
  • Andy Steele initially served as a mentor to the founders of Buildots before transitioning to the role of Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). With a career spanning nearly four decades, Andy brings an extensive blend of expertise from both the construction and legal sectors. Prior to joining Buildots, he held the position of Group CEO for a top 40 UK-based construction group involved in various segments such as development, construction, off-site manufacturing and infrastructure.

    Andy is also the Chairman of the UK’s largest construction trade federation, focusing on industry-wide improvements and has more recently been involved in integrating construction technology to further advance the sector.

    In this episode, we take a look at onsite digital advancements and the impact correctly monitoring projects can have on the build, an organisation AND the industry itself.

    This episode was recorded live at Digital Construction Week, ExCeL, London (https://www.digitalconstructionweek.com/) where I interviewed some of the best and brightest in the built environment, for a revealing look at innovation and technology.

    Topics Covered

    - Company and Specialism: Buildots' Digital Onsite Advancements

    - The Importance of Data and Technology For On-Time Project Delivery

    - Examples of Work: Buildots' Impact on Large-Scale Projects

    - The People, the Data, and Collaboration: What Should We Be Monitoring

    - The Challenge of Utilising Big Data

    - Navigating the Future of Project Management and Realtime Data

    - Finally, we’re here at Digital Construction Week - Give us your thoughts

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • With over 25 years of experience in the Construction Industry, Roger Bradbury has gone from tea boy to Managing Director of a £30 million construction company. Like most construction businesses, Wren was run with spreadsheets, pen and paper. Not only was record-keeping (timesheets, H&S compliance, etc) a huge burden, but this meant that the whole company had only a backward view of costs and resources. As you can imagine, as Wren was growing; so were Roger’s frustrations.

    He realised that the construction industry was flying blind – and decided to fix it and so in 2016, Roger founded Chime Software to solve the daily headaches he was facing at Wren. Over the past 8 years, with huge amounts of hard work, testing, building and more testing, Chime has evolved to be a key Construction software used by tens of thousands of operatives each day and saving construction businesses thousands in hours and budget.

    As Roger can happily chat about how Chime has revolutionised Wren Construction (and hundreds of other companies too) for hours - or so we’ve been told. Let’s condense these ‘hours’ into a neat podcast showcasing the transformation that Roger has brought to the industry through site management technology.

    This episode was recorded live at Digital Construction Week, ExCeL, London (https://www.digitalconstructionweek.com/) where I interviewed some of the best and brightest in the built environment, for a revealing look at innovation and technology.

    Topics Covered

    - Company and Specialism: Chime's Journey in Transforming Construction Site Management

    - Reducing Delays Through Good Site Management

    - Examples of Work: Chime's Successful Impact on Site Efficiency

    - Convincing the Trade and Less Tech-Savvy

    - Legacy Site Management Software Challenges

    - What the Future Holds within this Sector/Tech

    - Finally, we’re here at Digital Construction Week - Give us your thoughts

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

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  • Kris Lengiesa is the Global Technology Evangelist at Procore Technologies, bringing a wealth of experience and passion to the intersection of construction and technology and playing a pivotal role in Procore’s product strategy. Previously serving as the VP of Global Partnerships & Alliances, Kris oversaw a diverse ecosystem spanning channel, ISV, public, and association partnerships.

    His journey began with 15 years in construction, where he embraced technology as an early adopter and now collaborates extensively with industry innovators, tech organisations, and construction companies exploring transformative technologies that promise to revolutionise working processes.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of construction technology, Kris stands at the forefront, bridging the gap between innovation and practical implementation. His vision? To empower the industry, one groundbreaking solution at a time.

    With all of Kris's knowledge, in this episode, we uncover what it takes to create true digital transformations.

    This episode was recorded live at Digital Construction Week, ExCeL, London (https://www.digitalconstructionweek.com/) where I interviewed some of the best and brightest in the built environment, for a revealing look at innovation and technology.

