
  • Our guest this week is Astara Leon, a co-founder of Aurora School of Natural Healing and their new modality birthed called Manasomatics. Based on 18 years of embodied research when Astara'a life was turned upside down and she came out the other side of one of the ‘dark nights of the soul’.

    Sitting via zoom with Astara did not make us immune to her divine energy - there was both a delicious delicious sparkle and mindfullness energy in the space and a sense of what magic would happen in the physical presence of this authentic practitioner, counsellor and manasomatic energy worker!

    At age 7 and dancing at a family wedding, Astara experienced a 360' opening in her head area - which she now knows as her crown chakra. A knowingness in the unknown was born!

    From here a 7yr cycle of events - 14yrs, 21yrs, began a fanning the flames of Who I AM and process of exploring her humanness in acknowledging how multidimensional we are...the hot seat front and centre of these times!

    We feel you will resonate so deeply with the awakenings Astara shares. A combination of swimming in the mud bath of life as the F**K you human danced with the thank you Being-ness.

    In humbly sitting with the formula (listen to learn what this is), immersed for 10months alone in a state forest with her husband at a critical time of change for the planet, led to to an embracing of the discomfort, to giving her Self full permission to be fully in her heart, creating a ripple effect in the ancestral healing journey of this beautiful SOul !

    Ooooeeee... So much beauty in the Fierceness!!!

    As Manasomatics is Astara & her husband Jay - we went rogue and brought Jay in to the chat and would have loved baby Phoenix to join us too but under Daddy's calm energy she fell asleep at the special feature moment...next time Phoenix!
    Manasomatics modality is a mix of quantum healing, kinesiology, biofeedback tools and meditation to support in finding the root cause of our inner pain and guide us to returning back to a sense of wholeness and into our full magnificence.
    Astara & Jay are most happy to support our Girl Awakening listeners with generous discount offers on the 3 part mini course and Manasomatics practitoner immersion.

    Access for Girl Awakening listeners to the free 3 part mini course on Emotional Awareness Techniques is found here:


    Any Girl Awakening listener who wishes to participate in an upcoming Manasomatics practitioner immersion, will receive $100 off when entering enter the coupon code of GIRLAWAKENING100

    More about Astara can be found here:


    Also 40 guided meditation recordings that Astara has facilitated can be listened to here: https://heartcentredbeings.com/meditations/
    Manasomatics practitoner immersion: https://www.auroraschool.com.au/manasomatics

    enter the coupon code of GIRLAWAKENING100 to receive $100 discount.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AuroraSchoolNaturalHealing?app=desktop

  • In this episode we embrace an exquisite breathe in, breathe out with Divine Bree Wallace - one half of the Nurtured Beginnings Online Duo changing the narrative around evidence based nutrition, holistic care & education with birthing, motherhood & postpartum care & the journey that it so beautifully is… creating supportive and inclusive community & pathways of empowerment for mums to be.

    Bree is a mother to three beautiful cubs (including twins!) She is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant through Oh Baby Academy specialising in Pregnancy, Postpartum and Babies nutrition.

    Her calm and introspective vibe sits gently on a big hearted, vibrant and energetic Being. Bree has danced with fire and A type corporate life in the high end Hospitality industry providing amazing dining experiences for customers and creating dynamic work environments for her teams. An environment that asks a lot of a person with a giving nature, an eye for detail and high bars of excellence.

    Experiencing Kinesiology and Chiropractic as a child blended with a palpable shift and connection to "Energetic Earth" experienced while on the Inca trail - um ...hello! Bree shares these experiences contributed to the initial slow burn of awakenings that have led her to where she now grows on the family land, her own paddock to plate for family and neighbours.

    Motherhood brought it's own diversity of powerful awakenings with the gifts that come from a deep letting go of her power in an emergency birthing...a self described ego death and absolute opposite of what her heart had planned.

    Bree holds an inspirational space as she moves from trauma to empowered action whilst creating a family home and community within a most beautiful heart space and garden!

    Nourishing Bree's Soul and continued awakenings into the restoration of the pathways she is aware lie ahead, is a connection to Mother Earth and Nature in embracing Motherhood, supporting whats important to her and her husbands core values for their family

    Empowered action and changing lives goes next level with the immediate recognition of a Soul Sister when meeting Aroha and 4 months later starting Nurtured Beginnings Online together. But thats another story / episode...!!!

