
  • My guest this week is AMAZING!!! Besides for being a Functional Medicine Doctor, she is also an Integrative Medicine Specialist as well as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine! We talk acupuncture, the heart, what our hearts are trying to tell us and WHY, OH WHY it is so very essential to listen to this organ nicknamed THE EMPEROR in Oriental Medicine! Sigh...you know I love a good conversation about acupuncture, grief and our hearts...and just how everything in our bodies is so very connected!

    Momoko tells a poignant story this week of needing to be at the bedside of her Mother during Covid and how, at the very last instant, she was able to get where she just had to be! The story is simple, profound and should remind us all that everything conspires to get us where we are needed, we just need to NEVER GIVE UP!

    Please do check out her Wellness Center's website here. And check out Momoko's book on Amazon, here.

    If you'd like to take a gander at my YouTube channel...where you can get a glimpse behind the BSB curtain, click here!


    Your bit of beauty? A quotation from Rumi, specifically the first one on this page. Speaking of hearts and listening to what the Emperors of our bodies are telling us-this quotation says it all. Now all we need to do is listen.

  • My guest this week is AMAZING!!! Besides for being a Functional Medicine Doctor, she is also an Integrative Medicine Specialist as well as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine! We talk acupuncture, the heart, what our hearts are trying to tell us and WHY, OH WHY it is so very essential to listen to this organ nicknamed THE EMPEROR in Oriental Medicine! Sigh...you know I love a good conversation about acupuncture, grief and our hearts...and just how everything in our bodies is so very connected!

    Momoko tells a poignant story this week of needing to be at the bedside of her Mother during Covid and how, at the very last instant, she was able to get where she just had to be! The story is simple, profound and should remind us all that everything conspires to get us where we are needed, we just need to NEVER GIVE UP!

    Please do check out her Wellness Center's website here. And check out Momoko's book on Amazon, here.

    If you'd like to take a gander at my YouTube channel...where you can get a glimpse behind the BSB curtain, click here!


    Your bit of beauty? A quotation from Rumi, specifically the first one on this page. Speaking of hearts and listening to what the Emperors of our bodies are telling us-this quotation says it all. Now all we need to do is listen.

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  • Mickie tells a story of sorrow, one of grief, and indeed there is a TRIGGER WARNING for this episode...

    After a childhood of abuse and growing up in a community that seemingly didn't care, Mickie decided to take his own life one night. What happened that evening is completely dumbfounding and should convince us all that angels are all around us, and sometimes they sell real estate! I'll let Mickie tell the tale but until then, here is his Insta, where you can do a deeper dive into this inspiring human being! This poet and creative recites one of his works, "Vigilance" at the end of the episode. Make sure not to miss it!

    Thank you to everyone who listens and please do remember, RATINGS AND REVIEWS ARE SO IMPORTANT! If you like what you hear, please do me a solid and leave a little rating!

    Do check out the new YouTube channel...it's where you can find my guests IRL!! (you can actually see their bright and shining faces for real!)

    And consider supporting this pod on Patreon! Every little bit helps!

    Your bit of beauty this episode? This YouTube on the Rare Ghost Orchid and it's really special, really specific pollinator- the Darwin's Moth, (or Giant Hawkmoth) which has the longest tongue in the known world at up to 11.2" long! The orchid is so bizarre and was observed to have such a challenging pollination space that Darwin suggested that an insect or animal MUST exist that had an exceptionally long tongue! And YES! Hazzahhh! they finally observed this mysterious insect doing it's thang and pollinating the heck out of The Ghost Orchid! A perfect example of the scientific process and how to prove a theory...is right here in this video! Be sure to check it out! (and I think it's beautiful how nature is so complex and strange!)

  • Mickie tells a story of sorrow, one of grief, and indeed there is a TRIGGER WARNING for this episode...

