
  • In this episode, Jaime Gennaro, founder of Practica Consulting, dives deep into high achievers' unique challenges and strengths. Whether you're launching a business, growing an existing one, or navigating a career change, Jaime's insights can help you leverage your high-achieving nature to reach your goals without falling into the trap of self-criticism.

    Key Takeaways:

    High achievers often face internal battles with self-criticism; recognizing and reframing these thoughts is crucial.Understanding your own strengths and how to leverage them in the right environment can lead to greater success and satisfaction.Leadership and autonomy play significant roles in allowing high achievers to perform at their best.

    Topics Covered:

    The High Achiever’s Dilemma

    Harnessing High Achiever Energy

    The Importance of Self-Reflection

    Navigating Career Transitions

    Leadership and Autonomy

    If you’re a high achiever struggling with self-criticism or navigating a career change, reach out to Jaime for personalized coaching and support.

    Leave us a review:

    Don't miss an episode! Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform and please leave us a review!

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call or email Jaime to ask about your business challenges or to determine whether coaching is what you need to reach the next level.


    [email protected] Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro
  • Welcome back! In this episode, we delve into the often-overlooked yet fundamental aspect of business success: intuition. Learn how trusting your gut can lead to more aligned and satisfying decisions, whether in business or daily life. We'll explore the importance of building trust and belief in yourself and your business, sharing personal stories and practical tips to help you strengthen your intuitive muscle.

    Discover how to start small, tuning into your instincts on everyday choices, and gradually build the confidence to make bigger, more impactful decisions. We'll discuss balancing instinct with data, overcoming fear, and the benefits of grounding your intuition in real-world experiences.

    Join us as we navigate the journey from doubt to trust, showing that you don't need to be perfect to achieve success. Tune in and learn how to harness the power of your intuition for a more fulfilling and successful business life.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call or email Jaime to ask about your business challenges or to determine whether coaching is what you need to reach the next level.


    [email protected] Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro
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  • Humans. Music. Let's talk about taking your business to a new level without the suits and without being a robot. Here, you can be yourself, you can be imperfect, you can be flawed, and you can still have raging success. So let's go.

    In this episode, Jaime opens up about her personal struggles with her immune system disorder, which has affected her voice. She shares her love for singing and how it helps her clear her mind and voice. However, the main focus of the episode is on the powerful emotion of shame.

    Jaime discusses how shame is often triggered by past regrets and how it can be paralyzing. She emphasizes the importance of facing shame head-on rather than running away from it. By confronting shame, you can develop tools to manage it and prevent it from affecting your future actions.

    Jaime shares real-life examples, including a client's experience of not fulfilling a promise and her own struggle with overspending. She explains how honesty and accountability are crucial in overcoming shame and making positive changes in your life and business.

    By taking inventory of the areas in your life that trigger shame, you can start to make changes and align your actions with your values. Jaime highlights the immediate benefits of facing shame, such as increased confidence and new opportunities.

    Join Jaime as she encourages you to confront your fears, take action, and create a more successful and fulfilling business. Remember, it may be tough, but the rewards on the other side are worth it.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call or email Jaime to ask about your business challenges or to determine whether coaching is what you need to reach the next level.


    [email protected] Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro
  • Welcome to another episode of Business for Humans. We're celebrating our first year of podcasting and diving into crucial business topics. Today, we explore the delicate balance of client relationships and how to grow your business without relying too heavily on one major client.

    Our host shares personal experiences and insights on managing a business, from the initial dream to the reality of handling significant clients. We discuss the importance of diversification, understanding when a client no longer aligns with your business, and how to address these issues professionally and respectfully.

    Discover strategies to overcome fear, guilt, and the challenges of pivoting your business direction. Learn the value of open communication with clients and the importance of preparing for transitions to ensure stability and continued growth.

    This episode is packed with practical advice for business owners at any stage, emphasizing the human side of business and fostering successful, long-term relationships. Tune in and take your business to new heights while staying true to yourself.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call or email Jaime to ask about your business challenges or to determine whether coaching is what you need to reach the next level.


    [email protected] Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro
  • Welcome to Business for Humans with Jaime Gennaro, business coach and consultant. Jaime works with budding entrepreneurs and CEOs of established companies to drive growth and success.