    More about Bree here:

    Website: https://www.nurturedbeginnings.au/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurturedbeginningsonline?igsh=bXFkZnBpd29mYThi

    Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aroha-dillon-and-bree-wal

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  • In asking the question Who AM I? Therein lies a journey of remembrance. A dance of discovery, removing filters and layers of clothing, experiences, narratives, stories...to come home to the glorious Soul each of us simply are!

    Trust the Process

    Trust the Timing

    Trust the Love

    Trust being the power word and state of being that is further activated, supported by the doing, the diving or can we say divining and the journey discovery of who we are.

    Narelle shares of tapping into the authentic flow, the gift of being in a space that is unlimited, unconditional in the remembering of who I am.

    True intimacy is created and supported when we are bing our true and authentic self!

    The ripple effect of this is unlimited and rewarding to all touched by the ripple, the wave of truth, love and expansion.

    Narelle is an intuitive life coach, light language Queen and a self described secret weapon in business, life, spirituality, energetics and mindset. Her gifts of interpretation, clarity and connection to purpose are life changing.

    Give your self the gift of the free light language meditation offered by Narelle in the link below.

    More about Narelle here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/narelleclyde/?hl=en

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NarelleClyde

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@narelleclyde

    Link to FREE Light Language Meditation: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/642e5d3494d6bbc1f0992123

  • Jumping on a plane to a distant land and no time limits on the adventures ahead sounds like the dream for a 19 year old.

    The dream very quickly became an initiation into discovering the true identity of the adventurous Soul leaving Australia. Leaving home and friends as one person and coming back as not quite the same girl and a completely different Woman.

    With some bonus skills in the handcraft department...and quite a few others in the HR department you will find out what they are as we journey with the BeYOUtiful Soul that is Jaali Hendy, a guest we had the divine pleasure of sitting with over a year ago on Girl Awakening.

    Relationships, Redflags and redefining the person in the passport all create a powerful portal of experience that not many 19 year olds have the wish to face- not ageist, but hey remember what you were doing at 19?!

    In saying that, we'd like to offer that many 19year olds today have that something else in their psyche and soul purpose that is going to shake up the limiting paradigms of this planet in very meaningful ways.

    And we are grateful to be learning from them as much as we are so proud to be their parents, family and friends.

    Share your thoughts and takeaways from this episode as always. Jaali is unfiltered and very generous in her awakening's shared in this episode where finding BeYOUtiful Me is only just the beginning of a BeYOUtiful adventure the world is blessed to witness.

  • Intuitive Astrologer, Business Mentor, Reiki Master, and then some - Emma Cormack is a regular guest on Girl Awakening Podcast. Her gifts and expansion energies encompass many dimensions in activation of both her own awakening journey and for humanity, not least of these is a passion with helping women heal their money story using their unique souls blueprint. Yes please!

    A powerful, vibrant woman with a deep knowledge of astrology and psyche, Em brings a lot of energy everything she does and shares. Today was no exception!

    How is it travelling life as an Astrologer, with an insight to all the potentials, glimpses into the portals and yet there's still just another layer, being Human, to uncover, shine a light on, take back our power and heal. You know what we mean....there is a lot going on!

    We open up the Em's dirty little secret, one she has been holding close since 2020 - it's no little secret BTW.

    WTF is happening to Me is a deep dive into Em's personal experience with the intensity of these times, a portal where everything is shifting up and happening in the now. A reflection of what has been ongoing and is happening for many of us right now - life is a lot on all the levels and these conversations help to interpret and make some sense of the reality / chaos / distractions.

    Take a seat and enjoy a cuppa as Em spills the Cosmic family interactions.

