
  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • Self-care and emotional health are more important than ever. In the face of unprecedented uncertainty, it is easy to become overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. What can we do right now, as individuals, to begin a journey toward a brighter future?

    The Fix Yourself Handbook from clinical therapist Faust Ruggiero presents a step-by-step program he calls the Process Way of Life, which aims to help readers achieve physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual balance. Ruggiero has used the Process Way of Life successfully for more, than 20 years and has helped thousands of clients to live lives that are happy, healthy, and productive.

    By understanding and learning to live according to the Process Way of Life, readers can become active players in their lives, and transform anger to love, and sadness to joy. The result is a  much happier, healthier, more productive life.

    FAUST A. RUGGIERO’s professional career spans almost 40 years, and is diversifi ed and compelling, as it has consistently established new and exciting cutting-edge counseling programs in its pursuit of professional excellence and personal life enhancement. He is a published research author, clinical trainer, and a therapist who has worked in settings that have included clinics for deaf children, prisons, nursing homes, substance abuse centers, inpatient facilities, and as the President of the Community Psychological Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. In that capacity, he developed the Process Way of Life counseling program, and has developed it into the formal text presented in The Fix Yourself Handbook.

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  • Angela Lenhardt is being recognized by Continental Who’s Who as a Top Professional for her superb work in the Life Coaching field.

    Angela connected to nature, her community, and her faith in God early on. She realized that she could sense other people’s energy, and foresee future events and occurrences. After the passing of her mother, she embraced her special gifts, and dedicated herself to helping others. She has the ability to channel information, offer energy clearings, and recommend changes to her clients. She helps them increase their flow of abundance, health love, and harmony, and live life to their highest potential.  She believes that “When the path appears grim and you feel overwhelmed with challenges, there is beauty in finding the strength to remain positive.”

    Ms. Lenhardt is proud to share her gifts as a Spiritual Coach and Feng Shui Consultant. Working closely with clients, she helps people increase their flow of abundance, health, love, and harmony. She has 16 years of experience in the field and has helped celebrities, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking faith-based coaching. She owns a private healing center and offers consultations via phone or Skype, as well as in group settings like workshops, healing events, and retreats.

    She is also the author of several acclaimed books, A Charmed Journey: An Inspired Guide to Personal Transformation and Trigger the Wonder Horse: A True Story about Faith, Healing, and Miracles. Acclaimed for their moving narratives, Trigger the Wonder Horse won 2nd place in the CIPA EVVY Book Awards, and A Charmed

    Please visit https://angelalenhardt.com/

  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • What if there existed a book with a masterful integration of contemporary neuroscience, research on human development, educational theory, and philosophical thought?

    What if this knowledge was reinterpreted from the perspective of stories about children and what fosters or holds back their developmental potential?

    And what if the journey led to the conclusion that it is possible to create a genuinely just society?

    That book is available now, and it is up to us as a society to make the choice to follow its wisdom.

    Stuart Shanker is a distinguished research professor emeritus of philosophy and psychology at York University, and founder of the MEHRIT Centre, Ltd. He is a world-leading authority and bestselling author on the topic of self-regulation and child development, and the former president of the Council of Early Child Development.

  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • Havae you ever expected something and then been disappointed or upset because your expectations wasn't met? Of course, we all have. That can stop you dead in your tracks and set you off on a detour to your quest, your dream. According to Ben Winter, the only reason anyone gest upset is beause an expecatoin hasn't been met. How do you stop being upset when that happens? Ben has devised a very simple plan, that WORKS and he's put it all in his book, "What to Expct When Having Expectations". You will be amazed by the ease, humor, and simplicity in implementing his plan to use the upset feeling to fix the situation. Expecting good results? You'll get them if you use his plan.

  • There is no limit to the amount of happiness that we, as human beings, can experience. There is no limit to how much love, laughter, excitement, or satisfaction we can feel. This Universe is unendingly abundant, which means that it has the ability to yield to us whatever experiences we desire. Why, then, do some people manifest their desires so fluidly and naturally, while others are living lives of struggle, mediocrity, or quiet desperation?

    Hard work alone does not guarantee a positive result. In fact, pushing forward with determination and effort when things are not going as planned usually only makes a bad situation worse. Energy – not action – is the source of all manifested things, and The Desire Factor is the definitive guide to achieving energy mastery.

    The Desire Factor provides one of the most current, comprehensive, and easy to apply explorations into the realm of energy, and shows readers how – by purposefully calibrating the energetic frequency of their dominant thoughts, moods and expectations – they can bring any desire into physical form.