    Topics Covered

    - Company and Specialism: Procore's Meteoric Rise

    - Implementing Technology within Smaller Organisations

    - Examples of Work: Procore's Positive Impact on Projects

    - Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Collaboration and Decision Making

    - Best Practice in Planning for Digital Transformation

    - What the Future Holds within this Sector/Tech

    - Finally, we’re here at Digital Construction Week - Give us your thoughts

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • With 21 years of construction experience in numerous countries including U.A.E, U.K, Australia, India, Sri Lanka and Maldives, Ben Huskisson is a member of the RICS and holds a Bachelor of Science. Currently the Managing Director of Gleeds India since 2010, successfully expanded from 1 office in Bangalore with 20 people to 6 offices across India and with over 300 people today.

    Today we’re taking a deep dive into data that elevates performance, productivity and profitability.

    This episode was recorded live at Digital Construction Week, ExCeL, London (https://www.digitalconstructionweek.com/) where I interviewed some of the best and brightest in the built environment, for a revealing look at innovation and technology.

    Topics Covered

    - Company and Specialism: Gleeds' Digital Transformation Journey

    - Why it’s Important for Construction: Unlocking the Power of Digitalisation

    - Examples of Work: Digital Solutions That Drive Project Success

    - Building the Right Culture Internally

    - The Biggest Challenge Currently Facing: Overcoming Barriers to Digital Adoption

    - Navigating the Future of Construction Technology

    - Finally, we’re here at Digital Construction Week - Give us your thoughts

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • In the ever-evolving landscape of construction technology, one innovation stands out as a game-changer: Artificial Intelligence, or AI. Now I could go into the specifics of what is classed as AI, what most class as AI and what platforms are just LLMs (Large Language Models), but I won’t, as the simplification of classing the newest technology that seems to work magic and product something from nothing as Artificial Intelligence works well here in terms of categorisation and a singular point of focus. So let’s not split too many hairs about it here!

    For all its promise of reshaping how we design, build, and manage construction projects, the majority of us will not have used it beyond creating minimal, basic content or images that don’t quite cut it, yet. Let’s dive into the episode and explore AI’s transformative potential, challenges, and real-world applications.

    Our expert to guide us through this episode is Andrew Knight, Global Leader and Tech Lead at RICS, where he’s been camped out for the past 13 years and prior to his role in leading the AI, data and tech thought leadership and analytics, Andrew managed RICS’ relationship with the finance and investment community working with debt and equity participants, their advisors in law and accountancy, and regulators. 

    Andrew has also enjoyed a long career in IT starting out by running programs on mainframes using punched cards, and then working through the eras of mini-computers, personal computers, and the internet - and now the world of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain.

    In his current role, Andrew is responsible for AI, data, and tech thought leadership and content development, and the adoption of the RICS Data Standard (RDS) that supports valuation, property measurement, life-cycle costing, building performance, brokerage, and due diligence.

    Topics Covered

    - Integration of AI into Construction Processes

    - Challenges/Risks of Implementing AI

    - Building Design Innovations

    - Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management

    - Ethical and Regulatory Considerations

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • What's better than an event focussing on the built environment?

    OK, there may be quite a few things but I’m thinking of an event that focuses on the built environment AND new technology!

    Yes, I am of course talking about DCW (Digital Construction Week). 

    As we are only a few days away from DCW, I’m delighted to get Ollie Hughes back on the podcast. Ollie featured in Episode 15 when discussing tech adoption within the construction industry and now he’s back on to tell us a little bit more about the event he co-founded and grew into one of the leading events for professionals within construction and technology.

    Topics Covered

    - Where are you up to with 1 week to go until DCW?

    - What’s changed from last year?

    - What are you looking forward to?

    - The best way for people to get involved? (what to do when visiting)

    - 2 weeks from now, what will good look like to you?

