
  • Bill Clinton once famously said, “Every important mistake I’ve made in my life, I’ve made because I was too tired.”

    When it comes to being the best version of yourself, sleep is vital. That’s why this week, Jackie will tell you everything you need to know about sleep.

    She’ll start by teaching you why sleep is so important and why there’s no once size fits all solution. Then, she’ll share 3 easy but powerful actions you can take to improve your sleep today.

    You deserve to wake up every morning feeling well rested and restored with all the energy you need to get throughout your day. As you’ll quickly discover, sleep is the best drug you’ll ever use.

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    Why sleep is critical. The importance of looking at your own data. Changing your story around sleep. Reasons you should sleep on your right side. How magnesium can help you sleep better.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “I love talking about this miracle drug. And guess what? It's free and it's called sleep.” (1:44, Jackie)

    “Your words, your thoughts, your beliefs, your desires are so powerful. Imagine you are your own genie. What are you asking for? Your wish is your command.” (8:14, Jackie)

    “If you're not getting good sleep, take action. We talked about a few awesome tips today, so take action to make sure that you are putting a plan in place.” (12:33, Jackie)

    Health Upgrade Retreat: March 2023

    Unlock your potential by joining us in Byron Bay NSW, Australia for our March 2023 Health Upgrade Retreat. We will be joined by global experts in health and wellbeing, including yoga teacher Tashi Dawa. Click HERE to save your spot!

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner? Hint: if you struggle with energy crashes, irritability, fatigue, or brain fog, you’re probably a fat burner!

    This week, Jackie talks about healthy fats and the dangerous blood sugar roller coaster. Humans have trillions of calories of fat in their bodies, yet a vast number still rely on sugar and processed food as an energy source to get through the day. But as you’ll quickly learn, running off of healthy fats instead of sugar creates more effective and longer-lasting fuel.

    Jackie will start off by talking about blood sugar dysregulation and how it has become such a huge problem in the present-day world. Then, you’ll hear why you should incorporate healthy fats into your diet.

    From more energy to clear-headedness, you’ll want to reap the benefits of consuming healthy fats. After listening, you’ll know exactly what foods you should incorporate into your diet!

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    Why blood sugar dysregulation is on the rise. Impacts of blood sugar dysregulation. Reasons you should eat more healthy fats. How you can incorporate healthy fats into your diet. What your poop should look like. Ways to know that you are digesting your fat correctly.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Most of us are walking around with a lot of blood sugar dysregulation. And that means that we basically are running off our sugar for most of the day. What we want is for you to be a fat burner.” (2:22, Jackie)

    “The best way to have great energy, balanced weight, awesome sleep, is to get off the blood sugar rollercoaster and fuel yourself off the trillions of calories of fat that you already have in your system.” (5:17, Jackie)

    “There is no blood sugar spike when you are eating healthy fats. So guess what that means? Your blood sugar is kept stable, your insulin is kept stable. That means inflammation is kept at bay and you are more metabolically flexible.” (8:45, Jackie)

    “So we wanna get the blood sugar spiking and dipping out of the picture. If we did that as a society, as a community, we wouldn't have the issue that we've got today with type 2 diabetes. We wouldn't have the issue with metabolic diseases. We wouldn't have the issue that we've got with weight, with excess weight.” (13:12, Jackie)

    Health Upgrade Retreat: March 2023

    Unlock your potential by joining us in Byron Bay NSW, Australia for our March 2023 Health Upgrade Retreat. We will be joined by global experts in health and wellbeing, including yoga teacher Tashi Dawa. Click HERE to save your spot!

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Missing episodes?

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  • We get it, you’re busy accomplishing amazing things. Success doesn’t come easy, after all.

    In this fast-paced world, it’s highly likely that you feel stress on a daily basis. Whether it’s sitting in traffic or having a difficult conversation with a coworker, stress is inevitable at times.

    One of the most essential parts of living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is learning how to balance the chronic stressors of daily life. In less than 10 minutes, Jackie will introduce you to an easy but powerful tool that you can use to reduce your stress and balance your nervous system—box breathing.

