
  • Do you have true peace in every circumstance and trouble and issue in your life?

    You can!

    As believers, Paul reminds us that we have a peace (God's shalom) that surpasses all understanding available in Christ that will guard our inner life.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about this incredible peace and what it means to find it amidst your troubles.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 326

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/326

  • Corrie ten Boom often said, "Beware the barrenness of a busy life." And if you've ever gone through a full season, you know the difficulty to be intentional in your spiritual life.

    But what if every season of life was used to press you all the more to Christ Jesus. That every situation and circumstance would deepen your love, intimacy, and trust in Christ.‌

    In this episode, Nathan talks about what it means to allow Christ to crowd (press) us ever more unto Himself.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 325

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/325

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  • As Christians, we often wait to hear what God tells us to do through His Word, and then decide if we want to obey or not. Yet, we as believers, are called to have a pre-decided yes and have a readiness to respond to anything God asks us, no matter what it is or the cost and inconvenience to our lives.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about the proper posture of our souls and a special Hebrew word that conveys our needed response to God.

    » Learn more about the upcoming Bible Study Tour with Nathan


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 324

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/324

  • In this episode, Nathan invites you to join him and Stephen Manley at an upcoming conference this June. He also plays a short excerpt about what it means to be obsessed with God.

    » Learn more about Stephen Manley's Training Camp this June


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 323

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/323

  • All four Gospels declare the “good news” of Jesus Christ, but John’s account (written years after the other three) is seemingly more personal, relational, and filled with the richness of intimacy.

    In this episode, Nathan gives an overview and talks about the person, poetry, and passion of John’s Gospel.

    » Listen to the other book of the Bible overviews on the NRJohnson Sermon Podcast


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 322

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/322

  • The beauty of the Christian life is that we live in what scholars often call the “now and not yet.”

    In other words, while we have salvation and redemption NOW, there is also a waiting and longing for our future (completed) salvation and redemption.

    Throughout Scripture, salvation is used in all three tenses: we were saved (past), are being saved (present), and will be saved (future).

    In this episode, Nathan talks about the three tenses of our salvation and how we can find the beauty and profundity in our “now and not yet” lives.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 321

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/321

  • Due to the continued conflict in Israel, we switched our November study tour to an Early Church Bible Study Tour in Turkey ("Asia Minor"). Consider joining me this November in a study tour in Ephesus, Colossae, Laodicea, and many other New Testament locations.

    » Learn more about the upcoming Bible Study Tour


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 320

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/320

  • Many Christians know that memorizing the Bible is helpful and important, but few of us do it.

    In this episode, Nathan talks about a few benefits of memorizing God's Word and gives some encouragement on how to get started.

    Also, check out Nathan's new book 30 Day Adventure to Know Jesus More!


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 319

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/319

  • Joshua 1:8 commands us “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

    Biblical meditation is drastically different from New Age meditation. In biblical meditation, we are to fill up, ponder, consider, and think upon God's Word, His works, His life, the Cross, and the Gospel. In short, we should continually think upon Christ and His Word.

    In this episode, Nathan discusses the concept of biblical meditation, why its so important to our spiritual lives, and gives four ideas to get you started.

    Check out Nathan's new book 30 Day Adventure to Know Jesus More!


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 318

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/318

  • There is a two-fold reality and position in every believer's life—we are IN Christ and He is IN us.

    And this changes everything.

    In this episode, Nathan discusses the two positions of a Christian's life and how that relates to being a new creature in Christ Jesus and clothed with His garment of salvation and righteousness.

    Check out Nathan's new book 30 Day Adventure to Know Jesus More!


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 317

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/317

  • The Christian life is supposed to grow, deepen, and mature in Christ over time.

    Yet, far too many believers have stalled in their spiritual lives and are unsure how to progress forward. In this replay of a webinar Nathan gave, he discusses five specific ways to grow spiritually and how you can thrive in Christ Jesus in this season of your life.

    Download the webinar notesEllerslie Online – a “go at your own pace” online discipleship program that is available for a donation of any amount (registration closes February 29)Come to Colorado and join me and Ellerslie for an in-person discipleship program this upcoming summer or fall. You can learn more about our discipleship programs or sign up to enter to win one of our ten full-ride scholarships we are giving away (end February 15, so sign up soon if you’re interested). You can learn more about the scholarship giveaway here.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 316

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/316

  • Discipleship is not something we accomplish and then move on to the next thing; rather, biblical discipleship is a lifelong pursuit of Christ, growing in our understanding and relationship with Him, and being conformed to His image.