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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  • The Grenfell Tower fire changed everything, but it was a tragedy that not only shouldn’t have occurred but was completely avoidable. In an industry where tight margins and the utilisation of cheaper alternative products to remain competitive can take president, we look forward to today, tomorrow and thereafter to ensure that the safety and integrity of high-rise residential buildings is the non-negotiable, constant and unwavering focus. Enter the Building Safety Act of 2022 — a comprehensive legislative framework designed to overhaul building safety regulations and accountability measures, although we’ve all heard of it, do we really know what it is, what it means and how it will impact the industry?

    From understanding the Act's core principles to navigating implementation hurdles, it’s an important topic that will affect us all, whether you're a building owner, a construction industry professional, or a resident. I must admit, I don’t know it as well as I should, so we need to chat with someone to help us unpack the complexities, opportunities, and challenges of this landmark legislation.

    With an ethos and positive approach to collaborative working Lorna Hagan founded ConstructTuition in 2021, providing practical skills training and advice on Quality in the Construction Industry. 

    Lorna’s background in Civil Engineering brings with it 18 years of experience in site engineering and quality management systems, being a certified ISO9001 Lead auditor, and with previous work as Head of Quality, Lorna has managed an annual turnover portfolio of Civil Engineering Projects worth over £200 million.

    Systematic, practical and logical in her approach, Lorna is primed to give us the lowdown on the Building Safety Act.

    Topics Covered

    - Overview of the Building Safety Act

    - Key Provisions and Responsibilities

    - Implications for Construction Industry Professionals

    - Challenges and Implementation Hurdles

    - Role of Technology in Building Safety Compliance

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • There is always a healthy debate around events and exhibitions in terms of cost vs return, especially within construction where one order can make an event lucrative, but on the flipside, a poor exhibition can leave a large dent the marketing budget and a sour taste in the CFOs mouth.

    Done right, exhibitions can serve as powerful platforms for networking, brand exposure, and knowledge sharing. These opportunities not only facilitate connections with industry peers and potential clients but also offer a stage to showcase innovative solutions and stay abreast of emerging trends.

    However, harnessing the full potential of these events requires more than just showing up—it demands strategic planning, thoughtful budget allocation, and meticulous execution. No wonder navigating the intricacies of event management and budgeting can be daunting.

    As we’ve mentioned, the financial investment associated with these events alone necessitates a keen focus on maximising impact while minimising the additional costs that can soon make an estimated budget look like pocket change compared to the overall cost.

    Additional elements such as marketing materials, travel expenses, and staff resources as well as exhibition space and stand design and builds need to translate into tangible returns, whether in the form of leads generated, partnerships, or brand recognition (side note - make sure you quantify what a good return looks like before investing a penny as it doesn’t always mean leads)!

    The challenge of optimising event budgets and quantifying their impact is one that resonates with most who have been put in charge of project managing the whole thing. It's a tricky conundrum that requires careful consideration of various factors, from selecting the right events to attend to crafting compelling messaging and experiences that resonate with your target audience.

    So, how can we ensure that we're making the most of our event budgets? How can we stand out in a crowded marketplace and leave a lasting impression, reach our goals and exceed all expectations?

    These are the questions we'll explore in today's episode where we'll delve into four actionable tactics designed to help you maximise your budget and amplify your impact at events.

    Let's dive in and uncover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of your event budget.

    Topics Covered 

    - Map out your calendar of construction industry events

    - Elevating your expertise 

    - Planning for deeper engagement 

    - Extending your reach 

    - Strength in numbers 

    - The end of the event ISN’T the end of the event

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • I spent last year covering some of the best (and not so best) events and exhibitions within the UK Construction space - You can find my reviews on my YouTube channel (link in the show notes as ever). So this year, instead of creating the reviews, I thought I’d try my hand at previewing - First up, UK Construction Week.

    For anyone who doesn't know what UKCW is all about, it’s the biggest exhibition within the UK construction space in the UK -  a hub of innovation, collaboration, and industry insights as well as event sponsors and paying exhibitors gaining great exposure from being part of it. With thousands of exhibitors, seminars, and networking opportunities, it's a great platform for staying ahead of the curve in our ever-evolving field.

