
  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/85

    In this episode of Financial Planning for Oil and Gas Professionals, hosts Justin Brownlee and Jared Machen discuss their theory on resort town hyperinflation, do a residential real estate heat check, and delve into back-to-school financial topics.

    Challenges Faced by Resort Towns and Luxury Vacation Inflation

    Resort towns and luxury vacation destinations are grappling with a unique challenge that could result in inflation surpassing that of other sectors of the economy. We dive into how these areas have witnessed a significant surge in prices over recent years, rendering them unaffordable for many. The primary issue highlighted is the struggle to establish the necessary infrastructure to sustain the workforce essential for maintaining these locations.

    Workforce Shortage: Resort towns often encounter difficulties in attracting and retaining an adequate workforce to support their daily operations. From stocking grocery shelves to providing services at upscale hotels, these towns rely on a large number of employees. However, with housing costs soaring, it becomes increasingly tough to entice individuals to work in these areas.Geographical Challenges: Many resort towns are situated in remote areas, far from major cities and transportation hubs. This geographical isolation further complicates the workforce availability issue. Without a steady influx of workers, these towns find it challenging to uphold the necessary services and amenities for residents and visitors.High Infrastructure Costs: The cost of living in resort towns is often exorbitant, with even basic housing options reaching millions of dollars. This high cost of living extends to businesses operating in these areas, making it financially burdensome to provide affordable housing for employees.Reliance on Wealthy Patrons: The episode mentions instances where ultra-wealthy individuals have subsidized housing for full-time workers in resort towns. This dependence on affluent benefactors to support the workforce underscores the unsustainable nature of the current economic model in these areas.Demographic Shifts: The episode also touches on the demographic trends influencing the demand for resort town properties. With an increasing number of high-net-worth individuals and decamillionaires, the demand for luxury vacation homes is on the rise, further propelling prices in these areas.

    The challenges faced by resort towns in providing infrastructure for their workforce are contributing to a scenario where luxury vacation inflation may outpace inflation in other economic segments.

    Residential Real Estate

    We discuss the current state of the residential real estate market, highlighting its normalization. This normalization is characterized by increased inventory and longer listing times, indicating a shift from the rapid market pace seen in previous years. In areas like Northwest Arkansas and DFW, more homes are being listed for sale, and these homes are staying on the market for longer periods compared to the previous boom.

    Public vs Private Schools

    The decision between public and private schools for children is a complex and highly personal one, as discussed in the podcast episode. There are various considerations that parents need to take into account when making this decision. One key factor mentioned was the desired end product for the child. Parents often consider what type of education and environment will best prepare their child for the future. This could include factors such as academic rigor, extracurricular opportunities, and overall school culture.

    As always, we encourage our listeners to reach out with any questions or...

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://www.bwmplanning.com/post/84

    In this episode, we discuss some thought-provoking ideas and share our insights on optimizing investments, lowering future taxes, and growing wealth. Here are three key takeaways from this enlightening discussion:

    1. Intentional Spending and Memory Dividends

    One of the main points we explored in the episode is the concept of intentional spending and the idea of "memory dividends." We discussed how being intentional with how you spend your time and money can lead to meaningful experiences that pay off in the form of cherished memories. By investing in worthwhile experiences, you are essentially creating lasting memories that enrich your life.

    2. Challenging Traditional Retirement Planning

    We delved into the notion that net worth should peak around age 50, as suggested in the book. While this idea may seem appealing, we highlighted the potential risks and challenges associated with this approach, especially in the context of sequence of returns risk and changing financial landscapes. It's essential to consider the practical implications and long-term sustainability of such a strategy.

    3. Balancing Savings and Experiences

    Another key takeaway from the episode was the importance of finding a balance between saving for the future and enjoying life experiences in the present. We discussed the value of making meaningful investments in experiences that create lasting memories, even if they may not align with traditional financial optimization strategies. It's about finding the right balance between saving for the future and living in the moment.

    If you're interested in optimizing your investments, lowering future taxes, and growing your wealth, this episode is a must-listen!

    As always, we encourage our listeners to reach out with any questions or ideas for future episodes at [email protected].

    Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more insightful episodes in the future.

