Chef/TV Personality/Author/Comedian Jeff Mauro invites you to COME ON OVER with his food-focused yet seriously funny podcast. Unlike the Jeff you’ve seen on Food Network (The Kitchen, Next Food Network Star, Sandwich King) you’ll get to meet the REAL JEFF, who’s a bit more crass but a whole lot funnier.
He’s joined by his little sister Emily Mauro, a former assistant to Hollywood hotshots, who attempts to keep him in check while he gives her emotional wedgies. It truly is a semi-dysfunctional family affair as the rest of the Mauro fam stops in every now again to impart some wisdom or be gently ridiculed (within reason).
COME ON OVER is not just about food - it’s about family and life and all the things that make it great and hilarious. Jeff invites you to COME ON OVER, open up a cold one, and sit at the Mauro’s virtual dinner table. Everyone’s invited AND you can even bring a friend! Oh, and bring some ice.
Be prepared to laugh hard and learn even harder about food, entertaining, and how to be the coolest house on the block!