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    In this episode, we explore the crucial role of nonverbal communication in professional settings, examining how body language, facial expressions, and even silence can shape relationships and decision-making in business. Whether you’re in a high-stakes meeting or a casual conversation, understanding these unspoken signals helps you truly grasp what’s being communicated and ensures you respond effectively.

    Key Topics:

    Nonverbal Cues: Why nonverbal communication is as important as verbal exchanges in the workplace.Body Language: Tips on interpreting and using body language to convey confidence and trustworthiness.Facial Expressions: Insights into controlling your expressions to maintain professionalism and understand others’ emotions.The Power of Silence: How strategic use of silence can enhance negotiations and decision-making.Real-Life Applications: Examples of how nonverbal communication has influenced outcomes in business scenarios.Personal Stories: The hosts share experiences where nonverbal cues played a pivotal role in their professional lives.

    Takeaway Message:
    Mastering nonverbal communication can enhance your professional relationships and decision-making, making it an essential skill for business success.

    Next Episode Preview:
    In the next episode, we’ll explore the art of active listening and how it can further improve your interactions and business outcomes.

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    In this episode of the Business Builders Podcast, Brenton and Ron discuss the essential skill of having difficult conversations. They share practical strategies to approach these challenging discussions with confidence and effectiveness, ensuring better outcomes in both business and personal interactions.

    Key Topics Covered:

    1.Importance of Difficult Conversations:

    Understanding why avoiding difficult conversations can lead to bigger problems.How addressing issues head-on can improve relationships and workplace dynamics.


    Identifying the objective of the conversation.Gathering relevant information and understanding the other person’s perspective.Deciding on the appropriate environment and timing for the conversation.

    3.Arranging the Conversation:

    Tips for inviting someone to a difficult conversation without increasing their anxiety.The importance of clear communication and setting expectations.

    4.Conducting the Conversation:

    Maintaining a calm and open mindset.Framing the conversation positively and avoiding judgment.Using “I” statements to express feelings and concerns without assigning blame.Encouraging the other party to share their perspective and seeking mutual understanding.


    The necessity of follow-up meetings to ensure progress and address any ongoing issues.How to provide support and adjust the action plan as needed.

    6.Real-Life Examples:

    Personal anecdotes and examples from Brenton and Ron illustrating effective and ineffective approaches to difficult conversations.

    7.Resources for Further Learning:

    Recommendations for books on the topic, including “Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson, “Fierce Conversations” by Susan Scott, and “Radical Candor” by Kim Scott.
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    The recent CrowdStrike outage drew millions of businesses into a crisis, forcing many companies to enact their crisis plans. This event underscores how swiftly situations can arise that demand strong leadership in the face of a crisis. Today, we’re joined by PR expert Mark Williams from Hughes PR to discuss how we can prepare our businesses to handle these unexpected challenges and protect their reputations.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Understanding Public Relations:

    Definition and importance of PR in business.How PR differs from marketing and advertising.

    2. Building a Strong PR Strategy:

    Steps to create a compelling PR strategy.Importance of storytelling and crafting your brand narrative.

    3. Crisis Management:

    Techniques for handling PR crises effectively.Real-world examples of successful crisis management, including the recent CrowdStrike outage.Importance of having a crisis management plan in place.

    4. Media Relations:

    How to build and maintain relationships with the media.Tips for pitching stories to journalists and media outlets.

    5. The Role of Social Media in PR:

    Leveraging social media for PR campaigns.Managing your online reputation.

    6. Measuring PR Success:

    Key metrics to track PR performance.Tools and methods for evaluating the impact of PR efforts.

    Guest Bio:

    Mark Williams is a seasoned Public Relations professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry. He has worked with a diverse range of clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, helping them to build their brands and manage public perception. Mark is known for his strategic approach and his ability to turn potential PR disasters into opportunities for growth.

