
  • Overview

    Welcome back to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode, we’re diving into maximizing your time to improve your leadership potential. Hosted by Dan Dowdy, founder of Built for the Trades, this episode focuses on how time management and intentionality are key to both personal and business success. With lessons from both scripture and Dan’s personal journey, learn how to optimize your time, delegate effectively, and build a business that thrives while allowing you to focus on what matters most.

    DiscussionsUnderstanding the fleeting nature of time and how it affects leadership.Honoring strategic time blocks and avoiding burnout.Delegating tasks to focus on high-quality work that aligns with long-term goals.Practical steps to track your time and prioritize meaningful tasks.


    Remember, time is a resource that once spent, cannot be reclaimed. Be intentional about where you invest it. Like, subscribe, and share this podcast with someone who could benefit. And always remember—people want a leader that’s real, not one who’s always right. See you next time!

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode of the Built for the Trades Podcast, host Dan Dowdy discusses the importance of leadership development, focusing on how investing in future leaders within your organization can lead to long-term success. Dan shares practical tips on identifying potential leaders, overcoming the fear of investing in others, and the value of creating a leadership legacy—even when those leaders move on to other opportunities. The episode emphasizes the importance of treating leadership development as an investment that will yield a bountiful harvest for your business.

    DiscussionsThe difference between good and great companies: leadership and people development.Overcoming hesitation to invest in leadership development.Identifying future leaders in your organization. The value of mentoring and leadership legacy.The long-term benefits of investing in your team.


    Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Built for the Trades Podcast. Remember to keep sowing those seeds of leadership, investing in your team for long-term growth, and building self-operating businesses that give you the freedom to focus on what matters most. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this podcast with a friend, and as always, keep leading from the front!

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  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! Today we're tackling a crucial topic: how to overcome burnout in your business. Leadership is influence, and the better you are, the better your company and the people around you will be. If you've lost the passion you once had for your work, this episode is for you—I’m sharing five practical strategies to help you beat burnout and reignite your leadership spark.

    DiscussionsStrategies to Overcome Burnout in Business Leadership: Discover actionable tips to rekindle your passion and enhance your leadership effectiveness.


    Building a Resilient Team: Learn how to create a supportive culture that fosters growth and prevents team burnout.


    The Power of Effective Delegation: Find out how delegating tasks efficiently can boost your productivity and empower your team.


    Mastering Work-Life Balance: Explore strategies for setting boundaries and ensuring a healthy balance between your personal and professional life.


    Investing in Leadership Development: Understand why continuous learning and personal growth are crucial for preventing burnout and achieving long-term success.


    Thanks for joining us on this episode of the Built for the Trades Podcast. I hope the insights and strategies we discussed help you tackle burnout and elevate your leadership skills. Remember, by investing in yourself and your team, you pave the way for lasting success. Until next time, keep leading with purpose and passion!

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! Lets explore how embracing failure can pave the way to success. Drawing from over five years of coaching various trades companies, they emphasize that overcoming fear of failure and taking calculated risks are essential for growth. By sharing practical steps to move through failure, they aim to help entrepreneurs develop resilience and achieve their business goals.

    DiscussionsReflect and Analyze: Take time to understand why the failure occurred by examining contributing factors and decisions.


    Extract Key Lessons: Identify specific lessons learned and consider how to apply them to future situations for better outcomes.


    Implement Changes: Use insights gained to make concrete adjustments to strategies, communication, and goals to enhance future performance.


    As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that embracing failure is not about avoiding mistakes but about learning and growing from them. By reflecting on your setbacks, extracting valuable lessons, and implementing changes, you pave the way for future success. Keep pushing forward, stay resilient, and don’t forget to share this podcast with others who could benefit from these insights.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode, we dive into strategies for driving sales within your team, particularly in the trades industry. While systems and processes are essential, we must remember that consistent sales growth is key, and this often comes from fostering competition, fun, and team interaction. We'll explore three key areas to focus on: shifting the mindset from selling to serving, committing to regular and positive training sessions, and incorporating healthy competition to drive the results you want. Whether you’re managing home service technicians or any sales team, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you lead more effectively.

    DiscussionsMindset Shift: Changing the focus from selling to serving customers, which helps technicians feel more comfortable and confident in offering additional services.Consistent Training: Committing to regular, positive training sessions that focus on one new topic each week to build skills and confidence without overwhelming the team.Competition: Implementing gamification and healthy competition within the team to drive desired behaviors and sales outcomes.


