
  • Everyone has a story to tell, and every story matters. In the first half of our conversation, Bryan Byrd describes the role of a troubadour. He emphasizes the value of prioritizing heart-to-heart connections, loving yourself the way God loves you, and being flexible about your approach to fatherhood.

    Key Takeaways We’re all troubadours with a story to tell that matters. Heart-to-heart connections with your kids are the true sign of parenting success. Love yourself enough to do what you say, bet on yourself, and hold yourself accountable. Get instant feedback from your kids by asking, “How are you experiencing me?” Don’t be afraid to relearn some things. Bryan Byrd

    Bryan Byrd is a husband and father to two sons from Boise, Idaho. He is passionate about equipping men to do hard things. He co-founded Wild Courage and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.

    Key Quotes 11:55 - "I'm still going to choose heart to heart connection, regardless of my reputation. Regardless of my accomplishment or the image that people think I should have, I'm still getting their back, getting in the ditch if I need to get in the ditch, getting on a platform if I need to get on a platform. Wherever it takes, I'm going to show up and be present and be the father where I need to be. Sometimes I'm going to make mistakes along the way, and I'm going to ask for forgiveness and break some glass. That's success. Course correcting along the way right now." 27:00 - "We have sinned and we've been forgiven. He bets on us and He resides in us. There's a two edged coin there that we're the ransom one, so let's get with it. When you bet on yourself, you bet that you're valuable enough that you're going to come through with your word. You're going to do what you say. Bet on yourself, believe that you can do what you want to do, what you're set out for, what you're called from the Lord. Even though all of these people out in the world are going to say there's not enough time. You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, they're going to come up with all kinds of excuses because they want to justify themselves. Bet on yourself is a line with God. Let's pause for a minute. Let that settle on our hearts. What God really says about you." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Save the Date for the DadAwesome Day Zoom Call: Monday, June 17 at 7pm CT Iron Bison Training Iron Bison Training Podcast WILDSONS Podcast | Receiving the Father's Love and Masculine Initiation with Bryan Byrd Foxhole Symphony - Wild Courage: Vulnerability and Victory in the Quest for Authentic Manhood Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Combat veteran Ben Peterson joins us to discuss the glaring challenges in America's individualistic society, especially for people who have experienced the tight-knit military community. He offers practical advice to help you find your tribe, embrace your purpose, and be vulnerable about the struggles you're facing.

    Key Takeaways Our souls and psyches thrive when we are part of a tribe. The transition from tribe culture to individualistic culture is an extreme challenge for veterans. We are in a war for the souls of men. The strongest men are the ones who are willing to be honest about their shortcomings and struggles. Ben Peterson

    Ben Peterson is a Jesus Follower, husband, father, and combat veteran. In 2016, Ben founded Engage Your Destiny, a nonprofit ministry that exists to engage with the military, veterans, and their families to lead them into their destiny. Ben and his wife, Rachel, live in Tennessee with their son.

    Key Quotes 27:29 - "Where's my 10,000 souls? I just think it's so important to live with that mindset. It doesn't have to be a fear based mindset, but this is the reality of the kingdom, and there is heaven and hell, and there are realities to us being disobedient, and there is free will and there's consequences for that. That's part of kind of the military coming out, because if you don't do your job, people die. And that's the same thing in the kingdom. There's a reason that Paul used the reference of the soldiers so much because we are in a war for the for the souls of men." 31:18 - "We can lean into some of those woundings, from a sense of humility and being honest that, you know what, I'm never going to be perfect until Christ comes back or until I go home. And in Him, I'm a new creature. And that gives me such a sense of peace and satisfaction, that my wounds are okay. It's okay to be vulnerable." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Save the Date for the DadAwesome Day Zoom Call: Monday, June 17 at 7pm CT Engage Your Destiny: Practical Ways To Run After Your God-Given Purpose by Ben Peterson The Power of a Praying Husband by Stormie Omartian Engage Your Destiny The Engage Your Destiny Podcast EP30: Power of a Praying Spouse: Part 1 (Engage Your Destiny Podcast) Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
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  • Jon Tyson is back for the third time! In this episode, he uncovers the seven lies that hold men back from becoming fully alive. You'll discover the strategies Satan uses to keep you distracted and passive, and you'll be inspired to embrace your current season and ask curious questions for the sake of others.

    Key Takeaways Satan wants us dumb, entertained, oversatiated, and unmotivated. You must fight against despair, loneliness, shame, lust, ambition, futility, and apathy. If you ask curious questions about the needs around you, you never know what you'll get swept into. What things do you need to harvest and enjoy right now before they rot and are gone? Jon Tyson

    Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Jon Tyson is a pastor and author based in New York City. He is the author of "Fighting Shadows" and the bestselling books "The Intentional Father" and "Beautiful Resistance." Jon has been married to Christy for twenty-five years and has two adult children.