    After a childhood of abuse and growing up in a community that seemingly didn't care, Mickie decided to take his own life one night. What happened that evening is completely dumbfounding and should convince us all that angels are all around us, and sometimes they sell real estate! I'll let Mickie tell the tale but until then, here is his Insta, where you can do a deeper dive into this inspiring human being! This poet and creative recites one of his works, "Vigilance" at the end of the episode. Make sure not to miss it!

    Thank you to everyone who listens and please do remember, RATINGS AND REVIEWS ARE SO IMPORTANT! If you like what you hear, please do me a solid and leave a little rating!

    Do check out the new YouTube channel...it's where you can find my guests IRL!! (you can actually see their bright and shining faces for real!)

    And consider supporting this pod on Patreon! Every little bit helps!

    Your bit of beauty this episode? This YouTube on the Rare Ghost Orchid and it's really special, really specific pollinator- the Darwin's Moth, (or Giant Hawkmoth) which has the longest tongue in the known world at up to 11.2" long! The orchid is so bizarre and was observed to have such a challenging pollination space that Darwin suggested that an insect or animal MUST exist that had an exceptionally long tongue! And YES! Hazzahhh! they finally observed this mysterious insect doing it's thang and pollinating the heck out of The Ghost Orchid! A perfect example of the scientific process and how to prove a theory...is right here in this video! Be sure to check it out! (and I think it's beautiful how nature is so complex and strange!)

  • Denise has a potent story this week-one of incredible loss, deep abiding affection and what happens when even Death is forced to lie down in the face of a most powerful LOVE.

    Denise met her husband when she was young...and in fact, couldn't stand him at first! But over time something magical happened and soon the two of them were inseparable! Cue the marriage, the babies, the grand-babies, and then, one horrific day, the death of Maarten, her husband, at work. It was then that Denise came to understand that she would have to reformat and rebuild her life-all on her own.

    But then her husband came calling, and in the face of all of her grief, Denise suddenly came to realize that when love is as strong as hers was with her husband? Well, even Death cannot stop it! From visitations to butterflies, from magical interactions to the natural world at work, it has been one miracle after the other, and Denise is left understanding that Death is simply a doorway, and one which is easily crossed by our loved ones. To check out what Denise is doing in the world with her work around grief, click here.

    To support me and my podcast and all the light and joy it brings to the world, click here! AND DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A RATING AND A REVIEW IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR!

    And babies, please follow my YouTube! It's another sweet way to check out what my guests look like in their shiny lives!

    Here is your bit of beauty this week-the Japanese Website for Forest Bathing, otherwise known as Shinrin-yoku. I was reading a book on Forest Bathing this week and all the science around what it does for your immune system, your mood, depression and general health and I thought..."everyone needs to know about this!" If only we could all spend a few hours in the woods every week, we would all feel so much better (on every level!) Check out the website and see if your soul sings while reading it! Perhaps all we really do need to do is go and hug a tree!

  • Denise has a potent story this week-one of incredible loss, deep abiding affection and what happens when even Death is forced to lie down in the face of a most powerful LOVE.

    Denise met her husband when she was young...and in fact, couldn't stand him at first! But over time something magical happened and soon the two of them were inseparable! Cue the marriage, the babies, the grand-babies, and then, one horrific day, the death of Maarten, her husband, at work. It was then that Denise came to understand that she would have to reformat and rebuild her life-all on her own.

    But then her husband came calling, and in the face of all of her grief, Denise suddenly came to realize that when love is as strong as hers was with her husband? Well, even Death cannot stop it! From visitations to butterflies, from magical interactions to the natural world at work, it has been one miracle after the other, and Denise is left understanding that Death is simply a doorway, and one which is easily crossed by our loved ones. To check out what Denise is doing in the world with her work around grief, click here.

    To support me and my podcast and all the light and joy it brings to the world, click here! AND DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A RATING AND A REVIEW IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR!

    And babies, please follow my YouTube! It's another sweet way to check out what my guests look like in their shiny lives!

    Here is your bit of beauty this week-the Japanese Website for Forest Bathing, otherwise known as Shinrin-yoku. I was reading a book on Forest Bathing this week and all the science around what it does for your immune system, your mood, depression and general health and I thought..."everyone needs to know about this!" If only we could all spend a few hours in the woods every week, we would all feel so much better (on every level!) Check out the website and see if your soul sings while reading it! Perhaps all we really do need to do is go and hug a tree!

