
  • What we’re talking about:

    0:00 Updates for 2024

    This episode is an update of Episode 60 that I recorded last year all about the GAT. Nothing has changed except that I mentioned VCAL last year but you can ignore that now (I also mention VCE and VCE Vocational Major, so everyone’s covered).

    2:05 What does the GAT look like

    Understanding the format of the GAT can help you feel more comfortable as you walk into the test on the day. I explain what the 2 sections are so you know what to expect in terms of the content and the way it’s all set out. I also mention who needs to to what section depending on your individual circumstances and whether you’re doing VCE or VCE Vocational Major.

    5:20 What is the GAT used for?

    The GAT will only ever be used to give you a positive benefit. It can be used to check that the SACs at your school for a particular subject as a whole have been moved high enough to more accurately reflect how difficult they were compared to the SACs at other schools. From a personal point of you, it can be used to check if your exam for a particular subject should be marked again if your GAT result suggests that your exam result should have been higher. It can also be used to help calculate a derived score in the rare case when you may not have been able to sit a SAC or external exam. Your results will only ever be increased because of your GAT results.

    11:45 Should you study for the GAT?

    Hopefully by understanding the format of the GAT, you can see that there’s not a specific curriculum that you need to learn to prepare for the GAT. You might feel better and more prepared if you have seen what the questions might look like and what the cover page will look like. See the links below if you’re interested in doing that.

    Links mentioned:

    Work with me: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/services

    Blog post: What is the GAT?: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/roadmapblog/gat

    GAT cover pages: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/assessment/vce-assessment/general-achievement-test/Pages/index.aspx

    GAT overview: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/assessment/vce-assessment/general-achievement-test/Pages/GATOverview.aspx

  • What we’re talking about:

    1:11 What is Engineering?

    Most students who are into Maths and Science have heard the suggestion that they should look at Engineering, but what even is it? Check out the episodes I’ve linked below to hear students and recent graduates talk about their course and what their day looks like if they’re already working as an Engineer. Engineers create and build solutions to problems in a whole range of areas, and they use different calculations, methods and materials to solve the problems in the most efficient way.

    3:17 What type of Engineering should you do?

    Different universities will offer different specialisations, including Aerospace, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Software and Robotics and Mechatronics. Think about what type of science you like at school and see what specialisation would use that science the most, and if you’re not sure, Google the different types to find out more. If you’re still not sure, you don’t need to stress - most courses have a common first year so that you can get a foundation in Engineering to start with and get a taste of the different types before you decide which pathway you want to follow.

    6:16 What should you look at in a Bachelor of Engineering?

    Are you more academic? Or would you prefer to take things apart and see how it works? Engineering courses will all have a bit of both, but make sure you choose a course that allows you to lean into whichever type of learning you prefer. As always, you should also look at the placements or internships that are available within the course so that you can see what it’s actually like to work as an Engineer while you’re still studying, as well as building a network, learning heaps and potentially landing a graduate position with them when you finish your course.

    9:27 If you’re considering Engineering, what else could you look at?

    There are lots of courses that are similar to Engineering in some way. If you like the idea of building and designing things, you could consider Architecture or Design. If you’re interested in the Health field you could look at Biomedical Science or Biotechnology. If you like the idea of Software Engineering, then Information Technology or Computer Science might interest you. Aviation or Space Science are worth looking at if you’re interested in Aerospace Engineering. Make sure you check out these other courses too so that you can choose the one that suits you best. Another option that is particularly in demand at the moment is Cybersecurity. If you want to find out more, I have two episodes about Cybersecurity that you could listen to (see the links below).

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Other episodes about Engineering:

    Electronic Engineering and Cybersecurity - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/71

    Cybersecurity - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/51

    Biomedical Engineering and Medicine - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/4

    Robotics and Mechatronics - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/11

    Software Engineering - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/15

    Architecture - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/35

    Civil Engineering - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/53

    Heavy Vehicle Diesel Mechanic - http://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/63

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  • What we’re talking about:

    1:16 What do you need to do to become a psychologist?

