Boundaries make nourishing relationships possible â regardless of what our guilty feelings might tell us when we set those boundaries. Our guest for part two of this conversation, Registered Psychologist Janelle Drisner, helps us grapple with the tension between human limitations and unconditional love. This time, Janelle dives deeper into the complexities and limitations of relationships, how we show up for each other and the necessary, uncomfortable work of articulating our boundaries â in pursuit of more authentic relationships.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
--From This Episode--
Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People: Avoid Emotional Traps, Stand Up for Your Self, and Transform Your Relationships as an Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson
(00:53) - - With Every No, There Is A Yes(04:11) - - Communicating Your Boundaries(11:40) - - Challenging Cultural Scripts(14:49) - - Anger Is A Source Of Courage(17:42) - - Apology Is Only The Beginning Of Repair(22:15) - - Relationships With Adult Children(27:43) - - Wrestling With The Roles Weâre Given(31:29) - - Unconditional Love And Being Human
--Credits--Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Boundaries tell us where I end and you begin, says our guest, Registered Psychologist Janelle Drisner. But what is a boundary really? Should we have expectations in relationships? And how do you cultivate your relationship with yourself?
Trudy and Lisa sit down with Janelle, for the first of a two part episode to answer â or at least begin to understand â these questions and more. Janelle takes us beyond psychological buzzwords into a truly fascinating conversation that challenges us all to think about relationships in new ways.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:32) - - Introducing Janelle Drisner(02:03) - - What Are Boundaries?(08:13) - - Respect(11:39) - - Expectations vs Needs(14:42) - - Diversifying Our Supports(20:55) - - Crones Do Not Avert Their Eyes(23:39) - - Dialoguing with Ourselves(26:44) - - Cultivating a Rich Inner Life--Credits--
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Missing episodes?
At the end of your life, what will you regret â the things youâve done or the things you didnât do? What kept you from doing things you wanted to do? Lisa and Trudy explore regret, fear and the wisdom of aging through a discussion of Bronnie Wareâs memoir The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.
âLife can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.â SĂžren Kierkegaard
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
--From This Episode--
The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware
Skater Girl: An Archaeology of the Self by Robin C. Pacific
(00:32) - Intro(03:57) - Regrets of The Dying(08:08) - Fear-based Decision Making(15:21) - Courageous Decisions(17:12) - Deathbed Regret(20:44) - Grab Life(22:56) - Understood backward and lived forwards (30:30) - Creating Possibility(33:42) - Regret-free Living
--Credits--Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Krista Vernoff, executive producer and former showrunner of Greyâs Anatomy, is bored of people who arenât women over 50. She walks Trudy and Lisa through what it is to live a creative life and how giving yourself permission to make art and make mistakes is everything.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:33) - Special note(01:09) - Intro(03:49) - Creativity and Women Over 50(08:45) - Giving Yourself Permission(13:07) - Doing vs Becoming(16:52) - Art Wants to Be Seen(23:52) - The Myth of Invisibility(27:50) - Societyâs Devaluation of Art(33:14) - Being a Patron of the Arts(35:17) - Valuing Your Natural Talent(46:09) - Knowing Yourself
--Credits--Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
If you asked 10 people to define what hope is, youâd probably get 10 different definitions. We think we know what hope is, but do we really? Is hoping for something unrealistic? Are wishing and hoping the same thing? Can you manifest something into being through hope? These are just some of the questions Trudy and Lisa pose to University of Alberta Faculty of Education Associate Dean (Research) and professor Dr. Denise Larsen about her research into hope. Even if youâre not a naturally hopeful person, Dr. Larsen tells us how we can build âhope skillsâ and how fostering hope in ourselves and others can change people, cities and communities for the better.
Note: Dr. Larsen mentions an intervention activity conducted with international students. That activity was developed by University of Alberta Ph.D. candidate Chelsea Hobbs. Dr. Larsen also wished to acknowledge Dr. Doris Zhang.