    As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that driving sales in your team starts with shifting mindsets, committing to consistent training, and fostering a spirit of healthy competition. By focusing on these areas, you'll not only see an increase in sales but also build a stronger, more engaged team. Keep serving, keep growing, and keep leading your business to success.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode we're diving into three powerful steps to cultivate success in the team members you lead. At Built for the Trades, we believe that leadership isn't just a position—it's who you are. Whether you own a business, manage a business, or simply want to grow as a leader, you're in the right place. Today, we'll cover three key areas: anticipate it, articulate it, and reinforce it. I'll share lessons learned from my own career, like how I limited a technician's growth by not believing in his potential. Remember, your team will only rise to the level of your expectations. So let's dive in and learn how to set ambitious goals, communicate confidence, and consistently support our team's success.

    DiscussionsAnticipate Success: Discuss the importance of having a positive and ambitious outlook for your team members. Explain how leaders' expectations can influence the performance and growth of their team.


    Articulate Confidence: Highlight the power of verbalizing belief in your team's abilities. Share strategies for effectively communicating confidence and setting clear expectations.


    Reinforce Consistently: Emphasize the need for ongoing support and encouragement. Discuss the value of regular one-on-one meetings and consistent reinforcement to maintain and elevate team performance.


    Leadership is all about the mindset and actions you bring to the table. Remember, anticipate the success of your team members, articulate your confidence in them, and consistently reinforce those positive expectations. By doing so, you'll not only elevate their performance but also foster a culture of growth and achievement within your organization. Thank you for tuning in to the Built for the Trades Podcast. If you found value in today's episode, please like, share, and subscribe. And if you know someone who could benefit from these insights, don't hesitate to share this podcast with them. I'm Dan Dowie, and I'll see you next time—let's continue to grow together!




    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode we're diving into a common leadership dilemma: choosing between two positive options when setting goals for your team. I'll share five steps to help you make decisive decisions and set the right path for your organization's next quarter. Let's get started on navigating these choices and focusing on achieving progress over perfection!

    Discussions Seek Input from Others: Gather perspectives from mentors, coaches, and respected colleagues. Consider Delegation: Assess which option allows for more delegation and leadership elevation. Prioritize Customer-Centric Options: Choose the option that best serves your customers' needs. Align with Your Organization's Purpose: Ensure the chosen path aligns with your long-term vision and goals. Emphasize Progress Over Perfection: Focus on empowering your team and achieving steady progress.

    Remember, leadership isn't just about making the right choices; it's about empowering those around you and staying true to your organization's vision. If you enjoyed this episode, please like, subscribe, and share it with someone who might benefit from these insights. Thanks for tuning in, and I'll see you next time on the Built for the Trades Podcast. Keep striving for progress over perfection!

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode of the Built for the Trades Podcast, we dive into the crucial role of building genuine relationships with your team members. Discover how fostering these connections not only enhances team cohesion but also transforms employees from merely doing their jobs to truly wanting to work with you. We'll explore practical strategies for relationship-building, including the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule, and highlight how personalized interactions can drive a more motivated and engaged workforce.

    Discussions The Importance of Relationship-Building in Leadership: How cultivating genuine connections with team members enhances team dynamics and drives productivity. Transitioning from Positional Leadership to Relational Leadership: Moving beyond mere authority to inspire and engage employees through meaningful interactions. Practical Strategies for Building Strong Team Relationships: Effective methods for getting to know your team members and fostering a supportive work environment. The Golden Rule vs. the Platinum Rule in Leadership: Understanding and applying these principles to improve communication and leadership effectiveness. Utilizing Personality Assessments for Better Team Management: How tools like the Enneagram and DISC assessments can help you connect with and lead your team more effectively.


    Remember that true leadership goes beyond just managing tasks—it’s about building meaningful relationships with your team. Investing time and effort into understanding and connecting with your team members can transform your work environment and enhance your leadership impact. Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with others who can benefit from these insights. We look forward to seeing you in the next episode as we continue our journey of growth and leadership together.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode, we're diving deep into a crucial aspect of leadership: integrity. Imagine a pivotal moment in a project where a shortcut could save time and money but compromise quality—what would you do? Integrity isn't just a buzzword; it's the bedrock of trust, relationships, and exceptional teams, guiding us to do what's right even when it's tough.