    So, why are we dedicating an entire episode to previewing UKCW 2024? Well, there's a lot to cover. From the latest technologies shaping the future of construction to initiatives and legislations driving change within the industry. Need to knows, must knows, who knows!

    Well hopefully we all do after this episode.

    From the seminars not to be missed to exhibitors that are worth a visit, I’ll be giving you an unbiased run-through of UK Construction Week 2024… That’s enough introing, time to get stuck into the details.

    Topics Covered 

    -  What's new for UKCW 24

    - Exhibitors not to be missed

    - Seminar and talks selection

    - Who’s worth listening to?

    - Product demos

    - A few unknowns to think about

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • In 1991 Terminator 2: Judgment day was released, the eagerly anticipated sequel to the first film. On its release, we were all treated to the latest in CGI technology, cyborgs and other robots n’shit. Over 30 years later, we still hear murmurings that the robots are going to kill us all and that one day AI will become smarter than us and destroy the modern world. 

    And that’s where we’ll pause these yet-to-be-realised predictions and focus on the now and possibly the most advanced piece of kit we’ve ever featured on Construction Disrupted – Exoskeleton technology and while innovations like this may not be picking up any Academy Awards real soon, they are helping to transform the way we work and what is and might be possible in the future.

    But I’m not here to tell these tales, we need an expert in this field who can write the script and deliver a best seller.

    Meghan Kennelly, the Head of Global Marketing at German Bionic, a European robotics company, is a B2B Marketing expert with an innate passion for cutting-edge technology. 

    Meghan’s visionary leadership has led to German Bionic gaining international recognition and numerous awards for its portfolio of smart power suits and wearable technologies which includes connected exoskeletons driven by self-learning and artificial intelligence.

    Topics Covered 

    - The specifics behind exoskeleton technology

    - Is this a skills shortage saviour?

    - How exoskeletons can help reduce injuries in the workplace

    - Ergonomic data reshaping workplace safety

    - Is there an ROI for everyone?

    - AI tech and how this impacts future markets 

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • Today's episode promises to be an eye-opener as we explore the often-overlooked synergy between sales and marketing two-bed fellows cut from the same cloth but at different ends of the table…. usually.

    In an industry where precision and collaboration are paramount, the integration of sales and marketing functions holds the potential to be a game-changer. Yet, despite their inherent alignment towards common goals, these two pillars of business strategy often operate in silos within construction, missing out on the powerful impact they could achieve together.

    Think about it: marketing lays the groundwork, crafting compelling narratives, and creating brand visibility, opening doors, while sales is on the front line, nurturing relationships and closing deals. When these forces unite seamlessly, the result is a formidable alliance that not only drives revenue but also fosters long-term growth and sustainability.

    So why does this powerful combination remain elusive to many, especially within the construction industry? How can we reduce the possibility of failure and look to almost certain success?

    Throughout this episode, we'll walk through the answers to these questions, exploring the nuances of sales-marketing integration within the unique landscape of construction. From cultural shifts to technological innovations, we'll examine the factors shaping this paradigm and uncover actionable insights that can empower us to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. But who is our guiding light here?

    Andy Hamer is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Gorilla Team Associates, specialising in fractional sales and marketing for B2B tech firms and startups, spanning hardware, networking, services, and SaaS, shaping innovative go-to-market strategies, addressing the needs of emerging startups and global corporations.

    Throughout an expansive 40-year career, Andy has secured esteemed senior management and board positions in renowned firms, including Marconi, Strategic Analytics, Equant, Informa, Wongs Electronics, and Bentley Systems.

    More recently, he’s delved into Architecture, Engineering and Construction, working at senior and board levels at institutions like Codebook, XYZ Reality, and Archdesk.

    Andy has a BA (Hons) in Marketing Engineering, is a certified BIM Information Manager and authored a book on structured data management in BIM as well be achieving the status; Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM).