    More about Emma Cormack Here:

    Acast Podcast: https://shows.acast.com/ems-authority

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ems.authority/

  • Well this was a moment to savour - Girl Awakening on the other side of the mike and being interviewed by divine podcast sister Claire of Dream Maker & Business Growth Mentor.Claire held us so beautifully & with heart felt intention throughout the time we shared together, we felt the love ! It is a delicious pleasure to be dropping this podcast on Girl Awakening streams for you to step into. Our first GA Podcast interview cherry popped with this delicious dive into a BTS with Jo & Amanda and Claire consciously weaving her Dream Maker skills!It is LIVE & AWESOME here and our podcast channels now, plus all of the @cb_dream_maker streams Please drop over & visit the link in Claire’s bio below, there is a wealth of transformative activations awaiting.

    At the end, take a moment to leave a comment, follow, share some feedback on where this podcast sat with you. We LOVED this conversation & the opportunity to tap into what makes Girl Awakening what She is.Claire is doing some epic work in her Dream Maker space, we hope you check out her channels and soak up the gifts & authenticity streaming out there in abundance. Claire left us at the end of our time together with the two cards from her own Dream Maker deck, you will see them on our instagram post and they are also on her linktree via her instagram below. They punch a full on intention to hold in your day and absolutely rock we do think!

    We hope you enjoy this beautiful heart opening episode between podcasting Soul Sisters, aptly named "Say it Louder"

    Take it with you where ever you go and Peace Out as Claire would say!!!

    More about Claire here: all Claire's links can be found on her instagram Linktree. Here's a couple to get you started!

    Podcast: Spotify; https://open.spotify.com/show/2SOHT3K5psWWJood0bJDh1?si=e0234095443e4bfc

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cb_dream_maker/

  • Our guest today believes AWAKENING is an everyday experience...it's an EXPANSION available to us at any time.

    At age 10 Karen Hedges had a profound experience, one that embedded, awakened in her soul, a full body knowing that we are not alone on this planet!

    Choosing as a young woman to follow a career in nursing, her humanitarian nature was in its element. Seeing those in her care as a person not "just a patient".

    Travel and Motherhood brought alive Karen's way of seeing this world to another level and following experiences inspired a desire to write a book about the mind body spirit connection. As life would have it, the research for her book took Karen on an irresistible deep dive into a world she now calls home with HAVENING.

    Karen Hedges, a Rapid Transformational Therapist: RTT®, discovered the life changing Havening Techniques® in 2015 when she was doing research for a book on the Mind, Body, Spirit connection. Her early career was in traditional Western medicine, but after a decade she realised that the medical profession was primarily only treating the symptoms of disease. And it was actually life’s ‘stressors’ that were predominantly the main cause of most illnesses, both physically and emotionally.After first researching the Havening Techniques®, and then becoming inspired to train to become a Certified Practitioner, she quickly realised that this was the missing link for humanity. Not only could Havening quickly and easily transform people from disempowerment back to their inherent empowered state, but also move many from illness back to wellness - both physically and emotionally. Equally fascinating to Karen is the ability and flexibility of these phenomenal techniques to also be used to develop peak performance in individuals - in the arts, sporting arena and the corporate sector.It is her mission to share this empowering gift with the world 👐🏽 🌏 👐🏽We are so grateful to be sharing Karen with you !!!

    More about Karen Hedges here:

    Website: https://havening.org/directory/grid/view/details/14/450

    Email link: to receive a free mini Havening audio experience:[email protected]

    An 8 minute introduction to the Havening Techniques and the science behind: it:https://youtu.be/PmrvGEJuCxY?si=2eitdgwkLmh0ydKo

    If you would like to experience a session with Karen, and explore how the Havening Techniques®, together with her other modalities can completely transform your life, contact her by email to arrange a time that suits: [email protected]

  • Our guest this week is a self assessed and committed Galactic Flower Mother - after sitting with Melissa Kendall of The Fine Flow, we would whole heartedly agree!
    Melissa flows in her sacred power as a woman's empowerment coach and 4D Bridge Light Worker, Guiding women who deeply desire magnificent life changes to CHOOSE themselves , by coming back through the body and deeply feeling love again in their hearts.
    She describes her self as a heARTist, her essence is that of whimsy, love and activating energy.

    Art has held a beautiful space and been a HUGE expression in her journey of death and rebirth!

    Melissa shares openly and with much vulnerability, her awakening's - burning down past versions of her self, letting go letting go letting go! Leading her to embracing experiences, teachings, finding of powerful mentors - and perfect reflections of her own innate powers awaiting to unravel... then reseed, enrich the fertile soils of her Soul.
    Melissa has been dedicated to choosing Self in a quest to knowing deep within her Being-ness what this really means and honouring that!

