
  • #282: In the ever-evolving world of technology, the intricacies of software development and system design continually challenge engineers and developers alike. Insights from past thinkers, such as John Gall, combined with modern-day practices, provide a fascinating lens through which we can understand and navigate these complexities.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss a blog post from Mahesh Balakrishnan titled "Three Laws of Software Complexity (or: why software engineers are always grumpy)"

    Three Laws of Software Complexity (or: why software engineers are always grumpy)


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  • #281: In today's rapidly evolving tech industry, many startups believe they can challenge the well-established giants by offering similar products with minor tweaks. However, this approach is fundamentally flawed. Companies like Amazon and Microsoft will absorb a few of these new competitors, while many others will simply disappear. The driving force behind this harsh reality isn't just competition; it's the absence of truly innovative products.

    The tech landscape is unforgiving to those who don't innovate. While it might seem tempting to follow the footsteps of successful giants like Adobe, Amazon, and Microsoft, the key to success lies in innovation and offering something new. Companies that fail to grasp this reality will find themselves disappearing into obscurity.

    In this episode, Bret Fisher and Nirmal Mehta join Darin and Viktor to discuss how artificial intelligence is affecting the tech industry.

    Bret's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/bretfisher

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bretefisher

    Nirmal's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/normalfaults

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nirmalkmehta/

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  • #280: Policy as Code is not just a trend but a critical practice for cloud-native success. It ensures automation, consistency, version control, auditability, security, and flexibility. By adopting policies as code, organizations can effectively manage and enforce policies, leading to improved compliance and faster incident response.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor dive deeper into the topic, share real-world scenarios, and discuss the practical implications of implementing policies as code as they review a blog post from Nirmata titled “What Is Policy-As-Code? Top 10 Reasons Why Policy-As-Code Is Essential for Cloud-Native Success”.

    What Is Policy-As-Code? Top 10 Reasons Why Policy-As-Code Is Essential for Cloud-Native Success


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  • #279: One topic continues to emerge in conversations about technology and observability — OpenTelemetry. It's clear that OpenTelemetry has become fundamental in the tech industry.

    In this episode, we talk with Paschalis Tsilias, a software engineer with Grafana, about Alloy, a vendor-neutral distribution of the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector.

    Paschalis' contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/tpaschalis_

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  • #278: In today's tech landscape, developers often find themselves caught in the middle of a debate that never seems to age: GUI or CLI? While the tools and interfaces we use may evolve, the core question remains. How do we balance the efficiency and familiarity of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with the raw power and flexibility of command-line interfaces (CLIs)?

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss a blog post by Ian Miell titled In Praise of Low Tech DevEx.

    In Praise of Low Tech DevEx


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  • #277: Developers are often caught in a challenging position. They are keen to write code, innovate, hack, and build new things. However, when security measures are perceived as long, difficult, and cumbersome tasks, these essential protocols tend to be avoided or improperly implemented. The key is to balance the pursuit of creativity with the need for robust security.

    The idea is simple yet profound: by ensuring that security tools are straightforward and user-friendly, developers are more likely to incorporate them into their workflow. This not only benefits the developer but also the entire organization by safeguarding the product from potential vulnerabilities.

    In this episode, we talk with Luke Hinds, CTO of Stacklok, about how bridging the gap between development and security can lead to healthier, more secure software environments.

    Luke's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/decodebytes

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukehinds/

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  • #276: In today's fast-paced tech world, one sentiment seems to echo louder than ever: "Don't give me help, give me an API." Whether it's AWS configurations, Kubernetes manifests, or even something as fundamental as setting up a basic S3 bucket, an intuitive, well-designed API can mean the difference between smooth sailing and being lost at sea.

    When companies fail to adapt and streamline their operations through user-friendly APIs, they risk obsolescence.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor discuss why organizations must prioritize simplicity and customer-centric design in their technical architectures to stay competitive.

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  • #275: In the constantly evolving landscape of technology, embracing new methodologies can significantly enhance our system management capabilities.

    One such methodology that has risen to prominence is GitOps. This practice enhances the declarative nature of infrastructure management, aiming to increase efficiency and reliability.

    In this episode, we talk with Christian Hernandez about the origins, principles, and challenges of GitOps.

    Christian's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/christianh814

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chernandez1982/

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  • #274: When we talk about problems in the tech space, one recurring issue is what we call the "XY problem", where understanding the root cause of a problem is crucial for crafting an effective solution.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor explore what the XY problem is, why it happens, and how we can mitigate it to create better outcomes for everyone involved.

    The XY Problem


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  • #273: Platform engineering plays a crucial role in modern software delivery. The platform engineering team is responsible for creating a development environment that is both productive and scalable. However, many platform engineers might not be familiar with foundational software design principles, and this can lead to inefficiencies and technical debt.

    One such principle is the three-tier architecture model, a concept that seems to have become lost amidst the rapid evolution of technology.

    In this episode, we speak with Daniel Bryant, the Head of Product Marketing at Syntasso, about how we can take the three-tier architecture model and apply it to building our platforms and portals.