  • This week I interview Micayla, who herself has a very fine podcast called PhilosoSHE! Be sure to check it out when you have a moment...BUT, back to Micayla! She is an artist, podcaster, photographer, song writer as well as recovering "cult" member. And she is still unpacking just how this religious group influenced and shaped her, and still does, in some ways... The thing to know about Micayla though, is, she has the biggest and most open heart you could ever imagine! So while she continues to wrestle with her upbringing and the world of her childhood she faces life wholeheartedly-and with incredible bravery, curiosity and generosity of spirit! (You're going to love meeting her, I promise you!!)

    She tells two stories of miracles as far as I'm concerned this week-one, what happened when she traveled to France to do some mission work...oh, France, how you do get inside people's skins and change them forever you naughty minx! And two, she talks about collective effervescence, which is NOT a band name, but a collective experience we should all have more often!!

    Head on over to my YouTube channel for the "movie" version of our convo! You can see what her fabulous face looks like! AND, please do consider sponsoring me on Patreon! This little labor of love does cost money, and any sort of support from you would be so appreciated! I LOVE ALL OF YOU THAT DO SUPPORT ME ALREADY BABIES!! Click here to support me on Patreon!

    I am ever so grateful for each and every one of you and the love that you bring to the show!!

    Here is your bit of beauty this week-a glimpse of French countryside...and a village that I traveled through as I walked the Camino de Santiago. First, here is the Wiki! Second: here is the beauty! You won't regret discovering a little bit more about this delightful and historic village!

  • This week I interview Micayla, who herself has a very fine podcast called PhilosoSHE! Be sure to check it out when you have a moment...BUT, back to Micayla! She is an artist, podcaster, photographer, song writer as well as recovering "cult" member. And she is still unpacking just how this religious group influenced and shaped her, and still does, in some ways... The thing to know about Micayla though, is, she has the biggest and most open heart you could ever imagine! So while she continues to wrestle with her upbringing and the world of her childhood she faces life wholeheartedly-and with incredible bravery, curiosity and generosity of spirit! (You're going to love meeting her, I promise you!!)

    She tells two stories of miracles as far as I'm concerned this week-one, what happened when she traveled to France to do some mission work...oh, France, how you do get inside people's skins and change them forever you naughty minx! And two, she talks about collective effervescence, which is NOT a band name, but a collective experience we should all have more often!!

    Head on over to my YouTube channel for the "movie" version of our convo! You can see what her fabulous face looks like! AND, please do consider sponsoring me on Patreon! This little labor of love does cost money, and any sort of support from you would be so appreciated! I LOVE ALL OF YOU THAT DO SUPPORT ME ALREADY BABIES!! Click here to support me on Patreon!

    I am ever so grateful for each and every one of you and the love that you bring to the show!!

    Here is your bit of beauty this week-a glimpse of French countryside...and a village that I traveled through as I walked the Camino de Santiago. First, here is the Wiki! Second: here is the beauty! You won't regret discovering a little bit more about this delightful and historic village!

  • It's been a bit since I dropped a mid-week episode, but this, my friends, is the week! I've had a lot of change happening recently so these little mid-week pods have been on hiatus, but THIS WEEK I had some time! AND, my recent interview with my guest Marcus had me so excited, that I couldn't wait until the weekend to introduce him to you all!

    World, meet Marcus Higgs! Marcus is a teacher, a communications expert and all around (as you will understand when you hear the episode) generous guy. There is so much laughter in this episode, and kindness, and sweetness that you should all be shining by the end of listening to what he and I created! Marcus has changed children's lives, and you'll all understand that when he talks about the Pinterest Book that his students made him at the end of their school year with him. My heart practically exploded (much like the Grinch when his heart became too large for him) in joy when Marcus told his miracle story!! To find out a bit more about my thoughtful guest click here. Marcus is also a poet and to read and check out his book, click here!