âHope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.â - David Orr
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Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
--From This Episode--
Finding Hope: Ways to See Life in a Brighter Light by Ronna Fay Jevne and James E. Miller
(00:32) - - Intro(02:06) - - What Is Hope?(06:08) - - Hope and Reality Co-exist(08:09) - - Hope is Risky(14:35) - - Fostering Hope(17:27) - - Leaning Into Possibility(24:00) - - Hope in Hard Times(27:55) - - Other-oriented Hope(37:15) - - Hope Across Cultures
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman
Hope is an Overused Word, But the Real Thing Can be Powerful by Amie Filkow for New Trail--Creditsâ
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
After her husband died, Molly Peacock decided solitude would be her next husband. Trudy and Lisa continue their conversation with Molly about her new book of poems, The Widowâs Crayon Box. They discuss the growth and freedom that can come with grief, finding pleasure in solitude and coming into oneâs cronage.
The Widowâs Crayon Box is published by WW Norton and is available wherever you buy books.
Molly has received awards from the Danforth Foundation, the Ingram Merrill Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. She is a president emerita of the Poetry Society of America and was one of the originators of Poetry in Motion, a popular program that places poems on placards in subways and buses.
Molly joins Cronecast from her home in Toronto, Ontario.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:33) - Intro(00:59) - Moved and Touched(04:55) - Reading of âTinker Bellâ(10:40) - Love Story(13:40) - Caregiving(16:53) - Joy of Solitude(23:47) - Entering Our Cronage(27:34) - Stages of a Widowâs Life(32:34) - Reading of âHoney Crispâ--From This Episode--
The Widowâs Crayon Box (W. W. Norton, 2024)
The Analyst (W. W. Norton, 2017)
The Second Blush: Poems (W. W. Norton, 2008)
Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems (W. W. Norton, 2002)
Original Love (W. W. Norton, 1995)
Take Heart (Random House, 1989)
Raw Heaven (Random House, 1984)
And Live Apart (University of Missouri Press, 1980).
A Friend Sails in on a Poem: Essays on Friendship, Freedom and Poetic Form (Palimpsest Press, 2022)
Flower Diary: In Which Mary Hiester Reid Paints, Travels, Marries & Opens a Door (ECW Press, 2021)
Alphabetique, 26 Characteristic Fictions (McClelland & Stewart, 2014)
The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Lifeâs Work at 72 (Bloomsbury, 2011)
How to Read a Poem, and Start a Poetry Circle (Riverhead Books, 1999)
Paradise, Piece by Piece (Riverhead Books, 1998), a literary memoir
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
For grieving people, processing loss through creativity can open doors to healing. In this episode, Trudy and Lisa engage in a lively and illuminating conversation with poet and biographer Molly Peacock about her new book of poems, The Widowâs Crayon Box. This book of poetry is a deeply personal and moving chronicle of Mollyâs journey before, during and after the death of her beloved husband. Molly realized she was not living the perceived idea of a widowâs mauve existence, but was experiencing life in all colours. The Widowâs Crayon Box is published by WW Norton and is available wherever you buy books.
Molly has received awards from the Danforth Foundation, the Ingram Merrill Foundation, the New York Foundation for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. She is a president emerita of the Poetry Society of America and was one of the originators of Poetry in Motion, a popular program that places poems on placards in subways and buses.
Molly joins us from her home in Toronto, Ontario.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
--From This Episode--
The Widowâs Crayon Box (W. W. Norton, 2024)
The Analyst (W. W. Norton, 2017)
The Second Blush: Poems (W. W. Norton, 2008)
Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems (W. W. Norton, 2002)
Original Love (W. W. Norton, 1995)
Take Heart (Random House, 1989)
Raw Heaven (Random House, 1984)
And Live Apart (University of Missouri Press, 1980).