    She’ll explain why balancing the nervous system is important and why box breathing works so well. Then, she’ll walk you through a one-minute, guided box breathing demonstration so you can master this practice for yourself.

    You’re about to add one effective tool to your anti-inflammatory toolbelt. Get ready for more happiness, productivity, and vitality.

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    What box breathing is. Why tools like box breathing are needed. How box breathing balances the nervous system. Benefits of box breathing. A one-minute guided demonstration of box breathing.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “If you're anything like me, you've got a lot to do in this world, and so we need tips and tricks to help our body function at its peak and to keep pushing towards our transformation.” (1:50, Jackie)

    “Let's face it, life is busy. Especially if you wanna get a lot done in life and be an epic human and have epic performance. So because of that, there are some really efficient tools and techniques that you can use. And one of those is box breathing.” (3:14, Jackie)

    “You'll be so much more efficient if you take a moment throughout the day and relax your nervous system.” (7:25, Jackie)

    Health Upgrade Retreat: March 2023

    Unlock your potential by joining us in Byron Bay NSW, Australia for our March 2023 Health Upgrade Retreat. We will be joined by global experts in health and wellbeing, including yoga teacher Tashi Dawa. Click HERE to save your spot!

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Do you live with fatigue, depression, bloating, moodiness, low confidence, weight gain, foggy brain, or low energy? If so, this is the episode you’ve been searching for!

    The world’s health is in rapid decline, largely due to chemicals in products and foods that lead to inflammation. But you have the power to take your health into your own hands and become the exception.

    As a functional nutritionist, Jackie’s mission is to help you balance your body, rediscover your personality, replenish your energy, and live a long life. Today, Jackie will give you tips and tricks for implementing an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle.

    You’ll learn why living an anti-inflammatory life is so important, and might be surprised to discover that it’s not as difficult as you might think! With some easy changes to your daily routine, you can live with more energy and health.

    Time to Feel Better Now!

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    Tips and tricks for an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. Bio-individuality. How the foods we eat harm us. Getting off the blood sugar roller coaster. Benefits of overnight fasting. Why you should start eating earlier in the day. Balancing the circadian rhythm.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Don't feel like you need to fit into a mold. Don't feel like you need to be doing something exactly the same as the next person.” (4:09, Jackie)

    “Just remember that you are a unique, very special, epic individual, a bio-individual, an epic human. And whatever you need to be successful is important.” (4:46, Jackie)

    “Health is wealth. And when you are dedicated to this and you get yourself better, you are gonna naturally inspire those around you.” (6:33, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Do you ever feel stuck?

    In this episode, Jackie explains what to do when your progress feels stalled and you don’t know how to accomplish your goals of transformation. It turns out that you might be the one holding yourself back from greatness!

    You’ll hear the inspiring story of one of Jackie’s clients, and how she began celebrating her wins and changing the way she thought about her health journey. Through this, Jackie will share with you the importance of mindset and your thoughts. By shifting your thoughts, you have the ability to create a better life.

    After listening, you can get your mind geared towards transformation, accept all the goodness that life has to offer, and stop holding yourself back from your dreams once and for all.

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    Why you should set your goals and intentions. The importance of celebrating progress. Reasons mindset is vital. How thoughts create your reality. Tall poppy syndrome. What to do when you’re losing progress in your weight loss journey. How to fix a bad day.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Human beings, we have this amazing habit of setting a new goal before we've even celebrated achieving that goal in the first place. I like to teach about enjoying the journey and really having joy and satisfaction in the process.” (2:15, Jackie)

    “So it's really important if you do get into that feeling of being low, of feeling down on yourself, of feeling like you're not proud of the progress that you're making. Remember, are those thoughts holding you back, or are those thoughts really helping you progress toward your goal?” (5:40, Jackie)

    “We need a balanced mind and a balanced body, and to have that balanced mind, we really need to be loving ourselves and have been compassionate and proud of ourselves first. And then we can share that love with other humans.” (7:28, Jackie)

    “If you don't believe that you can you can do it, you are not gonna do it.” (8:44, Jackie)

    “Inflammation is the root of all manmade disease. If we weren't such an inflamed race. If we weren't so inflamed as humans, we wouldn't have the disease that we've got today.” (10:00, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Today, 1 in 5 babies suffer from eczema. And this is a huge increase, as it used to be 1 in 12!