    To say that I loved every second of our conversation would be the understatement of the century-and just knowing that Marcus is in the world changing lives for the better makes my heart sing!

    Your bit of beauty this week is a YouTube video of Marcus and his poetry. Check out this powerful change-maker by clicking here! Yes, listeners, there is much magic as well as so many magical people everywhere you look in this world, and each and every single one is bringing their unique beauty to us...it's up to us to see it and recognize it and take it into our hearts!

    Be sure to check out my YOUTUBE channel! AND, consider leaving me a rating and a review wherever you find your pods!!

    Thanks for listening my friends!

  • It's been a bit since I dropped a mid-week episode, but this, my friends, is the week! I've had a lot of change happening recently so these little mid-week pods have been on hiatus, but THIS WEEK I had some time! AND, my recent interview with my guest Marcus had me so excited, that I couldn't wait until the weekend to introduce him to you all!

    World, meet Marcus Higgs! Marcus is a teacher, a communications expert and all around (as you will understand when you hear the episode) generous guy. There is so much laughter in this episode, and kindness, and sweetness that you should all be shining by the end of listening to what he and I created! Marcus has changed children's lives, and you'll all understand that when he talks about the Pinterest Book that his students made him at the end of their school year with him. My heart practically exploded (much like the Grinch when his heart became too large for him) in joy when Marcus told his miracle story!! To find out a bit more about my thoughtful guest click here. Marcus is also a poet and to read and check out his book, click here!

    To say that I loved every second of our conversation would be the understatement of the century-and just knowing that Marcus is in the world changing lives for the better makes my heart sing!

    Your bit of beauty this week is a YouTube video of Marcus and his poetry. Check out this powerful change-maker by clicking here! Yes, listeners, there is much magic as well as so many magical people everywhere you look in this world, and each and every single one is bringing their unique beauty to us...it's up to us to see it and recognize it and take it into our hearts!

    Be sure to check out my YOUTUBE channel! AND, consider leaving me a rating and a review wherever you find your pods!!

    Thanks for listening my friends!

  • Sas Carey, my badass guest this week, is an intrepid world traveler! But from the moment she stepped off the plane and onto Mongolia's wild soil, her heart was forever captured by the people as well as the beauty of the land. Sas has made it her life's work to document the nomads as well as the reindeer herders and their way of life, carefully respecting all that she encounters. She's created multiple documentary films as well as books, and all record a way of life that is rapidly disappearing.

    Her stories of Mongolia, but especially those of the shamans she encountered enchanted me! It was such an honor to be invited in to their ceremonies, and as Sas explains, one that she worked for diligently year after year, returning again and again to Mongolia, as a testament to her friendship with the nomads. She shares story after story of magic, story after story of miraculous travels...it really had me on the edge of my seat! To check out her work and her films visit her website at nomadicare.org where you can discover a bit more about this dedicated human being.

    AND REMEMBER MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL EVERYONE! Be a ground floor subscriber and see all my guests shiny faces...as they detail magical events in their lives!

    Please visit my website for more information about me, as well as my other projects! I am a busy little bee right now and have much afoot!

    My bit (or really, your bit of beauty) this week is this video about Mongolia. About 5 minutes long, you'll get a bit of an idea of this magical and gorgeous country. I always think that adventures begin the minute you step out of your door...but for those of us who aren't able to travel to other countries we have YouTube...and traveling through our imaginations!

    See you next week for the very next episode of the pod!

  • Sas Carey, my badass guest this week, is an intrepid world traveler! But from the moment she stepped off the plane and onto Mongolia's wild soil, her heart was forever captured by the people as well as the beauty of the land. Sas has made it her life's work to document the nomads as well as the reindeer herders and their way of life, carefully respecting all that she encounters. She's created multiple documentary films as well as books, and all record a way of life that is rapidly disappearing.