    Key Quotes

    10:40 - "I always tell people, my vision is intentionality, it's not perfection. No one is perfect. In fact, the perfect fathers are often the ones that damaged their kids through such high expectations. It's just do your best, live in love, be honest with your struggles and get help. Rely on the community of men to help raise your kids. Ancient societies were not primarily just father-son societies. They were the community of men playing a vital role. It was the tribe that helped formed men, not just this psychotic pressure on an individual father."

    19:23 - "I know everybody tells you this, be careful when you kill time, it has no resurrection. You can waste time. You can kill time. Waste time. Use time. Invest time. Redeem time. Or leverage time. And a lot of God, that's Ephesians 5, make the most of the time. That's not the word kross is the word kairos, which means you were in a season right now, that must be leveraged that you will never get again. It's not the same in every season. So I'm not advocating a kind of guilt where every, like, if every spare moment should be in prayer. That's, that's death. That's the law. I'm advocating, I'm advocating an awareness of your season. The things that need to be harvested now or they rot. Or seed now, or you missed the window to sow. Or enjoyed now or it's gone. How do you really figure what that is in that season and leverage it? Make the most because the days are evil. So yeah, it's about really trying to leverage the season more than anything else. First you got to know what it is, but when you know what it is going to be aware and go after it."

    Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more 147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path 187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive by Jon Tyson and Jefferson Bethke The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by Jon Tyson Primal Path: A Discipleship Program for Fathers & Sons Awaken Network Podcast Sign up for Jon’s Newsletter Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In the second half of this conversation, Danny Silk shares the seven “dragons,” or fears, that all men must slay. From confronting self-doubt to navigating competition among other men, Danny explores what holds most men back and how you can take immediate action. Plus, you’ll discover the importance of community and brotherhood in your journey to becoming a dragon slayer.

    Key Takeaways Every man must confront these seven fears: God, himself, women, men, nature, machine, and provision. If you don't set your heart to serve your wife, you will set your heart to conquer her and be the winner. Men bond through doing and adventure and through risk. Your role as a man is to think ahead and bring benefit to everyone you’re leading. Fatherlessness comes from the breakdown of brotherhood. Danny Silk

    Danny Silk is a renowned speaker and prolific author who draws on decades of experience as a counselor, social worker, husband, parent, grandparent, and more. He is the President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide.

    Key Quotes 14:49 - "Quit putting it off because you don't want to feel stupid. You already look stupid. So go do something about it. Be the man. There's that end of it as well. And then there's, in the middle of it, which is get out there and take some risks. Get out there and learn some new skills, find some guys that love to work on that stuff and learn from them." 18:14 - "You really are looking down the road and you're leading, so people are following that. And in that is your responsibility to bring benefit to everybody on the journey with you. That's your role as a man, is to think ahead and to build benefit for for your family, for your legacy. I'm thinking generationally, I'm not just thinking momentarily. I'm not living paycheck to paycheck. I'm living generation to generation. So, then as a provider, you had better open up your clarity of where you're headed and who's going to be benefiting for you ever being on this planet." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more The Way of the Dragon Slayer by Danny Silk Dragon Slayers Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In this eye-opening episode, Danny Silk discusses the seven key traits that make up the creed of manhood. You’ll be inspired to rise above cultural influences and become a dragon slayer instead of a destroyer. Ultimately, you’ll discover how to use your strength to protect, display Christ, and lead boldly.

    Key Takeaways You can either slay your dragons or become a destroyer. It is your job to set the standard of love in your home, marriage, and community. Men need to carry responsibilities to activate the strength they were designed with. Fools want to be the master of their own universe, but wise men love correction and feedback. Danny Silk

    Danny Silk is a renowned speaker and prolific author who draws on decades of experience as a counselor, social worker, husband, parent, grandparent, and more. He is the President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide.

    Key Quotes 6:28 - "You have to have something inside of you that both weights you down to the bottom so you can get some traction and strong enough to turn and face that bad boy. But what happens is, once you get enough people opposing and moving in synergy, in the opposite direction, you actually can bring that strong current to a stop and then reverse the current. [That's] the Kingdom. It's an upside down world. That's what I really want to call our generation to, let's be the generation that faced this ugly lie, chase it down, band together and create a different tomorrow for our boys." 14:24 - "It's absolutely essential that men understand that your primary job and really the only job that you have is control yourself. Control freaks, control your freaking self. You never control other people. And when we turn love into control, we misrepresent our Father. God is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, not control. If anybody is going to be a control freak, it could be God and he's a freedom freak." Links from Today’s Conversation Get a discount at the DadAwesome Store with Code: MOMAWESOME Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more The Way of the Dragon Slayer by Danny Silk Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Stephen Mansfield joins us in this episode to ignite your warrior mindset. As a man of God, you have a responsibility to prepare intentionally in every aspect of life, from your marriage to parenting and beyond. Stephen shares powerful examples of rituals, accountability, and prayers that can shape your life and future generations with purpose.