    In this episode, Jaime Gennaro not only emphasizes the importance of client retention but also provides practical strategies that you can implement immediately. Re-energizing your existing client relationships can significantly impact your business growth and profitability.

    Jaime shares insights from her own experience and offers actionable strategies to keep clients engaged, satisfied, and coming back for more.

    Listen in to learn how you can create lasting value for your clients and boost your bottom line.

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:

    Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound Studio

    Music by Luca Gennaro

  • In this episode, we dive deep into the pervasive scarcity mindset that many of us grapple with, especially those with a strong work ethic ingrained from a young age. Inspired by personal experiences living in the Netherlands and reflecting on cultural differences in holidays and work-life balance, host and business coach Jaime Gennaro explores how to shift from a scarcity-driven approach to one of abundance and joy.

    Key Takeaways:Embrace Cultural Differences: Learn from different cultural approaches to work and rest, such as how the Dutch handle holidays compared to Americans.Identify Scarcity Thinking: Recognize when you're operating from a place of scarcity and how it affects your productivity and happiness.Organize and Plan: Develop a clear, organized plan for your goals to reduce anxiety and create a sense of accomplishment.Focus on Joy and Passion: Engage in activities that bring you joy and passion, rather than those driven by guilt or obligation.Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals that allow you to celebrate progress without feeling overwhelmed.

    Feeling overwhelmed by the constant push to do more? Tune in to this episode and discover practical strategies to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Share your thoughts and experiences with us on social media using #BusinessforHumansPodcast.

    Connect with Us:Website: practica.consultingInstagram: @practica.coachingYouTube: @practicaconsulting
  • Jaime Bancroft Gennaro, host of Business for Humans, is a growth consultant + business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and thriving businesses.

    In this episode, we delve into the concept of leadership energy. Leadership energy isn't confined to traditional leadership roles, it’s about embodying confidence, setting boundaries, and managing thoughts and emotions effectively. Let's explore how you can cultivate this energy in your personal and professional life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Breaking Stereotypes: Leadership isn't about ego, power, or aggression. It's not limited to hierarchical positions. Instead, it's about embodying confidence and authenticity.Confidence: True confidence stems from the willingness to fail and the ability to thrive despite setbacks. It's about showing up authentically, even in the face of uncertainty.Setting Boundaries: Boundaries are essential for clear communication and effective collaboration. Leaders know their capacity and confidently delegate tasks, avoiding overcommitment.Mindset Cleanup: Leaders take ownership of their thoughts and emotions. Instead of blaming others, they focus on problem-solving and maintaining a positive mindset.

    Ready to dive deeper into leadership and boundary-setting best practices? Join Jaime’s Authentic Leadership webinar on May 14th at 4pm CEST. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to establish healthy boundaries and thrive in both your personal and professional life. Don't miss out on this transformative opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a more fulfilling life. Register for the webinar today and embark on a journey towards authenticity and empowerment.

    Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/authentic-leadership-tickets-888507097647

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Jaime Bancroft Gennaro, host of Business for Humans, is a growth consultant + business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and thriving businesses.

    In this episode, Jaime focuses on the crucial topic of boundaries, exploring how they impact leadership, teamwork, personal life, and relationships. Discover the significance of setting firm boundaries, recognizing your personal red flags, and effectively communicating your needs.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Boundaries: Boundaries are not merely a buzzword; they are essential at every level, from leadership roles to personal relationships.Self-Responsibility: It's crucial to recognize that establishing boundaries starts with oneself. Taking ownership of your boundaries is the first step towards fostering a healthy work-life balance.Red Flags: Learn to identify red flags indicating boundary violations, such as disrupted sleep, poor eating habits, and increased stress levels.Effective Communication: Communicating your boundaries assertively and kindly is key to maintaining healthy relationships and work dynamics.Fear and Resistance: Explore the underlying fears and resistance that hinder boundary setting, and empower yourself to overcome them.

    Ready to dive deeper into leadership and boundary-setting best practices? Join Jaime’s Authentic Leadership webinar on May 14th at 4pm CEST. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to establish healthy boundaries and thrive in both your personal and professional life. Don't miss out on this transformative opportunity to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a more fulfilling life. Register for the webinar today and embark on a journey towards authenticity and empowerment.

    Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/authentic-leadership-tickets-888507097647

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • In this episode of Business for Humans, Jaime takes a departure from the usual business talk to delve into the realm of meditation and personal alignment. With a focus on guiding listeners through a meditation journey, the episode explores the concept of finding purpose and direction amidst feelings of being stuck.

    Jaime shares insights on the power of guided meditation as a tool for reconnecting with one's intuition and inner wisdom. Through gentle guidance, listeners are encouraged to embrace their thoughts without judgment and allow themselves to fully experience the present moment.

    Building upon this foundation of inner peace and alignment, listeners are encouraged to explore three metaphorical doors representing different paths in life. Through this visualization exercise, listeners are invited to embrace the unknown and trust in their intuition as they step into new opportunities.

    The episode concludes with a reminder of the power of self-trust and the ability to create positive change in one's life. Listeners are encouraged to carry the feelings of alignment and empowerment with them as they navigate their journey forward.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Navigating Productivity Through Feelings

    On this episode of Business for Humans, with Jaime Gennaro, we dive deep into the complexities of human emotions and how they intersect with productivity.

    Jaime explores the concept of unproductive emotions and how they impact our daily lives. She discusses:

    How unproductive emotions such as worry, drain our energy and force us to focus on future uncertainties.Productive emotions are active, often leading us to healing and growth.Fear is both protective and a hindrance when it prevents us from taking necessary risks. Whe faced with fear, make sure you are considering the best-case scenarios next to the worst-case.

    By embracing emotions you can find the balance between discomfort and positive outcomes.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Navigating Entrepreneurship: From Redundancy to Reinvention

    In this episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of Lisa Colledge, of Lisa Colledge Consulting, who transitioned from corporate life to entrepreneurship after facing redundancy. Lisa shares her story of embracing change, building community, and finding her path towards creating a meaningful business.

    Lisa's journey serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience, courage, and determination required to navigate the path of entrepreneurship. By embracing change, building community, and staying true to her vision, she has transformed redundancy into reinvention, inspiring others to do the same.

    Episode Highlights:

    Embracing Change: Lisa reflects on the mixed feelings she experienced when her position was made redundant. Despite initial uncertainty, she saw it as an opportunity to pursue her entrepreneurial ambitions.Building Community: Instead of retreating into isolation, Lisa actively sought out connections and support networks. She emphasizes the importance of reaching out and sharing one's journey with others, even when faced with challenges.Entrepreneurial Mindset: Lisa discusses the shift from a corporate mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset. She highlights the need to adapt, take risks, and embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth.Working with a Coach: Lisa shares her initial skepticism about working with a coach but ultimately found it to be a transformative experience. She credits coaching with providing her with clarity, focus, and the tools to accelerate her journey.The Power of Networking: Lisa emphasizes the value of networking and making meaningful connections. Through networking, she found support, encouragement, and opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals.Learning and Growth: Lisa reflects on the importance of learning from both successes and setbacks. She encourages others to embrace change, trust the process, and believe in themselves, even when faced with uncertainty.Taking the Leap: Lisa offers advice to those considering entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities, overcoming fear, and trusting in one's abilities. She reminds listeners that it's never too late to pursue their dreams and create a life they love.

    Lisa Colledge is the founder of Lisa Colledge Consulting. Lisa works with organizations with a disengaged workforce, where employees lack motivation, accountability and feel disconnected from the company’s mission. Lisa helps leaders to create a culture that re-engages their employees, using an approach inspired by neurodiversity inclusion, leading to happier, more productive employees, better teamwork and collaboration, and higher rates of retention.

    Connect with Lisa: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisacolledge/

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Registration is open for Spring Priivate Coaching. If you are ready to launch a new business, or grow your existing business, set up a call with Jaime to see what’s possible in 3 to 6 months.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • In this episode of Business for Humans, Jaime dives into a topic that hits her close to home: feedback. As leaders, we often shy away from it, fearing what we might hear. But here's the truth: feedback is invaluable for growth, both personally and professionally.

    Here are 3 key takeaways from today's episode:

    1️. Embrace Feedback: Instead of fearing it, see feedback as a gift. It's a chance to learn, improve, and evolve as a leader.