    We are so honoured to share the coming out of this divine soul in all of her rawness, power, artistry, magical nature to be welcomed by you all and seen in the very essence of her beauty and superpowers. Which as an advocate for women rising together, being celebrated and deeply seen in all their aspects, is befitting of this Goddess in her episode with Girl Awakening!

    More about Melissa O'Kendall The Fine Flow
    Transformational Lifestyle Coach Sustainably Sassy and Frequency Fanatic found here:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefineflow/?hl=en
    Website: https://www.thefineflow.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thefineflow

  • A journey that began at 14years old over a cuppa with a favourite cousin and a not very ordinary conversation about Angels all the things in between, brought Monica to choose at a very young age the lane she wanted to operate in.

    Her connection to nature, again at a young age, and a love of meditative observations on the glorious opening of the Rose in all it's perfection and delicate detail, blossomed within her a remembering, an insight to the MAGIC of PERCEPTION - a remembering of that divinity and perfection is within me.

    She believes life is a walking meditation, the magic lies within us...and we agree, Monica is NOT one for working in boxes!

    In 2003, Monica Pema, founded PEMA Holistic-Health with a vision to bridge the gap between mainstream and holistic approaches. As a multi-modality Psychologist BSc (Hons) Psychology & MSc in Industrial /Organisational Psychology and Holistic Kinesiology (Dip. HK), she recognised the need for a comprehensive and integrative approach to well-being.

    Her approach is TOGETHER taking a deep dive into the whole person - uncovering all that holds you back from performing optimally, guiding through her in depth toolkit to returning to your natural state and innate ability to self - cultivate emotionally and naturally! she has recently released her extensive online course - The Conscious Self Courses, link below.

    Sit down with a cuppa and as Monica suggests, give your self permission to do you while you listen to this episode with the joy full and grateful heart of the powerful Soul sitting with us emanating the light that is her namesake.
    Oh and did we mention the intentionality of her soul incarnating on the blessed day of Holi - there is no mistaking the purposefulness of Monica Pema!!!

    Website: https://www.monicapema.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monica.pema/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/monica-pema-a00ab05/?originalSubdomain=au
    The Conscious Self Courses: https://www.monicapema.com/courses

  • Igniting the Spark Within

    In a Quantum Universe, we have free will choice. How do we choose when there can be so many options? Are we prepared for the other side of the rainbow as we wish for and play with the magic, to see and own the duality, the light and the shadow? If it’s all up to me, what do I really want?

    We explore with Zhara Mahlstedt this week the playing field that we are on when we reach into what is available in the Quantum Universe, and make the wish to live a happy expanded life where anything is possible.

    When there is alignment, we have divinity unravelled in our DNA and are accessing it! How does that feel when you read that out…I am accessing my divine destiny code embedded in my DNA.

    Igniting the Spark within is a delicious episode exploring the enlightened road, the Christ consciousness, accessing gateways of letting go as we do the work to activate our essence and go free in our Sovereignty. With this freedom comes the responsibility to rise, it is our time to rise and access the light within, and this is where we can go where we have never been before!!!

    “The Light within me sees the light within you”

    Are you prepared to shine your light and see the light within others???

    Always we connect in with so much magic with Zhara, calling it as she shares her Soulful knowing, channels and draws wisdom across all the dimensions and with so much love for the Self and the Other.

    More about Zhara Mahlstedt here:
    Website: https://zharajmahlstedt.com/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrOPJL8jA4oSUBHnwq2Fsw
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zharajmahlstedt/
    Website LifeFX: https://lifefxlivingwater.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zharajmahlstedt
    Book: https://zharajmahlstedt.com/book/

  • Choosing Creativity over Conformity….

