
  • Episode 123: Feeling jealous is part and parcel of long-term trying to conceive. In today’s episode I share the techniques I use with clients to being relief around this topic. You can sign up for the free masterclass I mention at www.embracefertility.co.uk. Come and say hi on Instagram and let me know what you think of this episode https://www.instagram.com/embracefertility/

  • Episode 122: yep you read that right and I explain why this is so important while trying to get pregnant and going through infertility. Www.Embracefertility.Co.Uk/thrive for videos mentions and message me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/embracefertility to apply for your emotional health check.

  • Missing episodes?

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  • Episode 121: So many of my clients say to me “I wish I’d found you sooner”. But that’s not what they mean, they mean they wish they had started practising the mind-body techniques that I share sooner so that they felt the relief earlier on in their fertility journey.

    Come and join my Thrive classes this week all of the replays are now live with instant access here www.embracefertility.co.uk/thrive

  • Episode 120: While waiting for your baby, does it feel like you're just spinning your wheels? Sometimes you are so overwhelmed and so scared that you can't even think straight, and so you're trying to make decisions and you're researching.

    You're on Dr Google, you're on Instagram and everyone's shouting at you and everyone's saying you need to do this to get pregnant, or you need to look at this, or this is the new wonder supplemental. Have you tried this?

    And you're like oh my word, like there's just so much out there. And then, on top of that, you're trying to stay positive, trying to stay in the vibe and it feels like this is impossible.

    And so you end up planning out and thinking about not just what you're doing now, this cycle, but what your plan B is. And actually, let's just get real, it's not plan B, is it? By this point, those of you that are listening to the Embrace Fertility podcast it's probably like plan J. Plan J all the other plans, a onwards, have not worked.

    We're now on plan J and then you're thinking about the plan after that and the plan after that and the plan after that, because that's what we're used to doing.

    Listen now for more....

    Free class I mention here www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class

  • Episode 119: “My fertility specialist wants me to do IVF next cycle but I don’t feel ready.” I hear this a lot as a fertility therapist and coach. We can feel so anxious and overwhelmed when a fertility specialist or even our partner is pushing us to take the next step forward with treatment but we don’t feel ready. In this episode I share three different mind-body techniques to allow you to make a decision from a place of confidence rather than fear. I discuss how to decide when you should start or continue fertility treatment. Resources mentioned: www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class www.embracefertility.co.uk/embrace www.embracefertility.co.uk/coaching EFT Tutorial - www.embracefertility.co.uk/blog/eft-tapping-for-infertility-and-fertility/ The private grief of infertility and pregnancy loss - https://www.embracefertility.co.uk/blog/grief-of-infertilityYou can watch the YouTube version of this episode here: https://youtu.be/req14lHnhTc Episode originally shared in 2022.

  • Episode 118: In this podcast episode I discuss the relationships between anxiety, depression, infertility and miscarriages. The studies, which I have included below, paint a very bleak picture. But there is much you can do to support your mental health and well-being while long-term trying to conceive.

    Two and a half million cycles of IVF are performed globally each year, yet fewer than a quarter of these are successful.

    Women undergoing infertility treatment experience the same level of stress, anxiety, and depression as women who have cancer, HIV, or heart disease.

    Research shows post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop in a third of women after miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

    Anxiety and depression rates are higher in women diagnosed with Endometriosis and PCOS.

    ​​Women suffering from depression, stress and anxiety are twice as likely to have problems conceiving, and women who have experienced at least one unsuccessful IVF cycle and had depressive symptoms before continuing IVF treatment experienced a lower success rate than women who did not experience depressive symptoms.

    Couples are more likely to stop trying to conceive, not commence or abandon treatment, due to emotional stress rather than financial constraints or a medical prognosis?

    Once you know the above it’s impossible to ignore the fact that if you are going through infertility, treatment or pregnancy loss


    There are so many studies showing that alleviating the symptoms of stress and anxiety improves quality of life and makes it easier for women to become pregnant.

