
  • "Style is for everybody and every body" is one of the core values here at Everyday Style. However, we know that, in a society that often dictates beauty standards based on size and shape, we can all feel left out of the conversation at times.

    In this conversation with stylist Katie Winnin, we talked about the challenges faced by plus size women in the fashion industry. Katie shared how her personal journey as a plus size woman influenced her career as a stylist dedicated to empowering the plus size community.

    Katie highlighted the common mistakes plus size women can make when it comes to style, and emphasized the need to explore personal style rather than blindly following trends. She also addressed the misconception that cute clothes are not available for plus size women, challenging the idea that certain body sizes are not deserving of fashionable clothing.

    We delved into the reasons why plus size women may hesitate to invest in their personal style, including waiting to achieve a certain body size. Katie emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and breaking free from societal norms that dictate what is considered fashionable for different body sizes.

    Even if you aren't plus size, this conversation is a reminder that style is not limited by size or shape, and everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in the clothes they wear.

    In This Episode:

    Katie's personal journey in the fashion industry The challenges plus size women can face in finding clothing that fits well and represents their own style due to limited options in stores. The importance of representation in the fashion industry. Common style mistakes that plus size women can make, including mirroring someone else's style too closely and only dressing for trends. Katie's top clothing brand recommendations

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/katie-winnen

  • Each week, the Everyday Style inbox is inundated with style questions and suggestions for podcast topics. So today I'm going to answer some of the questions that we receive time and time again, or that address common issues that we can all face.

    From finding the perfect white t-shirt to investing in comfortable shoes for tricky feet, we cover a range of topics to help women feel confident and stylish in their everyday lives.

    If you have a more specific question that we haven't covered here, don't forget that the feedback you get for your personal style issues is just one of the incredible benefits of the Style Circle membership - find out more and join our community.

    In This Episode:

    Where can you find a good quality white t-shirt that will last? Plus, practical advice on caring for it. Do small-busted women need to spend a lot on bras? How to wear colors that don't suit your skin tone. My advice on choosing shoe styles based on personal preference and comfort rather than trends. The difference between comfortable shoes and comfort shoes, and the importance of understanding your own foot needs. The individual style advice that is available in the Style Circle membership.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/your-style-questions

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  • I’ve talked many times before about how you can dress for the day you want to have, and how you can use your wardrobe to help reach your goals. And while I know without a shadow of a doubt that the clothes you wear can be an incredibly powerful tool when used deliberately, I know there are things your wardrobe simply can't do.

    In my styling career, I've tried to be mindful of setting realistic expectations for clients. My goal is about celebrating your current self while working towards the life you want.

    Remember, your wardrobe is a tool to enhance your journey, not a magic wand to change who you are. Nonetheless, there are some powerful ways your clothes can impact your life.

    So, let's set some expectations straight and explore the magic of dressing well, as I share three things your wardrobe can and can’t do for you.

    In This Episode:

    Some amazing feedback from a member of the Style Circle community. Clothes can enhance your mood, not replace professional help. Buying new clothes won't magically transform you into a different person. Your actions and mindset matter more than the clothes you wear. Realistic expectations about what your wardrobe can do for your body are crucial for embracing your unique style journey.

    As I mentioned in the show, this summer we are doing a series in the members-only podcast, sharing simple tips to dress your most challenging body parts. The Extra Credit podcast is just one of the incredible benefits of being a Stye Circle member - find out more and join our community, because this is one series that you don't want to miss.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/what-clothes-do-for-you

  • If you’re ready to update your Summer Wardrobe but don’t know where to start, I’ve got you covered!

    It’s time for another one of our trend episodes, this is where I lay out the 10 wearable trends I’ve seen for Summer 2024. As always, many of the trends we see in Summer are continuations of Spring, so if you want to check those out, go back and listen to Episode 183: 10 Wearable Trends for Spring 2023.

    In this episode, you’ll learn what’s big for the season, and how you can add these trending pieces to your real-life wardrobe without looking like you’re trying to relive your youth. Listen as I share some practical tips for making it easy to keep your wardrobe looking fresh and current.

    Full show notes and resources: http://youreverydaystyle.com/summer-trends-2024

  • If you've listened to more than one episode of this podcast, you'll know that I talk a lot about being intentional about the clothes you buy and wear. In particular, I discuss getting dressed with intention and being purposeful about honing and developing your style.

    However, there's another aspect of style where intentionality is essential—and it's one that often gets overlooked—and that’s wardrobe building. Have you ever considered the process you use to get clothes into your closet?

