Cross-cultural missions is an exciting calling. But Christians may be surprised to learn there are real problems in the missions community. The woke theology many believers have recently discovered in their midst is not limited to our home countries. In fact, woke theology has wormed its way into other countries through western missionaries.
Missionaries getting ready to launch into the field may have no clue this is going on. Many pastors, missions committees and lay Christians are in the dark too. What is going on and how can churches respond?
In this encore episode, veteran missionary and author E.D. Burns joins the Christian Emergency Podcast to shed helpful daylight on this important topic. He shares helpful insights from his recent book, Ancient Gospel, Brave New World.
If this information is helpful to you, please give us a 5-star rating and a positive review. Likewise, share this episode with friends and fellow believers who need help standing up under mounting pressures.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Ancient Gospel, Brave New World: Jesus Still Saves Sinners in Cultures of Shame, Fear, Bondage and Weakness, by E.D. Burns (Book): https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Gospel-Brave-New-World/dp/1943539278
Seeds and Stars: Resting in Christ for Great Commission Service, by E.D. Burns (Book): https://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Stars-Resting-Commission-Service/dp/0984949895/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=seeds+and+stars&s=books&sr=1-1
The Transcultural Gospel: Jesus is Enough for Sinners in Cultures of Shame, Fear, Bondage, and Weakness, by E.D. Burns (Book):https://www.amazon.com/Transcultural-Gospel-D-Burns/dp/194353926X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+transcultural+gospel&s=books&sr=1-1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website): https://www.christianemergency.com/
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter): @ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Many Christians today fear their faith may one day cost them their job. They are not sure what to do. Should they keep their faith secret? Simply go along to get along? What would it be like if they actually got fired for following Christ?
Dr. Aaron Edwards knows a thing or two about getting fired for faithful stands. Believe it or not, he was recently fired as a Christian teacher from a Christian college for a Christian stand.
His offense: publicly speaking out about sin infiltrating the Church. This was too much for Cliff College, a school in Britain. When internet rage mobs demanded Aaron lose his job, his employer quickly capitulated.
It was difficult for Aaron, his wife, and their five children. But there was also surprising joy in faithfully standing and seeing God and fellow believers respond. His story reminds us that following Christ is high adventure, with plenty of drama but also joy.
If this episode was helpful for you, please share it with your friends. Also give us a positive review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Aaron Edwards (Twitter): @aaron_p_edwards
Crowd Fund Support Site: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/writing-and-speaking-for-evangelical-free-speech
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Missing episodes?
The Church today – in the West and the East – facesmany challenges, yet is called to a momentous mission – namely, the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As challenges mount for the Church, carrying out our mission proves difficult. Not only that, some of those tasked with leading the Church have proven soft or ill-prepared.
The need for courageous spiritual leadership in today’s Church is massive. But with too few of her leaders exhibiting these traits, what is the Church to do? Throw up our hands and pine away about better days? Absolutely not.
Instead, Christians and churches must take steps to shore up our leadership gap. This requires us to lean upon the Spirit and the Word. There are also practical tips that can be applied to develop courageous Christian leaders for the days ahead.
To speak to these important issues, Pastor Joel Wayne joins Andy on this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast. Joel shares helpful insights borne from his own experience leading churches and ministry efforts, both at home and abroad. Joel talks about the importance of partnership and strategic thinking, and also the simple willingness for leadersto pay a price if obedience to Christ so requires.
If you find this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by these insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Chapel Pointe Church: Church Website
Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute (Philippines): Seminary Website
Be the Church (Ministry): Ministry Website
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Many Christians around the West are perplexed by the times they are living in. Things at work, at school, on their streets –they’re just not the same as what they grew up with. Spiritually things are downgraded. The same holds true for the culture in general, which is now hostile to the Christian faith and biblical morals.
So much of this is new and alien. Many Christians have no clue how they should respond. What can they do themselves? And what can they say or do to help their kids? Frustration is growing, along with anxiety, fear and anger.
How can Christians prepare to stand – and help the Church stand – in days of darkness? How can believers brace themselves for trials, and maybe even open persecution, in the days ahead.
