
  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 6 of our Sabbat Series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails! In this bonus episode, we're celebrating the Autumn Equinox with a deep dive into Mabon, the witch's Thanksgiving. Join us as we sip on harvest-inspired cocktails and honor the balance of light and dark as the wheel of the year turns once again.

    In this episode, we’ll explore the traditions, rituals, and magical practices associated with Mabon, a time of gratitude, reflection, and abundance. We'll uncover ways to create powerful rituals for giving thanks, honoring the harvest, and preparing for the quieter, introspective months ahead. From crafting seasonal altars to kitchen witchery recipes infused with autumnal energy, we’ll share tips for bringing the spirit of Mabon into your home and practice.

    As we toast to the second harvest, we’ll also discuss ways to work with the energies of balance, transformation, and letting go during this sacred time of year. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or new to celebrating the Sabbats, this episode offers everything you need to make your Mabon magical.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us in celebrating Mabon’s blessings. Cheers to the harvest!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 149 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we dive into the powerful world of Protection Magick in witchcraft. Join us as we stir up protective spells, sip on enchanting cocktails, and explore the many ways to shield yourself from negative energies, harmful forces, and unwanted influences.

    In this episode, we’ll uncover the essential practices of protection magick, from crafting protective charms and talismans to casting potent wards and circles. Learn how to harness the energy of crystals, herbs, and symbols like pentagrams and protective runes to create strong magical defenses.

    As we sip on our protection-themed cocktails (Wine), infused with powerful herbs like sage, rosemary, and black salt, we’ll share rituals, spells, and tips for setting up your own spiritual and energetic safeguards. Whether you’re looking to shield your home, protect your energy, or banish negativity, this episode is packed with practical guidance to keep you safe and empowered in your craft.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we fortify ourselves with the power of protection magick. Cheers to staying safe and magically secure!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

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  • Subscriber-only episode

    Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 38 of our After Dark bonus series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we descend into the chilling and controversial world of demonic possession in and out of witchcraft. Join us as we sip on dark, potent brews and explore the terrifying tales and complex lore surrounding possession by malevolent entities.

    In this episode, we’ll delve into the history and cultural perspectives on demonic possession, from ancient times to modern-day accounts. We'll examine the role of possession in various spiritual traditions, and how it intersects with witchcraft—whether through protection spells, exorcism rituals, or the darker paths that some may tread.

    Whether you’re fascinated by the darker side of the paranormal or seeking knowledge on how to protect yourself, this episode offers a gripping exploration of demonic possession and its place within and beyond witchcraft. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we peer into the abyss. Cheers to the shadows!

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 148 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we delve into the mystical energy of ley lines in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on earth-inspired elixirs and explore the ancient and powerful currents that crisscross our world, connecting sacred sites and amplifying magical energy.

    In this episode, we'll journey into the fascinating world of ley lines—those invisible pathways of energy that have been revered by witches, druids, and spiritual seekers for centuries. Discover how these lines connect places of power, such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and other sacred sites, and how you can tap into their energy for your own magical practices.

    As we enjoy our ley line-inspired cocktails, we'll discuss how to identify and work with these energy lines in your own environment. Learn how to use ley lines for enhanced spellwork, divination, and spiritual connection, and explore the ways in which these ancient pathways can deepen your relationship with the earth and the cosmos.

    Whether you're curious about the mysteries of the earth's energy grid or looking to incorporate ley lines into your witchcraft, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we align with the powerful magic of ley lines. Cheers to the energy of the earth!

    Sources: https://www.learnreligions.com/ley-lines-magical-energy-of-the-earth-2562644
    https://wiccanow.com/ley-lines-witchcraft-ancient-sites/ phat-lava-deactivated20170920 on Tumblr

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 147 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we delve into the chilling world of true crime in witchcraft. In this spine-tingling episode, we’ll explore two dark and twisted tales where magic and mayhem collide, revealing the dangerous side of magick.