    In my experience, most people naturally adopt one of two wardrobe-building strategies: hunting (shopping with a plan) or gathering (browsing for pieces that catch their eye).

    With that in mind, in this episode, I present the pros and cons of each approach, detailing scenarios where hunting and gathering are recommended.

    Is one approach truly better than the other? Listen to the episode to find out!

    In This Episode:

    Why your closet should be more like a dinner party than a plane ride What hunting and gathering mean when it comes to your wardrobe Times you should be hunting and times when gathering is a better strategy My personal approach to hunting and gathering and how you can start today

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/hunting-gathering

  • If you're petite and tired of struggling to find clothes that fit, this episode is for you! I had the opportunity to sit down with petite style expert Angela Foster and get her best style tips for women under 5'4".

    I had such a great time chatting with Angela about style, proportions, and even a TikTok that makes me laugh.

    I loved Angela's philosophy and perspective on style. We both come from a place of wanting to help women feel amazing about themselves, and know that a fabulous outfit is a great place to start.

    I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed chatting with Angela.

    In This Episode:

    What "Petite" actually means, and the seven measurements that are different in petite clothing The most common petite-style mistakes Why understanding proportion is the key to petite style. Angela's favorite places to shop, for herself and her clients. Resources for plus-size petites.

    About Angela Foster

    After 20 years as an executive in the fashion and beauty space, Angela Foster now helps high-achieving petite women feel more confident by creating a closet they love. Her clients show up prepared and confident to brand photoshoots, keynote presentations, and everyday life because they enjoy a wardrobe filled with clothes that fit their height, flatter their body shape, and that they love to wear.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/angela-foster

  • Many women assume that dressing well requires a fat bank account and lots of disposable income. However, as a wardrobe stylist with over 20 years of experience, I know that looking good doesn't have to break the bank.

    If you're like most Americans, April is a time when your mind's on your money, and your money's on your mind. But, that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style.

    There are plenty of ways to boost your style without spending any (or much) money, and this week, I'm sharing 6 of them.

    No matter who you are, where you live, or what shape or size you are, chances are, you can utilize at least a couple of these tips to look even more fantastic.

    I hope these suggestions inspire you to take a fresh look at your closet and make the most of what you already have. Remember, style is about expressing yourself and feeling confident. So, give these free strategies a try and see how they can elevate your everyday look effortlessly.

    In this episode:

    The trick you can do right now that makes your clothes look better and you more confident. How to turbocharge the ol' "choose your outfit in advance" for maximum impact. My favorite free way to look better Why choosing your shoes first has such an impact on your style

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/improve-style-without-spending-a-dime

  • Have you been harmed by traditional body shape advice? I think most of us have in one way or another, leaving us feeling confused or dissatisfied with our natural shape.

    The truth is, this type of advice leaves a lot to be desired. Today I dive deep into the flaws in traditional body shape advice and offer a fresh perspective on dressing for your body shape.

    For one thing, traditional body shape advice often focuses solely on flattery. However, it's crucial to consider how clothing items fit your unique body shape rather than just how they look. Remember, as I've said many times before, it's not you, it's the pants!

    Instead of using body shape advice to hide parts of your body you don't like, try celebrating the parts you love first. Dressing your body should start from a place of highlighting your best features rather than disguising what you perceive as flaws.

    Listen to the full episode for more valuable insights and tips on modernizing your approach to dressing for your body shape.

    As mentioned in the episode, this year I've already held several free mini-classes, with more planned. The invitations are exclusively sent through email, so if you want to come to these free classes, sign up here and also receive our mini capsule wardrobe guide.

    In This Episode:

    The problem with body shape advice that focuses on flattery and appearance, and why it's equally important to consider fit for different body shapes. A reminder that dressing your body should start from a place of highlighting your best features rather than disguising what you perceive as flaws. How magazines often generalize body shapes, failing to acknowledge the uniqueness of individual bodies and clothing items. How to experiment with styling to make clothing work for your body shape, as no single item exists in a vacuum. My tribute to the iconic Iris Apfell, who aged joyfully and leaned into style as she got older.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/body-shape-advice-wrong

  • Winter is over, and one of Style's best seasons is here! Spring is when we get our first look at what's big for the warm months, and this season, there are so many great looks out there. The Spring/Summer 24 runways were full of some new trends--and some trends from past seasons that are still going strong.

    In this episode, I’m sharing 10 trends for Spring 2024 that you can work into your real-life wardrobe to look current without feeling like you're trying too hard (or that you raided your teenage daughter's closet).

    Listen and learn what's trending for the season and a few tips for making these looks work for you.