To help answer these questions, Andy Coleman sharesfive tips that ordinary Christians can use today to strengthen themselves spiritually for pressures tomorrow. These five tips borrow from his experiences working with persecuted Christians in some of the most difficult countries on earth. Inthose lands, the persecution climate is mature, but in many way similar to the milder but growing pressures in the West.
These insights are drawn from a new book authoredby Andy Coleman, which is scheduled to be published in May, 2025. In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times is a book focused on helping believers prepare themselves, their families and their churches for tougher times.
You can pre-order copies of In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times at Barnes andNoble, Walmart, Target or wherever you find your favorite books.
While the book will not officially launch until May 6, 2025, you can also order advance copies today. Andy willpersonally sign them for you, your friends or your loved ones. These can be found at https://indaysofdarkness.com/.
If you found this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by its insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times (Book). Pre-order at Barnes & Noble, Walmart,Target or wherever you find your favorite books.
In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times (Book) – Signed Advance Reader Copies available here.
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
If you are a Christian and do not know the name Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, it is high time you change that. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian Christian, author and survivor of the Soviet Union’s labor camps. He shocked the world through his writings, which exposed the horrors of the Communist camps. His works eviscerated lies and encouraged people to confront evil themselves.
Solzhenitsyn’s voice remains relevant for Christians today, as believers take stock of their cultural surroundings. Many of the societal ills called out by Solzhenitsyn have resurfaced in recent years around the world. An authoritarian impulse charges the air. Restrictions are ratcheting up on civil and religious liberties. How should Christians respond?
It is precisely these types of questions that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writings can help answer. To help introduce all of this to a new generation of Christians, Ignat Solzhenitsyn – Aleksandr’s son – joins the Christian Emergency Podcast. Ignat unpacks his father’s story and reveals why his great works – like One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago – are worth reading even today.
These insights have broad application for Christians preparing today for pressures tomorrow. If this conversation was helpful for you, please share it with your friends. Also give us a positive review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
The Gulag Archipelago (Book), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: https://www.amazon.com/Archipelago-Peterson-introduction-Aleksandr-Solzhenitsyn/dp/1784871516
The Gulag Archipelago (Audible Version, narrated by Ignat Solzhenitsyn): https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Gulag-Archipelago-Audiobook/1473570344
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Book), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: https://www.amazon.com/One-Day-Life-Ivan-Denisovich/dp/0451531043
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Africa remains important for the Church. In the coming generations, the continent will be home for a huge swath of the world’s population. And while there are many challenges facing Africa, including poverty, militant Islam and instability – there are also many exciting things taking place.
Karen Elliott of the Rafiki Foundation joins the Christian Emergency Podcast to share about some of those exciting developments, along with valuable context. She leans on her 30+ years of experience serving as a missionary and leading a missions organization in Africa, the Rafiki Foundation.
Karen discusses how Rafiki has launched classical Christian schools in multiple African nations, to bless orphans and the poor with an education that allows them to think and serve faithfully. The lessons she draws out shed helpful light on the situation in Africa, but also speak to circumstances facing the Church globally.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Rafiki Foundation: https://rafikifoundation.org/
Association of Classical Christian Schools: https://classicalchristian.org/
Society for Classical Learning: https://societyforclassicallearning.org/
TrueNorth Podcasts: https://truenorth.fm/
The Consortium Podcast: https://consortiumpodcast.podbean.com/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
For years, the Perspectives Course has been a go-to training option for Christians eager to learn about cross-cultural missions. Thousands have been blessed by the insight delivered through the course and its training text, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Pastors, missions committees, future missionaries and even regular Christians hoping to learn more about God’s heart for the peoples have benefitted.
And while much of Perspectives is wonderful, you should be cautious about certain teachings embedded in the course. So warns Josh Manley, a pastor serving in the United Arab Emirates. Josh joins the Christian Emergency Podcast to highlight his concerns, particularly with Perspective’s favorable treatment of Church Planting Movements.
