Charlie Jabaley aka Charlie Rocket with his inspirational podcast series "Charlie Rocket Show". Each episode features Charlie's unique perspective on current events and his personal life. Charlie provides insight on business from his past life as CEO Charlie, managing mega-stars 2 Chainz, Travis Porter, Young Dolph, and Bankroll Fresh, and starting Atlanta based artist management company "Street Execs". He also inspires through his journey of becoming physically fit, having weighed over 305 pounds with a brain tumor to losing over 130 pounds (and counting) to becoming an Ironman and Nike endorsed athlete. Charlie's mission used to be to become a millionaire, now his mission is to transform a million people's lives. Contact: [email protected]
The reason we're focusing on fitness is I believe that building strength through fitness helps with the acquisition of mental strength and mental endurance. Because when you're building your body, it's kinda like a 24 hour job. You have to sleep right. You have to eat right. You have to train right. You have to take the right supplements. Every day you have to reach these little goals. Accomplish these little tasks. Once you start doing that you start to build a certain kind of integrity. A certain kind of confidence knowing that you did it for yourself. You accomplished the goals. You are keeping the promises you are making to yourself. Once you start doing what you say you are going to do, you start depending on yourself. You start gaining confidence. And then your fitness improves. Your business improves. Your relationships improve. This podcast is about the acquisition of mental strength
Welkom bij de TRUECOLOR TALKS. Een podcast reeks bedoeld om jou te inspireren en helderheid te brengen op het gebied van business, relaties, moederschap of juist de combinatie daarvan. Hoe kun je, in een wereld die vaak van je vraagt je aan te passen, toch je eigen pad blijven bewandelen? Mijn naam is Claire van den Heuvel: Truecolor writer, Heartfelt speaker & Clairity coach. Ik geloof dat de wereld een mooiere plek wordt wanneer we onze echte kleuren durven te laten zien. Dat juist in kwetsbaarheid onze grootste kracht schuilt. In deze podcast serie deel ik mijn eigen inzichten en spreek ik met gasten die in mijn ogen op hun manier vanuit échte kleuren de wereld een stukje mooier maken en hopelijk jouw inspireren dit ook te gaan durven en doen.
"TALKING BRAINS - dein Podcast für mehr Wohlbefinden und mentale Gesundheit. Gerade die Pandemie hat uns gezeigt, wie wichtig unsere Gesundheit ist. Wir wollen das Thema ganzheitlich angehen und haben uns auf die folgenden Themen spezialisiert: Wohlbefinden, Schlaf, Konzentration, Regeneration und Anti-Stress.
Bei uns lernst du von den Besten und kannst die gelernten Tipps und Hacks einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren. Schalte ein und stille deinen unermüdlichen Wissensdurst. In TALKING BRAINS sprechen wir mit Experten, Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten, Sportlern und unseren Freunden, die sich seit Jahren intensiv mit den oben genannten Themen beschäftigen. Bleib dran und erfahre mehr, denn Wohlbefinden beginnt im Kopf!" -
Yoga Business, Teaching & Entrepreneurship. Join yoga teacher, trainer and serial entrepreneur, Lucas Rockwood, as he delivers both tactical and strategic plans for building a teaching business, retaining clients, and earning a great living doing what you love. If you’re a yoga teacher, trainer, or studio owner, this insider information straight from the horse’s mouth is invaluable. Each show compresses months worth of real-world experience into a 15-minute, actionable episode.
Du siehst den Weg in Richtung finanzielle Freiheit schon förmlich vor dir: Durch dein eigenes Business und durchs nachhaltige Investieren.
Du hast soooo oft davon gehört, dass dieser Weg existieren muss. Denn schließlich sind andere ihn gegangen. Doch in dir ist diese leise zweifelnde Stimme: “Soll das auch für mich möglich sein?”
“Und falls ja, mit welchem ersten Schritt starte ich in Richtung meiner eigenen finanziellen Freiheit?”
Denn in dir herrscht bisher noch pures Chaos und es kommen unsortiert ständig irgendwelche Fragen rund um die Selbstständigkeit und das sinnvolle Anlegen deines wohl verdienten Geldes in dir hoch. Mal beim in der Schlange stehen am Supermarkt und mal beim nächtlichen Grübeln kurz vorm Einschlafen.
Meine gute Nachricht für dich: Jetzt kannst du dich entspannen. Denn hier im Podcast von bekommst du endlich Antworten. Und zwar strukturiert. Sodass du deine nächsten Schritte hin zu deinem profitablen eigenen Business und zum nachhaltigen Investieren wirklich kennst.
Und das Wichtigste daran: Du gehst deine Schritte auch wirklich selbst! Denn durch deinen neuen Lieblings-Podcast “” wirst du wöchentlich zur Umsetzung angestupst.
Damit du all’ deine Gedanken voller hilfreicher Antworten befriedest und deine finanziellen Ziele mit klaren und festen Schritten immer näher kommst. -
The Bold Life Movement is all about empowering people to be their best, boldest, and happiest self. Each week we'll bring you true stories from inspiring people who prove that it's possible to life a passion-filled, rich life. Whether your goal is to build a business and travel the world, or cultivate better relationships, and a healthier lifestyle, The Bold Life Movement has you covered. Hear from successful entrepreneurs, bestselling authors, and other inspiring individuals, and learn how you can harness your own inner boldness to create your best life.