    Need more help getting your wardrobe looking current? Many of these styles are featured in our Spring 2024 Capsule Wardrobe Guide. The Guide shows you how to combine 39 pieces (mostly basics, with a few trends peppered in) to create over 250 fab Spring outfits.

    The Guide is available in the Style Circle membership, where you also get access to all 5 of our Style Masterclasses, our Facebook Community, and lots of other style resources. Plus, you get our exclusive members-only podcast, The Everyday Style School: Extra Credit. This month, I'm sharing 5 more Spring trends we didn't have time to talk about here. Join the membership and get everything you need to make style easy.

    I hope this episode gives you some insight into what’s big this season and gives you some practical tips for making it easy to keep your wardrobe looking fresh and current.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/spring-trends-2024

  • We've all been there--that moment you're tired of feeling blah or frumpy, and you're ready to have better style. If you're like most women, you do one of a few things: a) go shopping, b) clean out your closet, or c) hire someone to help you. And those are all good things.

    But style doesn't actually start there. At least lasting style doesn't. Better style starts in your mind. One thing I've said over and over is that what's in your head is more important than what's in your closet.

    How you think about style, what it means, and how much it matters goes a long way in making style easier and your intentions stick.

    Until your mind is ready for better style, your daily practices will probably feel like a bore...and a chore. Once your mindset shifts to believe that you and your efforts are worth it, style becomes easier, and dare I say it? Maybe even a little fun.

    In this episode, I'm sharing a few things super stylish women believe, not just do. So, before you hit the stores or empty your entire closet, make sure you spend a little time getting your mind in the right place.

    If you want better style, but haven't been able to actually get started---or you struggle to consistently love the way you look, this one's for you!

    In this episode:

    Four things super stylish women believe Why relying on confidence won't help you get started How to quiet the voice in your head that says, "What will they think?" The myths that hold us back from having better style--and how to move past them

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/better-style-starts-here

  • Today, we're looking at some of the countless style typing systems on the internet, each one promising an easy way for us to get dressed and love the results. But do they actually help, or do they leave us feeling more confused than we were before?

    I've got some issues with these highly specific, incredibly detailed typing systems, but if they've worked for you, I'm thrilled!

    In this episode, I talk about my personal experiences with one of the more high-profile systems, The Kibbe Body Type System. This is an array of thirteen style types based largely on a person's balance of yin and yang. After spending hours exploring this system, I was hopelessly lost and confused!

    We also touch on some of the other systems that often use random questions that don't seem to connect, leaving you more puzzled than anything else. Like, what do my curly hair and cuticle shape have to do with the colors I should buy?

    In order to actually make style easier, I've developed my own method for identifying your body shape. I call it the L.O.O.K method. It's revolutionary.

    In This Episode:

    The challenges and limitations of some of the more common style types What these systems lack--and what it means for you Why I talk about the 4 Body Shapes My revolutionary "L.O.O.K. Method", a simple and effective approach to understanding your body shape Why learning how to dress yourself and understanding your own body is more valuable than relying on a specific typing system.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/whats-your-type

  • If honest conversations about finances make you want to bury your head in the sand, STOP! Before you skip this episode, my guest today will help you to face your money anxiety and help you to become more financially savvy.

    Shannah Game is an award-winning Money Wellness Expert, host of the Everyone’s Talkin’ Money podcast (with 25 million downloads), a certified financial planner with an MBA, an entrepreneur, educator, and certified Trauma of Money Specialist.

    In this episode, we discuss the concept of money trauma and how our childhood experiences shape our beliefs and habits around money. Shannah also highlights the unique financial challenges that women face, such as the gender pay gap and the fact that women tend to live longer and spend their retirement savings taking care of their partners.

    Shannah provides some practical tips for improving our financial health and encourages us to have open conversations about money, both with ourselves and with our children, to create a healthier mindset around finances.

    Overall, Shannah's message was clear: money is more mental than it is math. By changing our thoughts and beliefs about money, we can improve our relationship with it and create a better financial future for ourselves.

    Shannah was also kind enough to answer some individual questions for our Style Circle members, and those are in the Extra Credit Podcast. If you aren't a Style Circle member, the Extra Credit podcast is just one of the exclusive benefits available in the membership. Check out the full list of what's included and join our amazing community now!

    In This Episode:

    How money trauma affects our relationship with money and is more common than you might think Why it's important to examine our thoughts and beliefs about money and make a conscious effort to change them Practical ways to improve your financial health The unique money challenges that women face How you can secure a better financial future for you and your family!