Church Planting Movements, or CPM, sound amazing. But as Josh points out, CPM is a specific methodology that, when looked at closely, may have problems. Is CPM more biblical or pragmatic? What do Christians taking the Perspectives Course need to consider? Listen in and learn as Josh unpacks this important issue, which has already made a profound impact on missions and the Church.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Josh Manley (Twitter): @JoshPManley
Revival and Revivalism: The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism, by Iain H. Murray (Book): https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/history-biography/revival-and-revivalism/
Radius International: https://www.radiusinternational.org/
Capital Hill Baptist Church – Misions Training Course: https://www.capitolhillbaptist.org/resources/core-seminars/series/missions/
International Mission Board (IMB) – Missions Training Courses: https://imb.pathwright.com/library/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
The Christians of Syria face uncertain days. In just two weeks, the Syrian government collapsed. In its place, a newcollection of rulers are assuming control and implementing Sharia law.
What is going on in Syria? Why should Christians around the world monitor their situation and speak up for them?
Andy Coleman, the host of the Christian EmergencyPodcast, provides a quick primer on recent developments, along with helpful context to help you better understand the situation.
Andy makes helpful connections that tie in seemingly distinct topics. The ongoing conflict between Turkey and the Kurds. The Arab Spring. The Armenian Christians recently ethnically cleansed from Nagorno-Karabakh.
If you find this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by these insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X):@ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is aproduction of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
International Christian missions is both exciting and critical. Through evangelical missionaries, the Gospel penetrates new tribes, tongues and cultures. Churches are planted, people are saved from their sins – the Kingdom of Christ advances.
As exciting and important as it is, few Christians feel like they have a solid grasp on the methods and practices that go into missions. Consequently, pastors, elders and everyday Christians have outsourced discernment for the missions they support to the “experts.”
However, some of these experts have been busy implementing practices that align poorly with Scripture. Few in the supporting churches may realize what they are helping push, but it’s time they lean in and learn.
In this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, Pastor Chad Vegas returns to the mic to provide helpful insights into the true state of modern international Christian missions. What’s really going on? Why do supporting churches need to weigh in?
Not only does Chad explore some of the concerns unfolding in missions, but he also highlights encouraging new resources that can help address the issues. These resources – like Missionary.com – will both inspire and equip pastors and churches to bolster their missional confidence.
If you find this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by these insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Missionary.com – resources for pastors and Christians about Christian missions
Missions Midweekers – Missions Intensive at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary held twice a year (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X):@ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is aproduction of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
On this encore episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, we are joined by David Goodwin, president of the Association of Classical Christian Schools and co-author of the book, Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
David Goodwin Substack: https://davidgoodwin.substack.com/
Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation (book): available wherever you find your favorite books
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
From 2016 to 2018, Andrew Brunson struggled inside Turkish prisons. For the previous 23 years, the American and his wife had served as missionaries with Turkey’s small Christian community. But when he was imprisoned on false charges – and then pondered the very real prospect that he would be separated from his family for the rest of his life – Andrew descended into spiritual crisis.
In today’s episode, Andrew provides a raw look into the emotional turmoil that gripped him behind bars. Doubts and despair haunted him. Silence and sadness assaulted his senses. But God was at work drawing prayer towards the nation of Turkey. As much as he was broken down, Andrew eventually sensed he was being built back up. What was God up to?
Learn what Andrew took away from his prison experience, after his surprise release following a criminal conviction. And discover what he senses is now coming for Christians throughout the west. A dark wave is inbound. Christians must prepare now. Andrew longs to help you prepare to stand no matter how harsh your culture becomes. Listen to this episode to find out how, and include your family and friends who who need to prepare as well.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Prepare to Stand (Video Series): https://www.frc.org/preparetostand
WaveStarters (Ministry of Andrew and Norine Brunson): https://www.wavestarters.org/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
How can Christians live joyfully in a wild world? How can you make your home a safe harbor in disturbing times? Believers around the world might take a tip or two from Tom Bombadil, the enigmatic character of J.R.R. Tolkien’s famous trilogy, The Lord of the Rings.
Peter Jackson may not have included Tom in his movies, but Tolkien believed he played an important role. C.R. Wiley, pastor and author, agrees. He joined the Christian Emergency Podcast in this encore episode to share revealing insights gleaned from Tom Bombadil’s quirky but powerful example. He exposes nuggets of wisdom buried in this story of hobbits, fellowship, darkness and light.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
In the House of Tom Bombadil, by C.R. Wiley (Book): https://www.canonpress.com/products/in-the-house-of-tom-bombadil/
C.R. Wiley’s Official Website: https://crwiley.com/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Christians today live in an era of great division. In some respects, that is good. The Church is being sifted. Thatwhich is false is being shaken free from the firm.