    Her stories of Mongolia, but especially those of the shamans she encountered enchanted me! It was such an honor to be invited in to their ceremonies, and as Sas explains, one that she worked for diligently year after year, returning again and again to Mongolia, as a testament to her friendship with the nomads. She shares story after story of magic, story after story of miraculous travels...it really had me on the edge of my seat! To check out her work and her films visit her website at nomadicare.org where you can discover a bit more about this dedicated human being.

    AND REMEMBER MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL EVERYONE! Be a ground floor subscriber and see all my guests shiny faces...as they detail magical events in their lives!

    Please visit my website for more information about me, as well as my other projects! I am a busy little bee right now and have much afoot!

    My bit (or really, your bit of beauty) this week is this video about Mongolia. About 5 minutes long, you'll get a bit of an idea of this magical and gorgeous country. I always think that adventures begin the minute you step out of your door...but for those of us who aren't able to travel to other countries we have YouTube...and traveling through our imaginations!

    See you next week for the very next episode of the pod!

  • My guest this week has a charming story to tell...about how when lost in a city that was somewhat familiar to him...he got lost...and then? Well, then the miracle happened. But I'm not going to spoil it by spilling the beans! You'll just have to listen to the episode!

    Duncan is a Morris Dancer (so super duper cool) and a sober warrior coach! You can find him at his Insta @soberwarriorcoach as well as on his website where you will learn that he is an author, a speaker and a serious badass! He counsels others to lead cleaner, less toxic lives (on many levels) and speaks on this podcast about his struggle giving up alcohol, but also how that has made all the difference! He is a funny guy, as you will hear, and I just enjoyed our conversation which covered, among many things, E.T., James Bond, Morris Dancing, Oxford and the alarming murder rate as well as the Terminator! We were all over the place but did not neglect the magical story Duncan had to tell!


    And please, visit my new YouTube channel...it's super GROOVY and please do subscribe!

    And do you all know that I have a Patreon? I don't talk about it much, but please do consider becoming a member and supporting me at whatever level sounds good. I do this as a labor of love but it is expensive and any support is helpful!

    This week your bit of beauty is a video of Morris Dancing!! Because why not???? The music, the bells, the joy!! It's all guaranteed to get you tapping your toes!!

  • My guest this week has a charming story to tell...about how when lost in a city that was somewhat familiar to him...he got lost...and then? Well, then the miracle happened. But I'm not going to spoil it by spilling the beans! You'll just have to listen to the episode!

    Duncan is a Morris Dancer (so super duper cool) and a sober warrior coach! You can find him at his Insta @soberwarriorcoach as well as on his website where you will learn that he is an author, a speaker and a serious badass! He counsels others to lead cleaner, less toxic lives (on many levels) and speaks on this podcast about his struggle giving up alcohol, but also how that has made all the difference! He is a funny guy, as you will hear, and I just enjoyed our conversation which covered, among many things, E.T., James Bond, Morris Dancing, Oxford and the alarming murder rate as well as the Terminator! We were all over the place but did not neglect the magical story Duncan had to tell!


    And please, visit my new YouTube channel...it's super GROOVY and please do subscribe!

    And do you all know that I have a Patreon? I don't talk about it much, but please do consider becoming a member and supporting me at whatever level sounds good. I do this as a labor of love but it is expensive and any support is helpful!

    This week your bit of beauty is a video of Morris Dancing!! Because why not???? The music, the bells, the joy!! It's all guaranteed to get you tapping your toes!!

  • This week my guest is WHOLEHEARTED!! And what does that mean, you may ask? Well, you could listen to the episode...OR, you could read this (and then listen to the episode of course!) "If you give your life as a wholehearted response to love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you." Thank you Marianne Williamson, for stating it so plainly- that if you engage in and with the world with an open and courageous heart, the world will respond with the same! With love, with abandon, with belief in who and what you are, with wildness and comfort, with joy and celebration! and who doesn't want more celebration in their lives?

    Melanie Serrano is an incredible human with a deeply invested belief in her life, in your life, in the lives of those she works with, in the world without and within. I just sighed as I listened to her and so wished I could inhabit that same world (believe you me I am working on it!) This episode is one of beauty...and hopefully that is conveyed to you, through Melanie's voice this week. She is grace walking, and we should all be awed.