    Key Takeaways Warriors use every moment to prepare for impending battles, and strong men must do the same. If you're going to achieve the greatness you're made for, stop being passive in the face of your surrounding culture and get intentional. Righteous men are meant to think about the impact they'll have on the next generation. Manhood is transferred during rituals, where you affirm a man in that milestone moment and speak of what's coming. Stephen Mansfield

    Stephen Mansfield is a New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and popular speaker committed to serving vital social causes. He and his wife, Beverly, split their time between Nashville, Tennessee, and Washington, D.C.

    Key Quotes 7:42 - "Warriors are intentional. They know there's battles coming. They are fighting for others. They're fighting battles of love for nation, for family, for righteous causes. And they are preparing themselves. And that makes them tougher, makes them more sacrificial, makes them more visionary, makes them live every moment in terms of, they're in the moment, but also in terms of what's coming." 18:12 - "I think every day is a gift. I think we live every day out as another day of our destiny. And the kissing of the spouse and the sitting quietly and the sipping of a glass of wine, the walk and the time reading a book and those peaceful, quiet, measured things, are just as important in building a legacy, as are the big dramatic, 500 year things. We men are naturally given to vision. What we have to do is be given to the moment more. That takes more intentionality on most of our lives." Links from Today’s Conversation Get 20% off the DadAwesome Store with Code: MOMAWESOME Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Men on Fire by Stephen Mansfield Stephen Mansfield’s Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Kyle Wester joins us to unpack the science of your kid’s brain—from birth to adulthood. You’ll discover how connection shapes their emotional development and why sincere apologies pave the way for deeper intimacy in your relationship.

    Key Takeaways Your anger says more about you than your kids. The brain has three key developmental stages: brainstem, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex. To move out of the limbic system, you need connection. Have high expectations while offering high support. Emotion-focused parenting is an inside-out model that reflects what God does with us. Kyle Wester

    Kyle Wester is a licensed professional counselor and Parenting Coach who has been working with children for over 20 years. Kyle and his wife, Sarah, are founders of Parenting Legacy and host The Art of Raising Humans podcast. They have been married for 22 years and have three children.

    Key Quotes 6:28 - "Success for us, when I look at my kids and I know that we are doing it well, that we are succeeding as parents, is when I see the fruit of the spirit easily pouring out of their daily life. What's neat is when you tie that in to the brain science, all of us as human beings, when we are at our best and we are really able to show up, be seen, bring more light to a dark place, it's when we're in the prefrontal cortex. And what's interesting about the prefrontal cortex is I can only get there when I feel safe and loved." 9:31 - "I have super high expectations on my kids. I really believe that every place they are is going to be better because they are there. And if for some reason that isn't happening and I'm noticing that, then me and my wife are wondering what is the supports my kid needed in that moment to be able to really shine the way God intended them to in that moment?" 26:02 - "This shows us how God has wired us and why the Christian disciplines are so effective, is because when we pray, when we meditate, when we worship, when we do these exercises that have been known throughout church history to be healthy and effective for us, we're answering these questions. We're connecting to somebody outside of us, who's whispering to us, you are safe. You are loved. And then once you get to the prefrontal cortex, the question is, what can I learn? You're basically saying, how can we do this together? How can we change this situation? I just picture God coming with an open hand and us coming with a closed hand, and He stays calm with us. He comforts us until our hand opens up. And then our hands can come together and we can really solve that problem together." Links from Today’s Conversation Get 15% off the DadAwesome Store During the Mother’s Day Sale Parenting Legacy Counseling & Coaching Email Kyle Wester at [email protected] The Art of Raising Humans Podcast The Aro Podcast 257 | When you Change Your Relationship with the Phone, You Change Your Relationship with Everyone Around You, Including Yourself (Joey Odom) Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child by John Gottman No-Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel Playful Parenting by Lawrence Cohen The Opposite of Worry by Lawrence Cohen Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In John 10:10, Jesus says that He came so we may have life to the full. This verse guides Tim Lukei’s work as a men's pastor and non-profit leader. Listen in as Tim lists practical tips for building a vibrant men's community. Plus, he describes why adventure matters for your heart, marriage, and family.

    Key Takeaways If you're following Jesus and it feels boring, you're not doing it right. A multi-generational team will create a multi-generational ministry. Adventuring as men often opens us up to do life together authentically. Don't just be a dad who was there; be a dad who was intentional and present. Tim Lukei

    Tim Lukei is the Men's Pastor of Mariners Church in Irvine, California. He also runs Maverick River Collective, which equips churches to establish sustainable, transformational men's ministries. Tim and his wife, Korrie, have been married since 2006 and have three children.