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

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  • For more information and show notes visit: https://www.bwmplanning.com/post/83

    In this episode of Financial Planning for Oil & Gas Professionals, we had the pleasure of speaking with Bob Phillips, a seasoned veteran with a 47-year career in the oil and gas industry. Bob shared his incredible journey, from his early days in Tyler, Texas, to his recent sale of Crestwood Equity Partners to Energy Transfer for $7.1 billion.

    Key Highlights:

    Early Career and Background:

    Bob grew up in Tyler, Texas, and attended the University of Texas, where he got into the oil and gas program. His first job in the industry was as a rig hand making $2.15 an hour, which sparked his passion for oil and gas.

    Career Milestones:

    Bob's career began with Gulf Oil Company and included significant roles at Anadarko and Tenneco. He witnessed the deregulation of the natural gas industry and the technological advancements that transformed oil and gas production.

    Entrepreneurial Ventures:

    Bob founded his first company, EastEx Energy, in 1981 and took it public in 1987. He shared the challenges of competing with larger companies and the lessons learned from those experiences.

    Mentorship and Influence:

    Bob was mentored by Boone Pickens, who taught him the importance of using capital to build a company. This mentorship played a crucial role in Bob's decision to IPO EastEx Energy.

    Crestwood Equity Partners:

    Bob founded Crestwood in 2008 with private equity backing. He discussed the importance of aligning with the right equity partners and the commercial challenges faced during the early years. Crestwood's success was attributed to strategic acquisitions and a strong focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles.

    Industry Challenges and Successes:

    Bob highlighted the impact of commodity price fluctuations and the emergence of ESG as significant challenges. Despite these challenges, Crestwood thrived, culminating in its sale to Energy Transfer.

    Personal Insights:

    Bob shared his first memory of money and the importance of saving and investing wisely. He also discussed how his faith and Methodist upbringing influenced his leadership style and commitment to community and employee well-being.

    The Energy Transfer Deal:

    Bob detailed the process leading up to the sale of Crestwood to Energy Transfer. He expressed pride in the transaction, noting the positive reception from shareholders and the market.

    This episode offers a deep dive into the career of a remarkable industry leader and provides valuable insights for professionals in the oil and gas sector. Bob's story is a testament to the importance of perseverance, strategic thinking, and ethical leadership in achieving long-term success.

    As always, we encourage our listeners to reach out with any questions or ideas for future episodes at [email protected].

    Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more insightful episodes in the future.

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    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/brownlee-wealth-management/

    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://www.bwmplanning.com/post/82

    In this episode of Financial Planning for Oil & Gas Professionals, we had the pleasure of hosting Terry Nixon, a seasoned veteran in the oil and gas industry with a career spanning over four decades. Terry, who is also my neighbor in Fort Worth, shared his incredible journey and the pivotal moments that shaped the modern-day Texas oil and gas landscape.

    Key Highlights

    ✅ Early Career: Terry started his career at Northern Natural Gas in Tulsa, working in the gas purchase department. He later moved to Houston to work for Lone Star Gas and then Tennessee Gas Pipeline.

    ✅ Entrepreneurial Leap: In 1979, Terry and his colleague Chester Clute decided to form their own consulting company, Tulsan Energy, which later evolved into Transstate Gas Service Company. They capitalized on regulatory changes and market opportunities to build a successful business.

    ✅ Major Deals and Partnerships: Terry recounted his experiences working with industry giants like Kelsey Warren, Ray Davis, and Bob Phillips. He shared fascinating stories about the formation and growth of companies like Energy Transfer and Cornerstone.

    Notable Investments and Successes:

    ✅ Energy Transfer: Terry discussed his early investment in Energy Transfer, which turned out to be a monumental success, yielding over 100x returns. He highlighted the importance of relationships and trust in making investment decisions.

    ✅ Strategic Decisions: Terry reflected on some of the pivotal decisions he made, including turning down an early offer from Kelsey Warren to join Energy Transfer's marketing team, a decision he later had mixed feelings about.

    Industry Insights and Future Outlook:

    ✅ Energy Transition: Terry emphasized the ongoing transition in the energy sector, noting that while natural gas will remain crucial, there will be a significant shift towards renewable energy and cleaner technologies.

