
  • Sharing my top Lessons of 2020.

    I know this year has been a wild one but we can all walk away with some new perspective based on what this year has taught us. I share my top 5 Lesson of 2020 and they have impacted me moving into the new year.

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Sign up for my Monday Motivation Newsletter at Jacklynq.com

  • It is the time of year where we all feel a bit different...a bit better than usual.
    The holiday spirit is undeniable everywhere we go so I ask the question, how are you spreading cheer this year? Even with restrictions, there are still many ways we can share our optimism and raise the mood of everyone around us.
    I hope this quick episode gives you the motivation to go out and spread cheer in some way today!

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

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  • What do you do for yourself that fills you up?
    We must dedicate time each day to ourselves to grow the connection with yourself. You nourish the most important relationship in your life (YOU!) when you participate in activities that allow you to reflect, grow, and motivate you to take action.
    This episode is to help inspire you to take the next steps in defining what activity aids you in focusing in on yourself, deepening your connection with you, and creating the life you dream of.

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Sign up for my weekly Monday Motivation newsletter at Jacklynq.com

  • I couldn't out run COVID this year my friends. But it's okay, I'm here to share my experience with you. All of your curious questions will be answered:

    How did I catch the COVID?
    What were my symptoms?
    Did I spread it?
    What is my opinion on COVID now?

    I originally believed that this virus couldn't touch me. I'm a young, healthy 25 year old. I'm invincible! Little did I realize that even by taking care of myself, I can still catch this virus and it can still kick my butt.

    What I've come to learn from this experience is that my actions are not just about me. Being sick is inconvenient, yes. But what about other people who may not be able to fight this off? What about all of the grandmas out there?? #savethegrandmas

    As we approach the holiday season of gatherings, potlucks, and many hugs what I hope for you to gain from this episode is an attitude of not only taking care of yourself, but be mindful of those around you too.

    Stay safe & healthy my friends!

  • Dropping F*bombs, talking feminism and discussing the reality of stress in life right now. Speaking from the heart here in this episode on what I'm getting fired up about while also realizing that many of the things we stress over don't require our worry.
    I hope that this post-election day episode is just the right chit-chat you need with your friend JQ to de-stress and get fired up about the things that truly matter in life.

    Book Recommendation: Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Sign up for my Monday Motivation Newsletter at www.jackynq.com

  • Sometimes, losing in life is actually winning. In this episode, Sterling Schwisow and I talk about his "quarantine transformation". Sterling took this pause in 2020 to focus on himself and has lost over 55 pounds.

    Beyond his body transformation, he has gone through a massive mindset shift in how he views himself, his relationships, and his life. We discuss how losing weight doesn't just open you up to new activities, it helps you release the weight you are carrying in your mind as well.

    We can all benefit from the vulnerability that Sterling shares in this episode to inspire us to let go of unhealthy habits both in our actions and in our mindset.

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Sign up to receive my Monday Motivation newsletter at www.jacklynq.com

  • TRAUMA - ugh, what a scary word, topic, emotion. Yet we all feel it, experience it, and need to heal from it in order to move on and grow.

    Beth Freese is one of my guests on this episode to bring her expertise as a trauma psychotherapist to discuss exactly what is trauma? How does our body process trauma? What effects does this traumatic year have on us as human race? How do we heal from our trauma? How can we be better humans to ourselves & to others?

    Iso also makes an appearance on the podcast, bringing a male perspective to the topic of trauma & how men vs women feel they should express their feelings in today’s society.

    This was a wonderful and informational conversation normalizing mental health, a message we all need to hear. Learn some of the best tools to help you heal & understand yourself.

    Reach Beth at evolvephx.com

    Iso on insta: @isoonice

    Book Recommendation:
    The Body Keeps Score by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
    Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Do you ever feel that you are surrounded by chaos? That there is not enough time in the day for you? That days are morphing into one? Do you want to create structure in your life to develop yourself but not sure where to start?

    One of the best things I did for myself was to dedicate time to my self development every day by developing a routine. A self development routine creates structure by narrowing in on who we want to become and focuses on moving the needle forward on the goals we set for ourselves and our lives.

    Inspired by my own lack of routine lately, I wanted to share the benefits of creating a routine to help get myself back on track. I share the 7 activities I live by in my daily routine,
    - Movement
    - Affirmations / Mantras
    - Journaling
    - Visualisation
    - Reading
    - Meditation
    - Gratitude

    By even selecting just a few of these activities, you'll begin to notice yourself transform. I share more tips on how to get started on creating a routine for yourself because there truly is nothing better you can do for yourself than to spend time with yourself in order to grow.

