
  • Do you feel like an alien? And what if you were one, like for real?! πŸ‘½πŸ€­πŸ˜Ž

    Be prepared to have your mind blown in this quantum transmission.

    I share some pretty high-frequency architecture of life that shows you why you most likely have alien DNA and how that affects your life.

    How can you do that if you have alien DNA? What are the signs?
    And then, what to do about it?

    My high council has shared with me this morning, during a Trance channeling session for my school of channeling Eeria, that humanity is now undergoing a huge recalibration around alien connections and alien blueprints.

    Most of us receive cosmic surgeries and upgrades to expand our consciousness so we can receive new information about interstellar connections.

    It’s happening πŸ‘½πŸš€
    Are you ready?

    πŸ’« Learn more about Eeria:

    πŸ’« Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
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  • β€œWhen do you know to push to go after what you want, or instead to wait? How can we consciously work with different timelines?”

    One of my students in my school of channeling Eeria recently asked this very good question. This is such an important subject as, when we expand our consciousness, we learn to work with quantum laws consciously and therefore need to align our actions differently than before.

    As we reclaim our creator power, we can often wonder why timelines shift more quickly than ever before. How do we know when to push for something we have been working on manifesting for a while, or when to let go, surrender, and wait for a sign to know if it is indeed the highest timeline for us?

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the inifinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.

    πŸ’« Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
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    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

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  • In this powerful, channeled transmission, I go deep into our connection with our spirit guides, including who our spirit guides are, how they are ALWAYS helping us and what it means to co-create precisely and consciously with our spirit guides. I share many personal stories of my journey with my own teams of spirit guides (and how my spirit guides are also here to serve YOU when you are in the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry!).

    Learning to connect and co-create with our spirit guides on this level is completely life-changing. It helps us elevate our health, our relationships and of course embody our soul mission with precision. Our guides are such a blessing and they are always there, the magic happens when we start to channel them!

    This transmission is a clip taken from my free 4-day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission. Receive access to the replay of the entire training for FREE and connect to the soul of your mission and unlock greater co-creation with your spirit guides. You will receive a ton of mind blowing content, three activations and experience what it is like to receive group mentoring with me!

    Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3ycefeS

    This episode covers:

    Codes for channeling our soul mission consciously Co-creation with our guidesOur different teams of spirit guidesMy journey through anger with my guidesHow to distinguish our guides from our lower mindWhat happens when you start co-creating with your spirit guidesThe most potent moment of my lifeHow our belief systems & self-love affect our ability to channel
    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • Today, we answered Blake's question and I know that a lot of people in my community will appreciate receiving this answer, as we all love learning new healing methods and often wonder how to weave them all together (if that is even acceptable and respectful).

    "I was wondering if Channelling Pleiadians at the same time as being a Reiki Practitioner is something that is a beautiful combination for my life or best for me to choose one? I have fear about causing confusion or upset by mixing my practices but at the same time feeling called to multiple things. Same for my love of chanting to divine mother and my love for connecting with Master Morya in Theosophy. Is it ok to have these multiple influences and are they incompatible? And would a group of Celestials/E.T’s be better in combination with something like Reiki etc..."

    Join The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions!

    One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers' questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
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    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • Today, we answered a question from Karen: "What are the things we should be doing in this transition times as energetic protection and spiritual hygiene?

    We gave an in-depth question and I can already tell you that you will love knowing my very unique trick to connect to the divine every morning, you can thank you me later;-) Join me live on Sunday at 5pm Pacific Time for the next episode of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live Q&A.

    This is a live series where I answer YOUR burning questions! One of my favourite things to do is answer my students and followers questions!! I know that so many of you receive so much from the precise guidance of my high-council.

    Ask me anything about channeling, psychic abilities, star races, ascended masters, dragons, quantum realms, the architecture of the universe, spirit guides - the infinite sky is the limit.