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/shannah-game

  • Are you one of the 40% of U.S. adults who made a New Year’s Resolution this year? If you are, how’s that going for ya?

    Studies show that most people abandon their good New Year’s intentions by January 18. Hopefully, you’re still going strong.

    But if you’re not, this episode may be able to help get you back on track. I’m breaking down the five most common resolutions and sharing how your wardrobe can help you achieve them.

    So often, we tell ourselves, “I’ll have a better wardrobe ‘when'”. When I lose weight. When I go back to work. When I have a better social life. Sound familiar?

    I want to encourage you to flip your thinking and instead say, “I’ll have a better wardrobe ‘so'”. So I can lose weight. So I can get the job I want. So I can get out there more. Sounds better, doesn’t it?

    Whether your goals are New Year’s based or not, this episode will help you use your wardrobe as a super powerful tool to help you crush them.

    In this episode: Why your wardrobe is a better catalyst for change than a reward How frumpy gym clothes can sabotage your fitness goals The recent trend that boosts your mental well-being How up-leveling your style can help improve your finances The truth about waiting until you reach your goal weight to dress better

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/wardrobe-help-reach-your-goals

  • At the beginning of 2023, I created a bucket list full of style-related tasks that I wanted to accomplish during the year. Some were easy, some were not so easy, and some of them I even managed to tick off without meaning to!

    However, all of them were designed to move my style forward. So, in this episode, I'm holding myself accountable, looking back to see how I did...and sharing the lessons I learned along the way.

    The second part of my 2023 bucket list recap is coming soon as an Extra Credit episode. This exclusive podcast is one of the incredible benefits available for Style Circle members - so if you aren't already a member, join us today. The amazing community within the Style Circle is another way to hold yourself accountable. So if you want to take your style to another level in 2024, find out more here.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/style-bucket-list-recap

  • The temperatures might be dropping, but your style will be heating up after listening to this episode. It’s Winter Trend Time!

    In this episode, I’m sharing 10 trends for the season that you can use to look current, and boost your spirits while the days are cold and short.

    Listen and learn what's trending for the season, and tips for making the trends work for you.

    I hope this episode gives you some insight into what’s big this season and gives you some practical tips for making it easy to keep your wardrobe looking fresh and current.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/winter-trends-2023

  • If you're anything like me, you're probably starting to get into the holiday spirit and feeling excited about seeing friends and family, and hosting parties. But let's be real, entertaining can be stressful. The pressure to make everything perfect and live up to social media standards can really take the fun out of it.

    Luckily, my guest today has some great ideas (and the perfect skill set) to help us all make one part of the holidays a little more enjoyable.

    One of the key takeaways is to remember our "why" - why are we hosting this party? By focusing on the reason we're doing this, we can let go of the pressure to make everything perfect.

    Friends, let's all make the holidays, especially entertaining, a little easier this year.

    Another thing that can add to the holiday pressure is figuring out what to wear. To help you have a fabulous festive season, I've put together a FREE Workshop happening Tuesday, Nov 21 at 1:00 Eastern.

    In this one-hour Zoom chat, I'll be sharing:

    What to wear to any event, even when the dress code isn't clear Holiday outfit ideas that don't include a tired red sweater The #1 tip for looking better in your holiday photos

    Plus, I'll be answering your holiday-style questions. Click here to register. I hope to see you there!

    In this episode: Melissa's top tips for simple holiday entertaining The top party stressors for hosts--and how to solve them. How to make cleaning up after a party easier Melissa's one simple trick that can wow any crowd About Melissa Gugni:

    Melissa Gugni is a San Francisco Bay Area professional organizer who helps clients feel a sense of calm and order at home. She's also the co-owner of Union Larder, an award-winning wine bar, and Little Vine, a wine and cheese shop. With that, today she is combining her knowledge of catering with her organizational skills to show us how to reduce stress and enjoy the process of hosting a party.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/melissa-gugni

  • Today, I'm sharing five reasons you're in a style rut! It's part 2 of our style rut series, and it might be just what you need to shake things up, and get out of the style doldrums!

    If you're bored by your wardrobe, and buying more clothes doesn't seem to help, this episode is for you. If you feel like actually loving your wardrobe is a concept just for other people, this episode is for you. If you're always struggling to get dressed, and you don't know why, this episode is for you

    In last week's episode, I talked about a very specific type of Style Rut, which happens when you're trying to develop a Signature Style, but end up more bored and uninspired than you were before. This week, we're covering general style ruts - the kind that sneak up on you for seemingly no reason. I've got 5 reasons (or habits) that might have got you there in the first place.