    If you’re interested in becoming a psychologist, you need to do quite a bit of study including an undergraduate degree that is accredited by APAC (the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council). So as you’re looking at courses, if there’s any chance you’d like to become a psychologist later, check that the ones you’re looking at are accredited so that you’re on the right path.

    3:05 What is it that you like about psychology?

    Are you interested in the anatomy of the brain and the biology related to psychology, or do you look forward more to the topics related to human behaviour and mental illness? While all accredited courses will cover both, make sure the course you end up choosing gives you an opportunity to really focus on the areas of psychology you really like.

    4:55 Other options to consider

    If you like psychology but you know you don’t want to become a psychologist, there are other options you can consider. Behavioural science, counselling or marketing are good examples of these. I also mention two courses at Deakin that focus on marketing and human resources respectively from a psychology perspective, and they’re also accredited so you can pursue further study in psychology later if you choose (see links below).

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Bachelor of Marketing (Psychology) at Deakin University - https://www.deakin.edu.au/course/bachelor-marketing-psychology

    Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Psychology) at Deakin University - https://www.deakin.edu.au/course/bachelor-human-resource-management-psychology

    Previous episodes related to Psychology:

    Arts and Psychology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/34

    Psychology and Behaviour Therapy - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/19

    Criminology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/10

    Psychological Studies - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/7

  • What we’re talking about:

    2:50 Don’t assume you know what you can study in Bachelor Science

    I did all maths and science subjects in VCE, and never even considered a Bachelor of Science. Why? Because I felt like I wasn’t that good at Chemistry or Physics, and I didn’t realise that I could do a Bachelor of Science and major in Maths or something similar (which was clearly my strength and something I loved to explore). Don’t make assumptions - check the majors so you know what a course is actually about so you can make an informed decision.

    5:23 What types of majors can you study in a Bachelor of Science

    If you’re considering a Bachelor of Science, you really want to check what majors are offered at the university you’re looking at to see if they focus on the types of areas you’re interested in. Start by asking yourself questions about what you already know you like. What science subject at school do you like best? What topics do you like within that subject? If you’re not sure, hop onto the websites for the different unis and read through the majors offered to see which one has a couple of majors that you could see yourself studying, and then explore them in your first year before you choose which one to focus on.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Previous episodes related to Science:

    Laboratory Medicine - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/61

    Laboratory Assistant - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/55

    Food Science - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/50

    Science and Baking - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/48

    Science Advanced - Global Challenges and Palaeontology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/47

    Science and Global Studies - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/31

    Forensic Science - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/28

    Pharmaceutical Science - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/23

    Science, Arts, Sustainability and Meteorology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/22

    Pharmacy and Audiology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/20

    Geology and Scientific Research - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/18

    Science and Veterinary Medicine - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/13

  • What we’re talking about:

    1:33 What is a Bachelor of Arts?

    Don’t confuse “Art” with “Arts”! While the subject Art at school involves things like painting and drawing, a Bachelor of Arts is more about humanities and exploring ideas through a particular perspective. Some people are reluctant to pursue a Bachelor of Arts because they think it won’t lead anywhere, however if you look at the majors within the course, there are heaps of things you can study within a Bachelor of Arts that very clearly leads to a particular job or career.

    6:42 What if you don’t know what you want to do in your career?

    If you don’t know yet what you want to do in your career, that’s totally normal and completely fine. I firmly believe that if you’re passionate about something and keep learning and networking in that area, opportunities will become available to you. I give a couple of examples of people who studied Arts and didn’t know where it was going to take them, including Ash Barty’s mindset coach, Ben Crowe.

    8:56 A Bachelor of Arts works really well as part of a double degree

    A fantastic way to explore a greater range of areas, round out your education and have more to talk about in job interviews is to combine Arts with another degree.