    Email me your questions ([email protected]) and I will answer them live on YouTube!
    πŸ’« Here is the link to the episode mentioned about "protection for light workers": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13eGzEZPCZw&t=795s
    πŸ’« Here is the link to learn more about The Portal: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theportal

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • In this transmission, my team and I dive deep into discovering and embodying our soul mission! Learn about my soul mission, the different legs of our soul mission and three important codes needed to embody your soul mission in this life time.

    I also share the frequency of the soul mission and how we can actually channel it and receive information directly from our soul mission frequency.

    It is absolutely fascinating to learn about and so beneficial for you on your journey of spiritual evolution!
    This transmission is a clip taken from my free 4-day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission. Receive access to the replay of the entire training for FREE and connect to the soul of your mission and unlock greater co-creation with your spirit guides. You will receive a ton of mind blowing content, three activations and experience what it is like to receive group mentoring with me!

    Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3ycefeS

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • Learn about different star races who were of lower frequency were a part of the descension of humanity which led to the fall of the Golden Ancient Civilisations on Earth.

    This clip was taken from my free global transmission β€œThe Rise of The Fallen Angels of Aquarius”. You can sign up to receive instant access to the full transmission here:

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • The universe has our back and everything happens for a reason

    Learn how the timeline of humanity works when we look at time from a linear perspective vs how it really is, which isn’t linear at all!

    Time happens all at once! Past, present and future is all connected very closely, whereas in linear timeline, we are separated from the past, present and future.

    As multidimensional beings, we have our oversoul network, which has us as its current incarnation. Our oversoul network has other projections in the past, present and future on Earth and in different star systems which all happen simultaneously!

    Discover what this means in relation to the fall of ancient civilisations and how it affects humanity still today.

    This transmission was taken from my free global transmission β€œThe Rise of The Fallen Angels of Aquarius”. You can sign up to receive instant access to the full transmission here:


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • πŸ’« Join me for a revolutionary and deeply transformative transmission and activation: β€œThe Rise of the Fallen Angels into the Age of Aquarius”.

    Sign up now: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/theriseglobalevent

    We are officially aligning to the frequencies of the Age of Aquarius πŸŽ‰

    This means that we are moving from living in the architecture of the inverted matrix (or 3D density) to living in the 5th-dimensional matrix of the Golden Age.

    Here are the different pillars of these two opposites…

    Inverted Matrix
    ☁️ Distorted Masculine
    ☁️ Distorted Feminine
    ☁️ Heavy karmic cycles
    ☁️ Living from a broken heart
    ☁️ Betrayal of self and others

    5D Matrix;
    🌞 Healthy Masculine
    🌞 Healthy Feminine
    🌞 Soul alignment
    🌞 Clear Karma (Freedom)
    🌞 Loyalty to self and others

    I will be channeling the powerful codes of this transmission during my free global event happening on the 2nd of April.

    How can we personally help this deep shift activate more light quota within us, so we can easily align to the 5th dimensional matrix of angelic light?

    How can we use the powerful timelines activated in the Age of Aquarius to help others and amplify our soul purpose, our business, so humanity leaves the inverted matrix once and for all?

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • Here are three things you need to know to create deeper connections with your spirit guides, so you know how to communicate with them more precisely, so they can help you activate your purpose.

    1. They are here! instead of trying to connect by leaving your body and looking at the stars, try connecting with your spirit guides using your body, feeling them around you.
    2. They are all loving! Don't project on your spirit guides. They have an infinite amount of love and patience for you.
    3. They each have different roles and functions. learn how to precisely communicate with them so you can make the most of their infinite wisdom. That will help you activate a higher reality for yourself and your community much more easily!

    I share in-depth on these subjects and give you different personal tips so you can refine your communication with your family of the light.

    + I also share about the difference between having "spirit guides" versus a "high council of light".

    If you would like to receive more information about Eeria School of Channeling: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/eeria

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on YouTube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • Why is humanity not considered a civilisation amongst star nations, and why is this problem so crucial to understanding?