    In this episode:

    The "I have nothing to wear" solution that is actually causing you to have nothing to wear Why dressing your "best" can lead to feeling bored and constrained How to change your shopping perspective so you can bust out of a rut that's a little too comfortable

    The Signature Style Challenge is a great way to bust out of your Style Rut, and it starts November 14 in the Style Circle Community!

    Not only will you get the Challenge for free, you'll also have access to ALL of our masterclasses, including Signature Style, Dress Your Body Shape like a Pro, The Ultimate Closet Makeover, and of course, our famous Capsule Wardrobe Guides. If you're not a member yet, join us today.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/five-reasons-style-rut

  • If you've ever tried to have better, more authentic, personal..dare we say Signature style and ended up feeling like you just wear the same thing all the time, this episode is for you!

    Over the next two episodes, I'll be talking about Style Ruts--what they are, why they happen, and how to get out of them.

    Every woman falls into a Style Rut now and then, including me. If you're not sure what a Style Rut is, basically, it's a major case of the wardrobe blahs. Nothing lights you up, everything feels the same, and getting dressed is a chore--especially for things outside your daily routines.

    There are lots of reasons we fall into style ruts, but today, we're talking about a very specific type of style rut--that is, when you're consciously working on developing your style, but things are getting worse, instead of better.

    The good news is, there's a reason your Signature Style is turning into a Style Rut--and today, we're uncovering what that is!

    In this episode: Three things Signature Style and Style Ruts have in common. Three ways Signature Style and Style Ruts are completely different. Where most people take a wrong turn in their quest for Signature Style (that leads to a style rut)

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/signature-style-or-style-rut

  • Does where you live influence your style? And if it does, which has the better style - the East Coast or the West Coast?

    Obviously, we're not going to pretend to be able to settle this topic once and for all in a single podcast episode! However, we do explore whether regional style can truly exist in a world where retail chains offer the same items across the country, and around the world.

    To dig deeper into this topic, we've invited two experts, both Certified Stylists in the Everyday Style Network. Representing the West Coast is Morgen Peters, a wife and mother of four who's passionate about helping women create casual wardrobes that suit their current life phase. On the East Coast, we have Katie Valentine, who believes great style is about showing up rather than showing off. She equips her clients with the tools to embrace their signature style and build wardrobes that complement their lifestyle.

    We talked about things that would look out of place on each coast, as well as their closet staples, and of course, how to make the same merchandise we all have access to look individual and appropriate for any regional style.

    In other super exciting news, The Style Network Training program is coming back! The next round starts October 30, and we've updated the program so that you can take part wherever you are in the world! Plus, we've added four incredible bonuses to help you through the biggest roadblocks new business owners face.

    If you've ever thought a wardrobe styling business could be right for you, you owe it to yourself to take the next step to your dream career! Visit our new Style Network website for more details!

    In this episode: Katie and Morgen's different routes to becoming successful professional stylists Does where you live affect how you dress? Hear Katie and Morgen's definitions of East and West Coast style. The trends that Katie and Morgen are seeing in their respective areas Their Responses to a Style Advice Speed Round Katie and Morgen's experiences of being part of the Style Network and why they love helping women find their own style

    Don't forget, that our Fall Capsule Wardrobe is available now! It's the blueprint for an effortlessly stylish wardrobe.

    The Guide is available in the Style Circle membership, where you also get access to all 5 of our Style Masterclasses, our Facebook Community, and lots of other style resources. Plus, you get our exclusive members-only podcast, The Everyday Style School: Extra Credit. Join the membership and get everything you need to make style easy.

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/east-coast-west-coast-style

  • Have you ever had one of those mornings when everything seems to go wrong? You oversleep, spill coffee on your outfit, and hit every single red light on your way to work? And then, it feels like no matter what you do, you can’t shake the black cloud that follows you all day long.

    Yep, we’ve all been there.

    The way your morning goes tends to set the tone for your entire day, and let’s face it, getting dressed is an important part of your morning.

    As a wardrobe stylist who has been dressing everyday women for over 20 years, I am well aware of the transformational power of what you wear. But did you know that your wardrobe also has the power to change your mornings and your days by influencing your confidence and mindset?

    Your clothes have an incredible impact on how you feel about yourself and how you show up in the world. In this episode, I talk about four wardrobe-related things we can do to make sure that our mornings set us up for success, no matter what life throws at us.

    So if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed in the morning, this episode will change the way you approach getting dressed.

    In this episode: The importance of mornings and the role your wardrobe can play The problem of falling into ‘default dress mode’ The four better-morning wardrobe strategies you can start doing right now

    Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/better-morning