But in some cases, division is simply destructive. In our spiritual war, our enemy exaggerates disputes to inflameinfighting amongst brothers. We must be on guard against this.
Andy delves into this important topic, noting that a strengthened Church will not be riddled with orchestrated division. If we find ourselves turning suddenly on brothers and sisters who were by oursides just minutes ago, perhaps we should hit pause.
How can Christians discern whether they are being baited or Bereans? On this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, Andy draws on his experience in missions and in helping persecuted Christiansoverseas to answer this question.
If you find this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by these insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X):@ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
What should you know about the Qur’an? How do Muslims think and view the world around them? How could a better understanding help when it comes to our relationships with neighbors, our Christian witness and even missions?
Matt Bennett, a former missionary in the Middle East, joins the Christian Emergency Podcast to answer these questions. Now a professor at Cedarville University, Matt shares helpful insights from his new book, the Qur’an and the Christian. Matt blends the views of Islamic believers, secular Qur’an scholars and Christian missionaries to craft a very unique perspective. By combining this into one guide, Matt’s work will help equip Christians to share the biblical Gospel with friends and neighbors who follow Islam, no matter where you live.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
The Qur’an and the Christian, by Matt Bennett (Book): https://www.amazon.com/Quran-Christian-Depth-Islam-Followers/dp/0825447089
Matt Bennett on Twitter: @MABennett82
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
The Real David Platt, a documentary producedby the Church Reform Initiative, was recently released, exposing problems that have arisen at McLean Bible Church. The megachurch near Washington D.C. has grappled with many challenges since David Platt assumed its helm. David Platt, the acclaimed author of Radical, is what some would call a “celebrity pastor.” But what has become of McLean - the once vibrant, biblically grounded church – after the celebrity’s arrival?
The answer appears disturbing. The documentaryreveals alarming insights and trends that began with David’s arrival and continue to the present day. Unbiblical teachings like Critical Race Theory (CRT) were championed while concerned congregants were told CRT was not being taught. The congregational church was assured McLean was not affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) – which would violate their church constitution – while leaders quietly affiliated with the SBC. The gaslighting was real. And so was the damage inflicted on what had been a bastion for effective biblical orthodoxy.
Since the documentary first aired, few voices have spoken up about it. Some that did simply dismissed the claims made, insisting those interviewed were sour grapes. They were disgruntled and petty. This was just normal church politics.
We’re not so sure. Joining Andy on the Christian Emergency Podcast to discuss why is Pastor Shane Pennington. Armed with a rich background in Christian leadership and international missions, Shane offers sound insights into the takeover of McLean Bible Church and its ramifications.
The footage aired showcases a flock being deceived by its own leadership. Corruption, dark money and narcissism all play starring roles in this sordid tale. And the manipulation and spiritual abuse are patterns that all churches need to recognize if their fellowships are going to be shielded from similar stunts.
If you find this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by these insights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
The Real David Platt (Documentary)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X):@ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Christians in much of the world today face pressures. Few, however, face anything as intense as those Christians who lived under the first few decades of authoritarian rule in either the Soviet Union or Communist China. At least not yet.
While freedom and opportunity still remains, Christians today would be wise to consider the experiences of Christians under the Soviets and Chinese Communists. Though both situations shared many similarities, they developed in starkly different manners. Why did they differ so much? What lessons can we glean and apply in our own situations? And what cautionary flags can we recognize and avoid?
On this encore episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, Andy examines a helpful case study of the Christian experience under the Soviets and Chinese. This comparison, produced originally by Nik Ripken in his book The Insanity of Obedience, provides many helpful insights for Christians today.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places, by Nik Ripken (book): https://www.christianbook.com/insanity-obedience-walking-jesus-tough-places/nik-ripken/9781433673092/pd/673090
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Christians in America—even fairly young Christians—can look back over their lives and recognize something has changed. They remember former days when the culture regarded Christians in a favorable light. You were in good standing if you were perceived as a Christian. But then there was a period when it wasn’t necessarily good to be a Christian, but it wasn’t a scarlet letter either. But today, Christians in America perceive a chill in the air—the culture today is actually hostile to Christian faith and principles. What happened?