    Our first story takes us into the eerie world of hexes and curses. We’ll unravel the disturbing case of Lindsey Kasinger and Irenia Cotner, where an alleged curse led to an attempted murder. Discover how Irenia, convinced she had been hexed by Lindsey, spiraled into a dangerous obsession that culminated in a shocking act of violence.

    In our second story, we dive into the sinister tale of a teenage vampire cult, where a fascination with the dark side of witchcraft and vampirism led a group of teens down a deadly path. We’ll explore the horrifying events that unfolded as this cult turned their fantasies into brutal reality, ending in tragedy.

    As we sip on our dark-themed cocktails, we’ll discuss the intersection of magic and crime, exploring how the misuse of witchcraft and occult practices can lead to disastrous consequences. Whether you’re drawn to the macabre or simply curious about the darker side of magic, this episode offers a gripping look into true crime stories with a witchy twist.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we uncover the dark secrets behind these chilling tales. Cheers to the shadows!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 146 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we embrace the mysterious and powerful energies of Dark Moon, New Moon, and Black Moon magick in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on moonlit potions and explore the hidden depths of lunar magic, perfect for shadow work, new beginnings, and transformation.

    In this episode, we'll delve into the unique qualities of each lunar phase, starting with the Dark Moon—a time for introspection, banishment, and clearing away the old. We'll then explore the New Moon, a powerful moment for setting intentions, planting seeds, and manifesting new beginnings. Lastly, we'll uncover the rare and potent energy of the Black Moon, a magical event that amplifies all your lunar workings.

    As we enjoy our moon-themed cocktails, infused with ingredients that resonate with the cycles of the moon, we'll share rituals, spells, and practices tailored to each of these lunar phases. Whether you're looking to cleanse, manifest, or deepen your connection with the moon, this episode offers a wealth of insights and techniques to enhance your lunar magic.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we journey through the phases of the moon and unlock their mystical potential. Cheers to lunar magic!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Subscriber-only episode

    Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 37 of our After Dark bonus series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we navigate the mysterious waters of the Bermuda Triangle. Join us as we sip on oceanic elixirs and delve into the enigmatic tales of this infamous region that has baffled sailors, pilots, and investigators for centuries.

    In this episode, we'll explore the chilling legends and unexplained phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle—a place where ships vanish, planes disappear, and strange occurrences defy logic. We'll dive into the theories, both supernatural and scientific, that attempt to explain the mysteries of this treacherous triangle.

    As we enjoy our deep-sea-inspired cocktails infused with ingredients that echo the ocean's mysteries, we'll discuss the possible connections between the Bermuda Triangle and otherworldly forces, portals, and time slips. Whether it's the influence of ancient curses, geomagnetic anomalies, or the presence of powerful ley lines, we'll consider how this area might serve as a focal point for powerful, unpredictable energies.

    Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this episode offers a fascinating journey into one of the world's greatest mysteries. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we sail into the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. Cheers to the unknown

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 145 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we step into the mysterious and magical realm of Liminal Spaces in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on otherworldly concoctions and explore the in-between places where the veil between worlds is thin, and magic thrives.

    In this episode, we'll delve into the concept of liminal spaces—those transitional areas that exist on the edge of reality and the supernatural. From twilight and crossroads to doorways and thresholds, we'll explore how these spaces serve as powerful portals for magical work, divination, and spirit communication.

    As we enjoy our liminal-inspired cocktails, infused with ingredients that resonate with the energy of the in-between, we'll discuss how to identify and work with these spaces in your witchcraft practice. Learn how to harness the potent energy of liminal spaces for spellwork, rituals, and connecting with other realms.

    Whether you're drawn to the magic of the crossroads or the quiet power of dawn and dusk, this episode offers a wealth of insights and practical tips for working with liminal spaces. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we traverse the mystical boundaries of the seen and unseen. Cheers to the magic of the in-between!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 144 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we venture into the eerie and enigmatic world of Haunted Forests in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on spine-chilling libations and journey through some of the most haunted woodlands, delving deep into their ghostly tales and dark magic.