    ✅ Advice for Young Professionals: Terry advises to take calculated risks and consider entrepreneurial ventures, as the skills and experiences gained can be invaluable. Terry's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, strategic thinking, and the importance of building strong professional relationships. His journey from a gas buyer to a successful entrepreneur and investor offers valuable lessons for anyone in the oil and gas industry.

    We're grateful to Terry Nixon for sharing his remarkable journey and insights with us. His experiences provide a unique perspective on the evolution of the oil and gas industry and the opportunities that lie ahead.

    As always, we encourage our listeners to reach out with any questions or ideas for future episodes at [email protected].

    Thank you for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more insightful episodes in the future.

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BrownleeWealthManagement/?ref=py_c

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/brownlee-wealth-management/

    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/81

    In this episode, we discuss an interesting situation forming in the financial advisor industry: while client retention rates are high, trust and satisfaction levels are not as impressive. This discrepancy suggests that many clients stay with their advisors despite feeling underserved 📝

    We explore several reasons why clients might hesitate to switch advisors, including relational ties, pride, and the pure inconvenience of finding a new advisor. We also share personal anecdotes from our experiences, illustrating how some clients remain in subpar relationships due to these factors.

    To help our listeners navigate this challenging process, we offer practical advice on how to break up with an advisor. Key points include:

    ✅ Adopt the Right Mindset: Remember, it's your money, not your advisor's. You have every right to seek the best possible service for your financial needs.

    ✅ Let the Transfer of Assets (TOAs) Do the Talking: You don't need to inform your advisor before initiating the transfer. This can help avoid uncomfortable conversations and potential guilt-tripping.

    ✅ Communicate Clearly: If you choose to inform your advisor, do so after the transfer has been initiated. Clearly articulate your reasons for the change, whether it's seeking a fiduciary, reducing fees, or finding an advisor with specific expertise.

    We also dispel the myth that switching advisors will necessarily result in significant tax impacts. Transfers are typically done in-kind, meaning your securities move to the new custodian without immediate tax consequences.

    Finally, we emphasize the importance of regularly evaluating your advisory relationship to ensure you're receiving the best possible service for the fees you're paying. The stakes are too high to remain in a subpar situation.

    ✅ We hope this episode empowers those of you who feel underserved by your current advisor to take action.

    As always, we welcome your feedback and ideas for future episodes.

    Thank you for tuning in, and we'll see you next time!

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    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/brownlee-wealth-management/

    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this episode of FPO&G, Justin and Jared dissect how retirement planning is impacted by executive compensation.

    Should my investment allocation be changed due to the nonqualified stock options, deferred comp, and restricted stock that vest after retirement?

    Do Roth conversions still make sense as a retiree in light of my post retirement income?

    How do I balance optimizing for taxes while managing the concentrated stock risk of this equity compensation on my balance sheet?

    For more information and show notes visit: https://www.bwmplanning.com/post/80

  • For more information and show notes visit: www.bwmplanning.com/post/79

    In this episode of FPOG, Justin and Jared dissect JP Morgan's 2024 Global Family Office Report.

    What can research from the biggest bank in America on some of its wealthiest clients teach us?

    We discuss our favorite parts of the report, takeaways for Oil & Gas professionals, and a few key points:

    1) Wealth Management Team for Families: The episode explains how a family office serves as a private wealth management team for one or a few families. While typically associated with ultra-high-net-worth individuals, the principles of financial planning and wealth management are applicable to individuals at all wealth levels.

    2) Complexity and Planning Needs: Complexity of financial planning is influenced by assets, trust entities, liquidity, and family dynamics. This complexity is not exclusive to ultra-wealthy families but can also be present in families with lower net worth, albeit in different forms.

    3) Education and Stewardship: The episode stresses the importance of educating the next generation about financial matters. Ensuring that children are prepared to be good stewards of wealth is a critical aspect of comprehensive financial planning, regardless of the family's net worth.

    4) Return Targets and Investment Complexity: The discussion on return targets and investment decisions reveals that even families with substantial assets may struggle with setting clear financial goals. The complexity of investment decisions and the pursuit of higher returns can sometimes lead to unnecessary complexity and cost.