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    Ever feel like understanding what your team is truly thinking is a mystery? In today’s episode, Brenton and Ron uncover the power of asking the right questions to gain deeper insights. Learn how these essential types of questions can help you make better business decisions and foster a more open, communicative workplace.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Power of Questions in Leadership:Brenton and Ron discuss how asking the right questions can significantly enhance leadership effectiveness.Emphasis on moving beyond passive listening to active inquiry.Five Essential Types of Questions:Investigative Questions: Clarifying what’s known and uncovering root causes.Speculative Questions: Exploring possibilities and encouraging innovative thinking.Productive Questions: Focusing on execution and planning.Interpretive Questions: Understanding the relevance and impact of information.Subjective Questions: Revealing unspoken thoughts and feelings.Real-World Applications:Examples of how these questions have been used in various business scenarios.Insights from Brenton’s and Ron’s personal experiences in leadership and communication.The Role of Genuine Curiosity:How cultivating genuine curiosity can lead to deeper understanding and better decision-making.Ron’s mantra of “genuine curiosity” and its importance in effective leadership.Building a Question Bank:Encouragement for listeners to contribute to a shared repository of smart questions.Discussion about the HBR article “The Art of Asking Smarter Questions” by Arnaud Chevallier.Practical Tips for Leaders:How to integrate these five types of questions into daily interactions.Strategies for creating a safe environment where team members feel comfortable speaking up.

    Resources Discussed in the episode:

    HBR Article: The Art of Asking Smarter QuestionsBook: "That’s a Great Question" by Greg BustinLinkedIn Group: Business Builders Podcast Community

    Conclusion: By mastering the art of asking smarter questions, leaders can gain deeper insights, foster a culture of open communication, and make more informed decisions. Join us next time as we continue our series on effective communication.

    Call to Action:

    Join the discussion in our LinkedIn group to share your experiences and favorite questions.Check out the recommended resources to further enhance your questioning skills.

    Subscribe & Follow:

    Subscribe to the Business Builders Podcast on your favorite platform.Follow us on LinkedIn for updates and community discussions.

    Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for our next episode, where we’ll delve into the importance of non-verbal communication and how it impacts leadership effectiveness.

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    In this episode, Brenton and Ron continue their series on effective communication by focusing on the fundamental skill of listening. They discuss the significant role listening plays in building strong relationships, making informed decisions, and leading effectively. This episode is full of great examples and straightforward advice that demonstrate why listening is our most important communication tool in both work and life.

    Key Topics:

    Benefits of Listening:Understanding others betterBuilding trust and respectEnhancing communication effectivenessTechniques for Active Listening:Asking open-ended questionsProviding feedback to show understandingUsing silence effectivelyPractical Tips:The stoplight mechanism: Red (stop and listen), Amber (consider response), Green (speak)Preparing mentally before conversationsManaging distractionsBarriers to Effective Listening:Distractions and biasesThe tendency to plan responses instead of listeningImproving Leadership Through Listening:How understanding your team’s perspectives can lead to better decision-makingBuilding stronger connections and fostering a positive workplace culture

    Quotes to Remember:

    "When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." – Dalai Lama"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." – Theodore Roosevelt

    Resources Mentioned:

    Beyond BlueBlack Dog InstituteLifelineR U OK? Day


    In this episode, Brenton and Ron emphasize that effective communication starts with good listening. They provide listeners with actionable advice on how to improve their listening skills to become better leaders and communicators. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or anyone looking to improve their communication skills, this episode offers valuable insights into the art of listening.

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    In this episode, we're kicking off a new series on Effective Communication by challenging you to benchmark your current skills! Think of it as setting the baseline in a fitness test, where understanding your starting point is the first step towards improvement. In this series, we'll explore why sharpening these skills is beneficial and essential for any business leader. Effective communication can be the bridge between confusion and clarity, the answer to misalignment within teams, and the tool for forging stronger connections.

    Whether you're a seasoned CEO or a budding entrepreneur, enhancing your ability to communicate can transform the way you lead and grow your business. Throughout this series, we will focus on becoming not just good, but great communicators.

    Episode Highlights:

    Communication's Broad Impact: The discussion underlines how communication plays a pivotal role in business environments. It goes beyond mere exchange of information to shaping relationships and business outcomes.Sensory Insights and Analogies: Brenton uses Helen Keller’s challenges to metaphorically describe the consequences of poor communication in business settings. This powerful analogy emphasises the need for clear, impactful communication to prevent misunderstandings and foster a cohesive working environment.Listening as a Key Skill: Significant emphasis is placed on the importance of listening—considered even more crucial than speaking. The hosts discuss how effective listening can lead to better understanding and problem-solving within business.Interactive Self-Assessment: A unique feature of this episode is the interactive communication self-assessment led by Ron. This segment invites listeners to rate their communication skills in real-time, encouraging active participation and self-reflection.Future Topics Preview: Looking ahead, the series promises to cover a diverse range of topics, including public speaking, digital communication, and cultural sensitivity. Each episode aims to equip listeners with practical strategies to enhance their communicative abilities.
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    With the soaring cost of living and global uncertainties, prioritising our mental health has never been more crucial. In this episode, we're talking with Tim Bishop about the unique pressures in the construction industry and how businesses like his are focusing on developing their staff's mental fitness. A vocal advocate for mental health in the workplace, Tim shares his journey of overcoming a dark period in his work life. He offers insights on building resilience, supporting well-being, and navigating the complexities of our times with strength and clarity. Join us as we discuss strategies for building and maintaining the mental fitness of both ourselves and our staff.