    2️. Create a Safe Space: Encourage open communication in your team or organization. Make it clear that feedback is welcomed and valued, fostering a culture of growth and development.

    3️. Act on Feedback: Don't just listen to feedback - take action on it. Use it as a guide to refine your leadership style, strengthen relationships, and drive success.

    Ready to dive deeper into leadership coaching and personal growth? Schedule a discovery call with Jaime to learn more about private coaching. http://practica.consulting/contact

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business and leadership coach who helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Welcome back to the podcast, where we dive deep into conversations with inspiring individuals like Jasmine Herman, an award-winning storyteller with over 20 years of experience in content strategy and copy editing.

    Throughout our conversation, Jae shares invaluable insights into the world of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of embracing imposter syndrome as a sign of growth and ambition. We delve into the power of authenticity and the value of trusting your unique perspective, even when faced with doubts and insecurities.

    From her experiences as an entrepreneur to her perspectives on content creation and personal growth, Jae's wisdom shines through as she encourages listeners to step into their own narratives and pursue their passions fearlessly.

    Tune in to discover how imposter syndrome can be transformed into a superpower on your entrepreneurial journey, and join us as we celebrate the resilience and determination of those who dare to reach beyond their comfort zones.

    Jasmine (Jae) Hermann is an award-winning storyteller with +20 years of experience as a content strategist and copy editor. She partners with entertainers, wellness providers, marketing agencies, and nonprofit leaders to help them clarify and perfect their digital marketing. Jae also passionately champions women entrepreneurs to embrace their creative storytelling confidence in Boss Squad—a membership community for women leaders. Get her free tips to become a more confident content creator in the Boss Creator Bulletin. Jae is running a workshop on April 9th. Register here: https://lu.ma/APR-boss-talks-workshop

    The link to Jae’s article: Embrace Impostor Syndrome As Your Creative Superpower


    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, leadership coach and growth consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • In this episode, host Jaime Gennaro shares her personal journey of healing, prompted by her recent battle with pneumonia. She delves into the profound connection between healing and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being in business success. Drawing from both Western medicine and holistic perspectives, she explores the multi-dimensional nature of healing, encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Listeners gain insights into the significance of accepting and navigating ongoing healing processes, particularly in the demanding landscape of entrepreneurship.

    Article referenced in the episode: The Meaning Of Healing: Transcending Suffering


    Key Points:

    Understanding Healing Holistically: Jaime discusses the holistic nature of healing, highlighting its relevance beyond traditional Western medicine. She emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in the healing process.Personal Healing Journey: Sharing her experience with chronic illness and pneumonia, Jaime illustrates how healing is an ongoing, evolving journey rather than a one-time event. She acknowledges the challenges of accepting and embracing the healing process, particularly in the context of entrepreneurship.Impact on Business: The episode explores how an entrepreneur's state of well-being directly influences business performance. Jaime warns against the pitfalls of neglecting personal healing, which can lead to burnout and hinder business growth.Seeking Support: Encouraging listeners to prioritize self-care, Jaime emphasizes the importance of seeking support from both personal and professional networks. She shares practical strategies for navigating periods of suffering and finding balance amidst entrepreneurial challenges.Tools for Healing: From exercising to spending time with loved ones, Jaime discusses various tools for facilitating healing and maintaining balance in life and business. She highlights the significance of patience and self-compassion throughout the healing journey.

    Jaime is offering listeners access to her 30-day email program focused on resetting the body, mind, and spirit.

    [email protected]

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • This week we bring back Jaime’s interview with the inspiring Raphan Kebe, owner of Space and Flow, from the archive. Rapha is a business owner, coach, mentor, teacher, poet and hypnotherapist in training. I met Raphan Kebe years ago at a yoga retreat in Valmy, France. Raphan's style as a teacher was different than any yoga class I had ever taken. He was down to earth and inclusive. He played Bob Marley and Ben Harper. His yoga felt available for everyone, at any level. Led to yoga from a back injury, he followed this path out of necessity, having to close down his dreams of being a touring musician.

    Find out more about Raphan here:


    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Join her online event on March 13th: Become Your Own Boss as a Leadership Coach.


