
  • #159 – In this episode, I dive into a major stumbling block for many students: how to actually answer your essay question.

    I introduce my innovative Braid Method, designed to help you stay on track and avoid tangents that can cost you valuable marks

    Then, I break down common reasons why essays go off course and provide practical, actionable steps to ensure your writing remains focused and aligned with the question, guidance, and marking criteria.

    Whether you're struggling with understanding the question, maintaining focus while writing, or identifying when you've strayed off-topic, this episode will equip you with the tools to produce structured, coherent essays that meet the highest standards.

    Tune in to transform your essay-writing approach and achieve those top marks you’re aiming for.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode159.

    Find out more and enrol in Write Better Essays.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #158 – In this episode, I dive into the PEEL method, a powerful tool for crafting clear and persuasive essay paragraphs.

    Whether you're aiming for a first class essay or just looking to improve your writing skills, this episode will provide you with practical steps to enhance your essay structure.

    I'll explain how to make your points stand out, support them with solid evidence, and ensure your arguments are clear and convincing.

    By mastering the PEEL method, you can make your essays more structured and compelling, ultimately boosting your marks and confidence.

    Join me to learn how to write paragraphs that truly shine.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode158.

    Find out more and enrol in Write Better Essays.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

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  • #157 – In this episode of "Chloe Made Me Study," I am kicking off a six-part series on essay writing with a deep dive into the five essential requirements of a first class essay.

    I’ll break down the core elements that make an essay stand out, from constructing a logical argument to staying within the word count.

    Then, I’ll share the common problems students face, such as unclear writing and straying from the essay question, and offer practical solutions to overcome these hurdles.

    Whether you're balancing work, family, and study, or just looking to boost your grades, this episode provides actionable steps to help you write clearer, more focused essays that impress your tutors.

    Tune in to transform your academic writing and achieve those dream first class grades!

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode157.

    Find out more and enrol in Write Better Essays.

    Join my membership, the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #156 – In this episode, I dive into the transformative concept of productive struggle and how it can be a secret weapon for your academic success.

    I’ll demystify what productive struggle actually is, highlighting the difference between productive and unproductive struggle. Then, I’ll share 7 simple, practical strategies to help you navigate and embrace productive struggle, so you can use the challenges in your studying to deepen your learning, improve your skills and achieve higher grades.

    With productive struggle nailed, you’ll learn how to boost your confidence, improve memory retention, and apply your learning to real-world scenarios.

    This episode is packed with practical advice and empathetic guidance, making it a must-listen for adult learners balancing studies with work and family responsibilities. Tune in to discover how to convert frustration into progress so you can achieve your academic goals.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode156.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #155 – the podcast is back babyyyy!

    In this reintroduction episode, I share my personal adult learning journey, detailing how I transformed from a struggling student to achieving a first-class degree. You'll hear about the bumps along the road, the lessons learned, and the strategies I developed that led me to now running my own business helping students worldwide as a study skills and mindset coach.

    I’ll share my (very) honest experiences with academic setbacks, the importance of developing effective study habits, and the absolutely vital role of mindset in higher learning.

    Tune in to discover practical tips and get a sneak peek into what to expect from the upcoming episodes. Whether you're balancing work, family, and studies or facing low confidence in your learning abilities, this episode is packed with insights to support your studying journey.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode155.

    Join the Kickbutt Students Club membership.

    Grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #154 – In this episode, you’ll learn the do’s and don’ts of academic writing to help you write a great essay. We’ll start by highlighting seven common mistakes that lead to subpar essays – or what I refer to as shite essays. Because learning what NOT to do can really help you get clear on what you should do instead. These pitfalls include issues like procrastination, haphazard planning, and overlooking feedback.

    Next, cos I’m not gonna leave you hanging, I’ll walk you through 7 ways to write a great essay, sharing practical strategies and insights to elevate your writing game. Learn how to start early, plan effectively, answer the essay question correctly, organise your ideas, back up your arguments with evidence, write with clarity and conciseness, and leverage feedback to continuously improve.

    Whether you’re aiming for top grades or you’d like to become a better writer or you’d just like essay writing to be bloody easier, this episode will equip you with the essential skills to take you from shite to stellar so you can write a great essay.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode154.

    Find out more about my Write Better Essays LIVE programme.

  • #153 – If you've ever wondered how to graduate with your dream grades, here’s your roadmap. Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed out on your academic journey? It's time to break free from that cycle.

    In this episode, we'll explore the powerful concept that results are a product of behaviors, which are rooted in your identity. You’ll learn how to embrace your identity as a dedicated student and lifelong learner and shift your perspective from "studying as a task" to "studying as part of who you are."