    Join us for a FREE exclusive class next Sunday at 8.30pm GMT that will unveil the secrets to understanding the part your mental health plays in your fertility and maximise your chances of conceiving this year. ⁠

    The Science
    Understand the science behind the mind-body link and how it impacts both your mental and physical health and therefore your fertility.

    The Studies
    Utilise the research and studies that show that prioritising your mental health while trying to conceive greatly improves quality of life and can double your chances of success.

    The Tools
    I’ll be sharing HOW to start practising techniques from Sunday to support yourself.


  • Episode 117: Podcast interview with Kevin the founder of The Man Cave a male infertility/mental health advocate. Today we are discussing male infertility and the importance of finding the right coping strategies and support.

    Kevin set up The Man Cave to share his story, to reach out to other men going through a similar journey and to help raise awareness of male infertility and mental health.

    In this episode:

    - Kevin shares his own personal journey of being told he was infertile 10 years ago

    - Micro-TESE, Sertoli cell-only Syndrome, donor sperm, IVF and ICSI

    - How Kevin helps men who suffer in silence by spreading awareness.

    Anxiety and depression

    "I’ve been angry, upset, lost and hurting for too long: it’s time to stand up and be counted. That’s when I decided to set up a page on Instagram called ‘The Mancave’ @them_ancave

    I want to help break the stigma around male infertility. Why should we suffer in silence?!

    I believe anxiety and depression go hand in hand with fertility issues, and I honestly believe men have taken their own lives due to the fact they have had very little or no help or support after being told they are infertile.

    Because of this, I plan to make a difference and I want you guys to come along on this journey with me. Let’s do this together; for us, for those that have suffered in silence before us and for the men of the future, who hopefully won’t have to suffer alone." Kevin from https://them-ancave.co.uk/about/

    Connect with Kevin

    @them_ancave on instagram and Twitter

    So on the last Friday of every month @them_ancave on Instagram Kevin will be going live at 6.30 pm for the show ”The Man Chat” with different guest speaker every month!


    Facebook group- TheManCave support group


    I'm Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, a therapist specialising in supporting women emotionally and energetically through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility.
    My partner and I went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before we went on to conceive both of our ginger children naturally!

    Alongside supporting clients globally in one to one therapy and coaching sessions I run a 12 week mind-body programme guiding women through the 5 steps of my unique Embrace Fertility Method; Comfort, Coping, Connection, Clearing and finally Creating.
    I also offer specialist pregnancy support and run a hypnobirthing course Embrace Bump to Baby.
    Visit https://embracefertility.co.uk/ for more details on what I do

    Follow me on Instagram @embracefertility (www.instagram.com/embracefertility)

    Let’s connect on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-woolfson

    Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success in 2024 using the Mind-Body Link

  • Episode 116: Have a listen and see if this resonates.

    The reasons in short:

    1 - You wouldn’t benefit from being supported by someone as you already feel resilient, in control and have a strong plan in place for supporting both your physical fertility and mental health in 2024.

    2. - You could put together your own mind-body fertility course from free content on YouTube. There are so many amazing coaches sharing high-quality information on YouTube today so it would be completely feasible for you to sit down and cherry pick videos that could create an outline. However the content is endless and knowing what to watch when in what order and then having the accountability of actually practising is what makes doing a course so empowering.

    3. - You have a strong support network of friends and family who completely understand how you feel and know just what to say to make you feel better.

    You are lucky enough to have friends who are going through this at the moment you are experiencing very similar struggles to yourself and not only that, they have decided to put their own well-being and mental health at the forefront of their priorities so are tuned in with the mind-body techniques that could help you most at this time.

    Listen to episode for more details and sign up to class here: https://www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class


    I'm Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, a therapist specialising in supporting women emotionally and energetically through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility.

    My partner and I went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before we went on to conceive both of our ginger children naturally!