    A special drop in with Lee Lehner, Author of ANITHIA series of books. We have shared space previously with Lee and her awakening - if you haven’t listened in to this episode, please do, Lee is an inspiration to dive into you creative spirit and let it flow! Hence our chat with Lee today, sharing the unlearning of all we have been taught in order to be our TRUE SELF and the beauty in that relearning experience…

    Lee shares a little more about the characters in her books titled “Ancestry of Creativity” & “Ancestry of Awakening” - two areas you know are so close to our hearts and we know, yours too!
    Inside information that throws a light on Life in action as an exchange of Creation and Purpose of Love, Spiritual Quests, Time Travel, Human Desires, Relationships and so much juiciness! Diving into the consciousness that is the Souls behind the title of her books, the ANITHIANS , with their own magic and gifts.

    We weave between the stories Lee has Channeled we are going to say, and real life and the lines start to blur - a lot, and we question, explore, play with what is real and what is fiction. A conversation around what it means to be human and not all human but mostly spirit, tapping into choosing creativity over conformity as Souls on a path we have only an inkling of.

    Such a joyful, deep dive into our DNA and cellular memory, being human, energetic Beings on a spectacular CREATIVE journey if we so allow and give our self the freedom to choose it!

    More about Lee Lehner here:
    Website: https://leelehner.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leelehnerauthor/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Lee-Lehner/100082697263889/

  • Love Bombing is amazing to be amongst while it's happening, but what happens when it stops?
    Why does it stop?
    And who is standing there with you when that blissful part of the relationship is over?

    Too often people, a very high percentage being women, find themselves standing with a person very different to the person they met, wooed them and showed them so much appreciation, desire and love when the love bubble bursts. Our amazing guest this episode takes a big breath and opens her heart to vulnerably share what it means when that happens and she came to realise she was in relationship with a narcissist.

    Kirsten Morrison is an incredibly talented, intelligent, funny, beautiful and accomplished woman of the world having lived and worked in some amazing environments round the planet with a diversity of people, with work life and personal achievements. Her episode shines a light on the path to finding love being one of with many twists and turns. And that no one is immune to being blinded by love!

    More about Kirsten Morrison here:
    Website: https://www.kirstenmorrison.co/human-design
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kirstenmorrison.co/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCESoFTBjVoi6_VOz1kyN4wQ
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/expressed-with-kirsten-morrison/id1436655569
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/kirstenmorrisonco/

  • Welcome to Part 2 of our incredible episode with Brittany Laidlaw. In part one, we left you in a place of mystery and mythology, about to step into a tale reflective of the Heroine's Journey as much as it is a tale of our disconnected and unloved selves. The powerful two part episode captures everything about beautiful #insideandout Brittany Laidlaw 💛 her wisdom and innate knowing of the ancient mysteries, an infectious smile and laughter that comes from deep within, an energy that radiates out to meet you, sees you.A Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor and Founder of the EARTHED Framework, Brittany is a woman involved in deep nature connection work. Devoting herself to bringing more of the Feminine to this area 🌿✨In Brittany’s words;“It’s time to see our bodies & nature as allies & not enemies on our path forward for humanity “Part 1 & 2 with Brittany take us as all the places where the Feminine resides and where Brittany’s work is creating such a powerful voice and pathways to bring to life where She is not. We hope you have already enjoyed part 1 here or via YouTube, links below.Put in your pods & walk with this episode or snuggle in with your favourite cuppa now and receive the abundance of beauty and soulful nourishment that is shared here. Embrace this part 2 of showing up in surviving the wilderness of Africa and a very intimate descent into the Nature of the Feminine. With April marking Earth month this episode and the importance of the work that Souls like Brittany are devoting their lives to, the conversation and learnings shared here absolutely need to be heard and embraced!!! Let us know your thoughts and experiences of sitting with us on Girl Awakening podcast Spotify and Apple, directly via girlawakening.com and our GA YouTube channel 🎧 💫Your comments and sharing not only mean so much to Jo & Amanda plus our amazing Guests, you help Girl Awakening to reach more people and plant more seeds, share more stories of Awakening and create more connection! Thank you for being apart of this community 🙏Much love and joy Amanda & Jo xxGirl Awakening ✨More about Brittany Laidlaw here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittanyjanelaidlaw/?hl=enSurvivor Naked & Afraid Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakedandafraid/?hl=en In person events / Wild Woman One: https://www.brittanyjanelaidlaw.com/wildwomanone?r_done=1Force of Nature Masterclass: https://www.brittanyjanelaidlaw.com/forceofnatureFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/brittanyjanelaidlaw?refsrc=deprecated&_rdrMore about Girl Awakening here:Podcast:Spotify; https://open.spotify.com/show/7Ikvp36v8LAr2916mBQuq9?si=d6f091dae85a484eApple; https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/girl-awakening/id1655279888Website: https://www.girlawakening.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girl.awakening/