    The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)
    by Hal Elrod

    Follow me on instagram, @jacklynq
    Sign up for the Monday Motivation newsletter, www.jacklynq.com

    If you felt inspired by the episode, please share with one of your friends or leave a rating & review :)

  • Change is inevitable. So how do you handle it?

    Are you afraid of change? Do you run from it? Do you settle in order to avoid the uncomfortable feelings of change?

    Now more than ever we are faced with change but what if you could control the change going on in your life? How would you feel if you could navigate change for your benefit? Well you can.

    Change can come to us in many different ways. It can be unexpected it, we can see it coming, or we can create it for ourselves. No matter the form it enters into your life, you can take control by asking yourself,
    What do I want to come out of this?
    What is this for?

    I discuss three different major life events that brought on a lot of change for me and I share just how I was able to navigate them. I also share major life changes currently going on in my life. From getting a new job, moving in with my boyfriend, and pursuing a passion in coaching others to achieve meaningful goals for themselves - 2020 has been an interesting year so far to say the least.

    You too can make this year meaningful as you navigate the change placed in your path.

  • Becca has taken huge leaps of faith in her personal and professional life, most notably leaving her 9-5 job to start her own boutique social media agency. We discuss the courage and support it took for her to go off on her own business venture and all the lessons she has learned along the way.
    During our conversation you see how Becca is a go-getter who is eager to succeed but especially during the era of the pandemic, she is taking on new lessons. She provides wonderful insight on how we have seasons of taking things slow and to not always be on the lookout for the next big move.

    Follow her on instagram:

    Give her podcast a listen! Better Off Said:


  • Shannon and I discuss the ever similar Journey to Finding Yourself. She shares her experience finding her spirituality, following her heart to helping others, and taking the leap in starting her own coaching business. The journey to being your authentic self is also a fun one as we discuss using astrology to understand yourself better and how being yourself on screen and off screen leads to the most creativity.

    Give her a follow!

    Instagram: @shannontaruc
    Tik Tok: shannontaruc
    Website: www.shannontaruc.com

    Get a Birth Chart Reading:

    Check out her Law of Attraction Bootcamp:

    Shannon Taruc is redefining what it means to be spiritual for the Millennials and Gen Zers. She is a spiritual coach who modernizes spiritual wisdom through TikTok videos, conscious content, and encourages others to embrace their authentic self with total confidence.
Her top mental health routines include spiritual practices like meditation, manifestation, and astrology. She has helped her clients manifest new relationships, received job promotions, and even launched their own business.

    Shannon’s own personal story of overcoming people-pleasing syndrome and breaking out of her cookie-cutter life is what makes her so passionate about helping others do the same. After years of being stuck in a rut, she gained the confidence to leave her cushiony sales job to pursue her dream and launch her spiritual coaching business.

    It is her mission to help others find inner happiness and manifest a life they are absolutely in love with.

  • It is very important to be able to amplify other voices with the platform of the Get Uncomfortable podcast. In this episode, I played devil’s advocate as my friend Rue shared his perspective, experiences, and opinions of the BLM movement. As a black man, coach, and role model to kids in his community, Rue offers great information to begin an uncomfortable but necessary conversation.


    Beyond a conversation with others and educating ourselves I encourage you to take part in the Black Lives Matter movement in some way. Do whatever you feel aligned with in order to stand up in unity with the black community. Do not stand idle in history.

    Sign petitions!
    Donate to organizations taking action!
    Support black owned businesses!

    LA 92
    When They See Us
    I Am Not Your Negro

    Where to Donate:
    Campaign Zero - https://www.joincampaignzero.org/#vision
    Black Table Arts - http://www.blacktablearts.com
    Embrace Race - https://www.embracerace.org/about/our-impact

    Educational Resources:
    Guide to Allyship - https://guidetoallyship.com
    Systemic Racism Explained - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrHIQIO_bdQ&feature=youtu.be
    Anti Racist Children’s Books - https://www.theconsciouskid.org/antiracist-childrens-books

  • Have you ever been curious about the carnivore diet? I sure was! I decided to eat only meat, fish, and eggs for 14 days to see how my body would react. I mean Joe Rogan did it, so why can't I?

    This episode explores my 2 week experience while answering a number of questions that others were curious about such as,
    Why did I do it?
    How do you get started?
    What did you eat?
    How did you feel?

    Listen for a real perspective on how the carnivore diet went for me and see if the carnivore diet is something that you would like to try for yourself!

    Instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Carnivore Grocery List:
    Grass fed / organic
    Pasteurized eggs / cage free
    Ground Beef
    Pork Bacon
    Bone Broth

    Ancestral Grass Feed Beef Liver Capsules

    Nuun Electrolytes


  • With so much chaos and uncertainty in our world right now, it can be hard to see the positive side of things. In this week's episode Jackie answers a question from a friend on how to stay calm and positive during this uncomfortable time in the world.

