuable living spaces, catering to various age groups. Outdoor trends include requests for pools, full outdoor kitchens, and maximizing both indoor and outdoor living spaces.

    Design Preferences for Men:

    Sun Ah notes the increased involvement of men in design decisions, emphasizing their preferences for items like sofas and TVs, while women focus on home aesthetics.

    Current Design Challenges:

    The discussion touches on challenges like decision-making during renovations, staying on budget, and the importance of prioritizing home features based on personal preferences and lifestyle.

    Design Trends to Consider:

    Sun Ah shares insights into ongoing design trends, encouraging clients to explore beyond white kitchens, mix metals, and consider bold choices in paint and wallpaper.

    Community Building at LUX decor:

    LUX decor has created a design community with over 80 members, fostering collaboration, support, and networking among designers, emphasizing the value of community in the design industry.

    Upcoming Changes at LUX decor:

    Sun Ah reveals exciting developments, including a shift in Lux Decor's model to focus more on interior design services, expanding their physical space, and continuing to build and support the design community.

    Connect with LUX decor:

    Sun Ah invites listeners to connect with Lux Decor through their website, social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook,

  • The Montreal real estate market has been a topic of discussion lately, with concerns about the potential impact of mortgage renewals and the overall state of the market. In this episode, Scott & Sean address some of these concerns and provide insights into the current market conditions.

    Mortgage Renewals and Market Impact

    Potential Challenge: Homeowners renewing mortgages in the next 24-36 months might face affordability issues with higher rates.

    Speculation: Concerns about a potential flood of homes on the market and the impact on prices.

    Current Market Status: Active listings remain relatively low, with no significant increase seen since 2013.

    Mitigating Factors: Homeowners might cut discretionary spending rather than selling, potentially mitigating the market impact.

    First-Time Buyers and Market Inventory

    Potential Issues: Job loss or divorce might affect lead to an increase in inventory.

    Offsetting Factors: Expected rate decrease in the first or second quarter of the next year may bring more buyers back into the market and absorb additional inventory.

    Opportunities for Buyers

    Limited Inventory: Despite limited inventory, buyers may find opportunities as motivated sellers may negotiate reduce their price.

    Winter Opportunities: Buyers may secure discounted prices now and benefit from potential rate drops in the future.

    Considerations for Sellers

    Timing Decision: Sellers need to decide whether to list now or wait until the spring market, dependent on their specific situation and price point.

    Pricing Strategy: Crucial for sellers to align with market conditions and adjust pricing based on local trends.

    Importance of Pricing Strategy

    Key Factor: Pricing strategy is crucial for a home to sell quickly and avoid being perceived as overpriced.

    Market Awareness: Sellers should work closely with brokers to stay informed about local market prices and adjust accordingly.

    Preparing Your Home for Sale

    Home Condition: In the current market, the condition of a home is crucial; sellers should address maintenance issues, ensure cleanliness, and consider staging.

    Importance of Timing and Flexibility

    Strategic Timing: Sellers can strategically time their listings, taking advantage of slower winter months or waiting for potential market upticks in spring.

    Flexibility: Adapting to the market's current conditions is crucial for both buyers and sellers.

    Key Takeaways

    Transitional Period: Montreal's real estate market is in a transitional phase with concerns but also opportunities.

    Buyer Opportunities: Good deals and discounted prices may be available for buyers.

    Strategic Selling: Sellers should focus on pricing strategy, home condition, and strategic timing.

    Stay Informed: Both buyers and sellers should stay informed about the local market and work closely with brokers.


    Meet with a Broker: To learn more about buying or selling in the New Year, meeting with a broker early on is recommended.

    Homeowner Advisory Club: The Homeowner Advisory Club, offered by the BW Group, is a valuable resource to start the preparation process.

    Contact us at [email protected]


    (514) 516-1579 Scott Broady

    (514) 802-7326 Sean Broady



  • In the inaugural episode of "The Broady Windsor Group on Real Estate" podcast, Scott and Sean discuss their journey to design a new category of residential real estate services, and the subsequent launch of the Homeowners Advisory Club. They also discuss their motivations behind launching the podcast. They cover a wide range of topics related to homeownership, emphasizing education and empowerment for homeowners, beyond just buying or selling a property.

    Key Takeaways:

    The hosts introduce us to the Homeowners Advisory Club, a program aimed at educating, empowering, and assisting homeowners in making informed decisions about their properties. This includes providing advice on renovations, and maintenance, and connecting homeowners with reliable service providers.

    The Need for Informed Decision-Making: Scott and Sean emphasize the importance of homeowners having access to information that helps them make wise decisions, particularly in the areas of renovations and home maintenance. They highlight that many homeowners face challenges when navigating these processes, leading to frustration and costly mistakes.

    Moving Beyond Transactional Real Estate: The hosts discuss their commitment to going beyond traditional transactional real estate. They aim to position themselves as advisors to homeowners, offering long-term support and guidance throughout the homeownership journey.

    The Value of Context: They stress the significance of offering personalized advice and context to homeowners, rather than just providing information. This approach helps homeowners understand the nuances of their local real estate market and community.

    Local Community Focus: They emphasize their commitment to the local community by highlighting local businesses, amenities, and other community-related topics in future podcast episodes.

    Guest Lineup: Scott and Sean express their excitement about featuring a variety of professionals as guests on the podcast. These guests will include legal professionals, contractors, mortgage specialists, and interior designers, to name just a few. These experts will be sharing valuable insights and expertise with listeners.

    Making Informed Choices: They discuss the importance of market insights and keeping homeowners up-to-date with the ever-changing real estate market. Even homeowners not currently looking to buy or sell property express a keen interest in staying informed.

    Transition into Real Estate: Scott’s transition from his previous consulting career into real estate was motivated by a shared vision with Sean and the opportunity to change the industry's dynamics.

    Building a Team: The BW Group is excited to build a dedicated team aligned with its mission to help homeowners make informed decisions while redefining the real estate experience.

    This podcast episode sets the tone for future episodes, demonstrating the BW Group’s commitment to helping homeowners navigate the complexities of homeownership, creating a supportive community, and providing valuable insights for listeners.