    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • In this episode, we dive into the transition from launching your business to reaching the milestone of 10,000 in revenue. While this leap may seem daunting, it's entirely achievable with the right mindset and approach.

    Key Points:

    Transitioning to Revenue Generation: Moving from no revenue to generating income marks a pivotal phase in business development. However, it's essential to recognize that this phase requires a different set of skills and strategies compared to later stages of growth.Expecting Challenges: Anticipate that this journey will take time and patience. By mentally preparing for challenges along the way, you'll be better equipped to handle setbacks and disappointments with resilience.Mindset of Persistence: Adopt a mindset of persistence and resilience, similar to the actress who persisted through 64 auditions before landing her first role. Understand that each rejection or setback brings you one step closer to your goal.Nurturing Relationships: In the initial stages, focus on nurturing relationships rather than immediately building a website or marketing your product. Building a network and connecting with individuals who resonate with your offerings is crucial for long-term success.Define Your Offering: Before diving into website development or extensive marketing efforts, spend time defining your product or service. Ensure that it aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience.Start with Your Inner Circle: Begin by identifying potential customers within your immediate network. Don't overlook the importance of leveraging personal connections and sharing your offerings with those who know and trust you.

    As you embark on the journey from zero to ten thousand, remember to approach it with patience, persistence, and strategic planning. Focus on nurturing relationships, defining your offerings, and leveraging your existing network to lay a solid foundation for future growth. Stay tuned for more insights and guidance on your entrepreneurial journey in the upcoming episodes.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Join her online event on March 13th: Become Your Own Boss as a Leadership Coach.


    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • If you want a million-dollar business, you'll need to strengthen the foundation of your business to be able to support this level of revenue.

    In this episode Jaime breaks down all the steps you’ll need to follow and the mindset you’ll need to develop, to learn how to build a million-dollar business.

    Have a clear profit margin and expense budget based on 1MMPlan the team you’ll need to support this level of sales of services or products Figure out the tools you’ll need to further professionalize and service clients at this level of your business.How will your marketing and advertising need to shift to bring in the leads that will help you sell this much revenue?Who is the audience for your product or service? How to you make sure you are describing your services or products that will align with them to connect with you?

    Listen to this episode and set your sights on building your million dollar/euro/pound business!

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Join her online event on March 13th: Become Your Own Boss as a Leadership Coach.


    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Today’s episode of Business for Humans is about how to show up with more confidence as a leader.

    Confidence is the centerpoint of a good leader. Confidence isn’t about ego or stubbornly pushing people to do what you want them to do, it’s about standing in your conviction.

    Good leaders see potential in their people and have a vision for how to get them there.

    When they show up ‘wishy washy’ or changing their mind if someone is unhappy, if they continually question their ideas; that lack of confidence will show up as a lack of conviction, a lack of vision and it will erode the team’s trust.

    It’s not important to push ideas on people, listening is important too, but when they push back, know what you stand for. Don’t let their emotions or actions sway your confidence.

    When you stand tall and believe in your ideas; other people start standing taller too. When they know you have a vision for them, that you have their back; they build more confidence too.

    Listen in for more tips to help you become a confident and successful leader.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Join her online event on March 13th: Become Your Own Boss as a Leadership Coach.


    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro

  • Integrity is the quality of being honest, having strong principles and a state of being whole and undivided.

    When you are undivided you are genuinely connected and aligned to who you are and can make decisions based on your true nature and what you need.

    What is your true nature? What’s in your best interest that aligns with your morals and principles. We all have a sense of integrity. Some are out of alignment which is pulling us away from living in our integrity.

    Where are you out of alignment? Are you trying to convince yourself that you’re doing ok, even when you feel off?

    Listen in to learn how to make your decisions from integrity.

    Jaime Bancroft Gennaro is a business coach, a leadership coach and a consultant. She helps people realign with their talents and skills to have successful, fulfilling careers and businesses.

    Join her online event on March 13th: Become Your Own Boss as a Leadership Coach. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/become-your-own-boss-as-a-leadership-coach-tickets-828380938687?aff=oddtdtcreator

    Book a discovery call with Jaime to talk through your career or business challenges and see if coaching is what you need to get to the next level.


    Podcasting support:

    Produced & mixed by Burgundy Sound StudioMusic by Luca Gennaro