    She shares her perspective on how she believes this dis-ease has manifested into our world today and what we can do to combat the fear of uncertainty that we are all facing. "We are all in this together" has never been such an applicable phrase and has forced us to wake up as a collective consciousness and focus on what truly matters in life.

    Gratitude, kindness, presence, and an appreciation for Mother Nature are some of the few things Jackie is choosing to focus her attention on which has brought great joy and peace during this time of change.

    The question to continue to ask yourself to see this uncomfortable time in a new light is,
    Is this the world you truly want to see?

    ig: @jacklyn_q

  • Have you ever felt like things happen in oddly perfect timing sometimes? Well, they are.
    After celebrating my 25th birthday, many would expect a quarter-life crisis to be coming on but just the opposite was occurring for me. I've never felt so at peace with where I currently am in my life because I know that where I am right now, learning the lessons I'm meant to learn, are all preparing me for everything that I dream to have and will have one day.
    This episode is for anyone who feels like they don't have enough time to achieve their dreams, finds themselves comparing their life to others, or just needs to have some reassurance that they are on the right path.

    Instagram: @jacklyn_q

    Helpful Mantras:
    "Everything is happening in perfect timing."
    "I have plenty of time to get the things I need done."

    To go along with the feeling of love this month, I am re-posting one of my most popular episodes, Self Care. As we focus on sharing our love this month, let us not forget about how necessary it is for us to love ourselves first.

    Who is the most important relationship in your life? YOU. In this episode I walk you through the importance of self love and how you can refill your ‘cup of love’ with some good ole’ self care.

    Book Recommendation: You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
    Song: Self Care by Mac Miller

    Instagram: @jacklyn_q

  • Our health is our wealth in this life. Without our health we are unable to show up for ourselves, for others, or for our dreams. In this episode I discuss our physical, emotional, and mental health and how they contribute to our daily lives. When one of these areas becomes out of whack, we become sick and our body begs for us to slow down and rest.
    Taking a sick day is necessary for you to regain your energy to get back to your A+ self. Listen up for some useful tips that you can implement into your life when you decide its time to take a sick day and strengthen your overall well being.

    Instagram: @jacklyn_q

    doTERRA Oil Recommendations:
    On Guard - https://doterra.me/PBONOVpt
    - Supports healthy immune and respiratory function when used internally
    - Ingest to support the body’s natural antioxidant defenses
    - Use internally to promote healthy circulation
    - Energizing and uplifting aroma

    Breathe - https://doterra.me/R1MXUKIF
    - Maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing
    - Promotes a restful nights sleep
    - Helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats

    Learn how to get 25% off your doTERRA oils - my.doterra.com/jacklynq

    Book Mentions:
    A Course in Miracles
    How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Wills Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

  • A special guest on the show you've heard from before but in a different way. Isaac and I sit back and have a chat about our relationship - our "short distance" relationship.
    We talk about how we got to the point of deciding to date, despite living in different states. How we make it work, what doesn't work for us, and the top 5 things we value in a relationship.
    Enjoy this peek into our personal life as you may laugh at us, agree with us,
    or decide to never listen to any relationship advice I ever give again but what we do learn from this episode is that some honest communication never fails you.


  • It is time to reflect on our year my friends! In this episode I share what my 2019 theme was and the 10 goals I set for myself. Why did I select these goals? Did I achieve them??

    My theme for the year was to Quit Playing Games along with the following 10 goals,
    1. Get involved with a nonprofit
    2. Go vegan for 1 month
    3. Watch the entire series of Seinfeld
    4. Break up with the Juul
    5. Start my side hustle
    6. Read 8 books
    7. Travel Internationally
    8. Have $10k in savings
    9. Go Surfing
    10. Pick up the Phone

    My hope for you in this episode is that it inspires you to look back on 2019 and see how it shaped you along with planting the seed for some possibilities for yourself as we enter a new year. It is time to Quit Playing Games my friends and start living the life you dream!

    The 8 books I read in 2019:
    The Light Between Us by Laura Lynn Jackson
    The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein
    Dear Lover by David Deida
    Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain by Doris E. Cohen
    Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
    Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein
    Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
    Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

    instagram: @jacklyn_q

  • Enjoy this raw conversation with my good friend Nappi where we dive into some of the top insecurities that many of us face. We talk about girls, relationships, breakups, body image, comparison, finding yourself, and not being where you think you need to be in life.

    Turns out, we all worry about similar things. But what would happen if you stopped caring so much about your insecurities and lived this life whole heartedly as your genuine self? Where do you think that could take you?

    You can find Nappi on Instagram and on his podcast, Nappi & Jay.

    instagram: @thiccdaddinappi

    podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nappi-jay/id1488421352