
  • Finally! The re-release of the Jose Gallardo episode. Enjoy the conversation between John & Jose as they reminisce over great friends & memories from their time in the HMB.

    Enjoy this series of behind the scenes moments as John & Tim record the episode.

    Find the whole conversation on Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, or whichever fine purveyor of podcasts you prefer!

  • University of Iowa Alumni Band 51 is here! We are joined by featured guest for Homecoming 2024, former Director of the Hawkeye Marching Band, Professor L. Kevin Kastens!

    Humble co-host Tim is joined by fellow Alumni Board member (and former guest of Down & Off) Craig Brown.

    Alumni Band 51 was a blast! Listen to the rest of Professor Kastens' remarks from the Homecoming Reception on Thursday, where he talks more about getting the Alumni Band to Take Back the Field.

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media.

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  • The Hawkeye Marching Band is set to salute Lisa Bluder and her amazing career this weekend, and Down & Off is back to sit down with Homecoming Chair and Director of Alumni Bands Jeff Sebille to get a preview of Homecoming '24 festivities!

    Jeff Sebille shares his excitement for Homecoming 2024 and walks through logistics of the weekends events! Starting with the Thursday night Homecoming Reception, through the Parade on Friday, the Post-Parade Picnic, and onto Game Day festivities. Keep an eye on your email and the University of Iowa Alumni Marching Band Facebook page for more updates and coverage of Homecoming provided by Craig Brown!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, Like the Down and Off Podcast page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Rumpadiddily! Band Camp is on, marching band season looms, and it's time for our annual check in on the State of the HMB.

    John & Tim are back to interview Director of the Hawkeye Marching Band, Dr. Eric Bush, and Associate Director of the Hawkeye Marching Band, Dr. Nick Miller, about all the goings on with HMB 144.

    Dr. Miller introduces himself, and his journey from St. Louis to the University of Missouri to becoming a Teaching Assistant at Iowa while he did his doctoral work and eventual position.

    Dr. Bush talks about the great things going on in the HMB- game day instruments for every section, 285+ members of the HMB, stipends for players, travel opportunities, social media, the great staff that make this operation run so well, the support of wonderful alumni that make it possible, and of course, the shows we can expect this year.

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media.

  • The regular season has come to an end, bowl season approaches, basketball season is here, and John & Tim are back with 00's Drumline Alum & current Digital Media Specialist for the University of Iowa Center for Advancement and Hawkeye Marching Band John Emigh!

    John shares his memories of his time in the band and the tremendous work Dr. Bush is doing with the Hawkeye Marching Band currently. John shouts out numerous folks including fellow drumline members Dan Poe, Justin Ullestad, Ben Nadler, Alan Morris, Nate Brimeyer, TAs Oliver Molina, Drew Bonner, Golden Girls Ella McDaniel & Chelsea Russell, alums & staffers Jim Berg and Kathy Ford, among others!

    John also shares of the incredible work that went into this year's HMB Metallica show. There is a competition among schools to be the winner of the best Metallica performance, and voting is live until January 1st! Vote for the HMB by texting #UIOWA to (833) 609-0330! And check out the HMB's submission on their social media accounts.

    Tim also promotes the Alumni Pep Band opportunities coming up during the bowl season. The Alumni Band shall play for the men on Friday, December 29th, the women on Saturday, December 30th, and again for the women on Tuesday, January 2nd! Sign up here!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media.

  • Homecoming approaches and John and Tim are privileged to sit down with former President & CEO of the Alumni Association, Vince Nelson, to share his stories with the Alumni Band and growing up. Vince is a delightful presence that fully supports the Alumni Band and the Alumni Association.

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media

  • The Hawkeyes prevailed against Utah State and the Hawkeye Marching Band had a wonderful performance of the music of ABBA! It is officially footba- marching band season, and John and Tim have the honor of sitting down with Hawkeye Marching Band Director Dr. Eric Bush and Director of the Iowa Alumni Bands Jeff Sebille to get a preview of the HMB's season and Homecoming festivities!

    First, Dr. Bush runs down the successes of Hell Week and performances at the Iowa State Fair and Hancher, previews the shows and trips for the upcoming year, praises the staff and leadership within the HMB, updates on the size of the band and what the generosity of the alumni has meant to the band, and plans for the future.