    The gut has a lot to do with the health of other parts of the body, and the skin is no different. In this episode, Jackie explores the connection between gut and skin health. She’ll teach you all about gut-skin access and how skin directly communicates with the gut.

    Then, she’ll give you her top 3 tips for creating beautiful, plump, and shiny skin. From the foods you eat to exercise, you’ll discover that a lot goes into creating healthy skin!

    By being intentional, you can feed the skin both from the inside and the outside. Your skin health relates to your gut health, which in turn relates to the health of your overall body.

    It’s time to take control of your skin’s ecology.

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    How skin is connected to the gut. Top 3 tips to heal your skin. How diet affects the skin. Creating an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Hydration and the skin. Probiotics that can help improve your skin.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “I am here to talk about solutions, not problems. It is a big problem that we have a medical system that still doesn't talk to each other, that's still behaving in silos.” (2:40, Jackie)

    “Guess what? All disease begins in the gut. Hippocrates said that two and a half thousand years ago.” (5:08, Jackie)

    “Being the CEO of your own health, taking your health in your own hands is your responsibility.” (5:58, Jackie)

    “There is a direct signal between what is being produced in your gut and the ecology of your skin.” (6:31, Jackie)

    “We have such innate wisdom. We have such intelligence. We underestimate the intelligence of our own trillion-dollar machine that nobody taught us how to use.” (9:46, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • You’re only 3 steps away from a happy gut.

    As a functional nutritionist, Jackie has quickly seen an increase in the number of people she sees with debilitating gut imbalances. Gas, bloating, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances have become the new norm for so many. But it doesn’t need to be like this.

    In this episode, you’ll hear an excerpt from Jackie’s recent masterclass—3 Steps To A Happy Gut. You’ll learn why a balanced microbiome is important and then learn the first two steps to begin balancing it today.

    Your gut could be preventing you from being your best self at home, at work, at play, and in your relationships. In fact, it could be holding you back from true abundance. As Jackie says, “health is wealth.”

    Ultimately, the steps you learn in this episode will ensure that you’re putting the best version of yourself out into the world. After listening, don’t forget to head over to FeelBetterInstitute.com to hear the last step!

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    The power of thought. How to harness your mind to get what you want. Personal stories & anecdotes from Jackie’s healing journey. Why the microbiome is essential. Symptoms of an unbalanced microbiome. How gut problems hold you back.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “If this is you and you know that something is not right in your gut, that you know that your gut could be happier, know that it is exhausting. It's draining. It's draining your energy, and it's preventing you from being your best self.” (2:57, Jackie)

    “The thoughts that you put in your mind fuel you.” (6:15, Jackie)

    “My message to you is what is going on in your gut? And have you taken the time to ask the question, how is my gut health? (10:26, Jackie)

    FREE MASTERCLASS: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/pages/ghwebinar

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Meet Annie.

    In 8 weeks, she lost nearly twenty pounds, her bloating went away, and she stopped experiencing acid reflux. She quickly went back to her energetic self, leading teams at work.

    In this episode, Jackie tells this personal case study and shares how she helped Annie rebalance her body from the inside out. Many people think that they’re simply overeating or eating the wrong foods, but they might be missing the root cause of gut imbalance.

    Then, she’ll dive into the Helicobacter pylori virus and explain how it’s connected to the brain. Research shows that over half of the world’s population has this virus, so it’s possible that this is the invisible cause of your anxiety or depression.

    You’ll learn that there is a huge link between the bacteria that live inside of us and our mental health symptoms. But the good news is that we can do something about it!