    10:51 The majors that are offered are important

    A Bachelor of Arts at 2 different universities can look completely different, so make sure you take a look at what’s offered so you can choose the right one for you. I go through some of the majors offered at The University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT, Swinburne and Deakin to give you an idea of what your Bachelor of Arts could look like depending on where you choose to study.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Previous episodes related to Arts:

    Anthropology and Human Rights: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/45

    Speech Pathology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/39

    Arts and Psychology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/34

    Politics, Philosophy, Economics, Arts and Law - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/26

    Science, Arts, Sustainability and Meteorology - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/22

    Teacher, Tutor, Entrepreneur - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/21

    Arts and Law - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/16

    Communications (Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Media) - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/3

  • What we’re talking about:

    1:37 The difference between a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Commerce

    While the words Business and Commerce are often used interchangeably, the two courses can be quite distinct. Find out what the focus of each degree usually is to help you decide whether Business or Commerce is right for you. Most importantly, make sure you look at what you can major in for each of the courses you’re looking at so that you know whether it has your area of interest.

    4:40 What prerequisites do you need for Business or Commerce?

    In the past, you often needed a Maths subject as a prerequisite for Business and Commerce, but that’s no longer always the case, so if you haven’t studied Maths in VCE there are definitely options out there for you. It’s also worth noting that subjects like Accounting, Economics and Business Management are not prerequisites for these courses, however you may get a subject adjustment if you do well in them which could boost your selection rank.

    6:50 What should you look for in a Bachelor of Business or Commerce?

    You should definitely look for courses that have a placement or internship as part of your course. These types of experiences give you the opportunity to see what it’s actually like to work in your chosen area, as well as giving you great networking opportunities, referees for your CV and potentially even a graduate position at the end of your course.

    8:23 Other courses to consider

    Ever wondered why some places offer a Bachelor of Business or Commerce and a Bachelor of Accounting, for example? Find out why you might like to choose the more general Business or Commerce courses, or what circumstances might lead you to choose the more specific degrees. Business and Commerce degrees also complement other areas of study really well, so definitely take a look at the double degrees that are available.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Previous episodes related to Business and Commerce:

    Fashion Marketing - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/43

    Business (Professional) - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/30

    Property and Real Estate - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/8

    Commerce and Teaching - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/5

    Communications (Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising and Media) - https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/3

  • What we’re talking about:

    1:45 What is a VCE subject ranking?

    Find out what a VCE subject ranking actually is, and how it is used to help calculate your study score for the subject, which in turn is used to calculate your ATAR.

    6:49 Why is your subject ranking not as important as you think?

    Now that you know what it is, I want you to forget about it. Because no matter how much you worry about your subject ranking, where you’re ranked for a particular VCE subject is not something you can control.

    9:26 What can you control in VCE?

    Instead of stressing about your ranking, let’s look at what you can control - how well you use each SAC to prepare for the next one. In VCE you need to know the content, but you also need to know how to present your answers in the way that the VCE examiners expect you to. Focus on this instead and your ranking will take care of itself.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    VCE Study Designs: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/Pages/vce-study-designs.aspx

  • What we’re talking about:

    A lot of students are being encouraged to accelerate in VCE - that is, do Units 3&4 of a VCE subject early in Year 11 rather than waiting until Year 12. It can be great for some students and make life difficult for others, so let’s look at how it works and what the benefits and drawbacks are.

    1:47 What is accelerating in VCE?

    2:39 Is it a disadvantage to not do Units 1&2 of a VCE subject?

    Usually, no. Most subjects that are offered for acceleration are ones where the Unit 1&2 topics are very different to those covered in Units 3&4.

    4:37 Advantages of accelerating in VCE

    1) You get a chance to see what it’s like to do a Unit 3&4 subject, including doing external exams, before you do the rest of your subjects.

    2) You get a subject done and out of the way early, and that may mean that you’re allowed to do less subjects as a Year 12 student and have a study period instead.

    8:48 Disadvantages of accelerating in VCE

    1) You might focus too much on the Unit 3&4 subject to the detriment of your Unit 1&2 subjects, which will make it harder for you the following year.

    2) It can extend the anxiety of VCE beyond the one year of Year 12.

    3) In accelerating, you may at some point have missed content (either by missing Units 1&2 or before then if the acceleration started earlier), and therefore not do as well as if you had just worked through the subject sequentially without skipping a year.

