Recently a former client of mine reached out to tell me that he started his internship a month ago, but all he has been doing so far is watching tutorials and waiting for a tool licenses to be issued. He wanted some advice on how to still make this a valuable experience and find some tasks of his own.
Since this is not the first time I heard this happening, I thought it makes sense to share my ideas on what to do in this scenario. SO today you will find out how to add value to a company, create your own projects and turn yourself into a an employee that they will never want to leave again.
Should I talk about wanting to become pregnant during the application process?
How can I best include my years of parental leave in my CV?
If you have been wondering how to handle those questions, this Episode is the answer!
While you should always keep in mind that integrating family & career is a highly personal and individual matter with no definite "right" or "wrong", in this Episode I'm sharing my personal take on:
How to handle your desire to found a family during the interview process What to put in your CV when you have spent a few months or years with childcare How to communicate to your employer when you are pregnantI hope you enjoy these topics! Please share this Episode with everyone it could be relevant for in their situation.
Thank you,
Yours Sarah
Missing episodes?
Since I announced being pregnant some time ago on LinkedIn, I have naturally also received more questions about founding a family or moving your family to Germany from my international clients. With this Episode, I am aiming to give you a quick overview about the most important topocs if you are thinking about founding a family in Germany or moving here.
We will cover:
Pregnancy: Healthcare, insurance & maternity leave As an employee: parental allowance Childcare & educationPlease note that I am not an expert in these fields, but as I mention in the Podcast, we have several places in Germany where you can specific advice for your situation. Here are some helpful links for you:
Official government website "Make it in Germany": https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/living-in-germany/family-life/
Pro Familia counceling: https://www.profamilia.de/en/topics/becoming-a-parent/financial-and-social-assistance
You will also find more information about health insurance in my previous interview Epsiode 8 with financial planner Alicia Aswani.
A client of mine was asked to become a team lead after working for only 2 years in total. After thinking it through carefully, she decided to decline the offer, because she did not feel ready for this new challenge yet. So another team member got the role and she did not get on with his leadership style at all and frequently kept thinking how much better she would have filled the position. She ended up leaving the company - regretting that she did not have the courage to simply accept this new challenge.
With this episode, I would like to give you some impulses and strategies to firstly decide, if a new challenge is right for you or not.
If you are keen on accepting a new role, project, client, job offer, etc., but do not feel quite ready for it - tune in to learn about easy steps to take to make sure not to miss any exciting chances in your career.
Enjoy and don't forget to leave me a rating and/or a review on your Podcast platform of choice!
A career vision is a powerful and inspiring tool on your way to figure out who you want to be in your life & career and which impact you want to make on the world.
A career vision serves as your guiding star with making career decisions and choosing your next steps.
Convinced that you need it?
Tune in to find out more!
And before you go:
Please do not forget to leave me a rating or review on the Podcasting platform of your choice.
Thank you so so much for this!
Meetings are a crucial scenario if you want to be seen and heard in the workplace and eventually have a great impact on your career progress. Therefore, we really want to make sure that you feel comfortable in meetings, frequently contribute and this way manage to stand out in the workplace.
In this new Episode, I have 4 specific strategies for you that will help you with the following meeting scenarios:
You sit in a meeting and really want to contribute something, but by the time you feel ready to speak up, the agenda has already moved forward. You generally don't know what to say or what is expected of you You sit through many meetings without saying anything You took the courage to contribute a valuable idea, but nobody seems to have heard itEnjoy the Episode!
By the way: If you would like to book me as a trainer for your company, university or other organizations, just reach out via E-Mail: connect@sarah-groetzinger.de
Lucky you…and welcome to the world of luxury problems :)
Several of my clients have recently found themselves in the state of receiving more than one job, thesis or internship offer.
In this Epsiode, I'll talk about 3 specific criteria that will help you make the decision, but I'm also going to let you know what to do when you have accepted an offer, but then receive an even better one.
Tune in if you need guidance with your decision making process!
Can you believe it? The Empower to Grow Career Podcast is already 1 year old!!!
So Happy Birthday to me in that case :) and thank you so so much to everyone who has been and is listening!
For this birthday episode, I have decided not to talk about one very specific topic, but to share some of my learnings and decision making processes along the way along with a few very personal insights into my life.
Topics included are:
How to start challenging new projects when you don't feel ready Making life changing decisions How to finally put yourself in the very first place in your life Personal & business news for 2022Tune in for the most personal episode I have ever recorded so far!
Here's also the link to my Podcast accountability partner's Podcast Sabine Menzyk I mention in the beginning of this episode: Leading Why
If you would like to grab one of the last available coaching sessions with me for the next months, send me an E-Mail or book a Discovery Call with me.
This is an Episode dedicated to all my listeners, who are planning to come to Germany from their home countries.