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    Jackie shares the success story of a personal client. The Helicobacter pylori virus. The connection between the gut and the brain. The role of stomach acid in the body. Why functional medicine is an important investment.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Until you believe that you can be seen and you can be valued, and you are worthy, and that you deserve all the beautiful things, we can't possibly expect to receive that from other people.” (4:46, Jackie)

    “The gut and the brain were one organ, one grew up and one grew down.” (6:34, Jackie)

    “Nobody ever said that functional medicine should be cheap. It shouldn't. It should be an investment because it is going to help you to live longer, to live with more vitality, to live longer years.” (12:45, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • With just a few steps, you could reduce inflammation, rebalance your body, and reprogram yourself to feel energy and vitality again.

    This week, Jackie will share her top 3 foolproof steps to feel better now. You’ll learn why eating real food matters, reasons you should heal your gut lining, and the right mindset for healing.

    You’ll also hear why it’s important to reduce inflammation in the body and how improving your health can lead to increased abundance.

    Through taking the actions she gives you, you’ll take giant strides in your health journey and finally get your zest for life back!

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    The top 3 steps to improving your health. What foods you should eat to reduce inflammation and heal your gut. How strong health can lead to increased abundance. Why what you eat matters. The mindset you should have for healing.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Sugar has been shown to be more addictive than cocaine, yet we stuff it in our kids because we think it's these treats.” (4:12, Jackie)

    “Improving your health is the fastest way to bring abundance into your life.” (5:21, Jackie)

    “You are the master of your own fate because you are the master of your own thoughts.” (6:56, Jackie)

    “We become what we eat. What's on the end of your fork matters.” (14:09, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Bacteria manages everything in your body, and your skin is no different.

    This week, Jackie explains the connection between the gut and acne. Pimples drastically affect body confidence, but the good news is that they are a clear symptom that can let you know something needs to be shifted in the microbiome.

    Jackie will walk you through a case study of a recent patient who struggles with acne and how she helped him clear his skin through the power of diet. She’ll explain the importance of eating real foods and what you should incorporate into your diet.

    With only small changes, you can cultivate smooth and shiny skin and stop being embarrassed once and for all!

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    The connection between skin and the gut. Why managing your bacteria is so important. What a leaky gut is. Why you should cut fake foods out of your diet. How gut health improves intuition.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “There is a reason that we get pimples and they can be hormonal, but a lot of the time they can also be related to the gut.” (2:49, Jackie)

    “When we take the fuel off the fire, when we take the inflammatory foods out of the diet, we allow the body the space to heal.” (10:57, Jackie)

    “Whether you're a leader at business or at home, we need you to have energy and vitality. I want the children of our future to have the energy and vitality to get through the day.” (11:59, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • You’re invited to reset, recharge, and revitalize.

    Introducing the 3-Day Reset Challenge, designed to create new habits for new results. In just a few days, you will build a solid foundation so you can truly feel better now!

    Get ready as Jackie shares her proven system with you and addresses the root cause of your health problems. She’ll be your guide as you put in place fresh practices to reclaim your energy, balance your microbiome, and hack your diet.

    In this episode, Jackie will explain what this free challenge is, why you should take it, and how to register. You’ll learn all about the gut and the importance of the microbiome.

    If you struggle with weight gain, brain fog, lack of focus, low productivity, joint pain, memory loss, or low energy, this challenge is for you! Jackie wants you to live with vitality, longevity, and purpose.

    The question is, will you accept the challenge?

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    Why Jackie loves challenges. Reasons why this challenge is important. The sixth extinction. The benefits of this challenge. How our modern diet and lifestyle affect the gut. Why the gut lining is essential. The importance of the microbiome.


    Sign up for the 3-day challenge!

    Memorable Quotes:

    “When you feel great, you put more out into the world.” (2:01, Jackie)

    “Whether you are a leader in business or a leader at home, I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can.” (3:21, Jackie)

    “Our life is being controlled by our microbiome.” (6:39, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Why is it bad to use plastics?

    Around 1950, humans were producing about 2 million tons of plastic per year. Today, the number has soared to a whopping 400 million tons of plastic annually.

    This week, Jackie explains everything you need to know about plastics from a functional medicine perspective. Plastics are found in everything from food to makeup, and you’ll learn exactly how it affects the body and contributes to poor health.