    Key Quotes 6:29 - "Adventuring together creates connection moments and moments of, this is so awesome we got to experience this together. That is adventure as it pertains to man's ministry and family and parenting. The best way I know to how to connect with my kids is going on an adventure. And that doesn't always mean hopping on a plane, going to Hawaii or wherever else. It could be like, hey, we're going on a bike ride and I'll take you to this rad new playground. It's going to be amazing. That could be an adventure. And it doesn't cost necessarily anything. My kids beg me to to go on bike rides and it costs nothing." 16:18 - "Do the self processing and figuring out, for me it was immediately, I recognized, I am burnout. I'm exhausted. No matter what you should already have had people in your place that you're reaching out in to go, hey, I'm not okay. Have you recognized it? And then begin the processing on what does it look like to become whole again? To get soul rest, to take some time, if you can, to figure out, is there areas where I need a coach or a therapist? One of the things that I try to do as a men's pastor is normalize therapy for men all freaking day. It's not something you do when you're in crisis. It's something that you do constant. Guys, we don't do that well. We don't process, talk through our hardship, difficulty or past. We don't, that's not our natural gear, for at least most guys. Maybe you have some meaningful conversations with people who speak truth into your life, but whether it's painful or not, you need to have that. Definitely figure out what things are the reasons, How did you get here, and don't just throw Band-Aids at something." Links from Today’s Conversation Get 15% off the DadAwesome Store During the Mother’s Day Sale (use code: MOMAWESOME) Maverick River Collective Conversations in the Wild Podcast Men of Mariners — Mariners Church Play the Man by Mark Batterson Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson Becoming a King by Morgan Snyder Resilient by John Eldredge Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In this episode, Dean Deguara reflects on how he identified his children's purpose through prayer and prophecy. He details the practical ways he and his wife raised their kids to be resilient and bold, from bedtime prayers to meaningful car ride conversations and more.

    Key Takeaways God will give you clues about your kid's purpose. The small deposits of time add up. Be just as competitive about your kid's purpose as their performance. Teach your children how to make good choices on their own. Dean Deguara

    Dean Deguara is the lead pastor of Real Life Church in Sacramento, California. He and his wife, Amy, have been married for 30 years and have two adult children.

    Key Quotes 16:56 - "We were a family on mission. And so wherever we went, we tried to be the same people we were in public, that we were in private. And then just allowing our influence to be who we are." 26:16 - "One of the biggest things I like to encourage is teach your children how to make good choices on their own. As they're growing up, I think a lot of times we wait for these big transitional moments for our kids to make these [big decisions], where there's just a lot of pressure. Now [they] have to make a decision, where you're going to go to college and we didn't give them and we didn't allow them to make any choices until those biggest choices in life. We just started in the safety of our home and the safety of our family, just giving our kids opportunities to make big decisions." Links from Today’s Conversation Get 15% off the DadAwesome Store During the Mother’s Day Sale Detours: The Unpredictable Path to Your Destiny by Tony Evans Real Life Church Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • One day, your child will transition into a young adult. Fathers play an essential role in recognizing those moments through ceremony and celebration. In the second half of this conversation, Michael Warren explores how dads can support their children by welcoming them into a larger community and fostering a sense of belonging.

    Key Takeaways Don't talk about it; be about it. Present your son to a community of men and vocalize why he belongs there. Create milestone moments for all of your children. Make the courageous call to the person you think would be willing to meet with you to talk about being a dad. Michael Warren

    Michael Warren is a dad of four who is passionate about equipping fathers to lead their sons into REAL masculinity. He lives in Anchorage, Alaska, where he facilitates the Alaska Knights program at ChangePoint.

    Key Quotes 4:31 - "When it comes to my daughter, it's been a little extra work. I've had to learn a lot about her heart, a lot about how God has made her, it's been a little slower for me, and I've had to run some experiments and try things out. What's caused me to not give up and all that's complex and, quite frankly, confusing to me sometimes, about pursuing the heart of preteen, early teen daughter has been this, I'm going to reject passivity and expect the greater reward by stepping in and creating some milestones for her, too." 20:26 - "If there's something that you want, what responsibility comes with the burden? What responsibility comes with a heightened sense of urgency? And that's not to shame, guilt, pressure, it's not about that. If this is on your heart, I would say just move with it. Find another person and just take the next step. Our God is a God of next steps, practical next steps. Because what kind of a God would He be if He showed us the entire landscape and made us feel overwhelmed and discouraged? That's not His character. " Links from Today’s Conversation DadAwesome Activation Events Host an Event in Your Area: Contact Us Alaska Knights: Raising a Modern Day Knight Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood by Robert Lewis Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Michael Warren is passionate about equipping fathers and mentors to guide young boys into manhood. His goal is to facilitate adventure moments that give sons an answer to the question, “When did I become a man?” In part one of this conversation, Michael describes how dads can define and model the timeless principles of manhood to their kids.

    Key Takeaways Fathers must communicate a clear definition of manhood. Middle school is a strategic time to start calling boys up and out of the home—away from distractions like video games—and into learning led by dad. A REAL man Rejects passivity, Expects God’s greater rewards, Accepts responsibility, and Leads courageously. REAL men have a work to do, a will to obey, a woman to love, and a world to serve. Michael Warren

    Michael Warren is a dad of four who is passionate about equipping fathers to lead their sons into REAL masculinity. He lives in Anchorage, Alaska, where he facilitates the Alaska Knights program at ChangePoint.