    13:20 For Year 11s already accelerating

    Use the Term 1 break to make sure you’re putting equal time and energy across all of your subjects and not putting everything into the Unit 3&4 subject.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    VCAA study designs: https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/Pages/vce-study-designs.aspx

  • What we’re talking about:

    It’s the last week of Term 1! I know you’re tired, but if you can spend a little bit of time doing these 3 things during the holidays, you’ll thank yourself later.

    2:12 Prepare for your SEAS application

    SEAS stands for Special Entry Access Scheme and is part of your VTAC application, so you can’t actually apply until later in the year. However, you might need a statement of support from someone who can explain how your circumstances have created an educational disadvantage for you, like a doctor, psychologist, teacher, social worker, etc. If you think you might need a statement from someone later, work out who that might be, and discuss it with them now so that they know what to do when you’re ready to submit your application.

    9:34 Start thinking about what you might like to do next year

    You don’t need to make a decision yet, but start thinking about how you will get the information you need so that you can make an informed decision later. Can you talk to a teacher or career counsellor? Can you look at uni and TAFE websites or industry organisation websites to get some ideas? Can you speak to someone in the community or the parents/siblings of a friend about the work they do so you can learn more about it? Have you checked out past episodes of this podcast to see if there’s one about a course or career that interests you?

    14:36 Make a shortlist of places you’d like to study

    By narrowing down the list, you can be aware of the Open Days that you’re most interested in and sign up for newsletters as a prospective student so that you don’t miss any extra opportunities to find out more about the courses they offer.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

  • What we’re talking about:

    It’s nearly the end of Term 1 and everyone is reaching out asking for tutors. But do you really need one? How do you know? And is career counselling a better alternative for you. Let’s break it down and work out what would actually solve the problem you’re finding yourself in.

    3:18 Questions to help you decide what you need

    There are 2 questions I want you to think about to help you decide if you’re better off with a tutor, a career counsellor, or even an entirely different type of support.

    1) Do you think you need a tutor for one subject, or with 3 or 4 of your subjects?

    2) Do you know specifically what you need help with?

    Your responses to these questions give a good indication of the problem you’re actually trying to solve by getting a tutor.

    7:52 What type of tutor would suit you best?

    Should you get help from someone who recently completed VCE and did really well in the subject, or are you better off getting help from a qualified teacher? It depends on what you actually need help with.

    12:16 Why a career counsellor could be a better option

    Find out how I work with students, and how career counselling could benefit you if you are feeling generally overwhelmed with your subjects or lacking motivation.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Find out more about working with me: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/services

  • What we’re talking about:

    As a student I always left studying for English to last, and as a result it was always my worst subject…until I was in Year 12. The fact is, it’s really important to prioritise VCE English if you want to do well in VCE, and there are a couple of reasons why:

    Your result in English (or Literature, or English Language, or EAL) WILL be used in the calculation of your ATAR. If you’re not sure how ATARs are calculated, I give you a brief recap in this episode, but check out Episode 58 (link below) to understand how it all works.

    A study score of at least 20 or 25 in English is a prerequisite for nearly all Bachelor degrees. Yes, there is always another way to get where you want to go, but the quickest route is to get the ATAR and prerequisite study scores necessary to be considered.

    If English is not your best subject, what should you do? I’m not an English teacher, but listen up if you want to hear what worked for me and what I’ve seen work for other students.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    How are ATARs Calculated? https://www.roadmapeducation.com/podcast/58

  • What we’re talking about:

    Listen up to find out exactly how VTAC offers work so you can make the best decisions for yourself over the next few weeks.

    1:00 You can only receive one offer per round

    Don’t wait to see how many you get

    1:33 You will get your VTAC offer 2 ways - through your VTAC account and via email from the uni or tafe

    1:48 ALWAYS accept the offer

    You may not get another offer, so accept this one and get your foot in the door. If you get another offer later on, you can accept the new one and go back and reject the initial one. Follow all the instructions in the email to accept the offer, including enrolling in the course if that’s what they tell you to do (you will still be able to withdraw before the census date after Semester One begins next year).