    Around the 40 minute mark, Jeff Sebille shares his excitement for the 50th Iowa Alumni Band at Homecoming 2023. Jeff gives a history of the Alumni Band, walks through the schedule of the weekend, the Reception Thursday Night, the Parade & Picnic & post-Parade activities on Friday, logistics & planning for Saturday, ways to get Homecoming & Alumni Band apparel, and ends with a BIG SURPRISE for Alumni Band 50 at the 1:05 minute mark.

    Keep an eye on your email and the University of Iowa Alumni Marching Band Facebook page for more updates and coverage of Homecoming provided by Craig Brown!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, Like the Down and Off Podcast page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Speaking of, check out the Hawkeye Marching Band on all of their socials as well...
    Facebook - University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band
    Instagram - @HawkeyeMarchingBand
    YouTube - Hawkeye Marching Band
    Twitter - @HawkeyeBand
    Official HMB Website - For updates, auditions, apparel, giving, news, media, and the people
    Iowa Alumni Band Facebook Page

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • It's been a little bit, but John and Tim are back to end off Season 3 with a fantastic, sparkling, positive guest - the Operations Manager of the Hawkeye Marching Band and Band Administrator, Kathy Ford! The always uplifting Kathy shares about her time in the HMB in the early 90s and the role she now plays within the HMB. Kathy tells of her first year marching in the Rose Bowl with the Sudler Trophy, the Holiday Bowl, the buzz on game day between practice & the rec show, the bucket list opportunities she gets in her current position, and the wonderful students and staff she gets to work with.

    Homecoming registration is OPEN! Sign up today at foriowa.org! We hope to see you October 7th for the 50th Year of the Alumni Band!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media

  • March Madness has come to an end, the Women's Basketball Team has enjoyed an historic season, and John and Tim are joined by Drum Major of the Hawkeye Marching Band, Christian Frankl. Christian shares his journey from Ames High to the HMB, his love of the alto saxophone section, quest to become drum major, and the many memories he's made along the way.

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom" and Hawkeye Marching Band social media

  • Happy New Year! Down & Off is back and celebrating Big Ten Basketball and Pep Band with sousie player Eric Jaffe. Jaffe talks about his time in the Hawkeye Marching Band, bowl memories, and all the Pep Band games and songs trips and chants and general shenanigans. From free throw distractions like STROKE!, to sousie horn movements, yelling at the players, Johnny B, White Castle Express, STICKER-GATE, "Give him the chair!!!", and partying with the Stanford Band (From the Big Ten Network, here's the special on the HMB, Getting Ready for the Boom!)

    Iowa vs. Gonzaga ESPN Recap - "The Iowa band didn't have any doubts, shouting "neutral site" as the clock wound down."

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Down & Off is back and celebrating 50 years of Women in the HMB with three outstanding guests, Hawkeye Marching Band Flag Guard Captains & Staffers from the 80's, Sherry Marek, Ann Costello Miksch, & Donna Walton. They share their experiences being in the HMB, the special relationship between the silks and the sousies (the Association of Silks & Sousies), how they developed routines, so many favorite memories, and much more.

    UIowa Color Guard Club - on Instagram @uiowacolorguard

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • This episode will be very different from our previous ones. As many of you know by now, our Hawkeye Marching Band family lost one of our greatest legends, Dave Woodley, who passed away on the morning of May 21. He was an HMB member, Drum Major, Assistant Director, and the 9th Director of the University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band. Dave also led the marching bands at the University of Louisville and Indiana University during his career.

    The overarching theme of this podcast series – based on our visits with several guests who have spanned many periods of the HMB’s modern era – is that HMB is family. At a time like this, we wanted to bring this family together to remember Dave, honor his accomplishments and talents and share stories and memories of him. As a family, we are heartbroken over his passing. He leaves a huge void in HMB lore, and we would be remiss if we didn’t take time to show our appreciation, respect and love for Dave and his tireless work for this family.

    On this episode, we will be visiting with Dr. Eric Bush, Dr. Timothy Todd Anderson, and Arlene and Andy Houk who offer their thoughts and memories of Dave and what he meant to them and to the Hawkeye Marching Band. We close with a recording of "There Are Giants Among Us" by the Indiana University Wind Ensemble, conducted by Rodney Dorsey, and arranged by Dr. Timothy Mahr.

    It is our way of saying “thank you” to him for all he did for us.