    Key Quotes 17:38 - "The longevity that we've enjoyed has been tied to the fact that it's really transforming men's hearts and their families and the definition of manhood and the context that we teach, where that definition plays out are really transferable and in every season." 20:54 - "A real man, R-E-A-L, R, rejects passivity. A man rejects passivity. E, expects God's greater reward. A, accepts responsibility, and L, leads courageously. So, rejects passivity, expects God's greater reward, accepts responsibility, leads courageously. Expect God's greater reward, what does that mean? Well, that means delayed gratification. That is a principle that every man needs to entertain and think about. I'm going to make sacrifice now, but I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I've got energy, I've got time, I have my purity. I have these things that are God given that once I spend them, I don't get them back. Those are the main principles, this R-E-A-L. What's important to mention is that we call them the four W's. The four W's are the contexts where you can directly apply the R-E-A-L. So the four W's arem a man has a work to do, a will to obey, a woman to love and a world to serve." Links from Today’s Conversation Spring 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Group: Email [email protected] to learn more Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father's Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood by Robert Lewis 215 | Creating Ceremonies, Building Life-Changing Committed Friendships & Raising Modern Day Knights (Robert Lewis) Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Ian Smith joins us in this episode with passionate ideas to help dads enjoy fatherhood more. He shares his habits of looking for adventure in the challenge, asking hard questions, and taking ownership of mistakes. His energetic spirit will help you reframe your perspective on parenting so you can show up with renewed purpose.

    Key Takeaways You can enjoy fatherhood more when you view it as an adventure and a good challenge. Get big enough on the inside to own it when something’s not great. Nothing brings more stability and security to a family than a dad who submits to the authority of the Heavenly Father. Get out of the ditch of passivity by taking action. Build up your kids and reinforce their identity through positive language. Ian Smith

    Ian Smith is an entrepreneur, former pastor, coach, and mentor living in Winnipeg, Canada. He has been married to his wife for 25 years and has six children. Ian is passionate about helping others go from feeling frustrated and apathetic in their faith to seeing real, lasting change in their lives.

    Key Quotes 24:11 "There's all of this stuff that we go through and situations and fears we have, it's natural. But we can learn to cope with them in such bad ways or we can numb ourselves. We can get complacent. We can Netflix ourselves, drink ourselves, sports ourselves, work ourselves, tax ourselves out of it all. [Instead] of actually dealing with it and never dealing with it. And all that's going to do is continue to hurt us, which then is gonna hurt our family." 35:50 - "[Telling myself] I'm going to make a change and get on the path, and you'll find you'll walk out of that thing really quickly with accountability and a little bit of a vision about where you want to go. That's a really important piece too, is if you don't like the life you have, start envisioning the one you want and let that burn on the inside of you. You'll be amazed that when you have the what you want start to settle in your heart, the how is going to make itself known to." Links from Today’s Conversation Spring 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Group: Email [email protected] to learn more Hero Collective Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship: Your Destiny Awaits You by Jack Frost Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Our conversation with Jeremy Morris continues as he shares insight on healing unprocessed pain, rebuilding relationships, and cultivating peace. Jeremy's healing journey wasn't quick or easy, but through his experiences, you'll see God's faithfulness in restoring his family.

    Key Takeaways Time doesn't heal all wounds, but God can. The thing that you're doing to anesthetize the pain isn't the problem; the pain is the problem. Don’t give your family the leftovers of you. Walk with your children through enough adversity that they’re prepared for it when they leave the nest. Without peace, nothing matters. Jeremy Morris

    Jeremy Morris is a husband and father of four living in Boise, Idaho. He co-founded Wild Courage, a ministry that equips men to tell the stories born in the redemption of lives and souls. In his free time, Jeremy enjoys coaching football, camping with his family, and managing his ranch.

    Key Quotes 12:37 - "The thing that you're doing for the pain, isn't the problem. Let's go back into your story and find that unprocessed pain that sometimes is so subconscious we don't even know. I also want to say this, pain is the same. Just because you don't have my story, doesn't mean that your pain is less than mine. The pain is relative and your story matters. Going into your story and inviting God into that messy place that you never thought you could ever talk about and going to the source of that pain and finding out why." 23:11 - "It's just having the scary hard talks and helping [your children] navigate emotions. Speaking to their heart and not their actions. Now, that doesn't mean there's no discipline and consequences for actions, but it's not the first thing we go to. We go after their heart level of why did you show up this way? What's going on inside of your heart? Dealing with it in a heart issue instead of what was modeled to us of, like, discipline, discipline, discipline. Shame, shame, shame. Creating a safe environment. We don't want our kids to experience trauma. We're good with some adversity because we want to walk with them through it. I've learned to get really good at cleaning up my messes and finding humility in the times where I blew it. Humility just always wins. It always wins." Links from Today’s Conversation Spring 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Group: Email [email protected] to learn more Wild Courage The Wild Courage Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Shame holds back many men from sharing their stories of redemption. Jeremy Morris once felt this. But he learned that the key to unlocking healing is to have the courage to be seen. In this episode, Jeremy shares his unfiltered testimony and demonstrates the power of vulnerability and wild courage.