    Episode Summary :

    The Unique Pressures of the Construction Industry: A discussion on the specific challenges faced by workers in the construction sector, including job security, physical demands, and the industry's historical undervaluing of mental health.

    Tim Bishop's Journey: Tim shares his personal experience with mental health struggles, providing a narrative of his dark period and the steps he took towards recovery. This segment offers listeners an intimate look at the realities of facing and overcoming mental health challenges.

    Developing Staff's Mental Fitness: Insight into how Tim's business is actively working to support the mental well-being of its employees. This includes practical strategies, programs, and initiatives aimed at building resilience and mental strength among staff.

    Advocacy for Workplace Mental Health: Tim's role as a vocal advocate for mental health in the workplace, including his efforts to change industry perceptions and encourage open discussions on mental well-being.

    Building and Maintaining Mental Fitness: Strategies and advice from Tim on cultivating mental fitness for individuals and teams. This includes daily practices, supportive workplace cultures, and resources for mental health support.

    Navigating Complexities with Strength and Clarity: How to approach the multifaceted challenges of modern life with a focus on maintaining mental health. Tim offers insights into managing stress, fostering emotional intelligence, and making well-being a priority.

    Conclusion: Strategies for the Future: Wrapping up the episode with actionable takeaways for listeners to apply in their personal and professional lives. Emphasis on the collective responsibility to support mental fitness in and out of the workplace.

    Join the Conversation: Encouragement for listeners to engage with the topic, share their experiences, and explore further resources on mental fitness and well-being.

    It's evident that the journey towards mental well-being is both a personal and collective endeavour. Tim's narrative of overcoming adversity, coupled with his proactive approach within the construction industry, illuminates the path for individuals and businesses alike to foster environments where mental fitness is not just encouraged but integral to the culture.

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    Welcome to the first Business Builders episode of 2024! This thought-provoking session revolves around the transformative lessons from one of our reading books from the holidays, ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’, by Bronnie Ware. As we embrace the new year, our hosts delve into how understanding life's deepest regrets can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

    Holiday Reflections: A look at how holiday reading, especially poignant books like ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’, can inspire new perspectives.Understanding Regrets: Discussing the common regrets people have at the end of their lives and the wisdom these insights offer.From Regrets to Resolutions: Exploring how to use these regrets as a foundation for meaningful New Year's resolutions.Living Authentically: Emphasizing the importance of living a life true to oneself, not one shaped by others' expectations.Balancing Work and Life: A conversation about the challenge of finding balance between professional ambitions and personal happiness.Expressing Emotions: Encouraging open expression of feelings to cultivate richer relationships and personal well-being.Cultivating Friendships: The role of deep, meaningful friendships in enhancing life quality and how to nurture them.Embracing Happiness: Discussing the choice to be happier and how this mindset can influence our daily lives and decisions.Practical Tips: Offering actionable advice on how to apply these lessons in daily life and business practices.

    This episode is a call to action for listeners to introspect, reassess life priorities, and make 2024 a year of authentic living and meaningful achievements.

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    Welcome to Episode 58 of the Business Builders Podcast, titled "Unwrapping the Complexity of Christmas with Samantha Young." This episode brings a fresh perspective to the festive season as we delve into the intricacies and challenges that Christmas presents for entrepreneurs and business leaders. Joined by Samantha Young, CEO of Human Psychology, we explore the nuanced aspects of balancing holiday cheer with professional responsibilities.

    Key Topics:

    The True Meaning of Christmas: We begin by discussing the deeper significance of Christmas beyond the commercial aspects, focusing on what truly matters during the season.Managing Holiday Stress: Insights into effectively managing the increased stress and expectations that come with the holiday season, particularly for those in leadership roles.Entrepreneurial Challenges During Festivities: Samantha Young offers her expert view on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face during Christmas and strategies to address them.Maintaining Mental Health: The importance of mental health during this busy period is emphasized, with practical tips on self-care and setting boundaries.Navigating Family and Business Dynamics: We explore how to balance family commitments with business demands during the festive season, including managing different expectations.Reflection and Goal Setting: This segment focuses on using the holiday season as an opportune time for reflection on the past year's achievements and setting goals for the upcoming year.Cultivating Authentic Festive Joy: Ideas for creating a genuinely joyful and meaningful Christmas experience in both personal and professional spheres.