    She’ll also teach you how plastics are killing the environment and have become a huge factor in the current extinction of humankind.

    If you want to make a true difference on the planet, this is the episode for you! Through hearing easy tips and tricks to lessen your use of plastics, you’ll take small steps that will create a huge impact on future generations.

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    The history of human use of plastic. How plastics damage the body and personal health. Tips to reduce your use of plastic. Why plastic is harmful to the environment. The reason even small steps matter.


    The Keeper Produce Reusable Bags: Use Code: JACKIE for 20% off your order.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “I'm often talking about plastics from a functional medicine perspective, as in what all of these plastics and microplastics are doing to our body. They are killing us, but they're also killing those around us.” (2:42, Jackie)

    “We are literally using our earth as a human garbage dump.” (3:19, Jackie)

    “Imagine if we all took one action step a week. In six months, we will have changed our life and the communities dramatically.” (4:31, Jackie)

    “Plastic is around for hundreds and hundreds of years. It takes so long to break down.” (6:09, Jackie)

    “Make one small change a week and all these changes add up.” (12:18, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • How many plant foods do you eat a day? A 2018 study proved that eating 30 plant foods a day has an enormous positive impact on the gut microbiome.

    And while 30 plant foods a day might sound overwhelming at first, it’s actually much easier than you might think! In this episode, Jackie will give you easy tips to incorporate this nutritional change into your daily life.

    She’ll explain the importance of eating real, quality foods and the benefits you’ll reap. It turns out that food is medicine for your body and you become what you eat.

    Eating 30 plant foods a day won’t only increase your energy, but it’ll also boost your creativity so you can make more money and make a larger impact on the world. So get out there and supercharge yourself with the foods you are eating!

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    Jackie goes over the 2018 study. The connection between the gut and brain. Why you shouldn’t eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. The importance of a strong gut. Tips to incorporate real food into your diet. The reason quality food matters. The benefits of eating real plant foods.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Knowledge is power and is even more powerful when you take action towards it.” (2:28, Jackie)

    “So by feeding our gut with really healthy plant foods and a diverse amount of those, we are gonna be much more resilient. We are gonna be much more creative.” (3:09, Jackie)

    “The food that you eat is medicine for the body. You literally become the food that you eat.” (4:00, Jackie)

    “It is really critical what you put in your body.” (13:58, Jackie)

    “Knowledge is power, but enjoy the journey. Take responsibility for where you are now and set the intention for your transformation.” (20:04, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Ready for infinite abundance?

    Jackie has been working with entrepreneurs and executives for years to help them create infinite abundance in their businesses and life, and now she’s here to help you do the same!

    In this episode, Jackie will walk you through the top 5 tips you need to create a foundation for abundance. She’ll teach you how to change your energy so you can transform your life and become happier.

    From biochemistry to intuition, she’ll give you all the tools and tips you need to master the law of attraction.

    If you want to invite abundance into any area of your life, you won’t want to miss this!

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    The benefits of developing an intuitive mindset. The law of attraction. Why biochemistry matters. Tips to improve your sleep quality. Metabolic flexibility. The importance of taking radical action.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Change your energy, change your life.” (1:49, Jackie)

    “Developing an intuitive mindset is really about using the law of attraction and your intuition to attract what you want.” (3:20, Jackie)

    “If you're not balanced on the inside, how is it possible that you are able to make these big decisions in business?: (4:22, Jackie)

    “99% of our disease is manmade.” (6:31, Jackie)

    “Use your food as medicine, and you will make better decisions. You will make more money. You will have more creativity. You will be able to have better communication in business. You'll be able to have growth and achieve limitless abundance.” (7:07, Jackie)

    “There are so many things you can do to improve your sleep quality. It is the best free drug that is out there.” (8:26, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Did you know that women need healthy levels of testosterone too?

    There’s a lot of talk about sex hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone. But not as much is said about testosterone, and even less is said about the hormone that converts into testosterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

    In this episode, Jackie sheds a light on testosterone and why women should be paying attention to it. Testosterone deficiency is common in perimenopause and postmenopausal females, so it’s important to keep these hormones balanced in the body.