    How can you personally rise up to become an ambassador of the new earth in your everyday life? How does this relate to sobering up to our spiritual immaturity, so we can anchor ourselves at the centre point of our fractal (in our heart centre) and therefore lead the way as an angel on earth?

    This transmission will help you perceive some of your blind spots in your spiritual journey, so you can already shift gears and embody more of your divinity, your grace, and your power.

    Eeria School of Channeling: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/eeria

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
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    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • We're officially in the year of the Wood Dragon! Listen to this channeled transmission to receive some amazing guidance on how to make the most of the sparkle and how to activate the energy of creation and manifestation offered to us now.

    Learn about the primal code of Abundance and how to recalibrate that in your field, without being stuck by outdated programs and belief systems.

    Receive a quantum hack to increase your grid of time so you can feel more relaxed and get more done this year.

    This transmission is pure gold and I'm very grateful to have channeled these amazing messages from the wood Dragon who was present with me the whole time.

    Life is truly magical indeed!

    Eeria School of Channeling: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/eeria

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • What has Valentine’s Day done to me??!!

    From bitter disconnected tomboy to aligned embodied romantic woman.

    I share some pretty intimate things here…

    And I also announce some amazing news at the end of this transmission! πŸ’•
    I celebrate YOU
    Your unique spark,
    Your tremendous courage,
    Your willingness to heal and rise,
    Your beauty and your grace.

    Thank you for being here on this beautiful planet with me.

    I love you πŸ₯°

    Eeria School of Channeling: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/eeria

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
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    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • In this episode of the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry live, learn how you can tap into your childhood memories in order to unlock your unique gifts and talents!

    I share paranormal stories from my childhood and how these memories and working with my inner child helped me to activate my psychic and channeling abilities later in life. These stories are keys for remembrance for other people which will be unlocked as you receive my stories.

    As we evolve through life we gather balloons of information through memories, once this balloon overflows with information, that is when our gifts start to come to life and our manifestations come into our field!

    As we begin to ascend and raise our frequency into the new Golden Age as a collective, more and more of us will start to receive memories from our childhood that we had forgotten. These memories are the keys to opening up our psychic gifts!

    Remember, that we all have psychic and intuitive gifts and this is just a way to find them and open them up!

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • In this transmission, learn all about dragon technology and in particular the 6 main quantum technologies of the Dragon Warriors that YOU can activate now.

    These technologies are used by dragons to help us refine our connection with these codes that are already present within us!

    This is powerful and very activating!

    It will help you amplify your connection with dragons but also:

    🐲Grow in courage and confidence
    🐲 Release fears of being seen and heard for spraining your truth
    🐲Alchemise traumas and limitations instantly
    🐲Increase your magnetism
    🐲 Increase your ability to feel and receive love
    🐲 Amplify your service
    🐲 Increase your psychic abilities

    And soooo much more!!!

    You can still join The Dragon Warrior Codex 6-week accelerator (until Feb 10!).

    Don’t miss this unique opportunity to work with the power of dragons to activate your leadership NOW!


    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time (and spontaneously on Instagram!).

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • This episode is an interview with Marga Valverde on Dragons, The Dragon Warrior Lineage, and why more and more Missioned Souls are unlocking co-creation with these mythical and benevolent beings of light.

    Cendrine shares her personal journey with connecting to dragons and explains how many of us have dragon genomes, which can lead to a greater understanding of one's multi-dimensionality.

    Marga discusses the Sofia code cosmology and how it relates to the dragon lineages.

    The conversation also touched on the transformative effects of the dragon warrior leadership accelerator program and the high-level quantum work that enables individuals to transition into their next version.

    To learn more about β€œThe Dragon Warrior Codex” Leadership Accelerator visit: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/dragonwarriorevent
    Sign up is open until the 10th of February 2024.

    Connect with Marga: https://www.instagram.com/missionedsoul/

    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • In this transmission, I give you practical exercises and a quick activation to help you open your wings to serve others at the highest.