    Additional Resources:
    Links to resources mentioned in the episode, including articles and tools for managing stress and achieving a balanced holiday season.

    Public Hospital in Australia and dial 000 in an emergencyLifeline Australia Phone 13 11 14 - 24 hour counsellingMensline Australia 1300 78 99 78Suicide Call Back Service Australia 1300 659 467beyoundblue Support Service (Australia) 1300 224 636SA Mental Health Crisis Numbers 13 14 65
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    What am I really doing this for? Have you ever asked yourself a question like this? It's a big-picture question, and at some point, we all find ourselves asking it. But how often do we actually take the time to ponder the question? Today, we're exploring the big-picture questions in our lives and how they help us find our Life-Work balance.

    Key Points & Highlights:

    A Relatable Query: The episode begins with a familiar scenario: an entrepreneur, amidst a flurry of activity, pausing to question their ultimate goals and purpose, sparking a broader discussion.Brenton's Personal Story: Brenton shares a moving story about a family emergency, a moment that led him to reevaluate life priorities, emphasizing the importance of family and personal connections.Ethics and Personal Values: The hosts delve into how our personal values and ethical beliefs influence life choices, especially when faced with difficult decisions.Diverse Perspectives on Life's Purpose: The episode examines various viewpoints on finding meaning in life, from philosophical discussions to personal growth experiences, inviting listeners to reflect on their own beliefs.The Significance of Social Connections: Drawing from studies like the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the conversation highlights how relationships play a vital role in our life satisfaction and happiness.Stoicism and Accepting Change: Stoic philosophy and the concept of life's transience are discussed, underscoring the importance of aligning our lives with true values and priorities.Exploring Personal Motivations: The discussion encourages listeners to introspect and discover what genuinely motivates them, beyond external achievements and societal pressures.

    In this episode, listeners are invited to pause and ponder the fundamental questions that drive their lives, both professionally and personally, encouraging a thoughtful exploration of what truly matters to them.

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    Picture a CEO at the helm of a thriving company, their decisions impacting their employees lives and sometimes their customers' lives, not to mention the future of their business. Now imagine that same CEO struggling to find sleep night after night. How will this affect the quality of their decisions and their ability to lead? This is the paradox that we unravel in Episode 56 of the Business Builders Podcast. Joined by Dr. Kristyn Kemp, a leading expert in sleep psychology, we delve into the vital, yet often overlooked, world of sleep for business leaders. Dr. Kemp brings her expertise to the table, offering strategies and insights tailored for those who find their sleep compromised by the demands of leadership.

    Main Topics & Key Points:

    The Crucial Link Between Sleep and Leadership: Understanding how sleep affects business leaders' decision-making, health, and overall performance.Addressing Common Sleep Challenges: Discussion on the prevalent sleep issues among business leaders and their impact on professional and personal life.Practical Sleep Improvement Techniques: Focusing on behavioural and lifestyle changes to enhance sleep quality, specifically designed for busy executives.The Balance of Work and Rest: Insights into the positive effects of good sleep on productivity, creativity, and effective leadership.Practical Advice for Better Sleep: Dr. Kemp shares actionable tips and relaxation methods to help CEOs achieve the rest they need to thrive.

    Unique Perspectives:

    Personal Experiences from the Hosts: Brenton and Ron contribute their own stories, discussing how sleep patterns have influenced their work and life.Expert Recommendations: Dr. Kemp provides specific guidance, combining her deep understanding of sleep psychology with the unique challenges faced by business leaders.

    Conclusion and Looking Ahead:
    The episode wraps up by reinforcing the importance of sleep in the life of a Business Builders. Upcoming episodes will continue to explore the theme of life-work balance, featuring insights from various experts and successful business professionals.

    This episode is a key resource for CEOs and business owners aiming to enhance their leadership through the transformative power of sleep.