    3:45 What to do if you don’t receive an offer

    Check the VTAC website to check if the courses you have listed on your preference list make offers in the December round (not all courses do).

    Change your preferences to make sure that you have a handful of courses listed on your preference list where you have definitely met all the entry requirements (including having an ATAR that is well above last year’s lowest selection rank where applicable).

    Opt in to supplementary offers (see below)

    5:57 What to do if you have received an offer

    Accept the offer

    If the offer is for your dream course, go and celebrate.

    If you would prefer an offer for a different course, still accept the offer, but then move the course you got the offer for to your 8th preference (or at least below all the courses on your list you’re actually interested in) so that you’re eligible to get an offer for one of the courses listed above it.

    7:56 Supplementary offers

    If you don’t receive an offer in the December round, make sure you have ticked the box to give permission for VTAC to release your information to the institutions so they can contact you directly from the second round in January to make an offer directly to you.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

  • What we’re talking about:

    0:47 VCE results pep talk

    If you got the results you were hoping for…congratulations! Make sure you celebrate your achievement. If you’re upset about your results, it’s ok that you’re feeling that way, and I want to give you some perspective to get you back on track.

    4:58 Should you rethink your preference list now you have your results?

    Unless you honestly initially chose your preferences because you didn’t believe you would get an ATAR high enough to get into your dream course, if you got a higher ATAR than expected, you probably shouldn’t change your preferences.

    7:20 Your results are no one else’s business

    You don’t have to talk about your results if you don’t want to. If you want to share, go for it. If you don’t want to, just tell people you’re happy with them and move on.

    8:17 How to make sure you get an offer this round

    Check that you have the subject requirements for all of the courses on your preference list. If you have courses there where you haven’t met the subject prerequisites, take them off your list because you will not get an offer for those courses. When it comes to selection ranks, remember that the ones listed on the VTAC website are from last year. It’s a good indication of what it will be this year but it can change slightly. It’s ok to have courses on your preference list that have a higher selection rank than your ATAR, but make sure you have at least one course on your preference list with a lowest selection rank lower than your ATAR to maximise your chances of getting an offer in this round.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roadmap_ed/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roadmapeducation

  • What we’re talking about:

    Exams are over! Results will be out very soon. What should you do between now and then to take the pressure off your results and make sure you get started on your dream career path.

    2:41 - You will only get one offer per round

    There are several rounds of offers, and each round you can only get at most one offer. This offer will be for the highest course on your preference list where you’ve met all the entry requirements and there’s space in the course for you. It’s also important to know that most offers are made in the first two rounds (in December and the first round in January) so you want to maximise your chances of getting an offer in those rounds.

    4:21 - Make sure you put the courses on your list in preference order

    This is because you only get one offer per round, so you want to make sure this offer is for the one you most want to do where you’ve met all the entry requirements and there’s space in the course for you. Forget about ATAR requirements when you are putting your preferences in order. Instead, focus on your priorities and choose the courses that match your priorities best.

    7:15 - Work out what the pathways are to get into your dream course

    If you’re worried about not getting the ATAR or selection rank you need to get into your dream course, look at similar courses somewhere else, or similar courses at the same university so that you can apply to transfer into your dream course later. If you’re worried about not getting the study score you need to meet the subject requirement for your dream course, research now what the particular university recommends in this scenario eg is there a different course they recommend you apply for, and then complete a particular first year subject to meet the requirement before applying to transfer into your dream course.

    10:52 - Why do this research now?

    Having this information now will take the pressure off results day (because you’ll already know how you can end up in your dream course no matter what happens), and gives you more space and time to get this information than you’ll have in the couple of days between getting your results and change of preference closing ready for the December round of offers. You can either use this information to set up your preference list now so that you don’t have to change them at all once you have your results, or you can put this information on your desk and refer back to it once you have your results if you need to.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

  • What we’re talking about:

    In this episode, I’m chatting with Bo who initially worked as an electronic engineer in China and Australia before pivoting into cybersecurity. She discusses the similarities and differences between the two industries, the skills that she believes will hold you in good stead working in cybersecurity, the courses she completed at Holmesglen and RMIT to expand her knowledge and network, and what her day-to-day work looks like.