    Key Takeaways Most men would rather go to the moon, climb Mount Everest, survive in the wilderness, or do other crazy things before being vulnerable. The key to unlocking healing is to have the courage to be seen. Are you using certain things to stuff down the unprocessed pain that’s trying to crawl up out of your soul? If God can forgive you, that is enough to carry on. Jeremy Morris

    Jeremy Morris is a husband and father of four living in Boise, Idaho. He co-founded Wild Courage, a ministry that equips men to tell the stories born in the redemption of lives and souls. In his free time, Jeremy enjoys coaching football, camping with his family, and managing his ranch.

    Key Quotes 10:07 - "The most healing I've received, in a lot of areas, has been when I've had the courage to be vulnerable enough to share my deep, dark pain with someone and to be received with love back. Which, if you really knew me, there's no way you could like me, let alone love me. The courage part comes from us having the courage to be seen. Which, I think, God wired us to be seen and heard by others that we're in relationship with. Men will go to the moon, we'll climb Mount Everest, we'll jump off crazy things with parachutes, we'll ride bulls, we'll survive in the wilderness. And we would rather do all of those things before being vulnerable. I've just found that it's the key to unlocking healing and to be what we're all created to be, which is to be seen and heard and not judged and loved where we're at in the mess of it all." 36:23 - "They put me in jail and something in me changed in my prayer. I don't know how to explain it, other than I asked God, from one father to another father, please take this for me. The dad I'm going to be, I can't do this anymore. And He took it. I don't know if it was because I wasn't praying to get out of my circumstances anymore, which I think looking back, my prayers to Him were always to get me out of the mess that I created. But there was something about me pulling on to heaven, as a dad and crying out to a dad that I think was the difference and His perfect timing." Links from Today’s Conversation Learn More About the DadAwesome Accelerator Group: Email [email protected] Wild Courage The Wild Courage Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Chad Wallen helps teach fatherless young men practical tools that their dad could have taught them if he had been involved in their lives. It’s an active way of fighting against harrowing statistics and intervening in tangible, practical ways. Join us as Chad shares his thoughts on self-care, words of affirmation, and mentoring the next generation.

    Key Takeaways You can’t be a good dad if you’re not a healthy version of yourself. Don’t make your wife translate your love to your children. Nationally, 75% of men incarcerated are from a fatherless home. What does it look like to mentor fatherless young men while providing opportunities to learn new skills, advance their careers, and build confidence? Chad Wallen

    Chad Wallen is a loving husband, foster parent, and dad to three girls and a son. He helped start Advance Camp in Oregon because he has such a huge heart for the fatherless. Now, Chad Wallen lives in the Dallas area and directs Advance Camp Texas.

    Key Quotes 7:42 - "That was a hard thing to learn is finding that happy medium between taking care of yourself and finding you as a priority and taking care of your family and finding them as a priority, realizing you can't be 100% dad if you're not 100% you." 17:52 - "My mom used to tell me all the time your dad loves you. He told me last night that he loves you and he's really proud of you. Well, I don't need my wife translating for me. These words need to come out of my mouth. And it's hard. Sometimes I have to pep talk myself but I know that's my role is to speak my words, not to have my wife speak my words for me. That's one thing I have constantly worked on with myself is making sure my words are my words and my wife is not my translator." Links from Today’s Conversation Advance Camp USA Learn More About the DadAwesome Accelerator Group: Email [email protected] Top 5 Podcast Moments of 2023 | Year in Review — The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • For Zack Blair, walking in unconditional love is the foundation of joyful fatherhood. In this episode, he shares personal experiences and practical examples to show why connecting with your kids matters more than trying to be perfect. And ultimately, how it leads to a parenting approach grounded in thankfulness and love.

    Key Takeaways Walking in unconditional love is the source of joy and thankfulness. How can your children one day remember your heart if you are not intentional to connect with theirs? Use your hands to express love, not produce pain. You need other men in your corner—not just for you, but also for your kids. Zack Blair

    Zack Blair is an author and the founding pastor of Hill City Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Lauren, have been married for 17 years, have three children, and are foster parents.

    Key Quotes

    35:00 - "An apology, it goes so far with [your children]., Hey, dad's imperfect, but he's trying, and he's taking ownership in the areas that that he missed it. I tell my kids, I'm not going to be a perfect father. I'm going to do some things great. You're going to look back and you're going to say, man, that wasn't so great. Whatever we did great, carry it on. But whatever we didn't do great, fix it and keep on getting better."

    39:53 - "When you hold your child and you look at them and you feel the pain of, maybe I didn't receive this or I don't know that I received that unconditional love. In every man where we look back on our life with regret, that's an area that if we dig deep and we we allow the Lord to heal and we open up to the right people, that will change our family's trajectory forever. A lot of guys will get stuck in the normal things that society talks about to distract us, but there's a part of us that's unhealed. If we can focus on that part and with kindness and curiosity, just go there and ask the Lord, Lord, when did I accept this lie? Or when did I develop this belief about myself? Or when did I experience this pain and God where were You in those moments? Even with help through counseling and and pastoral guidance, even when the Lord heals that it'll change everything and you will be set free to be the dad that you really want to be. So go there. Be brave enough to go there."