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    Hey Business Builders, have you ever felt overwhelmed by the relentless demands of the 'hustle culture'? In today's fast-paced world, the importance of taking meaningful breaks has never been more crucial. So, in this episode, we're emphasising how prioritising rest isn't just about relaxation—it's about rejuvenation, innovation, and, ultimately, better productivity.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Necessity of Breaks: In a world where being "busy" is often celebrated, it's vital to understand the deeper implications of burnout and the need for genuine rest.Defining different types of breaks: Sustaining breaks are short, like weekends; rejuvenating breaks are a minimum of 2 weeks for full relaxation; micro-breaks are short afternoon periods away from routine.Common myths around not needing breaks: Some see it as a sign of weakness, but the body needs rest to recharge allostatic load and the mind needs breaks for creativity.Physical and mental health impacts: Without breaks one risks chronic stress, anxiety, burnout, addiction issues, and physical exhaustion from constant activation.Improved focus and problem-solving: Micro breaks refresh the mind so tasks take less time, and one can think more strategically with distance from daily routines.Developing empathy: Removing oneself from work pressures allows one to better understand others' challenges and concerns upon returning with less tunnel vision.Organisational benefits detailed: Reduced absenteeism, turnover, and improved productivity, engagement, decision-making and revenue in companies that pilot shorter work weeks and encourage breaks.Ron's Challenge to Listeners: Why it's essential to schedule deliberate breaks and how they can enhance your leadership and professional journey.Community Engagement: Engage with our Business Builders community to share, learn, and discuss best practices for integrating breaks into our busy lives.

    So join us as we discuss our experiences, valuable lessons, and practical advice on the significance of taking breaks. Because when it comes to business and life, sometimes the best thing you can do is to pause, reflect, and recharge.

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    Hey Business Builders, ever felt like you're constantly juggling work and personal life? We've all been there. After chatting with Samantha Young about burnout in the last few episodes, we realised that the key to avoiding things like burnout is understanding ourselves better and acting on those insights. In this episode, we talk about the simple stuff - taking a step back, thinking about what matters, and making sure we're looking after ourselves. Because when we're good, our businesses are good.

    Key Takeaways:

    Reflection: Taking time to think about our actions and decisions can lead to better outcomes.Life's Sprints: Life has its busy moments and its quiet ones. It's essential to manage both and know when to rest.Using a Diary for Life: It's not just work tasks that matter. Scheduling personal time and self-care is equally important.Using Technology: Technology can help in both work and personal life. Find out how certain tools can help you focus on what's important.Support Systems: Everyone needs support. Whether it's friends or professional networks, they can help guide us through challenges.Social Media's Double-Edged Sword: We discuss the difference between what we see on social media and real life, emphasizing the value of genuine connections.The Business of You: You're important. Learn how to put yourself, your health, and your happiness first to succeed in all areas of life.

    Join us as we share our personal experiences, the lessons we've learned, and practical tips to help you navigate the balancing act of life. Because at the end of the day, the most crucial business you'll ever manage is the business of you.

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    In this second part of our discussion with CEO and Clinical Psychologist Samantha Young, we continue to explore the intricate issue of burnout, especially how to handle it in the workplace and prevent its occurrence.

    It's a lot like figuring out how to manage your phone's battery - turning off those constant notifications, letting it recharge fully, and making sure it doesn't overheat from non-stop use. We'll talk about managing our energy levels, setting boundaries, and making sure we have enough time for downtime in our busy lives.

    In this episode, Samantha is going to walk us through it all. We're going to look at how Business Builders (Leaders) can make a difference in creating a work environment that takes care of mental health and supports everyone's wellbeing. So, get ready to learn about how to reset and recharge. It's all about moving from just getting by to really thriving in our high-speed world.

    Key Topics

    Recurrent Nature of Burnout: We delve into the cyclical nature of burnout and its implications for workplace well-being.

    Leadership's Role in Well-being: We discuss the critical role leaders play in cultivating a supportive work culture that prioritises employee well-being and enables recovery from burnout.

    Perception vs Reality: We explore the disconnect between leader perceptions and the frontline reality, shedding light on how this gap can contribute to workplace stress and burnout.

    Lip Service Policies and Token Programs: We examine the impact of superficial policies and programs on exacerbating stress and burnout, emphasising the need for genuine commitment and action.

    Toxic Behaviors to Avoid: We identify and discuss a range of toxic behaviours that contribute to a stressful work environment, including glorifying busyness, weaponising resilience, and fostering a crisis mentality.

    Initiating Conversations about Mental Health: We share strategies for starting meaningful dialogues about mental health in the workplace, breaking down stigma and promoting understanding.

    Understanding Mental Health and Well-being: We emphasise the importance of building a comprehensive understanding of mental health and well-being among all employees.