    Please check out my new YOUTUBE CHANNEL babes! It is so very exciting!! New videos up almost every week...and a delightful chance to check out my guests in all their glory!

    Your bit of beauty is an image of where I am now...on the Oregon coast! I am not exactly here...but near here! I need this beauty right now after a very stressful and somewhat intense last few months...(like the last year)...so I am hoping a summer of sand and deep forests will help heal my soul! There is nothing like the smell of the salt air, freshly cut wet grass and green woods to clean the soul (I wish I could scratch and sniff this and send it out to you all!) ~so here's to a gorgeous summer filled with friends, with deep rest, and beauty that just keeps keepin' on!

  • This week my guest is WHOLEHEARTED!! And what does that mean, you may ask? Well, you could listen to the episode...OR, you could read this (and then listen to the episode of course!) "If you give your life as a wholehearted response to love, then love will wholeheartedly respond to you." Thank you Marianne Williamson, for stating it so plainly- that if you engage in and with the world with an open and courageous heart, the world will respond with the same! With love, with abandon, with belief in who and what you are, with wildness and comfort, with joy and celebration! and who doesn't want more celebration in their lives?

    Melanie Serrano is an incredible human with a deeply invested belief in her life, in your life, in the lives of those she works with, in the world without and within. I just sighed as I listened to her and so wished I could inhabit that same world (believe you me I am working on it!) This episode is one of beauty...and hopefully that is conveyed to you, through Melanie's voice this week. She is grace walking, and we should all be awed.

    Please check out my new YOUTUBE CHANNEL babes! It is so very exciting!! New videos up almost every week...and a delightful chance to check out my guests in all their glory!

    Your bit of beauty is an image of where I am now...on the Oregon coast! I am not exactly here...but near here! I need this beauty right now after a very stressful and somewhat intense last few months...(like the last year)...so I am hoping a summer of sand and deep forests will help heal my soul! There is nothing like the smell of the salt air, freshly cut wet grass and green woods to clean the soul (I wish I could scratch and sniff this and send it out to you all!) ~so here's to a gorgeous summer filled with friends, with deep rest, and beauty that just keeps keepin' on!

  • Greetings lovelies! It's another weekend so of course another episode of the pod finds it's way to your doorstep!
    This week I interview Jordan Miller, who was super precocious as a child! Growing up in a Mormon household Jordan was intrigued by "truth" and how the world worked...in science and meaning. It spurred a lifelong quest to discover just what the world is made of and what it all means! (there is a pretty groovy Easter Egg at the end of the Interview if you want a deeper dive on all that from the both of us!) Suffice it to say he is a scientist and a lover of learning...and it has resulted in Jordan creating Satori, a crypto AI that predicts the future! (Jordan explains it better in the episode, believe me, much better than I ever could!) To learn more about him and his great works, wander on over to his LinkedIn to check him out!

    And guess what? I've launched my new YOUTUBE channel babes!! It's so exciting! It's simple, pared down and hello hello? You can watch the byte-sized episodes and see my guests gorgeous faces...as well as me! (in varying degrees of exhaustion!! Ha!) It's been a really fun process getting this all together and getting it up on line! Remember to subscribe to my YOUTUBE....yes, yes, yes...I promise, this will be the last time I ask you to subscribe to something...I think! (don't hold your breath!)

    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO LISTENS...you will never know how truly grateful I am!

    Your bit of beauty? A link to AN INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING AND HER INSTAGRAM!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE @shifferdiane who has an Insta that is full of light, caring, sweetness and just plain beauty! Whenever I need to feel that I belong in this world, or that grandmother energy, that abundant love that comes with no strings attached, I go to this woman-who, slowly but surely, is changing the world...one Insta Reel at a time.

    Love you all babes and until next time? Remember this world loves that YOU, and especially YOU, are IN IT!