    Daniel's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/danielbryantuk

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielbryantuk/

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  • #272: Public speaking, especially at conferences, can be a daunting task. The fear of failing, the pressure of performing in front of peers, and the challenges of preparation can make even the most confident individuals second-guess themselves.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor offer practical advice for aspiring conference speakers.

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  • #271: Platform engineering has traditionally centered around technological excellence. From building robust Kubernetes clusters to implementing intricate CI/CD pipelines, the emphasis has been on mastering the technical aspects. However, as the industry matures, there's a growing realization that technological prowess alone isn't enough.

    In this episode, we speak with Puja Abbassi, the VP of Product at Giant Swarm, about how measuring success not just through the lens of technological achievement but through the tangible impact on users is really where platform engineering is headed.

    Puja's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/puja108

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pujaabbassi/

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  • #270: In the ever-evolving world of software development, getting a new machine up and running can be an time consuming process. The journey from unboxing to being fully operational has undergone significant transformations over the years, with each phase offering its own solutions and challenges.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about their experiences in setting up their machines and what they are doing now anytime they get a new machine.

    How To Install and Use Devbox on macOS


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  • #269: As developers, when we begin writing applications, the focus is often on the code itself. But what if we prioritized the user from the very beginning? This is where human-centered computing comes in. It's about placing the user at the heart of the development process, not merely making assumptions but actually going out and talking to them to understand their needs.

    In this episode, we speak with Katharina Sick about her experiences with human centered computing and how that has helped her as team member of the Dynatrace platform engineering team.

    Katharina's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katharinasick/

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  • #268: Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, but its true strength lies in its API. Today, containers are prevalent, but tomorrow we might be dealing with a completely different runtime. The Kubernetes API, with its robust and flexible design, is poised to support these transitions seamlessly.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about a few of the different ways that Kubernetes is currently being used and also where it might be headed in the future.

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  • #267: In the fast-paced world of Kubernetes development, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of applications is crucial. End-to-end testing plays a vital role in detecting bugs, ensuring proper functionality, and maintaining the overall quality of Kubernetes resources.

    But what happens when existing testing tools fall short of meeting the evolving needs of developers and testers? This is what happened to the team working on Kyverno. They were using a tool but they ended up creating Chainsaw to solve their problem.

    In this episode, we speak with Charles-Edouard Brétéché about the struggles the Kyverno team had with existing tools and what the team ended up doing to solve the problem.

    Charles-Edouard's contact information:

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  • #266: The tech industry has witnessed an explosion of new configuration languages that are reshaping the way we manage data structures and generate configuration files. From traditional formats like JSON and YAML to newer languages like Pkl, CUE, and KCL, the landscape of configuration languages is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern software development.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor talk about where these languages fit in to our projects and how they can help make our lives easier if we are willing to put in the work.

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  • #265: The worlds of Kubernetes and GitOps are constantly evolving, each iteration bringing us closer to a more streamlined, efficient, and powerful way of managing and deploying our software architectures. Kubernetes has become the cornerstone of container orchestration, offering an unmatched level of flexibility and scalability. Meanwhile, GitOps practices are revolutionizing how we view and implement CI/CD pipelines, emphasizing a declarative way to manage infrastructure and applications.

    As the Kubernetes landscape matures, clear winners in each category, such as Cilium for CNI and CertManager for certificate management, are emerging, streamlining the selection process for Kubernetes tooling. This maturation leads to a consolidation of best practices and tools, analogous to the evolution observed in Linux distributions. While diversity in tools offers flexibility, a certain level of standardization is necessary for broader adoption and ease of use.

    In this episode, we talk with John Dietz, CEO and Cofounder of Kubefirst, about a potential future where Kubernetes becomes an unseen yet omnipresent force in software development.

    John's contact information:

    X (Formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/vitamindietz

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jd-k8s/

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  • #264: In recent years, the very definition of open source has been subject to scrutiny and reinterpretation. Where once open source projects were largely managed and maintained by individuals or small groups for passion or as a hobby, today, they are at the forefront of business, technology, and innovation. The world's dependence on open-source software is undeniable. From infrastructure to development frameworks, open source underpins much of the digital world.

    In this episode, Darin and Viktor reflect on how the adoption and demand for open-source software have evolved. This evolution demands a proportional change in the amount of effort that goes into these projects. No longer are they just "Saturday afternoon fun." They have become critical to business and societal functions. This shift raises a pivotal question. How do we, as a community, sustain and support the growth and maintenance of these projects.

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  • #263: In an era where technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, the role of a DevOps architect has become increasingly significant. This career path is not just about overseeing development and operations. It involves a deeper understanding of the entire system, requiring a unique blend of experience across development, operations, and beyond.

    The role of a DevOps architect is nuanced, blending the lines between a developer, an operations professional, and ultimately, an architect of comprehensive systems. It's a position that one doesn't simply step into right out of college. Rather, it is the culmination of years of evolving through the tech ranks, acquiring a deep understanding of both the development and operational sides of the aisle.

    In this episode, we speak with Ádám Szücs-Mátyás about his role as a DevOps Architect at a large SaaS company.

    Ádám's contact information:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-szucs/

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