    Frontline Engagement: We underscore the value of leaders getting out onto the frontline, engaging directly with employees, and gaining firsthand insights into their experiences.

    Open Communication and Psychological Safety: We discuss how open communication can foster psychological safety, enabling employees to express their concerns and needs without fear of negative repercussions.

    Empowering Individual Well-being: We explore ways to empower individuals to take charge of their own well-being, providing them with the tools and resources they need.

    Addressing Inappropriate Behaviors: We highlight the need to deal with inappropriate behaviours quickly and appropriately to maintain a healthy and respectful work environment.

    Finally, we must remember that well-being extends beyond mental health. It encompasses sleep, exercise, fun, play, downtime, disconnect time, connection time, and focus time. These elements are all integral to a holistic approac

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    Welcome, Business Builders! This is the second episode of our Life-Work Balance series. Today, we're shedding light on a subject that's often experienced yet rarely discussed: Burnout.

    You've probably heard the phrase "burning the candle at both ends." It perfectly depicts what many of us feel compelled to do in the pursuit of success. We push ourselves to the limit, convinced that more hours, more effort, and less rest will yield superior results. But what transpires when the candle burns out, and the very endeavour we were once passionate about begins to feel like a poison to us?

    Burnout isn't merely about feeling tired; it's a state of chronic physical and mental exhaustion that can gravely impact your health, relationships, and business success. Ignoring it won't make it vanish; denial can lead to even more severe consequences.

    In this episode, we're joined by clinical psychologist and CEO Samantha Young, who brings a wealth of knowledge on navigating the delicate balance between passion and overload.

    Key Topics:

    Defining Burnout: We kick off with an overview of burnout - a gradual, draining state marked by exhaustion, detachment from work, and a decline in professional efficacy. If left unchecked, it can spiral into serious health disorders.Burnout's Impact: We delve into the ripple effects of burnout on productivity, decision-making, focus, and general well-being, including physical symptoms like chest pain, headaches, and cognitive issues such as forgetfulness.Burnout Amid COVID-19: The pandemic has intensified burnout, with remote work blurring the lines between professional and personal life. We discuss how excessive work hours and inadequate time off contribute to this syndrome.Warning Signs: We outline the red flags of burnout, including productivity dips, heightened irritability, frequent sick days, and missed targets.Workplace Role in Burnout: We underscore the crucial role leaders play in preventing burnout, emphasizing the need for psychological safety in the workplace and the legal responsibilities of business directors, owners, and CEOs.Personal Journey: Samantha opens up about her own battle with burnout, shining a light on the relief that selling a business can bring to overwhelmed entrepreneurs.Preventing Burnout: We explore ways to prevent burnout, from leaders setting a good example in self-care practices to delegating tasks, shifting mindsets, and creating personalized self-care toolkits.Support Resources: We share valuable resources for mental health support, including apps, Beyond Blue, and the Black Dog Institute. We also discuss the importance of seeking help from organizations like Lifeline and participating in initiatives like R U OK? Day.

    Remember, maintaining your well-being is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Tune in, take notes, and let's learn how to strike the perfect balance between passion and overload together!

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    Helping businesses find their new shape.

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    Imagine being seated in a quiet room, the soft hum of your laptop the only sound breaking the silence. Late night blurs into early morning as they often do when you’re an entrepreneur, business owner or busy executive. You glance at the clock: 3 AM. You should be asleep, but sleep seems like a luxury you can't afford.

    Meet Brenton, one of our hosts, a successful entrepreneur with a peculiar work pattern. His day starts late, around 9 or 10 AM, a leisurely morning filled with casual conversations and networking. But as the clock strikes 1 PM, he transforms into a powerhouse of productivity, working till the wee hours of the morning.

    On the other side of town, Ron, our other host, is already up and about, greeting the sunrise with an invigorating morning ride. An early bird by nature, he believes that his morning exercise sets the tone for the rest of his productive day.

    Brenton and Ron are two individuals with starkly different work patterns but bound by a common thread - the quest for life-work balance. They've realised this balance isn't a one-size-fits-all concept; it's as unique as the individual seeking it. And it's not always about maintaining a perfect equilibrium; sometimes, it's about finding a rhythm that works for you over time.

    In today's episode of the Business Builders Podcast, we delve into this complex topic of life-work balance, exploring its nuances through the personal experiences of our hosts, Brenton Gowland and Ron Tomlian. We tackle the definition of success, discuss the sacrifices often made in the pursuit of business goals, and reflect on the impact of work habits on personal relationships and overall well-being.