    Links from Today’s Conversation Learn More About the DadAwesome Accelerator Group The Father Code: Codes of a Connected Father by Zack Blair Follow Zack Blair on Instagram The Father Code YouTube Playlist Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Phil Comer wasn’t raised with a faith background. So when his first son was born, he knew he had to get radically intentional if he was going to raise children who walk with God. In this episode, Phil shares the habits that helped him develop his newfound faith as a young father and launch his grown children into the world with success.

    Key Takeaways Men are designed and commanded to be tenderhearted, kind warriors. No one can love their wife or be used by God as a father without the Holy Spirit. Memorized Scripture carries with you through life, enables you to do battle, and brings you joy. Even if all you do is quietly speak the Scripture out loud for several years, you will memorize it. It’s not what you say to your kids that instructs them; it’s what they see from you. Phil Comer

    Phil Comer is a husband, father, and grandfather with 40 years of pastoral and counseling experience. After planting a church in 2004, Phil and his wife, Diane, went on to launch Intentional Parents International. The ministry focuses on equipping young parents and providing focused teaching in the spiritual training of children.

    Key Quotes 25:57 - "We need to teach this to our kids. We need to model it for our kids, and we need to realize that we need it. When it comes to the memorizing part, we're supposed to meditate on Scripture. Now, I can do that by reading it, but what about when I'm out on a walk and I don't have my Bible on me? Anything I do have, I'm able to bring back up and chew on. That's really what that verse means, that meditating is chewing on something and that's where God comes in." 38:02 - "You can't be saying one thing and be living another. That will destroy your kids, and it will lead them away from Christ so quickly. If you are modeling a genuine, authentic faith, if you are a passionate Jesus follower, your kids will pick that up because values are caught more than they're taught. We always have to look at our life every day, am I getting more lukewarm? Am I losing my passion or am I growing in my passion? As long as we're the growing side of Christianity and the growing side of Jesus, our kids are going to pick it up." Links from Today’s Conversation 160 | Raising Passionate Jesus Followers (Phil Comer & Brook Mosser) Intentional Parents International A Practical Guide to Memorizing Scripture Together Raising Passionate Jesus Followers: The Power of Intentional Parenting by Phil & Diane Comer The Intentional Parents Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • For Jay Vallotton, the turning point in his marriage was learning to connect with his wife through her emotions rather than trying to fix them. Now, Jason urges men to reconsider their approach to emotions, both in marriage and parenting. Tune in as he shares practical advice for repairing mistakes, handling dysregulation in a child, and approaching conversations with the end in mind.

    Key Takeaways To live wholeheartedly means addressing sin, being present, and fulfilling your God-given call instead of allowing fear to shrink you. Your wife needs to feel seen, known, and heard. Trust is not built through the absence of mistakes but by how you repair. The #1 conversation hack is to start with the end in mind. The right time to instruct and discipline is not when your child is emotionally dysregulated. Jay Vallotton

    Jay Vallotton is the founder of BraveCo, a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Bethel Church, and an overseer of the Bethel Transformation Center. He is passionate about helping people discover their God-given identity, find freedom, and walk out their true calling. Jason lives in Redding, California, with his wife, Lauren, and their five kids and daughter-in-law.

    Key Quotes 3:48 - "One of the prayers that David prays is, God, search me, know me, reveal to me what's going on in my life. Which honestly, is such a scary, dangerous prayer. But on the other side, I think that in order to live wholeheartedly we do have to address those areas in our life that aren't whole, that have cracks or have a little bit of brokenness or doubt, and that's a very challenging thing to do. But what that really means is when I come home and my wife confronts me on something and I dismiss her feelings, I'm not living wholeheartedly. When I come home and my kids want to play and I don't want to be present, I'm actually not living wholeheartedly. The practical application of being. The things that you write on your heart, the things that you write on your wrist, the truth, God's truth.. You have to live those out in your day to day life. And there's accountability inside of that." 17:05 - "Trust is not built through the absence of mistakes. Trust is built by how you clean up a mess. Your wife will trust you because she knows you can have a bad moment, you're going to go away, you're going to process through that in a healthy way and come back and give her what you wish you would've given her in the moment. That's more valuable than being able to nail it every time, because we innately know no one's going to nail it every time. But what we don't know is, I trust that you're going to come back and repair what has been damaged. If you can repair what you are messing up, you're adding so much more value than just trying to get it right, perfectly or expecting yourself to. You're not and your wife's not, more importantly, your whole environment, isn't. So, your kids are going to watch you do this process. Your wife's going to watch you do this process, and they're going to follow in this ecosystem that it's okay to fail. It's not okay to hurt each other but it's okay to fail because we can go back and clean up a mess." Links from Today’s Conversation BraveCo BraveCo Conference 2024 (Redding, California - June 12-14, 2024) 131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton) 145 | Resilience, Servanthood & Showing Up For Others (Jason Vallotton) Follow Jason on Instagram Dates, Mates and Babies with the Vallottons Podcast Make a Donation to DadAwesome FATHERS FOR THE FATHERLESS Events Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Would you show love to a masked gunman who abducted you and your family? For Jamie Winship, the answer was yes. As he shares the details of this frightening experience, Jamie will inspire you to exchange fear for love as you seek God’s true identity for you.