I'm exploring 10 of the most common mistakes that internationals make, but of course also give you different ideas for each of them about how to fix them.
The topics I cover include:
Do I need a CV in Europass format? There are so many experts, friends and family members giving me advice on what to do - but I feel completely overwhelmed Which plattforms should I use when applying? Should I come to Germany on a jobseeker visa? I know I need to network - but how? And so much moreTune in if you want to save yourself a lot of time and effort by avoiding these common mistakes from the beginning and please share this Episode with any friend or family member in the same situation to help them, too!
Help me to grow the Empower to Grow Career Podcast
You also have the amazing chance to win a FREE 30 minute 1:1 session online with me until February 15th 2022 by simply writing a review for this Podcast on the plattform of your choice and sending me a screenshot of your review to my E-Mail address: connect@sarah-groetzinger.de
On February 15th I will draw the winner. So be quick and help me to grow the Empower to Grow Career Podcast!
What is this Hidden Jobmarket that everyone is talking about and how do I access it?
If you are also among those people, who has had enough of the mystery that is being created around this and just want to know the facts, this Episode ist for you!
Today you will find out:
What the Hidden Jobmarket is Why you should even care about it And what the key to access it isBut let me assure you: If you would like to successfully create your next job opportunity, you definitely need to tap into this Hidden Market full of possibilities!
In Episode 9 I already introduced a part of the LinkedIn strategy, that will help you to do just that. Feel free to go back to it.
If you are keen to join my upcoming course that explores the strategy to access the Hidden Jobmarket in detail, please sign up for my newsletter to be amongst the first people to be informed. The 4 weeks course will be entirely for free the first time I rund it - so you probably do not want to miss out. Sign up here.
Has it ever happened to you that as an employee, you plan your pojects for the year, business events, budgets - but you completely forget to plan your own development or your pay rise?
And when months of the year have passed and you finally get round to planning and asking for them you hear lame excuses like:
"Sorry, this is not the right time to discuss this." "We don't have any budget for this." "Your team member is already attending a similar training. Get the input from them."Etc., etc.
Let me tell you: It has happened to me frequently!
Therefore, I dedicated this first Episode of the New Year to giving you the best strategies of how to plan for your successful development as an employee. We will cover:
How to plan you personal growth inside the company How to plan the development of your technical skills How to plan your monetary development aka. asking for a pay riseIf you are looking for support at anything related to your development inside your current job - let me assure you: This is also part of what I do as a career coach. Just book your free 15 minute Discovery Call to discuss how we can best work on your personal growth: Link to my calendar.
Enjoy the Episode!
I've been thinking for a while what to talk about in my Episode just before Christmas - and which other topic seems more obvious than gratefulness?
In some ways, it's become a hype in the past years, because everybody seems to be talking about it. But there are definitely worse hypes out there, than to focus on the good things in your life - or what do you think?
Therefore, in today's Epsiode you will find out why I personally consider being grateful for who you are and for what you have so important. I'll also share the world's simplest gratefulness excercise with you that you can very easily implement on a daily basis.
And of course: you will also find out what I am extremly grateful for if you listen until the end.
If you feel like sharing with me what you are grateful for or any other type of feedback, you can always reach me through LinkedIn or e-mail.
I can't wait to hear from you!
Are you sick and tired of scrolling jobboards until you find something that matches?
If your answer is a clear YES: This episode is for you!
If you know what kind of job you would like to have, I consider it your personaly responsibility for your future you to just go out there and grab the chance.
In this Episode, you'll learn my 3 easy steps of how to make your initiative application or unsolicited application work.
I'll guide you through:
What "Initiative" application actually means What the greatest benefits are Who it is for How to improve your chances Which differences you need to keep in mind when drafting your cover letter for this type of applicationEnjoy the episode and please don't forget to leave me a review & rating on your favourite Podcasting station.
If you want to learn more about how to successfully create your own job opportunities independent of jobboards, my Careergineers Community is definitely right for you! Check it out here.
So many rumours out there about jobsearching within the last weeks of the year. In several calls I heard that:
"Companies are not hiring anyway now, why should I even make an effort?"
In this quick and insightful Episode I'm providing you with lots of arguments, why now might actually even be the BEST time to continue jobsearching. Want to find out more?
Tune in!
If you want to polish up your jobsearch strategy, I would strongly recommend you to join my online Community Careergineers! We are waiting for you inside the group: https://www.careercoach-deutschland.de/careergineers
Last weeks success story of my 15 year old cousin scoring a job offer in her first interview ever after we rehearsed for it together, hast prompted me to share my interview prep secrets with you today.
I strongly believe everyone can do amazingly well in interviews - if only you prepare and actually practise your introduction and answers to tricky questions ALOUD, preferably with somebody elso to listen and give you feedback.