  • ALL the elements are sitting with much grace and powerful expression within this two part episode we are blessed to be sharing with you, featuring return guest, Brittany Laidlaw. We step out into the wilderness with current / recent star of Naked & Afraid. A reality TV show filmed on location, this time in South Africa - so much WILDNESS!!!Britt shares the real time survival skills and relationship with the land journey required to complete the 21 days, oh and did we say, all whilst naked! Woven through this extreme wilderness challenge also came a deeply Spiritual experience for Britt... one where in surrendering to the trust and a willing giving of her self to the environment, she was held in the Natural Law, flowing within a rite of passage where her body aligned to offer her blood to the land.Swimming with Crocs, sleeping with the sounds of Lions roaring, Leopards making a kill and the every real potential of contact, being close to wildlife was real! Britt shares how to find food, water, keep warm, make shelter - you will learn skills!Britt embraced this challenging experience as an opportunity to survive being immersed in the wild, all senses awake and integrated, in harmony with as opposed to the contrast of the conquering of the wild. We were transfixed all the way through to the point where we have shared this episode with Britt in two parts, released today and tune in again next week for part two, we could not stop the flow that opened up in our space of sitting together!It was so much more than a discussion around a reality TV show, as exciting as this experience was to share. We entered a space where romancing the Feminine brought food, conscious connection with a Croc was possible, entering a portal to a whole new way of living, of healing, being in alignment and in exploring the heroine's journey - then we can sit with fear!Incredibly expansive and freeing...so much empowerment!!!Leave your comments and questions below, we know this time with Britt has so much to offer, we'd love to hear your takeaways.More about Brittany Laidlaw here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brittanyjanelaidlaw/?hl=enSurvivor Naked & Afraid Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nakedandafraid/?hl=en In person events / Wild Woman One: https://www.brittanyjanelaidlaw.com/wildwomanone?r_done=1Force of Nature Masterclass: https://www.brittanyjanelaidlaw.com/forceofnature#soma #somatic #wildwoman #forceofnature #nakedandafraid #activation #awareness #divine #divinefeminine #girlawakeningyoutube #girlawakening #girlawakeningpodcast #quantum #longevity #portal #soulawakening #heroine #empowerment #empoweringwomen #initiation #mythology #duality #ecosomatics #survival #realitytv #bomas #awareness #fillmycup #anima #animus #reflections #mirroring #motivationalspeaker #survivalskills #survivalchallenge #lawofattraction #grounded #relationships #fertility #naturallaw #loveandlight #trustandbelieve #brittanylaidlaw #extraordinarywomen

  • This episode we had the joy of sitting with Marina Perry, an enigmatic, vibrant, joy-full, curious, passionate and high energy plus Soul!

    8 minutes in we had to stop and take a breath - already feeling as though we had covered an hour in conversation with the dynamic and empowered being Marina is in every sense of the words - A BEING EMPOWERED.

    Self describing her mission here this time to live a deliciously divine life, one without limits and to dance in her ALLness, Marina holds this available for every one in her coaching and programs of activation and awakening.

    She is on a mission to empower every woman with the tools and core compass she needs to explore, to expand her experience and expression of herself. Marina is in her self, an activation for change, an invitation to intimacy and your intuition. You feel this merely sitting in her field.

    Building on her years of experience and being ahead of the game as founder of PURE Health Clubs, Marina has now expanded into cofounding a luxe health and wellbeing community and studio for Mothers of all ages and stages of Mothering, Mum Hive.

    Her relationship with the quantum, a stunning intellect and living an adventurous life, leading us into a sharing of her own intimate connection with the physical and what is means to be a kinaesthetic person. For Marina moving her body every day is essential to balance mind body spirit and to be in her at peace in her body.