    Alongside supporting clients globally in one to one therapy and coaching sessions I run a 12 week mind-body programme guiding women through the 5 steps of my unique Embrace Fertility Method; Comfort, Coping, Connection, Clearing and finally Creating.

    I also offer specialist pregnancy support and run a hypnobirthing course Embrace Bump to Baby.

    Visit ⁠www.embracefertility.co.uk⁠ for more details on what I do and follow me on Instagram ⁠@embracefertility⁠

  • Episode 115: This week's episode is an expert interview with with Sabrina Fletcher, The TFMR (Termination for medical reasons) Doula. The heartbreak of losing a wanted baby

    Sabrina companions bereaved parents through the unique heartbreak of losing a wanted baby to TFMR pregnancy loss. Through support groups and holistic healing she walks alongside as her community members learn to live again from the deep deep love they have for their babies and themselves.

    We discuss three ways to live from the love you have for your baby and get through your underworld journey of such an intimate death and grief.

    Connect with Sabrina

    Helping bereaved parents in the aftermath of a poor prenatal/maternal/perinatal diagnosis and the heartbreaking decision to terminate a wanted pregnancy (TFMR).

    As your bereavement doula, I support you as you navigate grief after baby loss. So you can learn to honor your baby and your grief and move in the world from the love you have for your child.

    Website: https://www.thetfmrdoula.com

    Apply to join Facebook Group: Thetfmrdoula.com/facebookgroup

    Instagram: Instagram.com/thetfmrdoula

    TFMR grief circles www.thetfmrdoula.com/ascend-apply

    Connect with Naomi

    I'm Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, a therapist specialising in supporting women emotionally and energetically through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility.

    My partner and I went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before we went on to conceive both of our ginger children naturally!

    Alongside supporting clients globally in one to one therapy and coaching sessions I run a 12 week mind-body programme guiding women through the 5 steps of my unique Embrace Fertility Method; Comfort, Coping, Connection, Clearing and finally Creating.

    I also offer specialist pregnancy support and run a hypnobirthing course Embrace Bump to Baby.

    Visit www.embracefertility.co.uk for more details on what I do and follow me on Instagram @embracefertility

  • Episode 114: Walking and talking about the power of working with a therapist during this time in your life and the things you should expect from the person supporting you.

    I then describe AMDR the trauma release technique I use. Here is some feedback that inspired this episode:

    "The AMDR sessions just keep blowing my mind every time I experience one. I have tried lots of different mind shift techniques before like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which is powerful but AMDR is like Superman defeating Lex Luthor in one go!!! I can not express enough how powerful this technique is. Every time I have something that pops up which takes me back to a past experience/memory and I'm overly emotional about it or have experienced an emotional situation in the present where I wouldn't normally be, I reach out to the amazing Naomi for an AMDR session so I can move through it quicker than I would normally using EFT. If anybody is on the fence about an AMDR just give it a go, you have nothing to loose and you definitely will not regret it!"- Crystal

    Sign up for my latest free class replay here: www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class


    I'm Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, a therapist specialising in supporting women through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility.
    My partner and I went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before we went on to conceive both of our ginger children naturally!

    Alongside supporting clients globally in one to one therapy and coaching sessions I run a 12 week mind-body programme guiding women through the 5 steps of my unique Embrace Fertility Method; Comfort, Coping, Connection, Clearing and finally Creating.
    I also offer specialist pregnancy support and run a hypnobirthing course Embrace Bump to Baby.
    Visit https://embracefertility.co.uk for details on what I do.
    Follow me on Instagram @embracefertility (www.instagram.com/embracefertility)

    Let’s connect on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-woolfson

  • Episode 113: Are you dreading the weeks ahead? Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year.

    You can't quite believe another ENTIRE year has gone by and you still don't have your baby. You're putting so much pressure on yourself to be pregnant by the end of 2023 you might actually implode.

    And you're not sure how you are going to get through the celebrations, the social gathers and the never ending cheer.

