Jesus does what Adam, Abraham, Noah, and Moses could not – fulfills the law through His life, death, and resurrection. In this episode, we discuss how Jesus’ obedience brings us out salvation.
We read in Romans 5 that death entered the world through the sin of Adam, but we see how Jesus, the new Adam, brought life into the world, defeating the reign of death.
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God’s gift of grace through Jesus is free. Today, we discuss receiving Jesus’ free gift and contrast that with the cost of Adam’s sin.
In today’s episode, we talk about what it really means to be justified by the blood of Christ and what impact that has on our life with the Lord.
We begin in Romans 5, where we discuss the heart of the Gospel message: that Jesus died for us while we were still enemies of God.
Having revealed to us how He loves us, Jesus tells His disciples that His commandment is to love one another with that same Love.
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Jesus reveals to us that He does not love us with a generic, powerless love, but the very love that the Father has for Him. We see how receiving this love helps us to bear fruit.
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Jesus tells His disciples how crucial it is to abide in Him. In today’s episode we discuss how to abide and remain in God’s love.
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As we continue in John 15, we see that the main distinction between the branches is whether they bear fruit. We discuss how important bearing fruit is to God.
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We begin this week by discussing Jesus’ role as the True Vine and the Father’s role as the Vinedresser.
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On our final episode of the week, we dive into Paul’s beautiful hymn of Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to convict us about who Jesus is and what He did through the incarnation.
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Today, we see Paul instructing the Philippians on how to live a life worthy of the Gospel. He inspires us to walk in humility and put others needs before our own.
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In today’s episode, Paul encourages the truth to live from a place of unity, and we see how important unity is for the ministry and identity of the Church.
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Today, we see how Paul uses his time in prison to evangelize others and embolden the other members of the community. We discuss how it inspires us to change our mindset on our suffering and circumstances.
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This week, we begin Paul’s letters to the Philippians by discussing Paul’s prayer from prison for those he is leading, and how knowing God’s love helps us walk in righteousness.
Get your first copy of Pete Burak's booklet, What Must I Do to Be Saved? free! Visit the Renewal Ministries store and get your copy today!
As we wrap up the week of daily readings, in the Gospel we hear Jesus place a strong call of sacrifice of everything for the Kingdom onto his disciples. As we consider our own walk with Jesus, we pray to have the courage to deny ourselves and follow him to Calvary.
In today’s episode, we turn our attention to the Gospel of Mark where we see Peter making a messianic proclamation about Jesus, which leads to Jesus sharing with them what is to come.
Today, we focus on the Psalm response and practice using the psalm given to us as a way to offer praise and gratitude to the Lord throughout the day.
As we continue the daily readings, we start the story of Noah and witness how God begins to show us His plan of Salvation even from the beginning of man’s disobedience and corruption.
This week, we begin looking at the readings of the day from daily Mass. We practice together receiving the Word that God gives us through the liturgy as a source of our spiritual food. We start with the story of Cain and Abel in our first reading.
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