    Discussions What does integrity mean in the context of leadership, and how does it differentiate a good leader from a great one?


    Share stories from the field as a technician and a leader where integrity was tested, and discuss the impact of choosing integrity over shortcuts in those situations.


    How does consistent integrity foster trust within a team, and what are examples of how integrity strengthens relationships and commitment among team members?


    Discuss common challenges leaders face in maintaining integrity and strategies for committing to integrity daily, especially when it’s inconvenient or difficult.


    Explore how integrity-driven decisions benefit the business in the long run and discuss the role of integrity in building a strong company culture and reputation.


    Through real-life stories and challenges, we've seen how integrity not only builds a strong company culture but also drives long-term success. Let's commit to embodying integrity daily, making principled decisions, and inspiring our teams by doing what's right. Don't forget to subscribe, like this video, and check out our sponsor, Project2Payment, for innovative solutions in estimating and invoicing for trades businesses.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode, let's talk about why staying current with plumbing standards is crucial for business leaders. It's about legal compliance, team safety, and delivering top-notch service. Join organizations like PHCC, invest in training, and follow industry trends. These steps ensure professionalism and customer trust. Thanks to our sponsor, Project to Payment, offering a free three-month trial for Built for the Trades listeners. Like, subscribe, and share with other plumbing pros. Stay tuned for more insights!

    Discussions Legal Compliance and Professionalism: How important is it for plumbing businesses to stay updated with industry regulations and standards? What are the potential consequences of non-compliance? Team Safety: Why should business owners prioritize team safety on the job? What measures can be implemented to ensure OSHA compliance and protect team members? Customer Experience: How does knowledge of plumbing standards enhance the overall customer experience? Can you share examples of how professionalism in service delivery impacts client satisfaction? Professional Development: Why is ongoing education and training essential for business leaders in the plumbing industry? What resources or organizations do you find most valuable for staying informed and improving leadership skills? Industry Trends: How do advancements in plumbing technology and techniques influence business strategies? What steps can businesses take to adapt to these changes effectively? Building a Culture of Compliance: What role does leadership play in fostering a culture of compliance within a plumbing business? How can leaders inspire their teams to prioritize regulatory adherence and professionalism? Sponsorship and Support: How can partnerships with industry-specific software like Project to Payment benefit plumbing businesses? What other tools or resources have been instrumental in streamlining operations and enhancing service quality?


    Staying ahead in the plumbing industry isn't just about fixing pipes—it's about staying compliant, ensuring safety, and delivering exceptional service. By committing to ongoing education, embracing industry standards, and prioritizing professionalism, you not only protect your team and clients but also elevate your business's reputation. Remember, leadership starts with staying informed and leading by example. Embrace these principles, invest in your team's development, and watch your plumbing business thrive. Stay tuned for more insights and tips to help you build and grow your business effectively.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In this episode, we dive into the critical decision of offering emergency plumbing services. We emphasize that providing halfway measures can damage customer trust and harm your business more than help it. To ensure you're prepared to handle emergencies with speed and professionalism, we present a comprehensive checklist. This guide covers everything from team training and dispatch systems to customer interactions and post-repair protocols, setting your business up for success in emergency situations.

    Discussions Prepare Your Team: Train employees in emergency skills and customer service, and create clear emergency protocols.  Efficient Dispatch System: Maintain a 24/7 emergency hotline and use GPS tracking for quick plumber dispatch.  Professional Customer Interaction:  Answer emergency calls quickly and courteously, and gather essential details about the issue.  Emergency Kit and Equipment: Keep vehicles stocked with necessary tools and parts, and have specialty tools for rare but critical repairs.  On-Site Professionalism: Technicians wear uniforms and carry ID, and follow safety protocols to protect everyone.  Effective Communication: Clearly explain the problem and solution, and provide upfront and transparent pricing.  Efficient Problem Resolution: Quickly identify the root cause of the problem, and perform repairs efficiently with high quality.  Post-Repair Protocols: Clean up the work area thoroughly, and follow up with the customer to ensure satisfaction.  Documentation and Record-Keeping: Keep detailed records of all emergency calls, and provide necessary documentation for insurance claims.   Continuous Improvement: Collect customer feedback for improvement, and regularly train your team on new techniques and technologies. 