    I've got you.

    In this episode I talk about the four options you have for how you go into the holiday season.

    Also talk about the free class that I ran last year "Holiday Survival Guide for those trying to conceive"

    This years class will run on Sunday 19th November at 8pm GMT sign up here: www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class

    Come and say hi @embracefertility on Instagram.

  • Episode 112: The final installation of my three part series on how to emotionally and energetically prepare for IVF. As I’ve said in previous episodes this is also suitable for anyone who is trying to get pregnant without the help of fertility treatment. Today I’m talking about how to align with pregnancy and parenthood and share the scientifically proven mind-body techniques to help you to do that.I also share a fertility visualisation to guide you to imagine stepping into your future when you have your child.Please only listen to this part of the podcast when it is safe to do so. By listening you agreed to take full responsibility for your own well-being.Do you let me know how it feels to visualise in this way.If you’d like to make fertility visualisation an ongoing part of your conception plan check out:

    Visualisations and hypnosis for fertility and IVF

    Deeply Relax and Visualise. These MP3s have been written and recorded to allow you to experience deep relaxation, enhance your fertility and guide you to connect deeply with your body, your future child and your inner strength.
    Hypnosis and visualisations can enhance fertility and support success by:
    🌟 Guiding the body into a state of deep relaxation
    🌟 Releasing fears and negative beliefs
    🌟 Giving the unconscious mind a clear goal to work towards

    All my top MP3s in one powerful bundle

    I've grouped all my top tracks so this digital bundle includes:
    🍍Natural Cycle Hypnosis Package
    🍍Assisted Cycle Hypnosis Package (IVF/IUI/ICSI)
    🍍Visualisations and Affirmations for Pregnancy
    🍍Hypnosis for Pain Management

    🍍The self soothers guidance video.
    Worth £100 invest in yourself and your happiness for just £55.

    https://www.embracefertility.co.uk/IVFIf you’d like to step into a community of women who are consciously choosing to use the mind-body link to support their fertility journey come and join The Embrace Fertility Method which includes Embrace Circle membership.

    The Embrace Fertility Method


    For unique personal support I have space to take on just two more one-to-one clients this side of Christmas with the shift package. Contact me here to apply for a free clarity call to discuss if I am the best therapist for you.

    The Shift Package 1-1 coaching


    Resources mentioned in episode:

    Part one of series: https://www.embracefertility.co.uk/blog/ivfprep

    Part two of series:

    How to decide when to start or continue fertility treatment


    You do not need to be perfect in order to get pregnant


    Other useful blogs: Laparoscopy Preparation and Packing List


  • Episode 111: Today I’m sharing how you can clear the way for pregnancy. As mentioned last week these techniques are also suitable if you are trying to conceive without the support of fertility treatments.

    Resources mentioned:

    Part one of this podcast series:


    Replay of class now available:


    EFT Tapping:




    Making decisions:


    Come and follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration and mind-body techniques:


  • Episode 110: Part one of three. Today I’m taking about resilience, The Four D’s and how to raise your vibration in preparation for IVF. (This episode will also be beneficial for those trying without the support of treatment.)

    I've added a Meditation 15 mins into the Embrace Fertility mind-body app that you get instant access to when you sign up for the free class : www.embracefertility.co.uk/free-class

    You make appreciate these other episodes:

    How to decide when to start or continue fertility treatment


    You do not need to be perfect in order to get pregnant


    How to avoid burnout while trying to get pregnant


    Laparoscopy Preparation and Packing List


  • Episode 109: You have probably heard of inflammation how does inflammation impact our fertility? In today’s fertility expert interview with Jaclyn Downs a Functional Nutrigenomics Consultant we will be discussing just that.

    Root causes of inflammation

    We discuss common, but lesser-known root causes of inflammation that affect fertility and egg health.

    What functional genomics is and how it can provide clarity on root causes and which protocols would be most effective (and why other protocols may not have worked).

