Nancy Holmes, Associate Professor in Creative and Critical Studies, discusses the community-engaged art projects that she has worked on including Border Free Bees, a project to raise awareness about the native bee population in the Okanagan.
Fiona McDonald, assistant professor, Community, Culture and Global Studies discusses the sensory storytelling project and sound portraits of water, an interdisciplinary, collaborative, and community-based project exploring the perceptions of water in our everyday lives.
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Alison Conway, Professor, English and Gender and Women Studies at UBC Okanagan explores how issues of interfaith marriage can be understood and contemporized through the 18th century novel.
Ilya Parkins, Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies discusses issues of gender and resistance expressed through fashion.
Miles Thorogood, Creative Technologist specializing in developing computational assistive technologies, and Instructor cross-posted between Creative Studies and Computer Science, walks through his creation of soundscapes, art and technological literacies.
Karen Hodges, Conservation Biologist and Professor in the Department of Biology at UBC Okanagan, discusses how scientists can adapt their language to better address the impact of their research to a variety of audiences.
Greg Garrard, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies Professor in the Department of English at UBC Okanagan, explores cultural reactions to science through literature and the ramifications of politicizing science.
Segun Oyedele, Anatomy Instructor and Course Director with UBC's Southern Medical Program, discusses shifting pedagogies and the challenges of accessible science in the classroom and practice.
Richard Federley, Research Support Specialist with the Office of Research Services at UBC Okanagan, engages in mapping concepts, novel applications of ideas, and the need to critically evaluate the world around us and the theories that describe it.
Zach Walsh, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at UBC Okanagan, addresses an increased interest in medicinal psychoactive drug usage, how this engages our drug literacy, and shifts notions of medicinal and recreational uses of drugs.
Ben Tippett, Sessional Instructor in Physics and Mathematics at UBC Okanagan explores bridging science and fiction and making science accessible for an adult audience to enhance society's science literacy.