    By following these guidelines, you can ensure your plumbing business is fully prepared to handle emergency situations with speed and professionalism. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also builds trust and boosts your business reputation. Stay committed to continuous improvement and high standards to stand out as a reliable emergency plumbing service provider.strategies and insights as we delve deeper into optimizing operations and achieving excellence within the plumbing industry.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! In today's episode, we delve into the critical importance of effective onboarding practices for plumbing technicians. Unlike the rushed hiring processes prevalent in the industry, where minimal qualifications suffice, we explore how thorough screening, clear expectations, and comprehensive support from day one can significantly enhance technician success rates. By implementing these practices, plumbing companies not only mitigate risks like customer theft but also foster a culture of professionalism and growth. Join us as we uncover the essential elements that ensure technicians are well-prepared and supported, driving superior performance and customer satisfaction in the plumbing sector.

    Discussions Thorough Screening: Background checks, drug tests, and reference calls help in hiring technicians who align with the company's values and standards. Preparation: Notify both the team and the new hire in writing, and prepare a checklist for essential items like technology, equipment, and uniforms. Clear Expectations: Define roles and responsibilities clearly in writing to avoid confusion and set the technician up for success. Ongoing Support: Regular reviews of the Position Agreement ensure that the technician understands their role and continues to grow within the company.


    Effective onboarding for plumbing technicians underscores the importance of investing in thorough preparation and continuous support to cultivate a successful workforce. Emphasizing clear communication, comprehensive training, and a supportive environment enables plumbing companies to enhance service quality and secure sustained success. Stay tuned for more strategies and insights as we delve deeper into optimizing operations and achieving excellence within the plumbing industry.

  • Essential Steps To Building a Successful Plumbing Business

    Release Date: June 18, 2024



    Welcome to the Built for the Trades Podcast! Today we're diving into the essential steps for building a successful plumbing business. Many startups excel in their trade and work hard, earning clients and revenue, only to wonder where all the money went. I’ll share not just what you already know, but what you wish you had known when you started. By understanding costs, investing in marketing, and managing finances effectively, you can set your plumbing business up for long-term success.

    Discussions Discuss the importance of knowing all your operating costs, including labor, materials, and overhead, to set accurate pricing and ensure profitability. Explore strategies for balancing competitive pricing with maintaining healthy profit margins to attract customers while sustaining your business. Highlight the value of establishing strong relationships with a CPA, attorney, and business banker early on to support your business growth and navigate challenges. Discuss the necessity of adding a margin to your base price to cover unexpected expenses and invest in future growth opportunities. Emphasize the importance of differentiating your business from competitors by leveraging your unique strengths and building a strong brand identity. Discuss the need to allocate at least 10% of your income to marketing efforts to reach new customers and expand your business. Outline the benefits of combining online and offline marketing tactics, such as social media, SEO, PPC advertising, and local events, to promote your business effectively. Highlight the importance of using accounting software like QuickBooks and hiring a bookkeeper to manage your finances efficiently and avoid costly mistakes. Explain the Profit First method for prioritizing profit in your financial management and allocating funds appropriately for expenses, taxes, and reinvestment. Stress the importance of staying updated with industry trends and being open to new strategies to adapt and ensure long-term success for your business.

    Building a successful plumbing business hinges on understanding costs, setting competitive yet profitable prices, and cultivating strong advisory relationships for support. It's essential to invest in effective marketing, adopt sound financial management practices, and embrace ongoing learning and adaptation to thrive in a competitive market. By focusing on these core elements, plumbing entrepreneurs can pave the way for sustained growth and long-term success in the industry.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the channel. Today, we're diving into a crucial topic: How to navigate the off-season for trades businesses. Whether you're in plumbing, electrical, HVAC, or any other trade, we all face seasonal fluctuations. In this episode, I'll share a five-point checklist to help you make the most of slower periods and ensure your business thrives year-round. Remember, it's all about mindset—embracing the off-season as an opportunity rather than a setback. So, let's get started and turn downtime into a time for growth and preparation!