    Topics Covered

    - Getting market-ready

    - The terminology trap

    - How can we reduce the chance of failure?

    - Why it should always be sales AND marketing

    - #1 myth in marketing (I’ll let you decide this one)

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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  • It’s easy, as humans, to focus on the end goal, what we set out to achieve and whether we’ve achieved this or fallen short. It’s the same in construction, be it remedial works or a new build there is always an end goal in mind. 

    It’s easy to forget the peripheral, the support functions, the necessary ones that will help achieve this end goal but will not be around to share in the glory. Take temporary works, for example, a critical lynchpin in any construction project and one that keeps us all safe and supported in the right areas at the right time. 

    But how safe and supported will we be going forward with more manual and traditional methods of design and implementation still being used? We’re about to find out.

    Ste Baldwin has worked in the world of marketing for over 15 years including Education, Recruitment, Accountancy, Wholesale and Construction and Engineering, 6 of which have been as Head of Marketing and Comms within the Temporary Works sector of the construction industry prior to transferring to his current role as Category Marketing Manager - Below Ground at Mabey Hire he has spent the last 6 years within the engineering and service excellence space of temporary works.

    Topics Covered

    - Traditional methods of temporary works project design.

    - Introducing to EVE.

    - Is it worth a client's investment vs traditional methods?

    - Transition from on-screen to on-site.

    - Using VR.

    - Future of technology within the temporary works industry.

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • In an era where every nail hammered, every beam placed, and every brick laid can be augmented by technology, Power BI emerges as a beacon of efficiency and insight. From project management to resource allocation, from cost estimation to risk mitigation, this robust business intelligence tool has been making waves across the construction sector, revolutionising the way projects are planned, executed, and managed.

    This software also does the improbable and starts to integrate the supply chain, converting seemingly unrelated sources of data into coherent and interactive visualisations assisting architects with conceptual visualisations, project managers who strive for better insights and contractors aiming to optimise operations.

    But this is only the case if we have the skills and abilities to use this type of software at our disposal. So do we? And if we do, is Power BI the one and only platform that can help us achieve greater integration and collaboration at a digital level, empowering decision-makers to navigate the complexities of construction projects with clarity and confidence?

    We need to chat with someone who will help us uncover the insights and best practices that can propel construction towards greater efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, success.

    Samuel Arsenault-Brassard, Head of Product at VIM AEC, is an authority in BIM data analysis and PowerBI auditing. A dynamic force in architectural innovation and digital artistry, he has carved a niche in blending physical and virtual realms.

    As a BIM expert, his work spans from the practical aspects of architectural technology to the creative arenas of lighting design and XR art. 

    In the realm of digital art, he is a recognised XR artist and curator, with works displayed at various galleries and his presentations on topics like Metaverse architecture, coupled with his art shows, illustrates his commitment to exploring and shaping the intersection of technology, art, and architecture.

    Topics Covered

    - The importance of managing and utilising data.

    - Power BI and VIM.

    - Visualisation, analysis, output, etc (what does good look like)?

    - Do we need to up-skill to maximise the success of these tools?

    - Space for all system-integrated software or do we need a unified approach?

    - AI, Metaverse and the future.

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    https://cloud.vimaec.com (Cloud Service)




  • If you’re going to host a podcast, make sure you always cover subjects you know something about so that you can engage with your guests and make sure you don’t look the fool when asking questions or inviting healthy debate. 

    Well, let’s try something different this week and go with a topic I know very little about, even though we touched upon it in episode 25, Capturing Reality with Derek Lawrence. This week we’re looking into the world of Geospatial Solutions and whether it’s just for the big ass projects we're accustomed to hearing about via our fav construction media (aside from the podcast of course) or if there’s wider scope here, where this type of technology is accessible and affordable for most and usable on projects both large and small. 

    Now I’m being slightly flippant in that most (and I’m including myself in this ‘most’) have heard of the likes of Google Earth and projects such as Earth 2, which could be categorised within the Geospatial sphere, but from a construction perspective, these don’t offer the sector-specific solutions we need within construction. To put it simply, we need to chat with someone who knows what they are talking about!

