Following Christ will includesome ups and downs.
There came a person who was sent from God.
Missing episodes?
Pastor Steve speaks to CYM on are you ready for God's future?
Pastor E. encourages us to be a chosen people.
God is moving by His Spirit, and we can reach our schools now if and only if you are in the right position and at the right time!
Your Passion mixed with a Plan, wrapped in the Power of God will result in your campus hearing the Gospel of Hope, which is Jesus Christ.
Movement - A strategic, organized, and empowered effort toward a common goal.
What are you doing with your dash?
Decide to follow Christ every morning you wake up. Discipline yourself with your decisions. Dwell on pure things.
Pray: Learning to seek God's hand, head and heart.
Part one of our three part series TIME. Remember where you came from. Learn from others past.Take your experience of the past to impact someone's in the future.
Final words for a final season.
How we see our lives now will determine our future.
This is a test, and one you can't afford to fail!
Simple things to see where we really are in our faith.
Its all about the journey and how we sell and live it.
Don't worship the creation, worship the Creator!
Is God worth more to you than your riches?
What if God is real and expects more from you? www.debgraper.blogspot.com
Self control is key to your future.
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