    From preventing depression to protecting again breast cancer, there are so many benefits to healthy testosterone levels. Hearing these pros, you’ll be inspired to give your testosterone a good look. Then, you’ll get easy tips and tools to ensure you have healthy levels.

    It’s time to give your testosterone the due diligence it deserves!

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    Why happiness brings more money and success. What testosterone does in the body. The benefits of balanced testosterone levels. The importance of testing. The connection between adrenal glands and testosterone. Why you should pay attention to mindset and biochemistry.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Making yourselves as happy as possible is going to make you more money. It’s going to help you do better in life, in business, in your relationships.” (2:50, Jackie)

    “Did you know that it's really important that females have really good levels of testosterone just as males need to?” (4:27, Jackie)

    “My whole philosophy is test don’t guess, but testing is just as much about listening to the patient as it is about testing.” (6:21, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Nearly 25% of the world’s population suffers from anemia. When it comes to iron, it’s clear that our current healthcare system is failing.

    In today’s episode, Jackie talks about iron and why it’s so misunderstood in functional medicine. She’ll bust some myths and share the symptoms of iron deficiency. Then, she’ll teach you how to maintain healthy levels of iron in your body.

    Jackie wants to help you take control of your health so you can avoid more significant iron issues, like anemia, down the line. With the simple steps in this episode, you’ll regain balance and know enough to have a knowledgeable conversation with your primary care physician.

    Because when your iron levels are normal, you’ll have the energy and health to share your special message with the world.

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    Symptoms of iron deficiency. Root causes of iron deficiency. How much iron you should have in your body. Simple steps to rebalance your iron levels. How to increase iron absorption levels. What you need to know about stool tests.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “You can't do your best work in the world if you are chronically tired.” (4:30, Jackie)

    “What's your root cause is probably different to what the next person's root cause is because we are all so different.” (4:40, Jackie)

    “If you haven't gone to the effort to rebuild and reset your gut lining, your gut lining is most likely compromised.” (9:30, Jackie)

    “The first place I look is the gut because there's so much that we can do to correct this low iron before it becomes this full-blown out anemia.” (11:23, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Jackie used to look in the mirror, and hate who she saw staring back. Today, she is filled with self-love and compassion, largely due to one simple technique.

    Today, Jackie will teach you how to do a transformational practice called Body Talk. By doing this, you’ll increase your self-confidence and love, so you can help fill every area of your life with abundance.

    This divine practice will also help you improve your health outcomes, no matter what your health looks like right now.

    If you struggle with negative self-talk or low self-esteem, this episode will change the way you perceive yourself!

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    How toxic thoughts affect the body. Why positive self-talk is important. What Body Talk is and how to do it. The reason you should focus on awareness. Why you should love your body. How to find the right self-love words.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Toxic thoughts affect how well we are, how much disease we have in our body, how long we will live in a way that is vibrant with energy, with great vitality.” (2:12, Jackie)

    “What we believe becomes what we see.” (4:10, Jackie)

    “Awareness is the first step to change.” (5:16, Jackie)

    “The best way to be good to your body is to remember to love it.” (7:21, Jackie)

    “Speak to yourself only like you would speak to someone that you love, that you adore, that you cherish.” (8:26, Jackie)

    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Feel Better Now Podcast host Jackie Bowker is a Functional Medicine Intuitive. What does this mean? She can read your energy through an open line of communication directly into your subconscious and use the information to improve your health.

    While it might be helpful to see a professional, you can do this on your own too. In this Mini Dose episode, Jackie will give you tips to tap into your own intuition and explain how to take advantage of it to feel better.

    Whether it shows up as a gut feeling or a soft whisper, you have the power to ask your body questions and hear the answers.

    Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Your intuition is real and here to help you fix your health, share your message, and do better in the world.