    Discussions Ensure all your marketing channels—website, phone numbers, and customer chat forms—are fully functional to avoid losing potential business due to simple technical issues.                                                                                                     Prioritize and consistently follow up on unsold estimates, focusing on the highest value or the oldest ones first, to convert more leads into sales.                  Regularly check in with your existing customers to show you care and to offer additional services, maintaining strong relationships and uncovering new business opportunities.                                                                                           Use downtime to clean, organize, and maintain your shop, office, and tools, ensuring everything is in top condition for the busy season.                                  Utilize slow periods to train and coach your team on new concepts, reinforce existing knowledge, and improve their skills, preparing them for increased efficiency when business picks up.                                                                        

    Navigating the off-season with the right mindset and proactive strategies can significantly benefit your trades business. By checking your marketing, prioritizing follow-ups, engaging with customers, organizing your workspace, and training your team, you'll be well-prepared for the busy season. Remember, turning downtime into an opportunity for growth and preparation will lead to long-term success.

  • Overview

    Welcome back to the channel! Starting a plumbing business on a shoestring budget requires strategic planning, resourcefulness, and a clear focus on essential activities to get your business off the ground. Many tradespeople start their own business to gain financial freedom and control but often find themselves overwhelmed and stressed without proper planning. Today, I will share detailed steps and strategies to help you successfully launch your plumbing business on a tight budget, ensuring you avoid common pitfalls and achieve long-term success.

    Discussions Plan Your Business: Develop a simple business plan outlining your services, target market, pricing strategy, and financial projections, while ensuring you have the necessary licenses and certifications and choose the appropriate legal structure. Budgeting and Financing: Create a detailed budget covering startup costs and explore funding options such as personal savings, small loans, or microfinancing. Essential Tools and Equipment: Invest in fundamental plumbing tools and reliable transportation, considering cost-effective options like purchasing quality used tools and vehicles. Business Setup: Operate from a home office to reduce overhead costs and obtain general liability insurance to safeguard against potential damages or accidents. Marketing and Networking: Establish a strong online presence with a simple website and social media platforms, and actively engage in networking activities to build relationships with potential clients and collaborators. Operations and Customer Service: Utilize free or low-cost software for scheduling and invoicing while prioritizing excellent customer service to foster a positive reputation and encourage referrals. Growth and Scaling: Encourage customer reviews and referrals, form partnerships with local businesses, and stay updated with industry advancements through continuous learning opportunities.

    In summary, starting a plumbing business on a tight budget requires strategic planning, resourcefulness, and unwavering focus. By following these steps diligently, from initial planning to continuous learning, you can set the stage for success in the competitive trades market.

  • Overview

    Welcome to the channel, where we'll explore essential tips for achieving success in your plumbing business, drawn from my experience at Built for the Trades. Despite the challenges, applying these steps—like providing exceptional service, developing core values, managing finances, investing in training, building relationships, utilizing technology, and focusing on marketing—can significantly boost your business. Stay tuned as we dive into these strategies, helping you transition from being skilled in the trade to thriving in the business.

    Discussions Establish core values that guide your business practices, prominently display them, and regularly discuss them with your team to reinforce their importance and influence. Prioritize financial health by adopting the Profit First approach, which emphasizes budgeting and managing cash flow to ensure consistent profitability and financial stability. Continuously update your skills and knowledge by investing in training and certifications, which not only improve your technical expertise but also enhance your professional credibility. Foster positive relationships with suppliers, contractors, and industry professionals, as networking can lead to valuable partnerships, referrals, and resources that benefit your business. Develop a strong brand identity and invest in marketing efforts using online platforms to showcase your expertise, share customer testimonials, and attract new clients, ensuring your business stands out in a crowded marketplace.

    To achieve success in your plumbing business, establish and reinforce core values, manage cash flow effectively with the Profit First approach, and invest in ongoing training to enhance skills and credibility. Build strong industry relationships to leverage partnerships and resources, and embrace technology to streamline operations and improve efficiency. Focus on creating a strong brand identity and strategic marketing to attract and retain clients, positioning your business for long-term growth.

  • Overview

    Today on the channel, we're addressing a critical issue for plumbing entrepreneurs: effective day management. Waking up to reactive actions like checking social media or email can lead to stress and burnout. By taking proactive steps, such as organizing tasks and revisiting priorities throughout the day, you can regain control, boost productivity, and sustain long-term success in your business.

