Flight of the Crow Society Spiritual, Shamanic, Esoteric, & Metaphysical Stories of Empowerment
Egypt · Hajnal Anyacska Leidenschaft
- Religion & Spirituality
- Spirituality
This channel is created to help spread knowledge, clarity, wisdom, inspiration, and insight to help you, the people, create your own story with all that life has to offer through the seen and unseen potential within everything. I want something to awaken within you, a fire, a spark. I want you to leave empowered for your life and for others so we can create awaken to our truth and purpose. Thank you for all that you are. It is my goal to spread wisdom to as many as possible. Please consider sharing this channel! Connect more here!https://windsofchangeartsandhealingllc.podia.com/ Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/flightofthecrowsociety/support