    In this episode, we'll explore multiple haunted forests from around the globe, uncovering the legends, spirits, and supernatural phenomena that make these places so terrifying and fascinating. From the haunted Hoya-Baciu Forest in Romania to the Wychwood Forest in England, we'll traverse the spectral landscapes that have inspired countless stories and mystical practices.

    As we sip on our hauntingly delicious cocktails infused with herbs and botanicals from these eerie locales, we'll take a more in-depth look at Japan's infamous Aokigahara, also known as the Suicide Forest. Discover the tragic history, lingering spirits, and powerful energies that make this forest a place of both sorrow and supernatural intrigue.

    Whether you're a seasoned ghost hunter or simply curious about the darker side of nature, this episode offers a captivating exploration of haunted forests and their place in witchcraft. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we uncover the secrets of the world's most haunted woodlands. Cheers to the mysteries of the dark woods!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Subscriber-only episode

    Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 36 of our After Dark bonus series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we delve into the eerie and perplexing phenomenon of Spontaneous Human Combustion. Join us as we sip on hauntingly delightful cocktails and explore the mysterious cases that have baffled scientists and intrigued the curious for centuries.

    In this chilling episode, we'll uncover the unsettling stories of spontaneous human combustion, examining the historical accounts, possible explanations, and the lingering questions that surround this phenomenon. From the eerie anecdotes of inexplicable fires to the scientific theories attempting to shed light on these rare occurrences, we'll journey through the shadows of this dark mystery.

    As we enjoy our after-dark cocktails, we'll discuss the supernatural and scientific perspectives on human combustion, exploring theories ranging from paranormal activity to rare medical conditions. We'll also delve into the ways this phenomenon has been portrayed in popular culture, adding to its enduring mystique.

    Whether you're a skeptic, a believer, or simply fascinated by the unexplained, this episode promises a spine-tingling exploration of one of the most puzzling and controversial topics in the realm of the unknown. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we ignite the conversation on spontaneous human combustion. Cheers to the mysteries of the dark!

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 143 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we journey into the mystical realm of Hedge Witches in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on herbal elixirs, delve into the ancient practices of hedgecraft, and uncover the secrets of those who walk between the worlds.

    In this episode, we'll explore the unique path of the Hedge Witch, a solitary practitioner who works closely with nature, spirits, and the liminal spaces between the physical and spiritual realms. Discover the rich traditions, folklore, and skills that define hedgecraft, from herbalism and divination to astral travel and spirit communication.

    As we enjoy our nature-inspired cocktails infused with wild herbs and forest fruits, we'll share insights into the tools, rituals, and practices that Hedge Witches use to connect with the natural world and the unseen. Learn how to cultivate your own relationship with the hedge, whether it's through creating sacred spaces, journeying beyond the veil, or working with plant allies.

    Whether you're an aspiring Hedge Witch or simply curious about this intriguing path, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we traverse the mystical hedge together. Cheers to the magic of the in-between!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 142 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we explore the enchanting practice of Urban Foraging in witchcraft. Join us as we sip on nature-inspired libations, wander through cityscapes, and uncover the hidden magic of urban environments.

    In this episode, we'll delve into the art of urban foraging, discovering how to find and ethically harvest magical herbs, plants, and natural materials right in the heart of the city. From sidewalk cracks to community gardens, we'll reveal the unexpected places where nature thrives amidst the concrete jungle.

    As we sip on our urban-foraged cocktails infused with city-sourced botanicals, we'll share tips and techniques for identifying and using urban plants in your magical practice. Learn how to create powerful potions, spells, and charms with the hidden treasures found in your local surroundings.