    We dive into soma - relationship into the divine through the understanding of the physical and the body, not the same two things as we learn. Soma meaning an internal awareness, there are so many layers to developing this connection. The kinetics dynamic in Marina sometimes understanding that she simply needs to be held, unconditionally simply held.

    Wow does this make you question - "Do I allow this, to be held, in my own environment, life, relationships?!

    In Marina's words, " the body holds the wisdom but yes it also holds the wounds, our greatest portal to our growth"

    Wildly optimistic and we suspect, a life long student of all that is - Marina finds her bliss helping people lose their limits, live from their heart space and grow into their higher selves. She is your ultimate wing-woman which as she studied aviation and can fly a plane, she is well qualified for in more way than one!

    Put in your pods, go for a walk and come with us on the rocket ship that is time with this inspiring and courageous woman who isn't afraid to say out loud " I can do anything!"

    An episode triggering a very expansive and Awakening experience!

    More about Marina Perry here:

    Website: https://www.marinaperry.org/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammarinaperry/

    Website: https://www.mumhive.com.au/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC489jXKVDubUFkG0FD-004w

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarinaPerryOfficial

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/the-marina-perry-podcast/id1467282612

    Clothing Line Gypsy Goddess Queen : https://www.theschoolofgrowth.org/ggqshop

  • As the child who asked a lot of questions, with "Why" being one of her favourite, curiosity about the world unseen led Nadia Gledhill to explore things unseen but often "felt".

    An interest into the paranormal, esoteric and the cosmos opened many avenues of exploration outside of the normal. Possibly why when at age 10 and seeing spirits, Nadia wasn't fearful. No surprises that when she grew up she wanted to be a Ghostbuster. Think Scully of the X-Files even!

    Life was pretty normal and comfortable until the universe decided to help things shift out of comfort and provide a few of those deep dive life lessons that help to lead us along to where we came here to be. Lessons that created a mental and emotional undoing leading to a big shift in understanding how other people thought and asking questions again.

    Those questions and learnings leading to an even bigger shift in her connection to self love and acceptance.

    "I am who I am, take it or leave it!"

    No longer living with seperate parts of her self, Nadia has integrated the old and the awakened old/new self to be a woman who can't be fenced in and loves all aspects of her self. EXCITING!

    We know you will love this episode with a strong, empathetic and sensitive woman who found the right fit and true expression of her gifts in her own time and on her own terms!

    As a QHHT practitioner, Nadia helps you gain clarity & direction through Quantum Healing Hypnosis, past life regression & tarot readings.

    Nadia is known for her skill in Quantum Healing Hypnosis. This powerful method facilitates exploration of altered states of consciousness, unlocking profound revelations, facilitating deep healing, and fostering invaluable insights and spiritual growth.

    Nadia Gledhill QHHT practitioner will be launching an online community in 2024 to provide a nurturing space for like-minded individuals to connect, support one another, and explore the depths of their spiritual journeys together. You can find the waitlist on her QHHT website link below.

    Active on instagram, Youtube, Facebook and live connection through special events, you can find Nadia through the links below.

    More about Nadia here:

    QHHT Australia: https://qhhtaustralia.com.au/about/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qhht.australia/

    Bookings & Events = Past Life Regression Vic: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/past-life-regression-merkaba-studio-cheltenham-tickets-770097481297

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Nadia-QHHT-Australia/100088079443392/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nadiagledhill

  • February 2024 Feature: Girl Awakening Top Four Episodes!As the analytics go, there are four episodes that reached many many of you - so we decided to re-share these four with you in service to the energy and activation that was created the moment they went out into the atmosphere!In no special order, the last of our February festival of Four with Jemmita.

    Jemmita feels in her very essence that Ceremony is a Celebration of Life. She sees that our connection to the Earth, each other and especially to ourselves is missing in our busy modern lives. She lives this connection and celebration in her own life passionately and with absolute dedication.

    Offering pilgrimage and retreats around our blessed planet is of Jemmita's calling and life practice - open to all who are ready to walk a Sacred path of Remembering, in Ceremony and Celebration!

    Jem deeply believes the time is now to liberate ourselves from any limitations that hold us back from reaching our fullest potential.

    It's time to remember our beauty and reconnect to who we truly are.

    To remember that the Sun doesn't shine on us, it shines from within us.