A Friend Sails in on a Poem: Essays on Friendship, Freedom and Poetic Form (Palimpsest Press, 2022)
Flower Diary: In Which Mary Hiester Reid Paints, Travels, Marries & Opens a Door (ECW Press, 2021)
Alphabetique, 26 Characteristic Fictions (McClelland & Stewart, 2014)
The Paper Garden: An Artist Begins Her Lifeâs Work at 72 (Bloomsbury, 2011)
How to Read a Poem, and Start a Poetry Circle (Riverhead Books, 1999)
Paradise, Piece by Piece (Riverhead Books, 1998), a literary memoir
(01:13) - Molly Peacock's Biography and Upcoming Book(03:12) - Reading of "Touched"(05:19) - Touch, Loss & Meaning(10:25) - Imagery and Grief(13:26) - The Widow's Crayon Box and Its Metaphor(18:20) - The Contradictions of Grief(27:49) - The World Continues(33:00) - Sonnet Sequence(41:33) - Closing & Whatâs Next
--CreditsâHosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
The conversation centers on creativity for people of a certain age. Lisa is inspired by a writing workshop led by Krista Vernoff, so she and Trudy explore the challenges and obstacles to creativity, such as societal expectations and the publishing industry's youth-driven focus. If creativity is inherent, shouldnât it be pursued regardless of age? Lisa shares her experience learning Italian and the importance of starting small. They highlight the need for "margins" in life to engage in creative activities and encourage listeners to embrace their creative potential without fear of being too late or questioning the point of the pursuit.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:42) - Krista Vernoff's Expressive Writing Workshop(04:08) - Exploring Creativity at Different Life Stages(07:03) - The Importance of Purpose in Creativity(09:35) - Finding Margins for Creativity(13:34) - Inspiration and Overcoming Obstacles(22:03) - Reflecting on Childhood Interests(24:43) - Contributing Creatively to the World(26:07) - Encouraging Listeners to Be Creative--Credits--
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Trudy and Lisa discuss the positive feedback the episode about grief received from listeners of all ages and experiences. Trudy talks about the wonderful and unexpected engagement from diverse listeners. They also reflect on the importance of inclusive spaces and our evolving roles and identities as we age. A rousing debate about the necessity of having some women-only spaces versus only inclusive ones ensues, with Trudy emphasizing her desire to participate in spaces with all genders. Both hosts highlight the importance of adapting to new technologies while maintaining a sense of joy and adventure in life.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:34) - Intro (02:56) - Seeing Oneself in Stories(07:59) - Space to Be(14:33) - Networking(17:28) - Changing roles(21:14) - Explaining(24:53) - Pace(28:06) - Close--Creditsâ
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Trudy and Lisa turn their eyes to the ebb and flow of relationships as they navigate absent loved ones and changing friendships over time.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(03:59) - Cycles(09:37) - Grace(15:01) - Reciprocity(17:14) - Ebbs + Flows(22:03) - Stages(24:44) - Shared Experiences(29:36) - Close--References--
Franco, Marisa G. (2022) Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make â and Keep â Friends. G. P. Putnamâs Sons. New York, US.--Creditsâ
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Our younger selves may have had more stamina, but theyâve got nothing on our experience. Trudy and Lisa explore the idea of competing with the younger self and finding strength in their cronage.
See the clip of Jodie Fosterâs full quote: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AynbA4j99NE
Read the blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(04:01) - Younger Self(07:50) - Confidence (14:05) - Growth(21:08) - Stamina(23:53) - Refined Treasure(31:43) - Close--Creditsâ
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
When words donât feel right, we are left to action. Trudy shares what she learned from those who supported her through the loss of her husband in the best ways they knew how â comforting efforts, clumsy advice and all.
Read our blog:CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact.
We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(02:21) - Words(08:08) - Funerals(12:38) - Hospital Staff(17:08) - Acts of Kindness(23:37) - Carrying Forward(27:38) - Get Over It(31:14) - Kinds of Grief(35:21) - Close
--Credits--Hosted by Lisa Austin and Trudy Callaghan
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
A beautiful and deeply moving conversation, this episode is Trudyâs story of losing her husband. For those who are acquainted with grief and for those whoâve yet to face the death of someone they love, this is one croneâs vulnerable recounting of the days leading up to a life changing loss.