    Whether you're a city-dwelling witch or a curious explorer eager to connect with nature in an urban setting, this episode offers a wealth of inspiration and practical guidance. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we uncover the magic of urban foraging. Cheers to finding enchantment everywhere!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 5 of our Sabbat Series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we celebrate the bountiful festival of Lammas! Join us in this special bonus episode as we raise our glasses to the first harvest, honoring the cycles of the earth and the abundance it brings.

    In this episode, we'll dive into the rich history and traditions of Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, exploring its origins in ancient agrarian societies and its significance in the Wheel of the Year. Discover the rituals, spells, and crafts associated with this Sabbat, designed to give thanks for the harvest and ensure continued prosperity.

    As we sip on our harvest-inspired cocktails infused with grains, fruits, and herbs of the season, we'll share ways to celebrate Lammas in both grand and simple ways. Whether you're baking bread, crafting corn dollies, or performing gratitude rituals, we'll provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to make your Lammas celebration truly magical.

    So gather your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we embrace the spirit of the harvest and the magic of Lammas. Cheers to the abundance of the season!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Subscriber-only episode

    Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 35 of our After Dark bonus series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we venture into the mystical and profound world of Karma. Join us in the twilight hours as we sip on potent potions and unravel the enigmatic threads of cause and effect that weave through our lives.

    In this episode, we'll delve into the ancient concept of Karma, exploring its origins, principles, and implications in both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. Discover how our actions, intentions, and thoughts set the wheels of Karma in motion, creating ripples that echo through time and space.

    As we sip on our After Dark cocktails infused with herbs and spices that resonate with balance and reflection, we'll discuss how to work with the energies of Karma in your magical practice. From karmic cleansing rituals to spells for healing past actions, we'll provide insights and techniques to help you navigate the intricate web of cause and effect.

    Whether you're seeking to understand the deeper meaning of your life experiences or aiming to create positive change through mindful action, this episode offers a wealth of wisdom and inspiration. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we journey into the depths of Karma. Cheers to the dance of destiny!

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 141 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails! In this thrilling continuation of our Techno Magick series, we're diving even deeper into the fusion of modern technology and ancient witchcraft. Join us as we explore the cutting-edge practices that bring magick into the digital age.

    In this episode, we'll venture into the world of geocaching, uncovering how this modern treasure hunt can become a magical quest filled with hidden spells and enchanted items. We'll also delve into tech-enhanced herbology, discovering how digital tools can revolutionize the way we grow, harvest, and use magical herbs.

    As we sip on our futuristic cocktails, we'll share innovative ideas for voice-activated spells, allowing you to cast enchantments with just a few spoken words. Plus, we'll explore the concept of digital time capsules, showing you how to preserve your magical intentions and messages for future generations.

    Whether you're a tech-savvy witch or a curious seeker eager to blend tradition with innovation, this episode promises a wealth of inspiration and practical tips. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we journey into the world of Techno Magick. Cheers to the future of witchcraft!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 140 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we blend the ancient arts with the cutting-edge world of technology to explore the fascinating realm of Techno Magick! Join us as we sip on futuristic cocktails, cast spells through screens, and uncover the ways in which modern witches are integrating technology into their magical practices.

    In this episode, we'll delve into the innovative world of Techno Magick, discussing how digital tools, social media, and electronic devices can be used to enhance your witchcraft. From creating digital sigils to harnessing the power of online communities, we'll explore the endless possibilities for integrating technology with traditional magical practices.

    As we sip on our tech-inspired cocktails infused with herbs and crystals that resonate with technological energies, we'll share tips and techniques for crafting your own Techno Magick rituals. Whether you're looking to boost your magical practice with the help of apps, connect with fellow witches worldwide, or simply infuse your tech with a touch of enchantment, this episode offers a treasure trove of modern magic.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we journey into the electrifying world of Techno Magick. Cheers to the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern innovation! (And Wren's Techno Fear?)