    Stuart Gilling is the Managing Director of Malcolm Hughes, geospatial consultants specialising in the capture and processing of measured data in all environments. Stuart also bares the title of MRICS Chartered Surveyor - Geospatial solutions and consulting - RICS Registered Expert Witness specialising in boundary dispute resolution.

    Prior to this, Stuart initially managed the CAD production team and was instrumental in the adoption of BIM across the business and the adoption of UAV (drone) services. With 17 years’ experience in the geospatial profession, he also completed a Management and Logistics degree followed by a Masters in Business Administration, becoming a member of the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors in 2006!

    Topics Covered

    - What is Geospatial Analysis?

    - The tech behind it - What do you need to get started vs detailed large-scale projects.

    - PUMA128 (PAS128 Utility Mapping Accreditation)

    - Potential commoditisation of the industry v bespoke solutions.

    - Growth Opportunities.

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • You are what you eat. Not literally true, but technically, yes. 

    Bad eating habits are just one way to get yourself into ill health, but not the only way. 

    We could all reel off the things that are good for us and those that are classed as bad, from food to the amount you sleep, the exercise you do, what you drink, the content you consume and even the company you keep. There is one factor that doesn’t roll off the tongue however, I’m taking out our environment and the buildings we utilise for work, rest or play. 

    We spend around 90% of our time indoors and even when we’re outside this can be made up of commuting, taxiing or doing general life administration such as shopping. Even then we’re still within an environment we’ve created, there is simply no getting away from it. Yet we pay little attention to how this may be impacting our health and wellbeing. 

    It’s about time we did, so, fortunately, our guest today knows just how much the built environment can affect our health.

    Will Stewart is a WELL Accredited Professional (AP) and Chartered Commercial Property Surveyor working as a Health and Well-Being Consultant at Ekkist.

    Will previously worked in property investment and development for 6 years, has an MSc from the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction and now specialises in advising developers as well as contributing to a RICS document on how to create places which positively impact the health and well-being of the occupants.

    Currently, Will is advising on the implementation of a health and well-being strategy on market-leading office spaces across London as well as managing a WELL standard application for several London Co-living schemes. 

    Topics Covered

    - What is a Health and Wellbeing Consultant?

    - The impact our built environment has on our health.

    - The key aspects of a healthy building.

    - 'The Design, Delivery and Management of Healthy Buildings’ guide; its importance and main takeaways.

    - Ensuring buildings are healthy through certifications.

    - Looking at the future of healthy buildings.

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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  • 3 Step Marketing Plan Template Link: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/post/3-steps-to-implementing-a-basic-integrated-marketing-plan

    In today's fast-paced and interconnected business landscape, a well-coordinated marketing approach is essential for success in the UK construction industry.

    An integrated marketing plan brings together various tactics to create a harmonious and impactful brand presence, but most start-ups, founders, SMEs and even larger organisations can find it hard to rationalise the time it takes to create a successful marketing plan.

    Crazy I know!

    By following these steps, you will create a basic marketing plan that will enable you to streamline your efforts, enhance brand visibility, increase sales activation and create a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience - sounds a lot I know, but if you’re starting from scratch developing this plan will help to achieve these fundamentals for business success, short and long-term.

    Note: Things that this guide doesn’t cover where the presumption is these are already in place or will be. If any of these aren’t yet sorted it’s best to get clarity prior to mapping out your next marketing plan:

    1 Budget confirmed/understood

    2 Analysis of any marketing plan output

    3 Resources and capabilities are available

    4 A level of marketing competency for understanding basic principles and theory

    There is a bank of blank templates at the back of this ebook that will help you complete each stage of this plan. We’re the gift that keeps on giving right?

    Probably want to know what these steps are right?