In this Epsiode I am describing my exact steps of how I prepare interviews with clients and give you 5 reasons why it is worthwhile for you to follow this process.
If you want to look at a great structure for your self-introduction, go back to Episode 6.
If you would like to make use of your special offer to book a discounted interview preparation session with me, simply book a Kickstart Session here and use the promo code: Interview Prep
Can't wait to help you succeed in your next interview!
By popular demand, Yadu is back! And we've flipped the script on the traditional interview process, as listeners who heard Episode #28 might have seen coming - he's doing the interview this time!
For the first time in the history of The Empower to Grow Career Podcast, I am on the guest chair and answering a fun list of questions about me and the truths behind all my content creation.
You'll find the answers to weird and maybe controversial questions about recruitment in Germany, FAQ from clients and a discussion about biases on international names in the hiring process.
We go through what should be changed in the hiring process in Germany, habits and systems and leveraging them in terms of job search strategies. Also on the menu are book recommendations, podcasts and other resources that I love consuming!
We end things off on a quick fire round - and some answers, I am sure, will surprise you.
If there is any other questions that YOU would like to add to an episode - here's a direct link to add your questions - and we will come back and do a follow up episode!
If you like this podcast, shoot me a Message on LinkedIn
- to book a call, here's the link.
Enjoy your Week :)
In this really quick and crisp Epsiode, I will let you know exactly why I am convinced that every CV should contain a profile summary.
You will learn 4 reasons in what way this section that is also often called "About me" or "Personal information" will be of great benefit to you.
Of course I will also explain, which information this section should contain.
If you want to see some great examples of profile summaries and learn how to create an excellent CV, make sure to join my next free webinar in November. I'm going to repeat my most popular one so far:
Easy CV hacks - Upgrade your CV in 10 minutes.
You can now sign up already on my website via this link: https://www.careercoach-deutschland.de/event-details/easy-cv-hacks-upgrade-your-cv-in-10-minutes
Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, UK, Canada & Germany
My interview guest today has lived and worked in 8 countries and founded multiple companies. The most recent company that he co-founded, Noah Mobility GmbH, specialises in assisting internationals with their relocation to Germany.
This makes Daniel Zinner just the perfect interview guest to discuss relocating to Germany as well as founding your own company. Daniel is an International HR Consultant, Founder and Podcaster with a wealth of experience in global assignments and relocation.
From todays Episode you will learn:
How to create a smooth and easy relcoation process for yourself as well as your family How the app Ark One by Noah Mobility can assist you with that What to pay attention to when founding your own company in Germany as an internationalAs well as tons of other tips from Daniel's personal international career story.
This Epsiode containes advertisments for Noah Mobility GmbH who I have become an Ambassador for, because I am truly convinced by the outstanding, transparent service they provide for everyone relocating to Germany.
If you decide to use any of their services, I would be grateful to you if you do so via this affiliate link. This will be of no extra cost to you, but will give me a small comission:
If you would like to connect to Daniel you can do so here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-zinner-mba/
Website: https://zinner.io/
Podcast: https://berliner-zinner.de/
You can have the best jobsearch strategy, perfect application documents, a supportive network, prepare meticulously for interviews and still not succeed in creating your dream career. But why is that?
Have you already heard about limiting beliefs aka the stories you tell yourself and believe to be absolutely true? If you haven't, but keep asking yourself "Why am I not successful with what I am doing?" this is a worthwhile field to tap into.
If you are already aware of some of your beliefs - let's check if you hold any of the examples I mention during this Episode.
With my experience as a Career Coach for internationals in Germany, I have been able to identify a whole set of shared limiting beliefs that might stop you from achieving your career goals. The shocking fact is: Not a lot of people actually dare to work on them and change them!
With this Epsiode, you can make the first step, as I am sharing one of my favourite strategies about how to identify these stories in your head and how to change them to serve you instead of limit you.
I would be keen to hear what you think about this Episode! Feel free to share your feedback in a direct message to me on LinkedIn.
Would you like some help in identifying and changing the beliefs that limit you? Then reach out and book your free 15 minute Discovery Call with me: https://calendly.com/sarah-groetzinger/15-minute-discovery-call
After the amazingly successful episode I did with Yadu last week, I felt the need to talk about something BIG today.
And what could be bigger than showing you a step by step process of how to achieve the goals that currently seem faaaar out of reach for you.
No matter if this is founding your own company, financial freedom, learning to skydive - the bigger, the better.
Based on my own story and experiences, I will show you:
How to identify the biggest fear that stops you How to summon the courage to get past that fear How to attract what you want into your lifeIf you enjoy content like this, let me know in a direct message on LinkedIn.
And please: Also check out my new Community Careergineers. The doors are opening TODAY!
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