    Discussions Starting your day with proactive tasks like checking your calendar and making a prioritized to-do list sets a positive tone and puts you in control. Recognize that beginning the day reactively can increase stress and mental clutter, leading to burnout and unsustainable work habits over time. Establish a morning routine that includes reviewing your schedule and setting clear priorities to ensure a focused and productive start to the day. Continuously revisit your to-do list throughout the day, particularly at lunch and the end of the day, to stay on track and adjust priorities as needed. Committing to proactive daily habits will lead to better business management, increased productivity, and improved personal well-being, ensuring sustainable success.

    Managing your day effectively as a plumbing entrepreneur starts with replacing reactive habits with proactive actions, such as checking your calendar and prioritizing tasks. By understanding the negative impact of reactivity and implementing a structured morning routine, you can reduce stress and increase productivity. Regularly reassessing your tasks and maintaining proactive habits will lead to long-term success and improved personal well-being.

  • Overview

    Welcome back to Built for the Trades. I'm Dan Dowdy, and today we're exploring a common question among plumbing business owners: how to determine an appropriate salary. Before we dive in, I'd like to introduce our sponsor, Project 2 Payment, an invoicing software for trades businesses. Use code BuiltForTheTrades for 3 months free. It's crucial for plumbing business owners to balance paying themselves fairly while maintaining their company's financial health.


    Let's break down the steps to help you figure out the right number for your paycheck.

    Understand your personal finances inside and out. Understand your business finances inside and out. 35% laborStart as low as you can afford and put the rest aside into a profit account. Review and adjust your salary regularly based on changes in your business and personal circumstances. As your company grows and becomes more profitable, you may be able to increase your salary accordingly.

    Likewise, if your business hits a rough patch or you encounter unexpected expenses, be prepared to tighten your belt temporarily until things improve. Flexibility is key to maintaining financial stability as a business owner.

    And there you have it, folks! Determining your salary as a plumbing business owner is all about finding the right balance between paying yourself fairly and ensuring the success of your company. I hope these tips help you navigate this important decision. As always, thanks for watching Built for the Trades. Until next time, stay safe and keep plumbing!

  • Overview

    A fundamental aspect of effective leadership lies in establishing clear job expectations through a comprehensive position agreement, a document that eliminates ambiguity and fosters accountability. At Built for the Trades, we offer a sample position agreement to facilitate this crucial step. Furthermore, implementing a structured approach like the 3 strike rule for dismissals ensures fairness and transparency in managing team performance.


    Step 1: Ensure there's a signed position agreement outlining their role and responsibilities.

    Step 2: If a team member isn't meeting expectations, have a private 1-on-1 discussion, referencing the position agreement. Issue a Performance Improvement Plan outlining areas for improvement. Both parties sign it, scheduling a follow-up to track progress.

    Step 3: If performance issues persist, meet privately with a written warning form. Repeat step 2, but this time with a written warning. Both parties sign ittStep 4: If performance doesn't improve, issue a second and final written warning. Often, this serves as a wake-up call, prompting the individual to reconsider their position.

    Step 5: If there's still no improvement, proceed with final termination.

    Finally, don't forget to like and subscribe for more valuable insights.

    With these steps, you can navigate dismissals with professionalism and clarity, ensuring the smooth functioning of your plumbing business.

  • Overview

    Dan Dowdy from Built for the Trades outlines a six-step approach to hiring the right talent for a plumbing business:


    The overview provided is a summary of a video by Dan Dowdy from Built for the Trades. The video outlines a six-step approach to successfully hiring the right talent for a plumbing business. 

    Here's an overview of the six steps:

    Attracting the Right Candidates: Create job ads that reflect your company's core values and culture to attract the right candidates. Post these ads on multiple platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and local job boards.Screening Applications: Review resumes to assess candidates' job history and experience. Look at social media profiles to understand their personality and lifestyle.Phone Interview: Conduct phone interviews to assess punctuality, professionalism, and commitment. Ask about important qualifications like a driver's license, background checks, and drug tests.In-Person Interview: This step allows you to evaluate candidates' alignment with your company's core values and interpersonal skills. Have a team member observe body language and other soft skills during the interview.Reference Check: Contact previous employers to gather insights into the candidate's performance and work ethic. This helps validate their suitability for your team.Offer Letter: Send out an offer letter to the chosen candidate. Keep in mind the human aspect of hiring by considering the candidate's personal circumstances and how they might impact the work environment.

    These steps emphasize the importance of aligning candidates with the company's values and ensuring a good fit for both parties. By taking the time to properly vet and select the right team members, businesses can build a strong, successful team..