Debby Ixchel is an online innerpreneur coaching women to rise and live life on their own terms, stretching their body, beliefs and commitments. In this podcast, she shares sparks of inspiration for life and business being the most bold, unapologetic & rawthentic version of herself so that other women can start making an impact as well shining their light upon others.
In this podcast, she dives into topics such as yoga, traveling, personal growth, trust, single motherhood, self-care, boundaries, entrepreneurship, goal-setting, confidence and self-trust. -
The Sharp Gentleman Podcast is your dose of insight and advice on style, love, and life. Learn everything you need to know to take your confidence to a new level and become the man you were born to be. Discover new elements of style, manners, character, and class so you can experience life as a Sharp Gentleman.
Mijn naam is Kelly Smit, auteur en business en life mentor. In deze podcast nodig ik je uit in mijn wereld van creatie, manifestatie en mindset. Maar dan wel op zijn Rotterdams, voeten op de grond en praktische actie.
Ik deel mijn kennis met jou op het gebied van ondernemen als een creator. Ver weg van alle marketing en strategie en heel dichtbij jezelf. Omdat daar het goud ligt evenals je superpowers.
Wil je jouw business en leven vanuit jou vormgeven? Wil je leren creëren en manifesteren als een malle? Dan ben je hier bij het goede adres. Veel luisterplezier en vergeet je niet te abonneren of een beoordeling achter te laten wanneer je mijn podcast tof vind.
Open up to your true powers
Lief Kelly -
I’m Pamela Mitchell, a top coach, author, and expert in individual transformation (FORTUNE magazine calls me the ‘Queen of Reinvention’), and I’m here to help you create whole-life success! In this lively, engaging podcast I bring you insightful advice, practical tips, useful tools and proven strategies, all designed to help you achieve both professional fulfillment and personal happiness. As your coach and mentor we’ll talk about the topics that matter most in helping you unleash your best self: vibrant energy, enhanced motivation, healthy habits, a positive mindset, clear goals, self-worth and confidence, prioritization, and—of course, from an expert in reinvention—how to change! You’ll also get to hear interviews with other top experts in finance, mindfulness, health, behavior change, and many other cool topics, plus there’s even Ask Coach Pamela where you can submit a question about a reinvention challenge and I just might answer it on a future episode. So why settle for a good life when a great one is waiting? Join me each week and let’s lift YOUR life!
Met de Shine Your Light podcast wil ik jou inspireren en motiveren om jouw prachtige licht te laten schijnen. Want als jij vanuit full focus en volledig vertrouwen in jezelf jouw droombedrijf neer gaat zetten, dan wordt de wereld zoveel mooier. Dit doe ik door praktische tips te geven en mijn eigen ervaringen met je te delen.
Nicola chews the fat with women (sometimes by herself) about reconnecting, remembering and reclaiming one's truest self - by creating physical, emotional and energetic decisions and boundaries that is authentically aligned to you and your uniqueness.
She swears and loves to talk about menstruation, vaginas, vulvas, creativity, intention, conscious choices, business energetics, cyclical living, energy medicine, human design, energetics, womb wisdom, self-awareness, self-nourishment, self-connection, self-care, self-love - and so much more.
She coaches women to come back to self and create life and work in collaboration with their energy, biology, skills and power.
She froths on communication, connection, and delving deep into a beautiful treasure trove of self-care, self-love and self-healing tools and practices to support herself and others.
She also loves
~ calamari, avocados and chocolate eclairs (not in that order)
~ dancing and moving her vessel every single day
~ mother nature, plant medicine and fresh flowers
~ writing - both for herself and her community
~ making memories with her favourite humans and furry friends
Nicola believes that energy preservation and choosing your own health and well-being isn't at all selfish ~ you see what she did there? Get #unapologeticallyselfish -
De (F)Empire Podcast is een podcast voor gedreven millennials die naar het next level willen op het gebied van business, fitness en persoonlijke groei. Hoe kun je vaste gewoontes en routines opbouwen die je helpen om je doelen te behalen? Hoe kun je niet-helpende overtuigingen achter je laten? Wat doen high-achievers anders dan anderen? Hoe kun je anders omgaan met perfectionisme, onzekerheid of stress? Founder van Femmevalerie Coaching Femke de Jong interviewt gasten en deelt daarnaast haar eigen tips en ervaringen over deze topics (en meer). Praktisch, no-nonsense, eerlijk en actiegericht: dat is waar de (F)Empire Podcast om draait.
Welkom bij mijn podcasts!
Ik ben Dianne. Spiritual Coach, Healer & Lightworkers Business Coach.
Mijn missie is lightworkers zoals jij, te helpen verbinden met jouw innerlijke wijsheid zodat je jouw frequentie kunt verhogen en jouw missie de wereld in kunt zetten.
Samen helpen we de Aarde dan naar de volgende dimensie.
Met deze podcast show, deel ik channelde messages, teachings, tools en support die je helpen te leven en ondernemen in alignment met je Higher Self.
Als je geïnspireerd wordt door de message van vandaag, help sharing it, door een review achter te laten in iTunes of de episode te delen op social media.