    Epigenetics, mold/mycotoxins, histamine, poor fatty acid utilization, iron dysregulation, addressing stress, antioxidants and detoxification pathways.

    Free Cheat Sheet, How Genetic Testing Solves 'Unexplained' Infertility: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/v7g9t1

    Jaclyn's book, Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve ‘Unexplained’ Infertility is now available!

    While it is tailored to the subject of fertility, the book addresses root causes of inflammation and oxidative stress, which is the foundation of all chronic conditions. This book is written for the layperson and as a handbook for the practitioner.

    Buy book now

    Jaclyn Downs is a Functional Nutrigenomics Consultant that has a passion for fertility optimization and reproductive wellness. She is the author of the book, Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility, published by Taylor & Francis. This book discusses common, but lesser-known primary sources of fertility challenges. Chapter topics include oxalates, mold toxicity, iron dysregulation, phase 2 liver detox pathways, and covers the genetics related to these topics.

    Through the use of functional lab testing, detailed case history, symptoms, genomics, environmental and epigenetic influences, she works with practitioners and clients to give them insight and tools to better determine root causes of imbalance. Each protocol is individualised based on these factors, ensuring higher success rates.

    Jaclyn has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Drexel University and a master’s degree in holistic nutrition. In addition to having certifications as a health coach, doula, and yoga instructor, she holds a certification in genetic nutrition with the NutriGenetic Research Institute, where she is also a researcher.

    Jaclyn can be contacted through her website, JaclynDowns.com. You can contact her at [email protected] and follow her on Instagram @FunctionalFertilitySolutions

    We would love to hear what you think of this episode. Come and say hi on Instagram and join the conversation.

    Listen to this episode for How to get the best from Embrace Fertility.

    And sign up for my next free class here.

  • Episode 108: In today’s episode I discuss the different types of talking therapies that are available and the difference between these and somatic therapies that bring the body into the therapy session.

    I talk about the somatic therapies that are part of my 12 week program The Embrace Fertility Method and then how you can take that even deeper with The Shift Package.

    I currently have space to take on four one to one clients this side of Christmas so if you’re interested in finding out more then do reach out to book a free 30 minute no obligation clarity call on zoom.



  • Episode 107: Using fiction as a way to educate, heal and connect

    This is an interview on using fiction as a way to educate, heal and connect. I absolutely loved recording this episode and I hope you love the stories that Jolene shares with us.

    From Jolene: In my stories I’ve focused on the effects of fertility on women, the men who care for them, and small town culture around issues of fertility. In my stories, I’ve chosen to use specific and medical jargon and terms relating to, specifically, women’s health issues to bring awareness.

    I’ve written stories about infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy, pre-term labor, endometriosis, mental health issues, PTSD, post-natal PTSD.

    I’ve written at least one story (“You Four Are the One”) using a technique in therapy treatment for people with PTSD called RECON (reconsolidation therapy) by Courtney Armstrong.

    I’m hoping our talk will inspire others to write their own fictional (or nonfiction) stories of fertility and women’s health issues. I’m hoping they’ll buy SIDLE CREEK and they’ll find they’re not alone.

    Jolene McIlwain’s work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and appears in numerous online and print literary journals including West Branch, Florida Review, Cincinnati Review, CRAFT, Smokelong Quarterly, New Orleans Review, LITRO, and more. Her work was included in 2019’s Best Small Fictions Anthology and named finalist for 2018’s Best of the Net, Glimmer Train’s and River Styx’s contests, and semifinalist in Nimrod’s Katherine Anne Porter Prize and two American Short Fictions contests. She’s received a Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council grant, the Georgia Court Chautauqua faculty scholarship, and Tinker Mountain’s merit scholarship.

    She’s taught literary theory/analysis at Duquesne and Chatham Universities, and she worked as a radiologic technologist before attending college (BS English, minor in sculpture, MA Literature). She was born, raised, and currently lives in a small town in the Appalachian plateau of Western Pennsylvania.