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    What Jackie does as an energy healer. The science behind intuition. Tips to tap into your own intuition. The connection between intuition and the gut. How to use intuition as a tool in your health journey. Why your thoughts matter.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “What if I told you that you could easily find out exactly what was going on through understanding your energy and through an open line of communication directly into your subconscious?” (2:11, Jackie)

    “Human beings love evidence. We love to see and then believe. But I think we've got it the wrong way around.” (2:43, Jackie)

    “Human beings, we are all energy. We are electricity.” (4:02, Jackie)

    “I really believe that we are all intuitives. You are as much as I am. It’s just that I’ve honed my craft.” (8:34, Jackie)

    “What you believe, you see. Not the other way around.” (11:17, Jackie)

    LIVE Impact Accelerator Seminar:

    If you would like to apply and join our exclusive invite-only live event, and you are an ambitious heart-centered human looking to accelerate and grow your impact and performance and you have an abundance mindset, please apply below:


    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Why is forgiveness important?

    In this Mini Dose, Jackie will help you renew your personal vision of forgiveness and challenge you to see forgiveness in a new way.

    It turns out that forgiveness can be used to improve yourself and your ability to share your message with the world. Plus, it’s good for health outcomes!

    Jackie wants you to imagine a world where you are empowered to receive as much forgiveness as you are willing to pass on. Because after you do this, a huge weight will be lifted from your shoulders.

    Key Topics and Takeaways:

    The benefits of forgiveness. A study that backs up forgiveness. Tips on forgiving others. How to know when you need to forgive someone. A mantra to help you forgive.

    Memorable Quotes:

    “Forgiveness makes us feel lighter, makes us walk around with more of a spring in our step, makes us happier that we're not carrying such a load around.” (4:58, Jackie)

    “I would love to encourage you to really renew your personal vision on forgiveness.” (6:22, Jackie)

    “If somebody does something wrong and they apologize to you, don't say that's okay, because it's not okay. Say thank you.” (7:41, Jackie)

    LIVE Impact Accelerator Seminar:

    If you would like to apply and join our exclusive invite-only live event, and you are an ambitious heart-centered human looking to accelerate and grow your impact and performance and you have an abundance mindset, please apply below:


    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply
  • Humans are about 99% genetically the same. But despite this, our hormones are different.

    This episode is all about hormone health for both women and men. The healthcare system has largely failed around hormones, but Jackie is here to help you see this topic in an empowering way.

    While blood tests are accurate, there are other ways to get more accurate information. Today, you’ll learn about the tests that are available so you can know what the best choice is for you.

    She’ll also share some herbs, foods, and supplements to use to boost your hormone health. If you’re looking for some new tools for your holistic toolbelt, this is the episode for you!

    Jackie will inspire you to take control of your health and carve out your own path.

    Key Topics/Takeaways:

    A personal client case study. The best ways to test hormones. Alternative and holistic tools for hormone health. What you should be looking for in your blood test. Why you should take control of your health. The importance of iron in the body. The connection between hormones and inflammation.


    Work with Jackie to feel better now!

    Memorable Quotes:

    “I’m not the guru here, you are.” (2:51, Jackie)

    “If I move into the menopausal age range and I am carrying weight, it's only going to make it harder for me to get it off once I'm in there. So I'm doing my absolute best now to be as healthy as possible.” (8:35, Jackie)

    “When you are estrogen dominant, that is a sure-fire path to inflammation. And inflammation is the leading cause of disease.” (17:09, Jackie)

    “You are the CEO of your own health.” (20:26, Jackie)

    ‘We test don’t guess. The more data you can afford to have the better.” (18:55, Jackie)

    “You can’t see the picture if you’re standing in the frame.” (24:28, Jackie)

    LIVE Impact Accelerator Seminar:

    If you would like to apply and join our exclusive invite-only live event, and you are an ambitious heart-centered human looking to accelerate and grow your impact and performance and you have an abundance mindset, please apply below:


    To learn more about Jackie and to stay connected, visit the links below:

    Instagram Facebook YouTube Website: https://feelbetterinstitute.com Take the ‘How’s Your Energy?’ Quiz Apply to work with me at: https://feelbetterinstitute.com/apply