    0:51 Introduction to Bo

    Listen to the summary of the episode so you know what to expect before we start.

    2:23 Beginning of the interview with Bo

    Bo shares great insights into her own childhood and education in China, and she explains the pressure that she was under to do well enough to access further study at an elite university. She explains that she didn’t really get a chance to explore her interests or strengths with her focus completely on performing well in exams. She did like solving problems though, and found that she could use those skills best in maths and physics.

    8:20 Bo’s pathway to electronic engineering

    Bo chose her course simply based on the fact the score needed to get into electronic engineering was higher than what was needed to get into medicine, and she had achieved the necessary score. She shares a range of tips for high school students that she would now give to her younger self, including looking after your physical and mental health, learning more about yourself through study, investigating strengths and passions and learning about different options before choosing a career, and finding other resources to help you see how you can apply your skills and interests across a range of industries beyond your own imagination.

    14:08 Electronic engineering

    Bo explains that engineering is essentially about finding solutions to problems, whether that’s about finding the most cost effective way to do something or developing new systems. She sees the type of engineering you do as just dictating the type of tools that you’ll use to solve the problem that you’re looking at.

    18:03 Certificate IV in Cybersecurity at Holmesglen

    After 5 years working as an electronic engineer, Bo was looking for something different to look into and learn more about, however she wasn’t looking at switching careers just yet. She liked the idea of cybersecurity because it sounded interesting, and the course is also free because it’s a growing industry in Australia. Bo explains that this course gave her the fundamental knowledge she needed to understand cybersecurity. She also shares that graduates of this course could enter roles such as Level 1 incident responder or junior security analyst.

    22:49 Master of Cybersecurity at RMIT

    After completing the Certificate IV and at the beginning of the pandemic, Bo had decided that she wanted to pivot her career. She had seen a lot about cyber attacks in the news and felt that she could make a difference in the field. She explains what she learnt in this course, and the opportunities that she got to investigate more about cybersecurity, increase her network in the area and gain work experience to get a better understanding of what her day-to-day work might look like. Bo highlights the benefits of studying through university as a way to get better insights into what the industry is actually like.

    28:42 Bo’s work as an associate defensive security consultant and penetration tester

    Bo shares what it’s like to work as a defensive security consultant and penetration tester, which is also known as being an ethical hacker. As a consultant, she works with different clients with their unique challenges and systems. This also allows her to work in different fields with different underlying technologies, which leans into her love of problem solving.

    33:45 Bo’s advice to students who are considering cybersecurity as a career

    Bo explains what type of students she thinks would thrive in cybersecurity, and she has a special message for girls who are considering pursuing a career in this industry.

    Links mentioned:

    Certificate IV in Cybersecurity at Holmesglen: https://holmesglen.edu.au/Courses/Computing-and-IT/Cyber-Security/Certificate-IV-in-Cyber-Security-Online/

    As discussed in the episode, this course is offered free for eligible students.

    Master of Cybersecurity at RMIT: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/levels-of-study/postgraduate-study/masters-by-coursework/master-of-cyber-security-mc159

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Monash Tech School: https://www.monashtechschool.vic.edu.au/

  • What we’re talking about:

    While I could talk all day about the things that I don’t like about the ATAR system, these 3 myths and misconceptions around the ATAR, what it means and how it’s used are the most prevalent ones that I see that can cause a lot of stress and decision regret.

    1:44 Your ATAR is not a budget

    Whether you’re trying to guess what ATAR you’ll get, or you already have your results in front of you, there are 2 ways that this number can trip you up. One way is to think of it as the “amount” you have to spend ie I got an ATAR of over 90 so I can’t choose a course that has a lowest selection rank of only 70 or I’ll be wasting the opportunity. The other way is for students to use their ATAR as a way of limiting their choices ie I got an ATAR of 75 so I’m just going to look at the courses that have a lowest selection rank of between 70 and 75 and choose one of those. Instead of choosing courses based on your ATAR, I want you to choose courses based on your interests and strengths, and then we can look at pathways to get into that course as a back up if you need it.

