Over thirty years ago an AA archivist gave me a book thatchanged my life. It’s one of the best descriptions of the Oxford Group program out of which AA would later blossom and grow. Published in 1933 and titled WHAT IS THE OXFORD GROUP? the anonymous author lays out many of the principles and practices that Bill Wilson drew from in writing the Big Book. If you’re ready for a life-changing shift to your program, this series may be for you. The book is available free through a link in the show notes.
This episode explores RESTITUTION as it was understood and practiced by the AA pioneers. Making amends for our past wrongs affects others as much as ourselves and requires guidance and courage in knowing how best to proceed.
Show Notes:
Pdf copy of What is the Oxford Group?
Link to the hymn: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Over thirty years ago an AA archivist gave me a book that changed my life. It’s one of the best descriptions of the Oxford Group program out of which AA would later blossom and grow. Published in 1933 and titled WHAT IS THE OXFORD GROUP? the anonymous author lays out many of the principles and practices that Bill Wilson drew from in writing the Big Book. If you’re ready for a life-changing shift to your program, this series may be for you. The book is available free through a link in the show notes.
This episode explores SURRENDER as it was understood andpracticed by the AA pioneers. Interestingly, it’s a word that’s never used in the first 164 pages of the Big Book.
Show Notes:
What is the Oxford Group?
Missing episodes?
This episode tackles a subject that’s pretty much taboo in12-Step meetings: SIN. It was a key concept in the Group and Bill Wilson called it by different names in the Big Book. Don’t let prejudice or negative past experiences keep you from listening. You may find a “life-changing” key to your Program.
Show Notes:
What is the Oxford Group?
Over thirty years ago an AA archivist gave me a book thatchanged my life. It’s one of the best descriptions of the Oxford Group program out of which AA would later blossom and grow. Published in 1933 and titled WHAT IS THE OXFORD GROUP? the anonymous author lays out many of the principles and practices that Bill Wilson drew from in writing the Big Book. If you’re ready for a life-changing shift to your program, this series may be for you. This episode completes chapter one and is focused on the Group’s unique use of house-parties and on the Group’s founder Frank Buchman. It’s focused on what AA took forward and what it left behind.
Show Notes:
Pdf copy of What is the Oxford Group? https://stepstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/what_is.pdf
Picture of Caux
Over thirty years ago an AA archivist gave me a book that changed my life. It’s one of the best descriptions of the Oxford Group program out of which AA would later blossom and grow. Published in 1933 and titled WHAT IS THE OXFORD GROUP? the anonymous author lays out many of the principles and practices that Bill Wilson drew from in writing the Big Book. If you’re ready for a life-changing shift to your program, this series may be for you.
The book is available free here: https://stepstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/what_is.pdf
Pdf copy of What is the Oxford Group?
Michael T. recovered young and has been sober in AA for many years. But when he discovered AA’s original Pioneer Program things inside him started to change. The Four Absolutes took hold and doing God’s will became the driving force. Art was Michael’s means of expression and science fiction began blending with his 12-Step recovery. In this second episode Michael shares a modern recovery myth titled THE KEY OF WILLINGNESS. It’s an old truth set in modern form. Be sure to watch this episode on YouTube to get the full effect.
Show notes:
The Key of Willingness “Comic Book Myth”Contact Michael: [email protected]
Michael T. recovered young and has stayed sober in AA for many years. But when he discovered AA’s original Pioneer Program things inside him began to change. The Four Absolutes took hold and doing God’s will in the world became a driving force. Art became Michael’s means of expression and science fiction began blending with his 12-Step recovery. In this first episode Michael shares his recovery story. He explains how a modern myth found expression in what the Big Book terms, “the fourth dimension of existence.” Buckle your seat belts and come along for the ride!
Show Notes:
Silently Seduced by Dr. Kenneth Adams
When He’s Married to Mom by Dr. Kenneth Adams
Contact Michael: [email protected]
In modern society it appears that many men – and not a few women – are seriously and dangerously out of touch with their emotions. Opportunities abound to isolate and to self-medicate. When we begin recovery many of us find ourselves emotionally vulnerable and often immature. This series focuses on why this is and offers methods and exercises for connecting with and caring for our emotional selves.
Father Bill continues interviewing therapist Laura Jones Swann, author of Men and Emotions … It’s a Thing. Laura’s worked extensively in the recovery field teaching at several Texas universities. She serves as the guide to a topic that’s relevant both to men and women alike. In this final episode men who’ve found emotional recovery share their powerful stories.
Show Notes:
Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing by Laura Swann, MEd. LCDC
You can contact Laura at [email protected]
In modern society it appears that many men – and not a few women – are seriously and dangerously out of touch with their emotions. Opportunities abound to isolate and to self-medicate. When we addicts and alcoholics begin recovery many of us find ourselves emotionally vulnerable and often immature. This series focuses on why this is and offers methods and exercises for connecting with and caring for our emotional selves.
Father Bill continues interviewing therapist Laura Jones Swann, author of Men and Emotions … It’s a Thing. Laura’s worked extensively in the recovery field teaching at several Texas universities. She serves as the guide to a topic that’s relevant both to men and women alike.
In this second-to-last episode, Laura reviews the second half of her strategy list to help support a healthy emotional life.
Show Notes:
Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing by Laura Swann, MEd. LCDC
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman:
Other Book Recommendations:
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.
A New Pair of Glasses by Chuck C.
You can contact Laura at:
In modern society many men – and not a few women – are seriously and dangerously out of touch with their emotions. Opportunities abound to isolate and to self-medicate. When we addicts and alcoholics begin recovery many of us find ourselves emotionally vulnerable and immature. This series focuses on why this is and offers methods and exercises for connecting with and caring for our emotional selves.
