
  • El 21 de diciembre de 2020 publiqué en Instagram TV mi participación en el Challenge Variaciones de Mauro de María. El resultado fue lo que oyen a continuación. Taita Jaguar es un personaje ficticio que he estado desarrollando por varios años. Este es su retrato musical, por llamarlo de alguna manera. 🐆

    Esta composición va dedicada a los jaguares del mundo, al Proyecto Sebraba (organización dedicada al estudio y la conservación del jaguar en Venezuela) y a María Fernanda Puerto, directora del Proyecto Sebraba. Gracias a Mauro de María por sus lecciones, libros, desafíos y buena vibra.

    Puedes oír a Taita Jaguar: Tema Principal y Seis Variaciones en tu plataforma de streaming preferida. También puedes apoyar el trabajo que hago suscribiéndote al Patreon que tengo, y además recibirás beneficios especiales.

    ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)✊

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bobbydellmusic/message
  • I dedicate this song to Los Jalas and the Caracas Fogata Club.

    I released this song earlier this year. It’s been a while, but I feel like I never gave it proper advertising. By proper advertising, I mean I didn’t write a blog post for it. Back then, the plan was to release a new single every week. I suffered from burnout and an ill-cured depression, also had a relationship breakup, and here we are now, finally picking the ball up again.

    Burnout is something I’ve experienced frequently on my singer-songwriter journey. I’m very much the loner type, preferring to dish out work alone than having to rely on others. It doesn’t help that my brand is so exotic and outlandish. I’m trying, or at least I think I am, to do something very unusual that doesn’t fit with the trend in music management and marketing.

    I guess I should mention I’m also contemptuous of authority. I don’t know if this is just a phase or if it’ll be a personality trait throughout my lifetime. In this world, with all the chaos and suffering it has, I have a hard time following authority when it seems none of the leaders really know what is going on.

    That being said, I believe authority, competence and power are crucial for humanity to surpass the hurdles placed before it. Maybe I’m being far too arrogant in my perspective, and merely have not learned enough of the world.

    Ring of Fire is a song that describes the experiences I went through after what might’ve been severe depression. The ring of fire, in a figurative sense, comprises all the negative thought patterns that keep somebody fenced in a depressive state. When I say I made it out all on my own, I also mean it figuratively. Though I got help from various people, practices and books, it was me who took the steps to get out. And that’s the only way it works.

    The funeral pyre in this case draws the image of both the nordic funeral rite and that of witch-burning. After the burning of the mental structures that bring about suffering, a new ego is born. The flesh and the body described as burning and falling off the bone is a metaphor for death of the self or death of the ego. The “true self” remains and is untouched by the flames.

    I believe that even after the ego dies, a new one takes its place. This has happened to me, somewhat. My personality has changed radically, though in some things it is the same. Also, it is quite normal for people’s personalities to change throughout their lifetimes. However, understanding the egoic structure of the mind and resolving to keep it at its bare minimum is tremendously liberating.

    WARNING: In this song, reference to fires, pyres and burning are metaphors. Do not set yourself or others on fire as a means of liberation from the ego.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bobbydellmusic/message
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  • El tercer conjunto de síntomas ya lleva un nombre popular. Es el “Mal de Amores” o “Corazón Partido”.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bobbydellmusic/message
  • Apodo este conjunto de síntomas “El Yunque” porque en el cuerpo se siente una extrema pesadez. Es como si estuviera arrastrando cadenas y bolas de hierro a donde sea que vaya. Moverse cuesta y da pereza. En los episodios más graves no provoca levantarse de la cama. “El Yunque” es también el bloque del herrero, donde con el fuego y el hierro construye herramientas.

    Esta es la versión recitada y musicalizada de la publicación homónima "El Yunque" en el blog homónimo, "El Diario De Un Bardo". 


    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bobbydellmusic/message
  • La Garra es preocupación por el futuro y ansiedad por el pasado. Y viceversa. Y al revés. Y todo a la vez. Es irracional, aunque el pensamiento retroalimenta la emoción, y crea así un ciclo.

    Este episodio se encuentra disponible en formato blog: https://bobbydellmusic.wordpress.com/2021/06/19/la-garra/

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bobbydellmusic/message