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 139 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we conjure the energies of abundance and delve into the art of prosperity magick! Join us as we sip on enchanting libations, stir our cauldrons of wealth, and explore the magical practices that attract prosperity and abundance into our lives.

    In this episode, we'll uncover the secrets of prosperity magick, from ancient spells and rituals to modern-day techniques for manifesting wealth and success. Discover how to harness the power of crystals, herbs, and symbols to create potent charms and talismans that draw abundance your way.

    As we sip on our prosperity-themed cocktails infused with herbs and spices known for their wealth-attracting properties, we'll share tips and techniques for crafting your own prosperity spells and rituals. Whether you're looking to boost your finances, enhance your career, or invite overall abundance into your life, this episode offers a wealth of wisdom and inspiration.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we weave the magic of prosperity into our lives. Cheers to abundance and wealth!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Subscriber-only episode

    Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to episode 34 of our After Dark Series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we delve deeper into the shadowy world of Binding Spells in Part 2 of this captivating exploration. Join us as we sip on potent elixirs, stir the cauldron of enchantment, and unlock the secrets of this powerful magical practice.

    In this episode, we'll continue our journey into the art and ethics of binding spells, exploring advanced techniques and intricate rituals used to contain and redirect unwanted energies. We'll discuss the nuances of intention-setting, the importance of protection, and the ethical considerations every witch must weigh when performing binding spells.

    As we enjoy our darkly enchanting cocktails infused with protective herbs and powerful crystals, we'll share personal stories, tips, and real-life applications of binding spells. From safeguarding your space to preventing harm, this episode offers deeper insights and practical guidance for mastering the delicate balance of this potent form of magic.

    Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious seeker, this episode promises to deepen your understanding and enhance your practice. So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we delve into the mysteries of Binding Spells Part 2. Cheers to the power of protection and control!

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to episode 138 of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we tackle an essential yet often overlooked aspect of spellcraft: disposing of spell components. Join us as we stir our cauldrons, sip on magical concoctions, and delve into the thoughtful and respectful ways to conclude your rituals.

    In this episode, we'll explore the various methods for disposing of spell remnants, from natural elements like herbs and crystals to more personal items like candles and paper. We'll discuss the importance of aligning your disposal methods with the intent of your spell and respecting the energies you've worked with.

    As we enjoy our spell-binding "cocktails" infused with herbs and energies, we'll share practical tips for eco-friendly and magical ways to return your spell components to the earth, water, fire, or air. Whether you're burying remnants, casting them into a flowing river, or releasing them into the wind, this episode will guide you through the process with mindfulness and intention.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we demystify the art of disposing of spell components with reverence and respect. Cheers to closing your rituals with grace!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling

  • Let's Chat!!

    Welcome to Episode 4 of our Sabbat Series on C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, where we bask in the radiant glow of Litha! Join us as we celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, with sun-infused rituals, magical traditions, and delightful midsummer potions.

    As we sip on our summery cocktails infused with sun-kissed herbs and flowers, we'll share tips for creating powerful Litha rituals and crafting sun charms to amplify your magical intentions. Whether you're dancing around a bonfire or soaking up the sun's rays in your garden, this episode offers a treasure trove of inspiration for embracing the magic of the Summer Solstice.

    So grab your cauldron, pour yourself a cocktail, and join us as we celebrate the warmth and light of Litha. Cheers to the magic of Midsummer!

    Support the show

    Until then, Stay Witchy!!

    River's Etsy Store: www.batsandbaublesinc.etsy.com
    Website: www.c3witchypodcast.com
    Merch: www.c3witchypodcastmerch.com

    Our wonderful logo is done by: www.nellamarinadraws.etsy.com

    Intro and Outro Audio:
    podcast intro & outro music:
    Góða Nótt by Alexander Nakarada
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4754-g-a-n-tt
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-lice
    Sound from Zapsplat.com – Witches Cauldrons bubbling