
  • Who was Richard Gazowksy? He was a pentecostal minister who, after inheriting his ministry from his mother, made an unconventional decision. After seeing his first feature film when he turned 40 years old, he decided to make a feature film… called Gravity The Shadow of Joseph. He became obsessed with this goal. He convinced his church to fund the film, raised massive amounts of money, and began the process of making a biblically influenced version… of Star Wars.


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  • What is Akon City? Well, it’s a land development and infrastructural project sponsored by the senegalese government in collaboration with the rapper and entrepreneur Akon. Only problem being… despite having ambitious plans on funding the project through Cryptocurrency…. Nothing seems to have actually happened? Despite, Akon taking massive amounts of investment.



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  • In the late 1980s Richard Montañez, an entry level janitor at Frito Lay, invented the company's most popular product - Flamin' Hot Cheetos. He went on to live the rags to riches story of becoming a top executive at the company. They even made a feature film about his story for Disney Plus. The only problem? The whole thing is a lie.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • In the late 1980s Richard Montañez, an entry level janitor at Frito Lay, invented the company's most popular product - Flamin' Hot Cheetos. He went on to live the rags to riches story of becoming a top executive at the company. They even made a feature film about his story for Disney Plus. The only problem? The whole thing is a lie.


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  • In the late 1800s, a man named Petrus Gonsalvus who was covered in hair due to a condition called hypertrichosis, was forcibly married to a peasant woman as a form of amusement for his aristocratic "owners." They ended up being the real life inspiration for the Beauty and the Beast.


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  • In the mid-80s, a teenager recorded a song from a German radio station onto a cassette tape. Years later he uncovered the song and tried to figure out who performed it. His quest to figure out who played The Mysterious Song would end up being decades-long and build a large following of dedicated song sleuths on the Internet. But would they ever find out who was behind the song?


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  • In the early 1920s, one woman created a massive child trafficking network where she kidnapped babies and sold them to wealthy parents.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie

    Written by Armaun Saheli


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  • In 1947, something crashed on a farm just outside of Roswell, New Mexico. Was it a weather balloon? Secret government experiment? Or was it...aliens?


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  • Who is Galactic Boy?


    Episode edited by Spandrew Spice & Lewis Poggie

    Music by Spandrew Spice


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  • Scientists have speculated for decades that a race of dinosaur people that evolved from certain species of creatures distinct from the ape creatures that humans evolved from could be living amongst us. Is there any truth to it?


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • Crop circles are a major part of alien lore. There have been certain reports of them dating back to the 1600s. But the popularization of them, and most of the high profile reports of them, can all be contributed to two British guys who pulled an elaborate 13 year hoax back in the 1990s.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • In the early 1920s, millions of people across the world suddenly started falling asleep and couldn't wake up. Nobody was ever able to explain why, and it was completely overshadowed by the Spanish Flu.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie

    Written by Armaun Saheli


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  • Throughout the late 90s and early 2000s, 6 brothers were locked inside of their New York City apartment, not allowed to leave or see anybody from the outside world. All they could do was watch 1000s of movies. Eventually, they started shooting meticulous shot-for-shot remakes of their favorite films.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • Salvador Dali was a complex and interesting figure. He painted some of the most iconic surrealist art and had a larger-than-life persona. He also had a 40 year sexless marriage and maybe died a virgin?


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • In the early 1900s, two eccentric and wealthy brothers decided to leave society and lock themselves inside of their New York City mansion. No gas, no electricity, and a series of elaborate hand-made tunnels and booby traps.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie

    Written by Armaun Saheli


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  • It's Tax Season in the Mystery Treehouse, but Dave has a horrifying secret. He hasn't done his taxes in three years! But why does this terrify Spandrew?


    Episode edited by Spandrew Spice and Lewis Poggie


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  • In a little town in Ohio, people have spotted a bipedal frog man slinking through the night. Some have even spotted multiple frog people carrying magical wands.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • Is the goat sucker truly the G.O.A.T. of cryptids?


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • There's a creature that lives in the bottom of Lake Champlain. And his name is Champy.


    Episode edited by Lewis Poggie


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  • All's been quiet for the Mystery Treehouse gang for a while. That is, until a hard-nosed detective named Mike Miller shows up, looking for a missing husband he's been hired to track down. But a simple tracking jobs takes a turn for the multiversal when Detective Mike Miller and our intrepid Boy Detectives discover that their past actions have caused rifts in the space-time continuum that must be fixed.


    Episode edited by Spandrew Spice and Lewis Poggie


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