  • How do you answer the call of your spiritual self? Is it possible to nourish the soul while also meeting your material needs? Can conscious reflection on our lives help us attain the wisdom that will make life's journey a more pleasant one? 

    The Necktie and The Jaguar encourages self-exploration and serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery, offering the reader insight and inspiration.

    The author, Carl Greer, has learned you don't have to feel trapped in a story someone else has written for you. The reader is encouraged to ask questions about their life story so they might break from old patterns and live according to the needs of their soul.

    Carl Greer, PhD. PsyD, is a retired clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst, a businessman, and a shamanic practitioner, author, and philanthropist. He is the best-selling, award winning author of Change Your Story, Change Your Life and Change the Story of Your Health. 

    For more information please visit: http://www.carlgreer.com 


  • Starting at age 4, Solheim has led a paranormal life and encountered angels, ghosts, demons, haunted houses, spirits of all kinds, cryptids, telekinesis, telepathy, and more.

    The modern scientific world has no patience for the 'paranormal.' High strangeness experiences are explained away as dumb luck, coincidence, or misperception. Surely, we're told, no educated person could possibly believe in telepathy, spirits, ghosts, or magic. But in a spellbinding series of true vignettes in the life of college professor Bruce Olav Solheim, the paranormal is vibrantly alive. Timeless is not about belief. It's about genuine experiences that science has yet to understand. Highly recommended.

    Bruce Olav Solheim was born on September 3, 1958, in Seattle, Washington, to hard-working Norwegian immigrant parents, Asbjørn and Olaug Solheim. Bruce was the first person in his family to go to college. He served for six years in the US Army as a jail guard and later as a helicopter pilot. He earned his PhD in history from Bowling Green State University in 1993.

    Bruce is currently a distinguished professor of history at Citrus College in Glendora, California. He also served as a Fulbright professor in 2003 at the University of Tromsø in northern Norway.

    Bruce founded the Veterans Program at Citrus College and cofounded, with Manuel Martinez and Ginger De Villa-Rose, the Boots to Books transition course—the first college course in the United States designed specifically for recently returned veterans. He has published five books,has written seven plays, two of which have been produced. 


  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • MICHELLE WELCH is back and will provide readings live, on-air.

    MICHELLE is the owner and operator of two SoulTopia metaphysical stores in Dallas, TX, where she offers intuitive readings and healing sessions in addition to teaching classes on crystals, tarot, energy work, and intuition. A "reformed attorney," she is still an active Attorney at Law licensed in state of Texas and has lent her intuitive abilities to numerous court and law enforcement cases. Michelle is also the host of the SoulWhat podcast and the Michelle SoulTopia YouTube channel. She is an ordained minister and holds many certificates in various divination and healing modalities.

  • The source for this information is from an entity that channeler Carole Serene Borgens calls Pax. Pax is an energy that resides outside of time and space as we define time and space here on earth. This energy is dedicated to sharing information with all humanity to improve life on earth and increase the probability of the survival of the human species. You do not need to believe in channeling to benefit from the wisdom being shared. The logical and scientific evidence presented is sufficient to understand that our human species is running out of time. If you care about your children, grandchildren, and generations to come, please read this short booklet and share it with as many friends and family members as you can. Just by sharing this booklet you will be participating in the grand adventure placed before us all to act before it is too late. 

    Simple acts and simple statements can make a huge difference. As Pax says, it is time for one-to-one communications to change the course of humanity. We cannot afford to wait for our institutions and leaders to take action. Too often, our leaders and institutions are conflicted, leading us astray. If the majority of individuals on our planet raise their awareness and focus on acts of kindness as their daily task, together we will begin to alter the devastation and suffering that has come not just from this pandemic but from our overall negligence in almost all aspects of civil life. 

    Human beings are special. It is time to experience the joy that comes from making a significant, positive difference in the lives of others and in the destiny of our planet. We are all unique, and each of us has a unique role to play in ending the destruction of our planet. Please join this effort to learn, share, and grow to become your best possible self.

  • Grief can hit us both quickly or in some cases, very slowly, before we have time to even identify what is happening to us. Grief comes through loss of loved ones, pets, jobs, relationships and even ourselves. It takes many forms and rather than feel into it and allow outselves to go through the process, we often tend to BE STRONG, or TOUGHEN UP thinking that is the best way to manage our grief while not showing an ouce of weakness. It is NOT weak to grieve and in an effort ot heal properly, we need to go wtih through the process. Calir B. Willis exlains the process, ways to manage through that are healthy and beneficial to us allowing us to move forward at our own pace - without avoiding grief. The many ways in which we respond to grief include anger, despair, anxiety, confusion, loneliness, apathy - and Claire is able to help us understand, process and use it as an opportunity to build our lives with gentle guidance on how to transform.