    5) Simplicity and Empowerment: Simplicity in financial planning can often be more effective than complexity. Empowering individuals, especially the next generation, with financial knowledge and a clear strategy can lead to better outcomes than relying solely on complex investment structures.

    6) Financial Education and Empowerment: The episode underscores that financial education and empowerment are key components of comprehensive financial planning. Ensuring that individuals understand their financial situation, have clear goals, and are equipped to make informed decisions is crucial for long-term financial success.

    By focusing on education, simplicity, and clear financial goals, you can effectively navigate your financial journey and secure your financial future.

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this episode of FPOG, Justin and Jared discuss the most common mistakes they see related to constructing an investment allocation. They also talk through best practices when it comes to thinking through how to construct your mix of investments.

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/78

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/77

    In this episode of FPOG, we're excited to bring back our lightning round format and it's been a while since it's just been the two of us—Justin and Jared—diving into your questions and our thoughts on various financial planning strategies and investment insights.

    Key Topics Discussed:Roth IRA Utilization: We kicked off the episode with a deep dive into when to use a Roth IRA. Despite our strong advocacy for Roth IRAs due to their tax-free growth and benefits as a legacy asset, we explored the nuanced decisions about when it might actually make sense to spend from a Roth IRA. Scenarios like managing Medicare premiums or specific high-tax situations were discussed as potential exceptions to the general rule of preserving Roth IRA funds.Financial Planners Having Financial Planners: Next, we tackled a meta-question—do financial planners have their own financial planners? We shared our personal experiences and the benefits of having a sounding board, even as experts. The discussion highlighted the importance of objectivity and the different perspectives a financial planner can offer, even to those who are themselves in the profession.Chipotle's Stock Analysis: Lastly, we spiced things up with a discussion about Chipotle's stock performance. Despite some perceived declines in product quality, Chipotle's stock has seen impressive gains, which led us to explore the complexities of stock valuation, market expectations, and the sometimes tenuous link between a company's stock performance and its operational realities.

    This episode was packed with insights from listener questions and our ongoing observations of the financial space. Whether discussing investment vehicles like Roth IRAs, the dynamics of financial planning within our profession, or analyzing individual stock performances, our goal is to provide you with thoughtful and actionable financial advice tailored to the unique needs of oil and gas professionals.

    Remember, if you have questions or topics you'd like us to explore in future episodes, don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected]. Thanks for tuning in, and we look forward to bringing you more insights in our next episode!

    For more episodes and financial planning resources, visit us at brownleewealthmanagement.com

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/76

    Today, Justin dives deeper into a topic we touched on a few weeks ago with Nathan—career paths within the oil and gas industry.

    Recap of the Three Career Paths:

    Working at a Major or Supermajor: This path offers a stable and potentially lucrative career, with salaries ranging from $200,000 to $400,000 annually. It's arguably the easiest path to accumulate around $5 million in investable assets by retirement.Climbing the Corporate Ladder or Specializing in Trading: This path can lead to even higher income levels, from $700,000 to over a million dollars annually. It presents a straightforward route to amassing $10 to $20 million by mid-career.Entrepreneurship and Ownership: This involves starting your own business or acquiring a significant stake in a smaller company. While riskier, this path can lead to substantial financial rewards if the business succeeds.

    Choosing the right career path in oil and gas, aligned with personal and financial goals, can significantly impact your long-term wealth. Whether you opt for the stability of a major company, the high-income potential of corporate advancement, or the entrepreneurial route, strategic financial planning is crucial.

    Thank you for tuning in, and don't forget to visit our website for more insights and to subscribe to our podcast.

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/75

    This episode of FPOG features a Meet the Team segment with Cari Lingle, the newest member of Brownlee Wealth Management.

    Cari shares:

    Her background in financial analysis and educationHer transition to financial planningAnd her alignment with the firm's values

    She brings a wealth of experience in financial analysis and education, and she's now transitioning into financial planning after completing her CFP education and passing the exam.