    Topics Covered

    Step 1: Diagnosis - Understanding The Landscape

    Step 2: Strategy - Crafting a Unified Vision

    Step 3: Tactics - Executing Your Plan

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

    3 Step Marketing Plan Template Link


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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • When you’ve been in marketing as long as I have there are a number of topics that crop up over and over again. Lack of resources limiting what can be done, difficulty targeting decision-makers and the most common topic - what to do on a limited budget. 

    Regardless of budget, you can still make your marketing work for you, as long as you are realistic with your expectations. Entering the market on a small budget and expecting to achieve the reach of a tech giant will only lead to disappointment. But this doesn’t mean you can’t achieve realistic goals to your size and scale. You just need to work that little bit harder at the start to understand your market, and the most efficient channels and of course, be creative.

    One company that does this particularly well and you could say has been bootstrapping their marketing since they started is SymTerra (I’ve mentioned them before on the podcast as they are currently one of my favs when discussing tech within construction). I’m also a fan of how they go about their marketing. Everyone seems to get stuck into it.

    It’s fun, engaging, doesn’t take itself too seriously, always has a CTA (call to action) and is so typically them - from Dinosaurs at events to using Chat GPT to create fictional rage on a construction site, their marketing is simple, but is it effective? The only way to find out is to look internally and who better to talk us through this than Garrett Chamberlain, Operations Manager who was behind one post that generated 8.9 million views and half a million likes on a YouTube short - but this kind of virality doesn’t equal success or does it?

    Since launching in March 2021, SymTerra has built a client portfolio that includes £5bn worth of construction and infrastructure projects for Thames Water, to Transport for London and closed its $1.7million seed investment round in 2022.

    Garrett’s background is unique transitioning from Traffic Marshal to entrepreneur, swapping construction sites for websites. Throughout this journey, Garrett has gained hands-on experience, honing his skills in Health, Safety, Quality, and Environmental management, but instead of taking a cushy little number he decided to make a move and joined SymTerra as a Founding Team member and Operations Manager, bringing his expertise and unique perspective to the tech industry.

    Topics Covered

    - How does a H&S advisor find his way into (in my opinion) one of the most exciting tech start-ups in construction?

    - Convincing those above AND those on the ground (plus supply chain)

    - Challenges around integration with other technologies and keeping up with the pace of change

    - We chat about SymTerra's marketing output :)

    - Making the practical, unglamorous tech look (sexy) appealing

    - How much is it about the people behind the tech?

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    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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  • Thought it was about time I jumped back behind the mic for a solo episode, been a while hasn’t it? But this episode has been sparked by the previous 20 or so guests who have given up their valuable time to chat about topics and news that are disrupting the industry.

    With this in mind, I wanted to turn your attention to the one thing that connects all of this together, that binds the market together and, in my mind, is the only true route towards a more sustainable industry.

    Call it what you will, building partnerships, collaborative working or helping each other, the construction industry relies on strong connections to get things done - I’m talking about working together as a more cohesive unit to get sh* (stuff) done.

    So in this episode, I’m going to share my top 20 ways to collaborate that will benefit

    you and the rest of the construction industry. By this I mean I’m not covering the more obvious contractor/sub-contractor type relationship, we’re focusing on reciprocal gains rather than direct payments for services.

    Aside from this podcast, I’m building a network, a database if you will, of individuals and organisations that genuinely want to build a collaborative industry by getting involved in each other's projects. And we’d like you to be part of it! Here’s what you have to do:

    Step 1: Go to the website (link is in the show notes): https://www.builddifferent.marketing/become-collaborative-partner

    Step 2: Complete the form and click submit.

    Step 3: You’re done actually. Nice1.

    We're always on the lookout for amazing people and amazing companies to join this collaborative effort. So, do something amazing and sign up!

    There is also another link in the show notes to a blog post that compliments this episode so check it out if reading stuff off a screen is more your thing.

    Now with that out of the way, let’s get into this episode. Here are my top 20 ways to collaborate, that benefit you and the rest of the construction industry.