    Main Topics & Key Points:

    Reframing Work-Life Balance: We challenge the conventional idea of work-life balance by introducing the concept of Life-Work balance. "Work is a part of life, not the whole life," we say, emphasising that our existence isn't confined to our work alone.Personal Stories & Experiences: We share anecdotes from our lives, including one host's journey to prioritise family and take regular holidays. "The decision to put family first wasn't easy, but it was necessary," they share.Sacrifices & Responsibilities: We shed light on the often unseen sacrifices made by business owners and leaders, who carry the weight of their businesses' success on their shoulders.Redefining Success: We question the traditional perspective of success, urging listeners to define what success means to them personally.Work-life Struggles Among Business Owners: We discuss the struggles faced by a member of our tech group, highlighting the common struggle of achieving work-life balance among entrepreneurs.Impact of Work & Sleep Patterns on Relationships: One host shares their experience of how work and sleep patterns can impact relationships, emphasising the importance of self-awareness.Importance of Self-care: We emphasise the need for a balance between work and personal life and highlight the importance of self-care.

    What's Coming Next in This Series:

    In future episodes of this series, we'll delve deeper into the concept of Life-Work Balance. We've arranged interviews with experts in the field and successful business leaders who will share their insights and experiences. Their advice w

    Business Builders Podcast
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    Helping businesses find their new shape.

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    In this episode, we're celebrating a milestone—it's our 50th episode! And in light of this, we're exploring one of our most recommended transformative business practices with you all—The Daily Huddle.

    We will be unpacking the concept of the daily huddle, a structured, focused, and time-bound meeting that's designed to supercharge communication and coordination within organisations. We'll share our personal experiences with this practice, highlighting its benefits and addressing potential challenges.

    A typical Daily Huddle is a brisk 10 to 15-minute meeting involving a small group of five or six people. It's a platform for discussing yesterday's triumphs, today's tasks, and any potential hurdles on the horizon. It's all about making sure everyone is on the same wavelength and fostering synergy among the team.

    We'll also touch on how businesses of all sizes can implement daily huddles, emphasising different methods of cascading information based on your organisation's size. Plus, we'll explore various formats for these meetings, from traditional face-to-face gatherings to digital platforms like Slack or video conferencing tools.

    Ron and I will stress the importance of routine and discipline in these huddles, showing how they can lead to time-saving, boost productivity, and put an end to unstructured, aimless meetings. We'll discuss how daily huddles create a two-way information flow within the business, promoting a deeper understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities and encouraging further exploration if something seems off.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Effective Communication in Business: Both Ron and Brenton emphasize the importance of communication and getting everyone on the same page in a business. They discuss how improving communication is often identified as an area for improvement in businesses.The Daily Huddle: Ron introduces the concept of the daily huddle, also known as the toolbox meeting. This regular, focused meeting at the start of every day is designed to improve communication within organizations. The hosts recommend cascading these meetings from the top to the bottom of the organization.The Agenda of a Daily Huddle: The daily huddle should be short (10-15 minutes) and focus on achievements, tasks for the day, and anticipated challenges.Routine and Structure in Business: Regular meetings with set agendas can save time and prevent unnecessary meetings. The hosts discuss three essential meetings for running a business: operations, sales and marketing, and strategy.Importance of Face-to-Face Communication: Daily huddles with staff create a network for information flow within the business. Face-to-face communication allows for a better understanding of others' emotions and work lives.Action-Based Daily Meetings: Daily meetings should be action-based and coordinated by a designated person. Asking specific questions like "What did we do yesterday?" and "What are my blockers?" can lead to productive discussions and problem-solving.Join the Conversation: Ron and Brenton announce the creation of a LinkedIn group for the Business Builders podcast, where listeners can provide feedback and join the conversation.

    In this special episode, we'll show you how to make your daily huddles action-oriented, coordinated by a desig

    Business Builders Podcast
    A LinkedIn group for listeners of the Business Builders Podcast.

    Helping businesses find their new shape.

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    In this episode of the Business Builders Podcast, we explore the role of marketing insights in driving business growth. We discuss the significance of curiosity in unravelling valuable insights that shape decision-making and customer-centric strategies. Our hosts, Brenton Gowland and Ron Tomlian provide actionable advice on leveraging curiosity to improve your marketing approach.

