El Tantra es quizás, la vía espiritual mas tergiversada y malentendida que existe. Con este podcast, pretendemos arrojar luz sobre qué es realmente el tantra, y enseñarte sus aplicaciones en los retos de tu día a día.
A través de nuestra Escuela de Shivaismo, entendemos y practicamos el Shivaismo de Cachemira.
Si quieres saber si es tu momento para practicar con nosotras, haz el test de abajo: -
Mí nombre es Mariana Cachán 🦋
Practitioner e Instructora oficial Bach 🌿
Entrevista con Hugo Zimmerman. Introducción a los remedios Florales del Dr. Bach👈
Introducción al mundo de las Flores de Bach!!🌿
Entrevista con Hugo Zimmerman de radio Horizonte Bariloche -94.5- Sábados de 10 a a 13hs
🟡Programa "Naturalmente Sábado" -
Holistic Beauty is a podcast created by two naturopathic doctors, Dr. Marilyn Merola and Dr. Bryant Esquejo, who currently practice in Southern California. Every week you can expect a new episode going over holistic and integrative approaches for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, and more. They'll also cover topics regarding holistic beauty and aesthetic medicine, including their thoughts on injectables, microneedling, and skincare from a clinical and personal perspective.
Merging modern science with ancient wisdom, this podcast is your go-to resource for natural mental health and wellness strategies to become the expert of your own emotional and physical wellbeing.
With Dr. Nicole Cain’s expertise in clinical psychology and natural mental health, and cohost, Hadlee Garrison, MPH of Happy Healthy Hadlee’s, zone of genius in Ayurveda and building healthy habits, they offer a unique take on mental health with every episode.
The heart of this podcast is to teach you how to be your own natural mental health expert (although there may be dabbling in other topics as well), to uncover, discover and come back to your truest self. You can expect these conversations to be filled with fun and laughter, while shedding light on the amazing wisdom at our fingertips. -
Overwhelmed by wellness advice? Feeling good is about to get a whole lot easier.
Join me, Christine Bullock—celebrity fitness trainer and founder of award-winning body care brand Kayo Body Care—as I cut through the noise to reveal the simplest, science-backed ways to tone up, feel more energized, boost your immunity, and more.
Each week, I chat with leading experts in health, fitness, nutrition, beauty and wellbeing (and a few of my most inspiring boss-babe friends) to help you simplify your daily routine and transform from the inside out.
No 15-step morning routines. No fad diets. Just easy, impactful action steps that fit into your busy life. My motto is “Keep it Simple, Sexy”—and if you give me 30 minutes a week, it’ll be yours, too. -
The Elemental Evan Show, takes an easy and fun approach to health and wellness, making in-depth health topics easy to digest. Focusing on health from an integrative perspective, this show incorporates all areas of health from diets, to relationships, to healthy mentalities. Certified Universal Yoga practitioner and IIN Health Coach, Evan combines holistic health practices with scientific data to bring you fun and interesting episodes. You'll finish each episode feeling empowered to make changes in your life that can both add years to your life and life to your years. Follow along as we cover every health topic you can think of as Evan shows just how connected everything is, both inside your body and in your external environment.
ConMoViDa es un podcast sobre movimientos físicos, emocionales y mentales.
Es un podcast para expandir el conocimiento y el poder del cuerpo expresivo en todas sus dimensiones, para crear diálogos que nos hagan ¡vibrar, sentir y crear vidas llenas de sentido y bienestar! Acompáñame en esta M o V i D a. -
Aquí se cobija la vasta experiencia que es habitar un cuerpo de mujer; dando clavados profundos a todo lo relacionado a nuestros ciclos menstruales, sexualidad, fertilidad, embarazo, parto, posparto y más allá desde una perspectiva feminista y salvaje. Escúchame como a una amiga, como a una hermana.
Un nuevo episodio cada viernes.
Sígueme en instagram como @partera.chiapas. -
En el Tratado de las Pociones hablamos sobre el manejo emocional y el uso de aceites esenciales, como reconocerlos, como mezclarlos, que es un difusor , que es un humidificador y cómo combinar la aromaterapia con el eneagrama y los eneatipos.
Presentado por Claudia Carreño: conferencista y tallerista Experta certificada en aromaterapia, aceites esenciales y eneagrama. -