Father Bill continues interviewing therapist Laura Jones Swann, author of Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing. Laura’s worked extensively in the recovery field teaching at several Texas universities. She serves as the guide to a topic that’s relevant to men and women alike.
In this third episode Laura reviews strategies that can help both men and women support a healthy emotional life. It’s divided into a two-parts.
Show Notes:
Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing by Laura Swann, MEd. LCDC
You can contact Laura at [email protected]
In modern society many men – and not a few women – are seriously and dangerously out of touch with their emotions. Opportunities abound to isolate and to self-medicate. When an addict or an alcoholic begins recovery many of us find ourselves emotionally vulnerable and immature. This series focuses on some reasons for this and offers methods and exercises for connecting with and caring for our emotional selves.
Father Bill interviews therapist Laura Jones Swann, author of Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing. Laura has worked extensively in the recovery field teaching at several Texas universities. She’ll serve as the guide to a topic that’s relevant to men and women alike.
In this second episode Laura takes a deep dive into the emotional life of men: the unique challenges men face, the emotional inner- landscape of our lives, and Nine Principles for Connecting to and Caring for the Emotional Self.
Show Notes:
Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing by Laura Swann, MEd. LCDC
Daniel Goldman: Emotional Intelligence
Emotions and Feelings Chart:
You can contact Laura [email protected]
In modern society many men – and not a few women – are seriously and dangerously out of touch with their emotions. Opportunities abound to isolate and to self-medicate. When an addict or an alcoholic begins recovery many of us find ourselves emotionally vulnerable and emotionally immature. This series focuses on some reasons this comes about and offers methods and exercises for connecting with and caring for our emotional selves.
Father Bill interviews therapist Laura Jones Swann, author of Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing. Laura has worked extensively in the recovery field for many years teaching at several Texas universities. She’ll serve as the guide to a topic that’s relevant to men and women alike. In the first episode Laura introduces herself, talks about her own recovery, shares how she became interested in deeper emotional work, and suggests how her book can be of help to readers wanting to grow in emotional maturity. Hope you'll come along!
Show Notes:
Men and Emotions: It’s a Thing by Laura Jones Swann, MEd. LCDC
You can contact Lauraat [email protected]
Fr. Bill interviews Jungian analyst and author of The War of the Gods in Addiction David Schoen. The conversation centers on the underlying, and often overlooked, psychic elements uniquely present in addiction and the 12-Step pathway that seems specifically designed to overcome them.
Show Notes:
The War of the Gods in Addiction
Copy of the Letters Between Wilson and Jung
A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never fully understand it – but we can certainlyexperience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what a such relationship is like. In this final episode Fr. Bill goes further into Kelly’s chapter: TheSimplification of Life. Kelly’s advice to a group of Quakers has a great deal to offer a group of drunks and addicts in following Dr. Bob’s advice to KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Show Notes:
A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never fully understand it – but we can certainly experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what a such relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill goes further into Kelly’s chapter: The Eternal Now and Social Concern. Kelly balances a person’s work in the world with an experience of God in the Now. The two flow out of one another just as carrying the message flows naturally from an experience of God.
Show Notes: A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R. Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never fully understand it – but we can certainly experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what a such relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill goes further into Kelly’s chapter: The Blessed Community. He describes what it means to be in genuine union with fellow spiritual travelers verses being just another cog in a spiritual wheel going nowhere.
Show Notes:
A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never fully understand it – but we can certainly experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what a such relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill goes further into Kelly’s chapter: Holy Obedience sharing what it’s like to be there and four steps for getting there.
Show Notes:
A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
A book I’ve often returned to over and over is Thomas R.Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never understand it – but we can experience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what such a relationship is like. In this episode, Fr. Bill focuses on Kelly’s second chapter: Holy Obedience. It’s OK to listen even if you’re not wholly there!
Show Notes:
A Testament ofDevotion by Thomas R. Kelly
Poem: The Hound of Heaven by FrancisThompson http://www.houndofheaven.com/poem
Wiki page on the life of Francis Thompson (a recovered opium addict)
A book I’ve often returned to in my morning QuietTimes is Thomas R. Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion. Kelly was a Quaker and a mystic. His book centers on what the Big Book calls “the Great Reality within.” Since it’s a Greater Reality we can never understand it – but we canexperience it – and mystics like Kelly come as close as humans can come to describing what such an experience - and still more – what such a relationship is like. In this episode Fr. Bill focuses on Kelly’s first chapter: The InnerLight. It’s a Light sure to illuminate the path of any spiritual seeker.
A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
Passage from The Light Within by Thomas R. Kelly:
… Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself. Yielding to these persuasions, gladly committing ourselves in bodyand soul, utterly and completely, to the Light Within, is the beginning of true life. It is a dynamic center, a creative Life that presses to birth within us.
It is a Light Within which illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon the face of men. It is a seed stirring to life if we do not choke it. It is the Shekinah of the soul, the Presence in the midst. Here is the Slumbering Christ, stirring to be awakened, to become the soul we clothe in earthly form and action. And He is within us all.
Many early AAs were prolific readers. Dr. Bob left a library overflowing with spiritual literature and for Oxford Group members spiritual reading formed an important part of their daily morning quiet times. When I’m asked, “What books do you recommend?” to read before doing Two Way Prayer, I’m hesitant to answer as we’re each very different. But, for me, there's one book I’ve returned to several times and it never fails to speak to the deepest longings of my soul. The Big Book says the Great Reality is within. Thomas R. Kelly’s book A Testament of Devotion sheds a Light that helps illuminate that inward journey. Come along for the ride!
A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly
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