In this encore episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast, cultural commentator Aaron Renn charts out how the American culture shifted under our feet. This episode will help you better understand these changes, and also how all Christians around the globe today find themselves in a Negative World. The pressure we face may differ in degree of severity, but we are all frowned upon by broader culture when we cling to Christ.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five-star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Aaron Renn Substack Newsletter: https://aaronrenn.substack.com/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
What is God doing right now in the Philippines? What about Vietnam? What is the state of the local church there? What challenges do they face, and what opportunities are available for churches around the world to engage?
Listen to this episode for fresh insights into the state of the Kingdom in Vietnam and the Philippines. Andy dishes upeverything from missions, church planting, evangelism and how western churches can better connect with their brother and sisters there. You will also get an updateon the current state of persecution facing the church in these two beautiful countries.
If you find this episode helpful, please giveus a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by theseinsights.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Christian Emergency Alliance (Website)
Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X):@ChristianEmerg1
Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook):@ChristianEmergency
Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram)
The Christian Emergency Podcast is aproduction of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Across the church, there is a rift between theology and missions. Bad theology produces bad missions, and bad missions fuels bad theology.
We wrongly think that we must choose between making a global impact and thinking deeply about the things of God. But the relationship between theology and missions is symbiotic—one cannot exist without the other. They walk hand-in-hand.
Alex Kocman and Chad Vegas join the Christian Emergency Alliance to unpack these ideas for pastors, regular Christians and even missionaries themselves. Together they help demystify the world of missions, and empower believers to discern what is healthy and what is not. You will learn about popular mission strategies like Insider Movements, Church Planting Movements (CPM), and Disciple Making Movements (DMM).
But how do these strategies bear up under biblical scrutiny? And how does the Bible speak to how we should advance the Gospel in different cultures. Check out this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast to find out.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Missions by the Book: How Theology and Missions Walk Together, by Alex Kocman and Chad Vegas (Book) (Founders Press): https://press.founders.org/shop/missions-by-the-book/
The Missions Podcast: https://missionspodcast.com/
ABWE International: https://www.abwe.org/
Radius International: https://www.radiusinternational.org/
Sovereign Grace Church (Bakersfield, California): https://bakersfieldchurch.org
Alex Kocman (Website): https://alexkocman.com/
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
Many Christians today recognize that all is not well. There are problems in our communities, our culture and even our churches. But what can biblical Christians do in the face of these challenges?
Douglas Wilson - pastor, theologian, author, serial ministry founder and cultural commentator - joins the Christian Emergency Alliance to answer these questions and more. He shares his thoughts on the most pressing needs for Christians today, and offers sage advice on how to begin thinking holistically. The ability to think in wholes, not parts, is what allows him to often spot trends before others perceive them. He opens up about how you can develop your own capacity for worldview thinking, so you can do the same.
What does Pastor Wilson think is on the horizon for Christians? How will this affect the type of pressures or persecutions Christians can anticipate? What traps lie on the path for biblical Christians, and how can we avoid falling into them? Listen in to this episode of the Christian Emergency Podcast to find out.
If you find this material helpful, please share it with your friends and leave us a five star rating wherever you listen to your podcasts. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show, so you’ll never miss out when new episodes drop.
To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following.
Blog and Mablog (Blog by Douglas Wilson): https://dougwils.com/
Swords and Shovels (Video for New Saint Andrews College): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHz3qXuxy6A
Future Men: Raising Boys to Fight Giants, by Douglas Wilson (Book): https://canonpress.com/products/future-men-raising-boys-to-fight-giants/
Rules for Reformers, by Douglas Wilson (Book): https://canonpress.com/products/rules-for-reformers/
Canon Press (Christian Publishing House): https://canonpress.com/
Association of Classical Christian Schools: https://classicalchristian.org/
How Should We Then Live?, by Francis A. Shaeffer (Book): https://www.christianbook.com/should-live-labri-50th-anniversary-edition/francis-schaeffer/9781581345360/pd/345364?event=ESRCN
Christian Emergency Alliance: https://www.christianemergency.com/
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Twitter: @ChristianEmerg1
Follow the Christian Emergency Alliance on Facebook: @ChristianEmergency
The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance.
Soli Deo Gloria
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