
  • This is a doozy episode. I've had Atlantis on my mind and my guides have helped me find some more information that also ties in with a dream I had about the Schuman Resonance and the weird health issues that come outta nowhere for a lot of people. It's always good to get medical issues checked out, but when there are no answers, this information might clear it up.

    In this episode, I talk about what is the Schuman Resonance and how it affects us, a little about CERN and how that ties in with Atlantis and Lemuria. It is really hard to condense all this information into one episode, so please reach out if you have questions or want me to go deeper into one topic. If you also are wondering about the ringing noise in the ears, I talk a little about what those tones mean. This is like the kitchen sink episode after a few weeks of research.

    I also talked about the Lions Gate Portal, for more info about that you can check out this YouTube video explaining how Aug 8 is not the true Lions Gate Portal.

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it on Social Media!
    Shop the website for beautiful crystals, jewelry, and Oracle Reading offerings.

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi


    Thank you to Michael Reiley for his meditative music found in this episode. http://soundoflistening.com/

  • Have you ever wondered what lengths people go through to gain clarity of mind?
    In this episode, I share what started out as my Fibromyalgia healing journey, but turned out to be so much more... Clarity of Mind!

    If you struggle with Invisible Illness or are a fellow Spoonie, I encourage you to give this a listen. Share it with those you know who are seeking a solution to their autoimmune syndrome as well. Living with Chronic Pain is not an easy journey, but there are solutions in unexpected places.

    I share the diets that helped me, but also how to find the right diet for you. Natural Supplements that helped with Pain Management, and more.

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it on Social Media!
    Shop the website for beautiful crystals and Oracle Reading offerings.

    Solstice Blessings!

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi


    Thank you to Michael Reiley for his meditative music found in this episode. http://soundoflistening.com/

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  • Are you frustrated with the medical field charging hundreds of $$ on tests only to get nowhere? Maybe try a different approach with those who can tap into your energy and find the root cause! A lot of illness starts because of trapped emotions or negative mindsets.
    Come check out this episode with Michelle Thomas, a Medical Intuitive to hear how to approach your health from a different perspective.

    Michele Thomas is a certified medical intuitive and holistic life coach who helps individuals identify the energies blocking their radiance and assists them in releasing what’s holding them back, allowing them to step confidently into the extraordinary life they deserve! Channeling her divine team of ascended masters and archangels, Michele has the unique ability to help you gain clarity and understanding about what’s affecting your physical body, and assists in healing and coaching her clients to improve the wellness of their mind, body, and spirit.

    Check out her free Heal Yourself Challenge starting June 20th and give your chakras a spring cleaning! https://radiantlivinghlc.com/hyc/
    You can also find her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/radiantlivinghlc

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it with your friends who need a new perspective! Also, check out my shop for crystals for all your energy needs!

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi


    Thank you to Michael Reiley for his meditative music found in this episode. http://soundoflistening.com/

  • Most people think alien abductions only happen in the movies, but they are actually more common than you would think! They happen to everyday people, in everyday situations, and aren't always as scary as you would think them to be!

    In this episode, I talk about my first encounter with aliens and what transpired after that. For those who may have PTSD, there are NO graphic details in this episode. My main objective is to get information out to those who may have felt they had been abducted and weren't sure.

    If you ever had weird dreams about aliens, felt like you were taken on a ship, had moments of lost time (like hours of missing time), or weird bruises you couldn't explain, I hope this episode brings clarification to you!

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it with your friends who need a new perspective!

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi


    Also if you are new to my podcast, Hello! My name is Jeni and I'm a crystal seller from Portland, Oregon. If you would like to receive updates on the latest podcast and discounts for my shop please join my newsletter, I promise to not bombard you with emails daily!

  • In this episode, I talk all about crystals! If you are new to crystals or don't know how to use the crystals you do have, this episode is for you!

    Come learn about how crystals carry a vibration and how to start feeling that vibration.

    How to select your perfect crystal for your energy in person and online.

    How to clear collected negative energy from your crystals in various different methods.

    How to set an intention for your crystals and put them to use.

    Also some amazing stories of how crystals have helped me in my life.

    This is a 2 part show, so stay tuned for more in-depth ways to use your crystals.

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it with your friends who need a new perspective!

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi


    Check out Michael Reiley for more meditative music found in this episode http://soundoflistening.com/

  • Do you ever feel lost, like you don’t fit in and the things that you are interested in nobody else seems to care about? Do people call you crazy for thinking outside of the social norm? Then this episode is for you.

    In this episode, I talk about how to recognize the clues to finding your perfect alignment. How do your beliefs define you? Are you ready to break outside of the matrix and live a life free from what others expect from you? Let's dive into that!

    If you enjoy this podcast please write a review and share it with your friends who need a new perspective!

    ~Jeni Hughes aka Essentially Chi

    Check out my shop and follow me on your favorite platform. https://smart.bio/essentiallychi/

    Stay tuned for the next episode where I talk about the basics of crystals and how to find the perfect crystal for your energy.

    Check out Michael Reiley for more meditative music found in this episode http://soundoflistening.com/

    If you are interested in joining the Mystery School I talked about in this episode, check it out here. I’d love to dive into the depths of your mind.