    Her debut, SIDLE CREEK, out with Melville House this spring, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and Shelf Awareness calls it a “riveting debut collection” and “a rare gem, a compelling blend of nature and humanity perfect for fans of Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer and Daisy Johnson's Fen."

    Connect with Jolene and buy Sidle Creek


    Twitter @jolene_mcilwain

    IG @jolenemcilwain

    FB @JoleneMcIlwain

    Trigger warning, this book includes short stories on stillbirth, miscarriage, fetal abduction and true crime.

    For mind-body fertility freebies sign up at www.embracefertility.co.uk and follow me on Instagram @embracefertility for inspiration.

  • Episode 106 - A brief chat on how the word infertility doesn’t cut it when it comes to this period in our lives and all that we go through and experience while long term trying to conceive.

    While I was trying to conceive, I stumbled across a beautiful article on the days before motherhood. Written by midwife Jana Studelska, it described the emotional and physical changes experienced in the run-up to labour. An in-between place marking the boundary between the woman you were and the mother you are about to become. This place of waiting, anticipation and tension. A land where nothing quite feels real anymore. Raw emotions, fluctuating hormones and a sense of disconnection from everyday life. Sound familiar?

    This is how I experienced infertility. The woman I was before we started trying for a baby became a pale comparison to the mother I imagined I would be. I was ready to step out of my old world and into the new. But my new world was not ready yet and I was left in that in-between space, not able to go back, and prevented from moving forward. I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. Join my mailing list www.embracefertility.co.uk.

  • We are back with another fertility expert interview this Father's Day discussing Mens experiences with IVF and Miscarriage with Daniel Landau founder of Men's Help Line, we talk about:

    Do's and don'ts during IVF or Miscarriage How woman can support their husbands Tips for everyone Why Daniel started men's helpline How men can get support

    About Daniel

    I am the founder of a nonprofit organization called Men's Helpline which provides all emotional support to men who struggle through miscarriage and infertility. I have BA from Queens College in Political science and a Masters degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I currently live in Israel with my wife and 2 children. I love sports and enjoy music. I play the Saxophone, Piano, and Sing. I'm a volunteer EMT, love to be social and really enjoy food and travel.

    Contact Daniel

    https://menshelpline.org/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/mensfertilitysupport https://www.facebook.com/groups/229101541634025 https://www.facebook.com/groups/273753198154791 https://www.instagram.com/mens_helpline/ https://menshelpline.org/podcasts/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellandau/

  • Episode 104: This book has been in the conception phase for ten years! I left my career in design and the next day woke up and decided to write about my experiences of using the mind-body link to overcome anxiety and depression while going through infertility and fertility treatments. 12 weeks and I decided it was taking too long and I wanted to share the information I was writing about with the people who needed it. So I started a blog and fertility support group in North London.The book concept was put down until 2020 when I entered the Hay House publishing competition. In this episode I share what happened that year that I meant I haven’t picked up the project until January this year and why I’ve decided now is the time.

    You get get your affiliate tickets here for the festival. https://www.tickettailor.com/events/womanifest?ref=naomi-w

    Book outline - I would love your feedback on this:

    Part One: Fertility & Your Mind - The Science

    Part Two: Ten mind-body techniques to help you stress less and enhance your fertility


    1. How to soothe your mind and body.

    2. Staying sane in the two-week wait.


    3. How to embrace all of your emotions and overcome worry

    4. Coping with other people's pregnancies and jealousy.


    5. How to decide when to (re)start treatment.

    6. How to get your partner/mum/friend to understand how you feel.


    7. What are emotional blocks to conception and how do you know if you have any

    8. How to clear fears of pregnancy/doctors/treatment/miscarriage/birth.


    9. Holding onto hope while trying to conceive.

    10. How to use the mind-body link to enhance your fertility

    Final Thoughts