Hello Travellers!
This episode your hosts talk about the relaeses for the Hegemony of Embersig, from the Bulwarks to the Arqubasiers. we hope you enjoy the episode and our thoughts. if you have any thoughts or want to discuss what was said, please check out the discord and come say hi!
Hello Travellers,
In this episode we discuss all the releases beteween Beyond Winds from the North and the Ice archers, for the Northern Tribes, and give you our thoughts and views on them.
Missing episodes?
Hello Travellers! today we celebrate the return of From the Fog from a brief hiatus. We have an interview with the delightful Hoopoe once again, to talk about Warcrows initial 5 months and how it has been working on it since. expect a little silliness and we hope you enjoy the episode!
Hello Travellers!
This episode we have a very special guest, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, one of the world builders for Lindwurm! we had a fantastic conversation and hope that you enjoy listening to it.
If you would like to get involved in the discussion, please come and join the Warcrow community discord at; https://discord.com/invite/9bnWXtYtG9
Hello travellers!
in this episode your hosts Korshai and KnightofSquires discuss the campaign from the Winds From the North boxset, along with some painting talk, and hopes for future narractive elements.
this episode contains Spoilers for the Winds from the north Campain booklet!!
If you want to join in the conversations with us you can find us on the Warcrow community discord, link below
Hello Travellers! in this episode of From the Fog your hosts discuss and speculate about the announcements shown at Gencon 2024!
We hope you enjoy the episode, and as always if you wish to join in the discussion, please head over to the Community Discord server for Warcrow, linked below
Hello everyone! thank you for listening to Episode 4 of From the Fog! In this episode your hosts discuss the contents of the Beyond box, the Ice Bear, and then speculate wildly on what they hope to see from Gencon.
We hope you enjoy the episode, and if you want to join in the discussion, please feel free to head over to the Warcrow communit discord!
Hello again Travellers! in todays, slightly shorter, episode we continue the wonderful interview with the delightful Hoopoe from Corvus Belli, focusing more on the Lore of Lindwurm and Warcrow. we hope you enjoy the episode!
If you would like to join in the conversations surrounding the game of Warcrow, please feel free to join the discord at; https://discord.com/invite/9bnWXtYtG9
In this episode of From the Fog, we are visited by none other than the Very Illustrious Hoopoe! As part one of a two part interview, we discuss some of the mechanics for Warcrow, and get a chance to discuss some elements of the design process for the game!
If you are listening to this podcast and wish to join in the discussions surrounding the game, come and join the discord! https://discord.com/invite/9bnWXtYtG9
We made a podcast! Apologies for some of the audio issues with this one, it is my first attempt at this and i am still learning how to properly edit.
Welcome to From the Fog, and our first episode 'So... We got the rulebook!'
In this episode your hosts introduce themselves, talk a little about their wargaming history, and then dive into our favoureite things from the new rulebook that was released by Corvus Belli.
We hope you enjoy listening to this episode, and as always if you could provide a review and some feedback, that would be greatly appreciated!
See you in the Fog!
if you would like to join in the conversations around this subject, please feel free to join the discord server for Warcrow, at the following link; https://discord.com/invite/9bnWXtYtG9