    5:58 The selection rank for a course is not an indication of how difficult or how “good” the course is

    Courses that have a higher selection rank are not necessarily harder or better than courses with a lower selection rank. The selection rank to get into a course is a popularity contest. The higher the selection rank, the more in demand that course is. There are a number of reasons why a course might be more popular, including the prestige of the course or institution or particular features of the course, but you need to look separately at these features and decide whether or not this course is the one that will suit you best.

    9:23 Your ATAR is not an indication of how well you will do at university

    While there is likely some correlation between students doing well at high school and then doing well at university, I would argue that this is more true when you’re looking at courses that are set up in a similar way to high school, with similar test and exam-based assessment. However, there are a range of factors that are more likely to dictate whether you do well in your course, including things like how interested in the course you are, how self motivated you are (which might depend on how interested you are in the content), and what other things are happening in your life (or were happening when you were in high school). Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that because you didn’t do as well in VCE as you hoped, you automatically won’t do well at tertiary level.

    Links mentioned:

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

  • What we’re talking about:

    1:34 Check the prerequisites

    Take note: If you haven’t done the subject prerequisites, you will not be considered for the course. So if you haven’t done the prerequisites, don’t put it on your preference list. Instead, look at other pathways you can use to get into the course or career you’re aiming for.

    2:57 Put the courses on your preference list in your preference order

    Don’t fall into the trap of putting the courses on your preference list in ATAR order. The lowest selection rank listed on VTAC CourseSearch is based on the selection process from last year and can change! You can only get (at most) one offer per offer round, so make sure it’s for the course you want to get into the most.

    8:08 Have at least one course on your preference list that has either no ATAR requirement or where you think you will meet the ATAR requirement

    Most offers are made in the first 2 rounds, and so you really want to get an offer in the first round so that you have a foot in the door. The easiest way to ensure that you’ll get an offer is to have one or two courses on your preference list that have an ATAR requirement that you think you’ll be able to achieve (or no ATAR requirement at all).

    9:35 Fill your preference list

    Technically you don’t have to have 8 preferences on your preference list. However, if you’re working towards making sure that you get an offer in the first round, then it doesn’t hurt to fill it! If you’re not sure what to put, listen up and I’ll give you some examples of what you could choose based on your priorities.

    13:12 Get the information you need to make an informed decision

    If you have a lot of varied interests and you’re not sure what you want to do most, you need more information about the courses or the careers they lead to so that you can make the right choice for you. Take some time to find out more, either online, at Open Days, by speaking with people who are studying the course or working in the career you’re interested in, or listen to relevant episodes of Course and Career Chat.

    Links mentioned:

    Discuss the podcast and get free career counselling advice here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcecourseandcareerchat

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Work with me

    Your Dream Career Roadmap: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/services/your-dream-career-roadmap

    Your VCE Roadmap: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/services/your-vce-roadmap

    Your PERFECT Preference List: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/counselling/perfectlist

  • What we’re talking about:

    This episode is for the students who are working really hard to do well in VCE. Put the brakes on for 20 minutes and listen up to get some perspective, consider how you’re coping, and, if it feels right to you, make a healthier choice for you.

    2:00 My school experience

    In this episode I start by giving you some more information about my own experience as a student in the context of how it led to my current career. I explain how my thoughts around VCE have changed from when I was a student, to when I became a tutor and teacher, and now that I’m a career counsellor.

    7:15 Do you enjoy the challenge of school?

    Why are you working so hard? Is it because you really thrive on the challenge of learning? Or do you wake up feeling sick about the day ahead? Find out how conversations with some of my students helped me question how things are done in schools.

    11:13 Why are most of us so focused on ATARs and results?

    The VCE system is all based on ranking students against each other, which inevitably leads to a lot of students being hyper focused on results rather than learning. What I want you to think about is how you could reframe things in a healthier way. You have more choice than you think.

