Rozhodli sme sa trochu zaznamenať naše voľné diskusie, ktoré riešime denne v Progressbare a na rôznych kanáloch Progressbaru týkajúce sa crypto tém, či už Ethereum, projektov okolo alebo Bitcoinu. -
This course covers the Foundations of symbolic Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular, problem solving by heuristic search, game play via adversarial search, constraint satisfaction, logic and inference, and planning. The companion course KI-2 will cover reasoning under uncertainty and machine learning.
Virtuální realita otevírá zcela nové možnosti využití a kreativity v našich každodenních životech, jen o tom ještě nikdo neví. Miky Škoda vyzpovídá inspirativní hosty přímo ve virtuální realitě a společně si tak rozšíříme znalosti a zkušenosti s VR. #VR #Virtuálnírealita #vzdělávání #technologie
Welcome to the Mighty Buildings podcast. Each episode features architects, home builders, and industry professionals, sharing their experiences, failures, and successes. At the end of each episode, we will dive into how Mighty Buildings relates to the conversation through 3D-printing, robotics, and automation.
Product for Product is a show hosted by Matt Green and Moshe Mikanovsky aimed at helping listeners navigate the growing depth of product management tools while also providing our insights into the categories that make up the PM role. We will take listeners with us on a journey of discovery through areas of product analytics, road mapping, productivity and many others. If you want to keep up with the latest in product management come along for the ride!
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Provokativní, edukativní a zábavný průvodce kyberprostorem!
Podcast zaměřený na kyberbezpečnost, rizika a nástrahy kyberprostoru. Pomáhá v překotných změnách lidem z praxe, učitelům, žákům a rodičům. Tvoří Václav Maněna a jeho hosté pod záštitou NÚKIB.
KYBcast vzniká v rámci Národního plánu obnovy, financování Evropskou unií – Next Generation EU -
See what you didn't!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
В нашей подкаст-ленте вы найдете аудиоматериалы по вопросам настройки и использования компьютерной, мобильной и другой техники, доступной незрячим людям, аудиозаписи лекций и тренингов, виртуальные путешествия, вебинары по различным темам, а также записи наших очных и дистанционных мероприятий.
О Центре "Камерата".
""Мы помогаем незрячим видеть свой потенциал!». В этом девизе Центра «Камерата» отражены основные задачи нашей деятельности: помочь людям, лишенным зрения, стать самостоятельными, получить образование, найти работу, активно участвовать в жизни общества.Будем рады видеть вас в числе участников и ведущих наших мероприятий.
Welcome to 'The Seamless Blend,' where we dive deep into the world of digital materials, 3D and Digital Product Creation (DPC). Join us as we share our experiences, explore industry trends, and ponder questions like: Are people truly embracing digital materials? Are you keeping up with the latest developments?
If you're seeking a grounded and practical understanding of digital materials and their applications in the fashion and home textile industries, this is your go-to resource. Tune in for insightful discussions and a realistic look at how we can harness the power of digital materials for innovation and creativity.
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