    Topics Covered

    1 Joint Content Creation

    2 Podcasts and Webinars

    3 Cross-Promotion on Social Media

    4 Guest Blogging

    5 Infographics

    6 Co-branded Marketing Collateral

    7 Thought Leadership Panels

    8 Networking Events

    9 Workshops

    10 Market Research, Industry Reports and Surveys

    11 E-books

    12 Trade Shows and Exhibitions

    13 Joint Press Releases/Case Studies

    14 Social Media Takeovers

    15 Cross-Industry Collaborations

    16 Resource Sharing

    17 Community/Local Business Engagement Projects

    18 Knowledge Sharing

    19 Training and Skills Development

    20 Industry-wide Data Analytics

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    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028

  • Within the ever-expanding world of technology, there is one process that is a constant, it can sometimes feel like it is the only way to create that single source of truth which most tech needs to function and more organisations need to successfully deliver projects. 

    I am of course talking about BIM (Building Information Modelling) and even though it has been around in theory since the 1970’s it wasn’t until the 80’s that BIM as we know it now started to become the software we used today, which is quite a lengthy period of time for technology to advance and with these advances came more sophisticated ways of utilising BIM as a tool within construction with the only real ceiling being the computer power we can place behind it.

    It would be foolish of us not to cover BIM in some detail here due to its importance. So we need someone who knows a thing or two about it.

    Our guest today Paul Wilkinson, who has been working in construction industry marketing and PR for over 30 years and has become a leading authority on the use of construction collaboration technology platforms. What started out as a temporary job has lasted (in various guises) over the last three decades.

    Writing about construction IT, Paul produced a guide on website development for Construct IT in 2000, and has contributed technology chapters to several books on construction business development, collaborative working, and e-business in construction, leading to the release of his own book - Construction Collaboration Technologies: The Extranet Evolution in 2005.

    More recently Pauls’ experience has focused on SaaS, Web 2.0 and BIM as well as public speaking and lecturing, and is the vice-chair of nima (formerly the UK BIM Alliance).

    Topics Covered

    - Why is BIM at the heart of most construction technological advancements?

    - Industry-wide transition from traditional to BIM

    - The implementation of BIM

    - 3D, 4D, 5D…. 6D?

    - Emerging trends and tech

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    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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  • Transverse, diverse, universe, metaverse, versatile. Odd way to start I know, but for most there doesn’t seem to be a solidified answer to what the metaverse is. Ask most people and they will say that the metaverse is a mere extension of what Facebook is developing—a misconception that it's "Facebook on steroids." 

    This could not be further from the truth and in this episode, we’ll uncover the true potential of the metaverse within the construction sector and how it holds the promise of reshaping the industry in profound and exciting ways.

    Before we do that we need to take a step back and look at the broader picture here in terms of construction and digital transformation. Where do we start with this kind of change that can present a plethora of opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and positive transformations within construction? I suppose we better start by meeting the chap who will help us through answering this question and more.

    Our guest today, Henry Fenby-Taylor founded his company, Athenophilia (the love of wisdom) in 2019 after a diverse professional career of 19 years writing books, delivering digital twins, information management, innovation, research and providing science communication. 

    As the former Head of Information Management for the Centre for Digital Built Britain, he brings with him a breadth of experience from research to implementation that includes everything from getting his hands dirty on projects to leading programmes of work for clients. Henry has also worked as a digital consultant working on diverse projects in sectors from Nuclear to Water.

    Henry is also a firm believer in the power of entrepreneurialism and innovation to solve many of the problems facing the built environment today and that this innovation can help deliver greater sustainability and profitability.

    Topics Covered

    - Where to start with digital transformation

    - The digital selection box - getting it right

    - The path to successful innovation implementation

    - Change environments within a company

    - Examples that include the Metaverse

    - Rules and regs (especially with AI) - do we need them?

    Adobe Express 30-day Free Trial: https://prf.hn/l/ZYdd028 

    Website: https://www.builddifferent.marketing/

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