    The concept of discipleship is akin to an apprentice that takes on not just the knowledge but the lifestyle of the one to whom they are following – in our case, God Himself. We are to become Christlike … not through self-effort or talent, but through the indwelling of the very life of Christ (i.e., the Holy Spirit).

    One great way to continue your lifelong pursuit of Christ is have an intentional plan to grow in Christ. Here are two great options I’d highly recommend:

    Ellerslie Online – a “go at your own pace” online discipleship program that is available for a donation of any amount (registration closes February 29)Come to Colorado and join me and Ellerslie for an in-person discipleship program this upcoming summer or fall. You can learn more about our discipleship programs or sign up to enter to win one of our ten full-ride scholarships we are giving away (end February 15, so sign up soon if you’re interested). You can learn more about the scholarship giveaway here.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 315

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/315

  • I've been reading through Leonard Ravenhill's biography (In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill by Mack Tomlinson) and have been deeply stirred by the life Ravenhill lived and the passion he had for prayer and revival.

    In this episode, I give several quotes from the book about Leonard's passion for prayer and examine what it means for us to be men and women of prayer in the days in which we live.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 314

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/314

  • Many Christians start a Bible reading plan at the first of the year … but we often miss one important thing while reading the Bible.

    In this episode, Nathan gives a fresh reminder on the one thing we should be most aware of as we read through Scripture this year. 

    Don't have a Bible reading plan? Here are some helps to get started:

    5 Creative Ways to Read the Bible This Year That WON’T Be BoringWhy This Is The Best Time To Start A Bible Reading PlanHow to craft a plan to read the Bible10 Ways to Read the BibleSpurgeon on How to Read the Bible


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 313

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/313

  • Happy New Year!

    Being a new year, many of us are writing down our resolutions and dreams for this year. Yet, as Christians, we need to rethink resolutions and goal setting and consider if there is a better way. 

    In this special New Year’s edition of the Deeper Christian Podcast, my good friend Dan McConnaughey talks about new year resolutions and how we can resolve to live as Christians this year.

    *This is a reprise of episode 141 from December 2019.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 312

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/312

  • How can Christians live with continual peace, joy, and calm? How can we as believers NOT be anxious or worried about anything?

    Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:6 that there is no reason for worry, fear, or anxiety and instead commands Christians to be “anxious for nothing.”

    And Paul isn't the only one—hundreds of passages throughout Scripture exhort us not to fear, worry, be anxious, forebode, fret, or panic.

    More than a reminder not to fear, Paul also gives us the secret to live without fear.

    *This is a reprise of episode 240 from March 2022.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 311

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/311

  • When the angels appeared to the shepherds, they declared that a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger was a "sign."

    This sign was a declaration of what Jesus was going to do (and be) at the Cross.

    In this episode, we talk about Luke 2 and the marvelous sign of Christmas.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 310

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/310

  • The Christmas season is a wonderful reminder of how undeserving we are that the God of the universe came to dwell among and within us.

    The picture of Jesus born in a stable is one of my favorite meditations during Christmas. Just as He was willing to be born in a place of muck and mire, so too, He is willing to come within the muck and sin of my life.

    But the profundity of the Gospel is that while He is willing to be born in a stable known as humanity, He refuses to leave us that way. We are to be built up as a temple of the Holy Spirit, clean, pure, and holy—fit for His use.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 309

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/309

  • While Jesus does give us life (eternal life!), the beautiful reality of Scripture is that the life He gives is not "something" but Himself.

    He is our life, as Paul declares in Colossians 3:4 …and John goes on to write that we are to live through Him (1 John 4:9).

    In this episode, we talk about what it means for Jesus to not merely give us life, but to be our life. I also mention a new series that has launched "Life in the Word" on the Daily Thunder Podcast as I walk through a study on our life in the Word—the living Word (Jesus) and the written Word (Scripture).

    Join me in my new Daily Thunder series Life in the Word.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 308

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/308

  • God gave Himself for us to showcase His marvelous redemption in our lives. He bought us out of captivity to sin and darkness and has purified us for Himself. And just as God is our inheritance so too we have become His.

    In this study, we examine God’s grand redemption which Paul wrote about in Titus 2:14 and we discover that God wants to use us to showcase His life, love, and Gospel to the world around us … He wants to work the “poetry” of the Gospel through our lives and use us to once again be image bearers of Himself to the world.


    » Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.


    Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 307

    View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/307