    This is also for people who desire to step into a higher frequency in an area of their life that has been more challenging for them.

    We do this by extracting subconscious programming that is present with your shadows and hidden realms which may still be ruling your life and prevent you from connecting to your sovereignty.

    There is still time to join the Dragon Warrior Codex, starting on 1st of Feb (we will keep registrations open until the 10th of Feb if you are watching this after 1/2). Sign up here: https://cendrines.kartra.com/page/dragonwarriorevent

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • πŸ‰ Why are dragons so present now?
    πŸ‰ What does it have to do with the age of Aquarius?
    πŸ‰ Why do you feel called to know more about them and consciously co-create with them?
    πŸ‰ Are you afraid of your own power?

    Learn about dragon codes, and more specifically the dragon warrior lineage.

    Understand the connection between dragons, the new earth, the age of Aquarius and your own role in the manifestation of the new golden ages.

    Learn to recognise the signs of the dragon genome within you and how to use the technology of your heart to access that frequency.

    Receive a potent transmission that will help you understand your power, so you’re not afraid of it any longer and can harness it to create new realities from your heart.

    Dragons, together we rise!!!

    πŸ’™ I would love to invite you to join me inside the Dragon Warrior Codex starting on the 1st of February.


    We are the light leaders remembering our highest destiny in devotion to the divine. We are the change makers who were born to anchor the new golden age.

    πŸ”₯ The time has come

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
    πŸͺ Access my free gifts to help you on your ascension journey
    πŸͺ Work with me
    πŸͺ Explore my Coded Library of mini-online courses
    πŸͺ Find my blog here

  • How to find and ignite the Dragon flame of creation within you...

    How is the new Age of Aquarius, which is fully activated now, connected to the fame of creation? What do Dragons have to do with it and how can you align to the frequencies of this new age?

    If you are not living as a conscious creator of your reality, what are you calling in? What are you embodying right now?

    Learn how I shocked someone on my holidays recently because I told him I was working constantly. Why is that actually in full alignment with my soul blueprint and why you might also resonate with this affirmation?

    Receive this channeled transmission that will ignite the dragon flame of creation within you, so you can say YES to embodying more of yourself, so you can consciously co-create with the frequency of your mission and live on purpose, every day.
    Learn why working from the Dragon heart fully activated within you dismantles all fears, limitations and outdated programming instantly and effortlessly.

    More about the Dragon Warrior Codex and how to join :

    Follow me on Instagram to receive more live transmissions there:

    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


    πŸͺ Follow me on Instagram for daily galactic inspiration
    πŸͺ Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more multidimensional videos
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  • In this episode, we talk about another "trauma awakening code" that gets activated when we realise how deep the control system is, how much trauma we really have to heal, and how unpredictable our future is. When there is so much going on, we can often feel powerless.

    Feeling this way is a sign that we aren't fully connected to our sovereign multidimensionality... So, how can we embody our immense power ( as a unified force of creation with balanced feminine and masculine), while also having fears and limitations?

    The way we teach is connecting you to your own soul so deeply that you will find yourself evolving fast, organically and very efficiently. "Know yourself"!

    Join The Dragon Warrior Codex, A six-week leadership accelerator for Light Workers who want to amplify their service and connect more deeply to their purpose. We start on the 1st of February!


    Join the Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live on Youtube!

    This is a replay of The Golden Age Spiritual Ministry Live over on YouTube.

    Join me and my High Council of Light live on Sunday at 3pm and Tuesdays at 12pm Pacific Time.

    We are here to activate a tidal wave of accelerated awakening and spiritual evolution, so we can anchor the new Golden Age now and say goodbye to the old 3D matrix once and for all.

    Every episode is like a mini-surgery, helping you release old subconscious programming, traumas, and fears, so you can wake up to the truth of your own divine power and shift in greater alignment with your incredibly powerful soul.

    We are the wave!!!

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel & turn on notifications so you don’t miss a thing.


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