Read Trudy and Lisa's Bios: CroneCast.ca
Read this show's blog at CroneCast.ca for in-depth thoughts on topics covered in this episode.
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
Quote from Anne Lamott:
âIf you havenât already, you will lose someone you canât live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and you never get over the loss of a deeply beloved person. But this is the good news. The person lives forever, in your broken heart that doesnât seal back up. And you come through, and you learn to dance with the banged-up heart. You dance to the absurdities of life; you dance to the minuet of old friendships.â
In the episode, Trudy mentions that this is the quote they read at a monument near Christchurch in New Zealand. The quote was printed on a temporary sign, which her husband took a picture of.
We found that this quote appears differently across various online posts. We were unable to determine the original text for the quote, and so have shared the one Trudy has come to know from her husbandâs photograph.
(00:00) - Intro(02:03) - An Invisible Shawl(05:52) - Bearing Witness(19:32) - Record of Days(29:48) - Gathering(37:57) - Close--References--
Hall, Emory. (2023). Metabolism. made of rivers. Three Rivers Publishing. Boulder, CO. USA.Emory Hall and Trevor Hall created an audio version of select poems from the made of rivers anthology, and you can find that on YouTube at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QcZuTpv42I
Hosted by Lisa Austin and Trudy CallaghanProduced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
âPurposeâ is an audacious idea that purports to shape our lives. Weâre not so sure about that. We put our thinking faces on and take a look at the purpose we decide for ourselves, the purpose others discover in us, and whether this whole âpurposeâ thing is as singular as weâve been told.
Read our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(01:53) - Flummoxed by Purpose(06:20) - One or Many(13:54) - Unique Contributions(20:22) - Stay Present(25:08) - Close
--CreditsâHosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen
Original music by Darrin Hagen
Robin Pacific is a Canadian writer and visual artist. She is a highly credentialed, single malt drinking Anglican socialist. And she is a crone. Embodying all that and more, Robin joins us in a thought-provoking discussion about identity, grief and creativity.
See Robin Pacificâs work: https://www.robinpacific.ca/
Check out our blog: CroneCast.ca
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(04:04) - Collage(09:35) - Words + Images(15:30) - Grief Speak(18:36) - Dayne(24:14) - Naked(28:48) - Seasons(31:23) - Ephemeral(34:59) - Transformative(40:16) - Close--References--
Pacific, Robin. (2024) Skater Girl, An Archeology of the Self. Guernica Editions. Gananoque, ON, CAN.
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
Since posting our âStuff of Lifeâ episode, weâve been thinking more about how a life can be depicted in things. Our friend, Jane Bisbee, joins us to further celebrate the joy and history of the treasures we collect and what happens when itâs time to let them go.
Check out our blog at CroneCast.ca.
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(03:39) - Interesting Things(08:22) - Stewardship(12:46) - Layers(16:49) - Pass It On(23:23) - Destinations(33:03) - Photos(38:17) - Treasures(41:09) - Close
--References--1. Peter Pauper Press. (2015) Iâm Dead, Now What! Planner. Peter Pauper Press. Rye Brook, NY, U.S.
2. Find. https://findedmonton.com/
--CreditsâHosted by Lisa Austin and Trudy Callaghan
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
Bucket lists are tricky. They can help explore dreams and desires to fulfill in a lifetime. They can also become a list of to-dos before death, shaping expectations about the future. We talk about these lists in the face of limited time, and celebrate the journey of becoming.
Read Trudy and Lisa's Bios: CroneCast.ca
Read this show's blog at CroneCast.ca for in-depth thoughts on topics covered in this episode.