    The key in this episode:

    Understanding Marketing Insights: We explore what makes a marketing insight and how it differs from mere data. It's all about asking the right questions ("So what?" and "Why?") and understanding your customers on a deeper level. Developing Insights: We discuss practical strategies for developing insights, starting with your existing knowledge, verifying them through qualitative research, and testing hypotheses with quantitative research.Insights & Decision Making: We highlight the importance of sharing insights across an organization, particularly with leadership, to influence decision-making and better meet customer needs.Actionable Insights: We stress the need not just to collect data but use insights to modify your products, services, and marketing strategies. It's all about being more effective at solving customer problems.Curiosity & Customer Perspective: We underline the importance of curiosity and bringing the customer perspective into your organization. This means asking questions to understand their problems and experiences and making customer needs a priority in your thinking.

    Notable Quote:
    "An insight is where one of your friends might come and tell you what's being said about you behind your back or give you their perspective about your behaviour, or something that's going on in someone else's life that makes you realize you should act differently around them." - Brenton Gowland.

    So join us for this episode as we discuss the profound impact of curiosity in marketing and how harnessing the power of insights can help us make better strategic decisions.

    Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review to let us know your thoughts!

    Helping businesses find their new shape.

    SA Business Builders
    Business leaders social group based in South Australia

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    In this enlightening episode, we sit down with Sim Penzo, Co-Founder of Codefish Studio, who took the bold step of transitioning his business to a 4-day workweek in 2022. Join us as Sim shares insights about how this change has improved work-life balance, boosted productivity, and given them a competitive edge in hiring.

    Key Takeaways:

    Work-Life Balance: Discover how a 4-day workweek can enhance work-life balance, especially for employees with young families.

    Competitive Hiring Advantage: Learn how offering a shorter workweek can make your company more attractive to potential hires.

    Increased Productivity: Sim shares how focusing on outcomes and minimizing waste has led to a more productive team, despite working fewer days.

    Client Concerns: Explore how to manage and address initial client concerns regarding support and deadlines.

    Success Tips: Gain practical tips on ensuring you have a reliable team, automating processes, and anticipating client concerns before making the switch to a 4-day workweek.

    Quotable Moments:

    "AI doesn't necessarily need to replace us. But AI can augment our abilities, augment what we're doing so that we can get our staff doing jobs that are of more value to them and our clients.”

    “Everyone was keen to have more time at home and just work less. I don't think why someone would think is a bad idea.”

    “If they don't finish everything that I said they would have by Thursday, they, everyone brings their MacBook at home. And if they have a time in between family and other stuff on Friday, they'd just be working from home and finish off what they had to do.”


    Whether you're considering a shift to a 4-day workweek or just curious about different work models, this episode is packed with valuable insights from a business leader who's been there. Tune in to learn how a 4-day workweek could revolutionise your business.

    Helping businesses find their new shape.

    SA Business Builders
    Business leaders social group based in South Australia

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    In this insightful episode of the Business Builders podcast, we're joined by renowned futurist Craig Rispin. We delve deep into the realm of emerging technologies and explore how they could reshape the business landscape. Craig shares his expert insights on how to prepare for these inevitable changes today.

    Key Points Discussed:

    The importance of understanding the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on the business world.The role of emerging technologies like AI, VR/AR, and synthetic biology in driving productivity and innovation in businesses.The urgent need for businesses to adapt to technological advancements or risk becoming irrelevant.Practical ways businesses can embrace change, including deploying AI, adopting new apps, leveraging reverse mentors, and building university partnerships.Craig's views on the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with advanced AI.

    Quotes from the Episode:

    “The most exciting technologies to me are based on the fourth industrial revolution.” - Craig Rispin“The next billionaires are going to be three people and AI and that’s it.” - Craig Rispin citing Peter Diamandis“There will be two types of firms: those who exploit the opportunity of AI and the ones that are out of business.” - Craig Rispin“Technology always precedes legislation.” - Craig Rispin on the universal law of technology“The world has changed, and you're just keeping on doing what you did last quarter or last year, or three years ago, or 10 years ago. You can't do that and think you could be competitive.” - Craig Rispin

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone keen on staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving business world. Join us as we navigate the future of business with Craig Rispin and learn how to adapt and thrive amidst technological change.

    Next Episode Teaser:
    Don't miss our next episode where we discuss implementing a four-day work week. An exciting conversation you won't want to miss!

    Remember to subscribe to the Business Builders podcast for more insights from industry experts and thought leaders.

    Helping businesses find their new shape.

    SA Business Builders
    Business leaders social group based in South Australia

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