    Key Takeaways Being in your true identity makes you more relational, take risks, and face reality. The enemy is always in the hypothetical future, but God is in the present. To identify false identities, ask God, “What are the things I believe about myself that hurt me?” Your true identity in God will be others-focused, self-emptying, and characterized by unconditional love for your enemies. Jamie Winship

    Jamie Winship is known for bringing peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas. His work in law enforcement and education led his family around the world, including South Asia and the Middle East. Jamie and his wife, Donna, are co-founders of Identity Exchange and have three adult sons.

    Key Quotes 11:26 - "When you watch Jesus, Jesus never runs anywhere. He's never in a hurry. He's never freaked out. He not dramatic. He is intense. Like when He throws over the tables, but it's so tactically smart what He's doing, it's so well thought out. He's not just dramatically reacting to drama. So never participate, the enemy loves drama. The enemy loves drama because drama goes out of control. 15:36 - "You're in constant conflict. Either inside yourself or with people around you. Those are the signs of the false self. It's self-protection. Self-promotion. Separation is a sign of the false self. The false self will always move in separation, never in connection with others. It'll constantly separate out. The soul that sinneth, the soul that separates it will die. It's not about you did a bad thing, God's going to kill you. It's like human beings were made to live in connection with others and God. And when we separate it, it basically destroys us. Those are the symbols, the signs of the false self. But deeper than that, this is the exercise I would suggest is just sit alone with God and just breathe and relax and try and settle down and just say, God, search me right now. And would You help me to be able to say the things that I believe about myself that hurt me? What are the things I believe about myself that hurt me? And and just let them come to your mind." Links from Today’s Conversation 314 | Tackling Fear in a War Zone, Modeling Courage, and Embracing Your True Identity (Jamie Winship: Part 1) Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God by Jamie Winship Identity Exchange: Online Courses, Individual Coaching, and More Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Jamie Winship is no stranger to conflict. From working as a police officer to living in international war zones, he learned how to tackle fear with faith—and he modeled it for his children, too. In this episode, Jamie details some of the dangerous situations his family faced as they followed God’s calling. Plus, he’ll inspire you to hang onto joy, even when fear tries to swallow you whole.

    Key Takeaways When living in a high-conflict area—whether a warzone or your home—you have to gamify preparedness with joy instead of fear. There are times when you may need to pray to be invisible. If you’re afraid to fail, you won’t be able to model courage in front of other people. God cannot invite you into greater challenges in the future if your only goal is self-protection and self-promotion. The greatest gift you can give your kids is the truth of who you are. Jamie Winship

    Jamie Winship is known for bringing peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas. His work in law enforcement and education led his family around the world, including South Asia and the Middle East. Jamie and his wife, Donna, are co-founders of Identity Exchange and have three adult sons.

    Key Quotes 20:13 - "Only the fear of falling and loud noises is is innate in us, but all other fear is learned. I want to say to your listeners, what are you afraid of? That's the most important question, what am I afraid of? And this is a daily question. It's not a one off. It's even incident into incident. Why am I afraid right now? Fear is beautiful because it's a warner, it's a flashing warning light. It's an invitation to transformation. It's an invitation to a conversation that leads to transformation. God, why am I afraid right now? What am I afraid of?" 21:34 - "God wants me to know I can protect you in any situation. Though a thousand fall on my right and 10,000 fall on my left, yet will I stand? God says, I want you to know that I can protect you in this kind of situation. How would I know that? By staying. By staying. Why would you want me to know that? Because in the future are greater challenges than this that I want to invite you into, But I can't invite you into them, if the goal of your life is self-protection and self-promotion. Because that's how fear works. And if your goal is self-protection and self-promotion, it will become the goal of your kids. Let's teach them other than that worldview." 29:39 - "External conflict produced by internal conflict, produced by fear, produced by false identity. What's the shift? The shift is not in, stop the war, bring financial aid, change religions. None of that stuff has ever worked. It's a transformation of the human heart, which the whole Bible is telling us. And we're looking for some other solution. Spiritual transformation in your own heart. You're living in a false identity. It's a shift into the true identity, which can only be known in Christ. Shift into true identity moves you into courage. It encourages you, which moves you into internal peace, which makes you able to create external peace." Links from Today’s Conversation DadAwesome Store Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God by Jamie Winship Identity Exchange: Online Courses, Individual Coaching, and More Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618