    We'll also dive deep into why habits can be so challenging to change. You’ll understand the invisible force that tries to keep you in your comfort zone and how to overcome it. You’ll learn how to accumulate evidence of your capabilities, making it easier to stay on track until, ultimately, it will feel weird not to be the student who consistently works towards their dream grades.

    Tune into this episode and start building your evidence bank to become the epic student and learner you aspire to be. Let's make your dream grades a reality!

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode153.

    Enrol in the upcoming Kickbutt Study Camp.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #152 – Are you ready to embark on your best academic year ever?

    Getting ready for the new academic year is about more than buying new stationery and setting up your study space. It IS possible to take a few simple, intentional actions now to set the stage for an easier studying life AND epic grades.

    The weeks leading up to the start of a new academic year can be filled with anticipation and uncertainty. Whether you're a first-time student or a seasoned scholar, it's normal to have a mix of emotions as you prepare for the challenges ahead.

    In this episode, I’m here to help you use this time effectively so you can start your next classes feeling organised, motivated, focused and confident.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode152.

    Join the waitlist for the upcoming Kickbutt Study Camp.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #151 – Are you struggling to find your perfect study strategies? You’ve run out of ideas or you’re worried that your current study techniques just aren’t that efficient or effective.

    In this episode, we'll uncover the unique challenges adult learners face, such as time management amidst busy schedules and limited study time – and just why it’s so important that your study strategies work for you…and not just take up your precious time each week without yielding epic grades.

    Imposter syndrome often creeps in, making you doubt your abilities, but fear not because this episode will equip you with mindset strategies to boost your confidence and motivation. We’ll also delve into the power of a growth mindset and explore how this belief in your ability to grow can transform your academic journey.

    You’ll discover a step-by-step process to unearth and find your perfect study strategies that resonate with your learning style and commitments. You’ll learn the importance of self-assessment, starting small with experimentation, and embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth.

    This episode offers actionable insights to navigate your studying challenges, enhance your academic success and it will pave the way for achieving your dream grades without burnout.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode151.

    Join the waitlist for the upcoming Kickbutt Study Camp.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

    Check out this other relevant episode on imposter syndrome in your studies.

  • #150 – In this episode, we delve into the art of bouncing back from study disappointment. Whether your grades are really low or just not as high as you’d like, learn how to bounce back with a resilient mindset, turning setbacks into stepping stones towards the grades you really want.

    Join us as we explore proven strategies to cultivate a growth mindset, leverage self-awareness, and transform disappointment into motivation and a catalyst for growth. Get ready to unlock your potential and gain actionable insights and techniques to navigate academic setbacks and emerge stronger on your learning journey.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode150.

    Sign up to my email newsletter to find out more about the upcoming study skills workshops.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #149 – In the previous episode (148) we looked at her positive studying traits, so now we’re going to look at the reasons why Hermione Granger is NOT a great student.

    Some of her behaviours are OK at a certain dose but Hermione takes them to an unhelpful or unhealthy level. Then, some of her qualities are not great at all.

    In this episode, you’re going to discover how to distinguish between the traits that make someone a great student, and the traits that are celebrated but that actually will hinder your success, leave you kinda hating studying, and impact your career.

    You’ll walk away with some solid studying and mindset advice that will allow you to make faster progress towards your dream grades AND set you up for confident, motivated lifelong learning and career success.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode149.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #148 – As role models go, the character of Hermione Granger could offer some pretty good studying advice.

    Harry Potter’s Hermione Granger is known for being a hard worker, a diligent student and a lover of learning. Yes, she has her faults – look out for next week’s episode for what *not* to emulate from her learning style – but there are a lot of lessons that you as an adult learner can apply to see great results.

    In this episode, I’m going to share with you 5 magical pieces of studying advice from Hermione Granger – the traits and qualities that make her a great student. You’ll walk away knowing how to apply these to your unique studying situation to study with more discipline and motivation and to help you achieve higher university grades.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode148.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #147 – It’s pitched as the *most* important study skill, but why is it so goddamn hard to be consistent with your studies as an adult learner?

    When you’re studying alongside a busy life – as a distance learner, mature student or a workplace learner – it’s pretty hard to study in an unchangeable rhythm.

    And trying to do so and failing can really bottom out your motivation and mindset.

    In this episode we’re going to tackle why it’s so hard to be consistent with your studies – and you’ll learn what to focus on instead.

    Because I would argue that there’s a more important trait that is *much* easier for adult learners to embody. Nail this and you’ll bounce back faster from studying setbacks, be able to flex your studying around your busy life, become a more resilient, confident learner…all so you can graduate with the grades you really want.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode147.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #146 – Studying as an adult is hardddd, but it is definitely possible to achieve more confident and resilient learning. Working on your mindset and learning some key confidence strategies can shift your perspective and help you study with more self-compassion, self-awareness and self-confidence – so you can graduate with the grades you really want.

