One of the most important facets of the Christmas story is the miraculous virgin birth of Christ. However, critics argue that the virgin birth account is legendary and actually borrowed from the Greek mystery religions that also have virgin birth accounts. Can we believe in the Christmas story? Join Pat as he presents a reasonable case for the miraculous birth of Christ.
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The virgin birth is as essential to the Christmas story as the incarnation. However, critics allege that a virgin birth is not possible or reasonable to believe in. Why was it necessary and is it reasonable to believe in a virgin birth? Listen as Pat defends the doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ.
The virgin birth is essential to the incarnation of Christ. Is it reasonable to believe in a virgin birth? Didn’t Christianity borrow the story of the virgin birth from Pagan mythology? Listen as Pat answers theses objections and presents a case for the virgin birth of Christ.
One of the unique legacies of Christianity is its legacy of prophecy. Listen as Pat explains why prophecy is such a powerful evidence for the truth of Christianity and presents some of the most famous prophecies connected with the birth of Christ.
The Bible claims to be the only divinely inspired word of God. However, there are many religious books that claim to be divinely inspired such as the Koran, the Hindu Vedas, the Book of Mormon, and many other religious works. With so many books making claims of divine inspiration, how do we know the bible alone is God’s word? Join Pat as he presents the evidence for the divine inspiration of the Bible.
Most historians and archaeologists view the Bible as a religious work of literature containing a lot of folklore mixed with some historical truth. The Bible claims to be the divinely inspired word of God and that it is an accurate record of God’s activity in history. Is the Bible history or folklore? In a recent message, Pat presented evidence from recent archaeological discoveries that have startled the archaeological world and builds a compelling case for the historical reliability of the Bible.
Jesus stated in Matthew 6:19, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” What did Jesus mean by “treasures in heaven?” What are the eternal rewards that we should be seeking to earn as believers in Christ? Listen as Pat and Dr. Mark Hitchcock discuss the nature of heavenly rewards and why they are important for every Christian to understand.
1 Corinthians 3:13-15 states that every believer will be judged for how they spent their life here on earth. It states that our works will be tested by fire and whatever survives will be our eternal reward. What are these rewards? What will be the criteria for judging our works? Will some believers have greater rewards than others in heaven? Listen and Pat and Dr. Mark Hitchcock discuss heavenly rewards and why they matter to all believers in Christ.
Is there a future judgment day for believers in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:10 states, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” What is the judgment day for Christians? What happens on that day? Join Pat and Dr. Mark Hitchcock as they discuss the Bema Seat Judgment when all believers will give an account for their life.
What was Jesus doing before Bethlehem? Understanding Christ’s role and activity before His incarnation helps us understand the nature of Christ and the tremendous sacrifice He made at the incarnation. Listen as Pat reveals the activity of Christ before Bethlehem.
Tim Chester wrote, “Our life is but a moment, a breath. It’s a tick of the clock. A blink of an eye. A click of the fingers. You get one life, one chance. And there’s no replay, no rewind. So don’t live for the moment. Live for eternity.” How do we live a worthwhile life? Invest in the things that last for eternity. Join us today as Pat explains what it means to live a life that makes an eternal difference.
What are the culprits that rob believers of their joy? How can we overcome habits that rob us of God’s joy? Listen as Pat identifies the thieves of joy and the habits that every believer should develop to maintain a life of joy in the Lord.
Everlasting joy is to be a part of every Christian’s life. However, many never experience the joy God intends for us to have. Listen as Pat reveals the things that steal a believer’s joy and disciplines needed to maintain our joy in the Lord.
Everlasting joy and peace are the desire of every person. However few ever find it. In the book of Philippians Paul explains the foundational principle that leads to everlasting joy. Listen as Pat presents the foundational principle that brought Paul and can bring every believer everlasting joy.
Philippians is part of the “Prison Epistles” but it is also called the “Epistle of Joy.” Although in prison Paul was joyful and exhorted Christians to joy. Discover the biblical principles that bring everlasting joy into the life of every believer no matter what the circumstances may be.
The city of Corinth was a wealthy port city in the first century. It was a culture of materialism, idolatry, and immorality that was hostile to the message of Christ. The Christians were not to compromise and go along with the culture, they were to overcome the challenges through the power of Christ. Join Pat as he shares Paul’s exhortation to the Corinthians and discover principles that will enable us to overcome life’s challenges and live powerfully for Christ
When it comes to theological differences, Christians should be united on the essentials and not divide on non-essentials. Sadly, some of the greatest splits in church history occured over non-essential doctrines. What are the core essential doctrines every Christian should stand firm on and what are non-essential doctrines we can debate but not divide over? Listen as Pat presents the list of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
Every Christian must know what are essential doctrines and what are non-essentials. Rejecting an essential can lead you into liberalism. Making “non-essential” doctrines – “essential” can lead you into legalism or rigid fundamentalism. Avoid these two dangers by learning what are the essentials of the Christian faith.
When it comes to our theological differences, a good guideline for Christians has been “On essentials unity, on non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity” but what are the essentials which we are to to be united and uncompromising on? What are the non-essentials that we should not divide over? Listen as Pat presents the list of essentials of the Christian faith.
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