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
(00:00) - Intro(00:35) - Time (07:27) - Opportunity(10:36) - Self Acceptance(15:14) - Living Ahead(19:16) - Doing Your Best(22:52) - Integrity(28:44) - Becoming(32:15) - Close
--References-- Reiner, R. (2007). The Bucket List [Film]. Warner Bros. Zadan/Meron Productions. Two Ton Films. Castle Rock Entertainment. Storyline Entertainment.Ferguson, Melanie. âThe Case For Bucket Lists: Busting Myths and Changing Mindsetsâ [Blog Post]. postcardsandplaces.com. January 4, 2024.Ufuoma, Jessica. âHow Ditching My Bucket List Has Helped Me Travel Moreâ [Blog Post]. theufuoma.com. November 17, 2017.Ware, Bronnie. (2011) The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departed.â BalboaPress. Bloomington, IN.Nouwen, Henri J.M. (1992) The Return Of The Prodigal Son, A Story of Homecoming. Doubleday. New York, NY.--Creditsâ
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
Inspired by listener email, we talk about what to do with all the âstuffâ we acquire through our lives. The stuff we cherish, the stuff that anchors us and the stuff that holds the memories of those we love.
We donât have all the answers, we want to hear from you! Send us your thoughts at https://cronecast.ca/contact.
Read Trudy and Lisa's Bios: CroneCast.ca
Read this show's blog at CroneCast.ca for in-depth thoughts on topics covered in this episode.
(00:00) - Intro(01:53) - Archivists(06:07) - Touchstones(12:24) - Home Finding(15:57) - Intentional Purpose(20:00) - Hold Them(24:12) - Honour Them(30:03) - Enjoy(35:42) - Close--References--
Walsh, Peter. (2006) Itâs All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff. Free Press. New York, U.S.Walsh, Peter. (2017) Let it Go: Downsizing Your Way to a Richer, Happier Life. Rodale Books. Pennsylvania, U.S.
--CreditsâHosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
Donât die before youâre dead. Others might say itâs time to get out of the way to make space for someone younger, but not us. We crones can support younger generations and keep living our own lives to the fullest.
Read Trudy and Lisa's Bios: CroneCast.ca
Read this show's blog at CroneCast.ca for in-depth thoughts on topics covered in this episode.
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
Oliver, Mary. (1990). The Summer Day. In House of Light. Beacon Press. Boston, MA.Alfred, Lord Tennyson. (1922). Ulysses. Poetry Foundation.Chin, J. (Director). Vasarhelyi, E.C. (Director). (2023). Nyad [Film]. Black Bear. Mad Chance. Zurich Avenue.
(00:00) - Intro(00:49) - Someone Elseâs Time(07:48) - Wild + Precious(14:43) - Finite Beings(20:35) - Exit Cues(22:36) - Close
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
Falling down hurts - literally and figuratively. It hurts the body, it hurts oneâs dignity, and it reveals our total lack of control over the world around us. Come compare bruises, metaphorical and real.
Read Trudy and Lisa's Bios: CroneCast.ca
Read this show's blog at CroneCast.ca for in-depth thoughts on topics covered in this episode.
Share your questions and comments at https://cronecast.ca/contact. We want to hear from you about all things crone.
Bolen, Jean Shinoda. (2003) Crones Don't Whine: Concentrated Wisdom for Juicy Women. Conari Press. Massachusetts, US.Cloud, Henry. (2006) Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality. Harper Business. California, US.Milton, J. (1673). Sonnet 19: When I consider how my light is spent. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44750/sonnet-19-when-i-consider-how-my-light-is-spent
(00:00) - Intro(01:03) - Donât Avert Your Eyes(05:52) - Oof! (09:46) - âCastâ (12:17) - Face It(14:50) - The Wind Down(18:46) - What will I want?(22:27) - Close
Hosted by Trudy Callaghan and Lisa Austin
Produced by Odvod Media.
Audio Engineering by Steve Glen.
Original music by Darrin Hagen.
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