    In this week’s episode we’re going to learn some key studying lessons from a recent event – Lewis Capaldi’s 2023 Glastonbury performance and subsequent announcement that he is taking a break from touring.

    Now whether you’re a Lewis Capaldi fan or know, or even whether or not you know him, this episode is going to analyse what happened and identify three key lessons that you can apply straight away to your studying to achieve more confident and resilient learning.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode146.

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #145 – Do you struggle with imposter syndrome sometimes in your studies? Do you ever feel like a bit of a fraud that isn’t good enough to be studying this subject at this level?

    Imposter syndrome can strike students in different ways. When you get a low grade it can make you believe that this is your limit and you’re not capable of achieving more. When you get a higher grade it can make you feel like you didn’t deserve this success – that you’re a fraud who’s going to be found out to have gotten here by luck not by skill and hard work.

    In this episode we’re going to break down imposter syndrome to understand it a little more. Then I’m going to share with you three simple strategies you can use to kick imposter syndrome to the curb so that you can study from a more positive place, feel more confident AND ultimately achieve better results that you actually believe you deserve.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode145.

    Join the waitlist for Write Better Essays Live.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #144 – It’s time for another interview episode with inspiring student, Lisa-Jane, who shares more about her university journey, how she integrates her studying into her busy family and work life, and how she’s achieving career progression despite only being part way through her degree.

    In this episode, Lisa-Jane shares about her journey to returning to study as a mature student. She shares how she makes space in her schedule for studying and tips and tricks you can use too to make it easier to sit at your desk after a long day.

    Lisa-Jane talks about how furthering her education has changed her; that everyone in her life thinks she’s like a different person with the confidence she’s gained from working on herself.

    Despite being in her third year of a six-year part-time degree, Lisa-Jane has already achieved some epic career progression by demonstrating the knowledge and skills she’s learned from her course. She talks us through how she’s made this happen which is super inspiring.

    You are going to LOVE this episode and love hearing from Lisa-Jane and I hope you come away feeling more hopeful and motivated about your own education and career progression.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode144.

    Follow Lisa-Jane on

    Join the waitlist for the Kickbutt Students Club.

    Join the waitlist for my upcoming
    essay writing programme (launching end Feb/running in March).

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #143 – You could continue to beat yourself up about not being able to achieve your goals and stick to new habits…OR you could learn how to make study goal setting and habit forming easy.

    Whether you’re checking out this episode in the new year, the start of a new academic year, or a random Wednesday in March, this episode is going to help you figure out how to affect positive change in your studies (and other areas of your life) with more ease and more long-lasting effect.

    I’m going to share three simple steps to make study goal setting and habit forming easy, with some examples for exactly how you can apply these lessons to your studying to not only help you set awesome study goals and intentions for yourself, but actually achieve them,

    Let’s go!

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode143

    Join the waitlist for the
    Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #142 – Sometimes you’re tired and unmotivated and the last thing you want to do is sit at your desk and force feed knowledge into your brain…but you know that you still need to make progress in your studies after an awful day.

    Sometimes the answer may be rest and some time away from your textbooks, but when you’ve got deadlines and big assessments looming, you need to be able to turn things around.

    So, in this episode we’re going do just that. You’re going to learn exactly how to shake it off so you can make progress in your studies after an awful day.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to:

    Enrol in the
    Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #141 – It may seem like a fairytale but I promise you it’s possible to get more studying done in less time.

    Without realising it, you are likely wasting a hefty amount of your precious time on ineffective and inefficient studying. And I know that you don’t have lots of time to waste.

    You wanna tick off those tasks and reach your academic goals WITHOUT spending every spare hour chained to your desk.

    So let’s do it. Listen to this episode to find out 8 simple ways you can get more studying done in less time.

    It’s time to study smarter, not harder so you can achieve the university grades you want in a lot less time and with a lot less stress.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode141.

    Join the waitlist for the
    Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.

  • #140 – Fed up of feeling overwhelmed by your studies?

    Whether you’ve got a to-do list the length of your arm or a big, scary task that you have no idea how to tackle, overwhelm is a not-so-great place to be in your studies.

    When you feel overwhelmed by your studies you lose motivation, you feel stressed and panicked and you end up making little to no progress…which then only increases your overwhelm!

    It’s time to get unstuck

    In this episode I’m going to share with you two simple steps you can take right now to stop feeling overwhelmed by your studies. Do these and you’ll feel like a weight’s been lifted. You’ll feel in control, more motivated and more positive about your studying journey. And you’ll use this newfound energy to make awesome progress towards your academic goals.

    To get the links and shownotes for this episode, head to: https://chloeburroughs.com/episode140

    Join the waitlist for the
    Kickbutt Students Club.

    Check out this link to grab a copy of my book, The Return to Study Handbook.