  • Greetings lovelies! It's another weekend so of course another episode of the pod finds it's way to your doorstep!
    This week I interview Jordan Miller, who was super precocious as a child! Growing up in a Mormon household Jordan was intrigued by "truth" and how the world worked...in science and meaning. It spurred a lifelong quest to discover just what the world is made of and what it all means! (there is a pretty groovy Easter Egg at the end of the Interview if you want a deeper dive on all that from the both of us!) Suffice it to say he is a scientist and a lover of learning...and it has resulted in Jordan creating Satori, a crypto AI that predicts the future! (Jordan explains it better in the episode, believe me, much better than I ever could!) To learn more about him and his great works, wander on over to his LinkedIn to check him out!

    And guess what? I've launched my new YOUTUBE channel babes!! It's so exciting! It's simple, pared down and hello hello? You can watch the byte-sized episodes and see my guests gorgeous faces...as well as me! (in varying degrees of exhaustion!! Ha!) It's been a really fun process getting this all together and getting it up on line! Remember to subscribe to my YOUTUBE....yes, yes, yes...I promise, this will be the last time I ask you to subscribe to something...I think! (don't hold your breath!)

    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO LISTENS...you will never know how truly grateful I am!

    Your bit of beauty? A link to AN INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING AND HER INSTAGRAM!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE @shifferdiane who has an Insta that is full of light, caring, sweetness and just plain beauty! Whenever I need to feel that I belong in this world, or that grandmother energy, that abundant love that comes with no strings attached, I go to this woman-who, slowly but surely, is changing the world...one Insta Reel at a time.

    Love you all babes and until next time? Remember this world loves that YOU, and especially YOU, are IN IT!

  • Greetings all and welcome back to another episode of the podcast! My guest this week, Kara Goodwin, is all things beautiful and meditative! And that last descriptor is deliberately on purpose ;-) because Kara has her very own podcast call The Meditation Conversation in which she dives into all things meditation and so much else! She's also just beautifully kind and when I asked her to be a guest on the show she said YES so very quickly...it made my heart happy!

    She tells a story of revelation this week-and one that was very unexpected. During a CE-5 event (in which humans work to initiate contact with other beings) she was given a vision that touched her so deeply at the time it made her sob openly...and changed the way she views this world and her place in it. Her story includes Gene Keys (look them up!), Sacred Geometry (look this up too!) as well as synchronicity galore!! (and you know how I love a good synchronicity or two!) To find out more about this lovely human click here!

    I also encourage you this week with the following bit of beauty (a bit unorthodox but bear with me...) check out the show "Resident Alien" on Syfy or Netflix. During Season Two several of the cast and crew are interviewed about their otherworldly experiences...and really, listeners of this pod, do we need any more evidence that much is afoot in this universe of ours? (at least much that we can't explain as of yet!)

    Thank you for listening and see you so very soon for the next episode of the pod!

  • Greetings all and welcome back to another episode of the podcast! My guest this week, Kara Goodwin, is all things beautiful and meditative! And that last descriptor is deliberately on purpose ;-) because Kara has her very own podcast call The Meditation Conversation in which she dives into all things meditation and so much else! She's also just beautifully kind and when I asked her to be a guest on the show she said YES so very quickly...it made my heart happy!

    She tells a story of revelation this week-and one that was very unexpected. During a CE-5 event (in which humans work to initiate contact with other beings) she was given a vision that touched her so deeply at the time it made her sob openly...and changed the way she views this world and her place in it. Her story includes Gene Keys (look them up!), Sacred Geometry (look this up too!) as well as synchronicity galore!! (and you know how I love a good synchronicity or two!) To find out more about this lovely human click here!

    I also encourage you this week with the following bit of beauty (a bit unorthodox but bear with me...) check out the show "Resident Alien" on Syfy or Netflix. During Season Two several of the cast and crew are interviewed about their otherworldly experiences...and really, listeners of this pod, do we need any more evidence that much is afoot in this universe of ours? (at least much that we can't explain as of yet!)

    Thank you for listening and see you so very soon for the next episode of the pod!