    Cari connected with Justin through their kids' school and found that her interests in financial planning aligned perfectly with our firm's approach. She has spent her career in various financial roles, starting in corporate banking and moving into financial counseling for military service members. Cari's analytical skills and ability to communicate complex financial concepts make her a valuable addition to our team.

    Originally from Southern California, Cari has lived all over the United States due to her husband's career in the Navy. They eventually settled in Texas, where she has fully embraced the Fort Worth community, though she admits she's not looking to move anywhere else in Texas outside her beloved neighborhood.

    We also discuss her educational journey, which includes not only the CFP but also two levels of the CFA exam. She's a lifelong learner who enjoys the challenge of mastering new areas of finance. Her decision to join Brownlee Wealth Management was driven by her desire to work with a small, independent, fee-only firm that focuses on providing high-quality service to a select number of clients.

    For fun, Cari loves to travel and meticulously plan her trips, with a trip to Japan currently in the works. She also enjoys baking creative cakes for her children's birthdays, recently making a hit koala cake for her daughter's 8th birthday:

    We're excited to have Cari on board and look forward to the expertise and passion she brings to our team. If you have any ideas for future episodes or want to give us feedback, reach out to us at [email protected].

    Remember to subscribe to our podcast for more insights on optimizing investments, lowering future taxes, and growing your wealth, specifically tailored for those in the oil and gas profession.

    Tune in to learn more about Cari and her role in optimizing investments and growing wealth for oil and gas professionals.

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/post/74

    On this episode of Financial Planning for Oil and Gas Professionals, hosts Justin and Jared, along with guest Nathan, delve into the different career tracks within the oil and gas industry and the financial planning implications associated with each track. They discuss the allure of entrepreneurship and owning a business as a path to wealth, providing valuable insights for professionals in the field. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge on optimizing investments, lowering taxes, and growing wealth in the oil and gas sector.

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this episode, Justin spoke with an anonymous guest known as Retired Founder, who shared his journey from a middle-class upbringing to achieving financial freedom after selling his tech company.

    Retired Founder provided insights into the challenges and realizations that come with retirement, especially after a successful exit event.

    Retired Founder discussed his early memories of money, his motivation driven by financial rewards, and the struggles he faced during the initial years of his business.

    He highlighted the low points before and after his company's liquidation events, emphasizing that the lows experienced without money were far more challenging than those faced after achieving financial independence.

  • In this episode, Justin sits down with Preston Holland from Flying Finance to discuss all things private aviation. When can people begin to explore private aviation? When does owning a plane (fractionally or whole) make sense vs. chartering? What innovations get Preston excited? What tax considerations are there related to aircraft ownership?

    For more information and show notes, visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode72

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • This lightning pod episode covers several topics in 10 minutes or less. We discuss: Tony Robbins's new book on the "the holy grail of Investing", why you're probably thinking about your ESPP wrong, and what we think of the expanded college football playoff.

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode71

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  • In this episode, we discuss how high-net-worth investors should think about RMDs. We also discuss why young accumulators should care about RMDs despite being decades away from taking them. Regardless of your age, RMDs will impact your tax plan, and it's never too early to start preparing!

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode70

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this episode, we discuss the S&P breaking through to new all-time highs. Is investing in all-time highs a bad idea? What does the data say? Can you be a value investor and invest at all-time highs? How does your time horizon impact this decision? What should you do with a lump sum cash payment?

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode69

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this episode, we visit with Nathan Meehan to discuss all things petroleum engineering. We discuss his career, his transition from the private sector to academia, and the future of energy education.

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode68

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  • In this episode, we discuss the most common tax mistakes we see. We also share horror stories of six-figure tax mistakes we've identified for clients. Lastly, we provide ideas to ensure you avoid these costly mistakes.

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode67

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.

  • In this year-end review, we discuss investment returns, the biggest storylines, our biggest surprises, and why we're bullish going into 2024. We also review some of the expert "consensus" forecasts that aged poorly because they were so wildly wrong.

    For more information and show notes visit: https://bwmplanning.com/episode66

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    Disclosure: This information is for informational purposes only. Nothing discussed during this video should be interpreted as tax, legal, or investment advice. If you have questions pertaining to your specific situation, please consult the appropriate qualified professional.