  • Down & Off Episode 3 comes to you from across the Atlantic, all the way from The Hague! John and Tim are delighted to be joined by Arlene & Andy Houk, who reminisce on their time in the "Golden Era" of the Hawkeye Marching Band (Andy's words) in the early Fry Era. They share their story of growing up in Ottumwa, joining the HMB, Andy joining the pep band in the old Field House, bowl trips and road trips, so many friendships, and their connection to the HMB after graduation. Come see them at Homecoming 2022!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Week Zero is behind us, it is officially footba- marching band season, and John and Tim have the honor of sitting down with Hawkeye Marching Band Director Dr. Eric Bush and Director of the UIowa Alumni Bands Jeff Sebille to get a preview of the HMB's season and Homecoming festivities!

    First, Dr. Bush runs down the shows and trips for the year, highlights leadership with Golden Girl Ella McDaniel and new Drum Major Christian Frankl & SLUGS & TAs, talks about the size of the band, what the generosity of the alumni has meant to the band, and plans for the future.

    Around the 50 minute mark, Jeff Sebille shares his excitement for Homecoming 2022 and walks through logistics of the day, from the Thursday night Homecoming Reception, through the Parade, the Post-Parade Picnic, and onto Game Day festivities including accommodations and the Hancher Lot Parking Shuttle. Keep an eye on your email and the University of Iowa Alumni Marching Band Facebook page for more updates and coverage of Homecoming provided by Craig Brown!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, Like the Down and Off Podcast page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Speaking of, check out the Hawkeye Marching Band on all of their socials as well...
    Facebook - University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band
    Instagram - @HawkeyeMarchingBand
    YouTube - Hawkeye Marching Band
    Twitter - @HawkeyeBand
    Official HMB Website - For updates, auditions, apparel, giving, news, media, and the people
    Iowa Alumni Band Facebook Page

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Tweet tweet! Twee-ee-eet! And Let's Go Hawks!!!

    John and Tim are back with Season 3 of the Down & Off Podcast! Season 3 kicks off with a wonderful guest from the 80's, the oft-mentioned Jose Gallardo steps into the studio to visit with John and reminisce on memories from the 80's under Dr. Morgan Jones. Topics run from Jose's transition from Regina HS to the HMB, favorite shows, trips to Northwestern & Michigan & the Rose Bowl & Holiday Bowl, to favorite traditions and lasting friendships.

    John and Tim remind the audience to prepare for Alumni Band at Homecoming 2022 on October 29th. (Editor's Note: Alumni Band registration is live! Check your email or the "University of Iowa Alumni Band" page on Facebook for the registration link.

    Speaking of, please don't forget to like and subscribe to the Hawkeye Marching Band on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, any and all social media platforms!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Basketball season now behind us, behind schedule co-hosts John and Tim are out with an overdue episode, having the privilege to talk with Golden Girls Kylene Spanbauer and Ella McDaniel. They talk about their year together, the unique situation of having two Golden Girls on the field, working together and with Amanda, Kylene's past years, Ella's future, and a little roasting of Dr. Bush.

    Speaking of, please don't forget to like and subscribe to the Hawkeye Marching Band on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, any and all social media platforms!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Happy New Year from John and Tim as they have the privilege to talk with new Alumni Hawkeye Marching Band Board Member and Social Media Extraordinaire Craig Brown. Craig talks about his journey from Fairfield, Iowa to the HMB Drum Line, his band memories from Michigan and Northwestern, time under Dr. Jones, graduation and meeting his wife Katie Newkirk, almost getting married in Kinnick, his family, his time as a broadcaster and pastor, and so much more.

    Go and like the "University of Iowa Alumni Band" page on Facebook for official videos and posts from the University of Iowa Alumni Bands!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"

  • Bowl season is upon us and John and Tim have the privilege to talk with current Hawkeye Marching Band Drum Major Amanda Thomas. Amanda talks growing up loving marching bands, coming to Iowa to march and become an educator, her time in the mellie section, trying out for drum major, favorite memories, and how it's been this year working with two amazing Golden Girls in Kylene Spanbauer and Ella McDaniel. The three wish the Hawkeyes success at the Citrus Bowl on January 1st, and a grand time for the Hawkeye Marching Band.

    While the HMB is down in Florida, the Alumni will take to the stands in Carver to play for the Men's Basketball team on the 29th and the Women's Basketball team on January 2nd. Come check them out!

    As always, send feedback to iowaalumniband@gmail.com, "Like" the "Down and Off Podcast" page on Facebook, and follow the us on Twitter @DownAndOffPod. #OnIowa #GoHawks

    Music recorded by the Hawkeye Marching Band, off the 2003 album "Roll Along!" and the 2007 album "Get Ready For the Boom"