  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • Our own actions, individually and collectively, determine the world in which we live. The mindset of today's society has deteriorated because we just don't GIVE A DAMN about each other.  Everything seems to be internally and ego driven. Responsibility, respect, accountability and doing the right thing are more the exception than the rule. 

    Give a Damn values, followd as a group, are contagious. They spread, creating a community of likeminded people.

    It is on this community level, this herd level, where the benefits multiply. This new herd mentality can then reinforce positive behaviour. Seeing it all around us makes it easier to live out the values consistently.

    Individually you make a difference . . .  Collectively we change the world!


    It's time to GIVE A DAMN!!

  • What happens after we die? Are you a believer of life after death? Are you intrigued or fascinated by the subject? Are you skeptical? Premonitions of death, near-death experiences, and afterlife communication are common experiences, but they can be difficult to talk about and understand. Dr. Kenneth Doka a world-renowned expert on death, dying, and bereavement explores dozens of case studies and fascinating research on the unusual phenomena related to the dying process and helps you come to your own understanding of what these experiences mean. Sharing stories of death coincidences, terminal lucidity, ghosts, reincarnation, and more, Dr. Doka's examination of extraordinary experiences provides meaningful answers and wisdom. With a deep sense of empathy and compassion, his insights support you as you integrate these phenomena and cope with the emotions that come along with them.

  • Love is all there is, Love is all that matters. Truer words have never been spoken.

    During moments of despair, the ONLY thing that's heals is LOVE. Through prayer, intentions, faith, trust, compassion, meditation, acts of kindness, all of which are LOVE, we truly heal.

    Love is all around us and is so easy to spread. PRAYER in whatever form is LOVE.

    The written words in Prayers for Healing allow us to give love to one another easily, energetically, and freely. It costs nothing to send love to another. It's easy to do and can be done from anywhere. We can send love to ourselves as well - in reality, we do that each time we send love to another. WIN-WIN! Don't you just love that?

    365 Blessings, Poems, and Meditations that will transform your life, the lives of others, and all the work is done for you. You need only read the words, or speak them outloud, as you feel them in your heart and YOU become the source of LOVE from which you are mademAGGIE o

  • DO UNTO EARTH: A monthly series offering guidance from PAX, as channeled by Carole Serene Borgens. Questions asked by Penelope Jean Hayes.

    Join us on the second Wednesday of every month throughout 2021 at 6:00pm

    So much has been revealed through these channeled readings: Earth mysteries, technological advancements in both the near and distant future, answers to questions about alien encounters, Roswell, Stonehenge, Amelia Earhart, anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle, the usefulness of dark matter in space, and so many more longstanding human curiosities as well as information on the status of COVID, the vaccine, future pandemics, and so much more.

    Each month we’ll explore and discuss one or more topics in detail. If time allows, we will take questions live.

  • Affirmations, Quotes, and Proverbs for Positive Thinking

    Ready to change your life today? How about this minute? Best-selling anthologist June Cotner returns with Hey, It’s Your Day, a life-long collection of her favorite quotes to start the day and delight any friend, relative, or literary aficionado.

    Inspiration at your fingertips in minutes. June Cotner has been gathering her favorite quotes for more than two decades. Now, she shares these specially curated words of wisdom to guide readers on their personal journeys of positive thinking. Featuring an eclectic selection of figures like Edward Abbey, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Oprah Winfrey, this positive thinking book captivates readers with fresh, insightful, and engaging motivational quotes. Inside, they may even discover a new book, mantra, or role model.

    For fans of motivational books with a quotable twist. In the tradition of quotation-packed inspirational books from authors like Hoda Kotb, I Really Needed This Today, Hey, It's Your Day understands that daily affirmations, meditation, and positive thinking go a long way. Whether in need of a daily boost or brushing up on quote trivia, open Hey, It's Your Day and find positive affirmations and inspirational quotes in every page. Packed with nearly fifty topics─like love, family, choices, growth, happiness, creativity, and success─you’ll find uplifting quotes to start the day like:
    “This was love: a string of coincidences that gathered significance and became miracles.” ─ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” ─ Rumi“No one likes crying, but tears water our souls.” ─ Xue Xinran