    16:08 How else could you approach this?

    So what could you do differently to take all this pressure off yourself and stop focusing so much on striving to do well? You could think about what you want to do next, recognise that you can actually do whatever you want, and that you can put a plan in place to get there no matter what results you get. You don’t need a better ATAR. You need a better plan.

    Links mentioned:

    Discuss the podcast and get free career counselling advice here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcecourseandcareerchat

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

  • What we’re talking about:

    VTAC applications are about to open, and it can feel pretty stressful when you’re not sure what you need to do and when you need to complete everything. In this episode I’ll talk you through what you need to know to submit your application on time and ready for course offers later in the year. I give you an indication of the timeline here, but please check the VTAC website for all dates and deadlines.

    1:59 Submit your application

    The first thing you need to do is submit your application. Don’t get too caught up in this - you only need to add one course to your preference list to submit your application which locks in the lowest fee as long as you submit before the timely application deadline. You can still add courses and change your preferences after you submit.

    5:06 Pay your fees

    The important thing to know is that you don’t need to pay when you submit your application, but the date you submit dictates how much you need to pay. Make sure you pay the fee by the cutoff date in December to be eligible for the first round of course offers.

    7:15 Change of preference

    You can change your preferences as much as you want right up until you get your VCE results in December before they’re locked in ready for the first round of offers. Changing your preferences doesn’t affect whether or not your application is submitted or how much you pay. You’ll also be able to change your preferences after each offer round.

    11:18 SEAS and scholarships

    You can apply for SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme for if you’ve been disadvantaged in some way) and a range of scholarships as part of your VTAC application, and you have until October to submit these. If you are submitting a SEAS application, get onto it sooner rather than later to make sure you have time to get all the evidence you need. More scholarships are available than what’s in your VTAC application, but this is a good way to apply for a range of scholarships with one application.

    Links mentioned:

    Discuss the podcast and get free career counselling advice here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcecourseandcareerchat

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    VTAC dates: https://www.vtac.edu.au/dates.html

  • What we’re talking about:

    TAFE and University Open Days are one of the best ways to really understand what your tertiary experience will be like…but they can also be a waste of time if you don’t have a plan for the day. Listen up for 5 of my best tips for getting the most out of your next Open Day.

    2:05 - Register for your Open Day

    Before you go to the Open Day, make sure you go to the TAFE or University website and register so that you get all the information about what’s going to happen on the day, and also you’ll be added to their mailing list so you’ll find out about any other opportunities that are coming up to find out more about their courses.

    3:43 - Do some research before you go

    Even though you will get lots of pamphlets on the day with heaps of course information, if you do some research before you go, you can have your questions ready so that you can come away from the Open Day with the extra information you need to make an informed decision.

    5:48 - Plan your day

    Now you have all this information, you can plan your day so that you use your time efficiently. If you know what time the sessions you’re interested in are running you can be there at the right time (especially if there are 2 Open Days for different institutions that you want to go to on the same day). You can also write down questions so you’re ready to ask them at the right the time instead of trying to think of them on the spot.

    7:30 - Soak up the atmosphere

    If you end up choosing to go to this TAFE or uni, you’ll be spending a lot of time there, so you want to make sure it’s a place where you feel comfortable and inspired to learn (or at least somewhere you want to turn up each day!) Open Days are a great opportunity to get a sense of what the TAFE or university is in general, and you can also find out what they offer outside of academic study that could interest you.

    9:29 - You are in the driver’s seat

    If you’re feeling anxious about going to the Open Day and asking questions, remember that they’re holding the Open Day to sell the experience to you and convince you to choose THEM. The people there want to speak to you and answer your questions. Forget about ATARs and everything that’s happening at school and use this opportunity to get excited about your future.

    Links mentioned:

    Discuss the podcast and get free career counselling advice here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vcecourseandcareerchat

    My website: https://www.roadmapeducation.com

    Grab your free Open Day planning tool: https://www.roadmapeducation.com/open-days