    Are you ready to be free?

    If you're here with Girl Awakening, we think YES is your answer!

    Jem also gave generously to our recent January Embrace your Evolution online summit, you can now se her contribution live on Girl Awakening You Tube channel. And receive the gift of a divine blessing at the end.Dive into this fantastic episode of sharing Awakening with Jemmita, to travel through time and physically around the globe, fully exploring the inside & out job of discovering purpose and service. And what this actually means as a creative Soul explores life very colourfully and trusting to walk in through the doors that opened up before her.

    More than a few crazy stories/ secrets / scintillating moments as well are shared as well as the deep exploration of what it means to live from heart space, listen to your intuition and honour the callings of the energies that arise as a result of living life in ceremony ✨🌀✨You will never think of giving and receiving in the same way again …trust us!

    Girl Awakening Youtube of episode with Jem: https://youtu.be/wpFD9KE8GKw

    More about Jem here:

    Website - https://www.anchoringthelight.com

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anchoringthelight/

    Peru Pilgrimage: https://www.anchoringthelight.com/peru-pilgrimage

    Byron Bay Retreat special: https://www.anchoringthelight.com/byron-reset-retreat-sales-page

    Free Cacao Masterclass: https://www.anchoringthelight.com/joinfreemasterclass

  • February 2024 Feature: Girl Awakening Top Four Episodes!

    It’s been a hot minute since Girl Awakening began sharing with you the AWAKENING stories of many incredible Souls. We have no favourites, we are humbled and so blessed to sit with each guest and absolutely LOVE each and every episode we share with you. But as the analytics go, there are four episodes that reached many many of you - so we decided to re-share these four with you in service to the energy and activation that was created the moment they went out into the atmosphere!In no special order, February festival of Four with

    Rasa Lukosiute is the voice of Pura Rasa, writer and editor of guided meditations found here, on YouTube and on her own app - Pura Rasa, found where you find all apps (links below).

    Her guided meditations range from sleep aid, stress relief, personal transformation, spirit connection, healing, law of attraction and many more.

    A difficult childhood was a catalyst for her awakening and also a stimulus to escape the traumatic environment of home. A beautiful Grandmother who was the opposite, gave her a light, showed her the other part of life and whats possible. Somehow this connection planted a seed, hope and an awareness there was more than the the darkness....

    Rasa remembers when her psychic abilities started, an awakening where there was no going back. She began to receive visual and information that was so exciting to be a part of, she didn't want to be anywhere else!

    A desire to close her eyes and just "hang" with the spiritual beings that are wise and eternal.

    Rasa is a qualified life coach and a Yoga teacher. Her interests are human and animal psychology, science, psychic development, learning about the purpose and function of the mind, body and soul.

    From a young age Rasa sought to express her sense of this world, experiences and hopes through writing. Influenced by the core values passed on from her beloved grandmother, Rasa began her inquisitive journey, exploring deeper layers of her existence.

    Rasa was born and raised in the west of Lithuania that shares a unique dialect and beautiful landscapes. Feeling blessed to have grown up surrounded by nature, forming a strong bond with natural elements, Nature is an element entwined with Rasa's happy place.

    Meditation came later in Rasa’s life and completely transformed not only her health and wellbeing but her whole life. A reconnection to her inner knowing that there is so much more to living here on EARTH, the contrast available and that there is so much to discover in being here - living life with feet on the ground and open to the world of Spirit.

    In Rasa's words, " This Earth plane offers every possibility we we could imagine, where we can create and make up worlds, immerse ourselves in whatever we like, there is nothing more interesting than this!"

    Definitely adds new colour and excitement to engaging our imagination!!!Come journey with Rasa and you will understand completely as she shared her awakening, why her meditations are so powerful and intuitively resonate 💫

    Girl Awakening Youtube of episode with Rasa: https://youtu.be/JXtUiy9vtFc

    More about Rasa here:

    Website - https://purarasa.com/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@purarasa

    Latest Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0moIXpaPy8

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/organicheart

    Meditation App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=breakthroughapps.com.purarasa or https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pura-rasa/id1665649108

    Quick links to Pura Rasa Meditations:

    Meditation - Trust The Universe: https://youtu.be/_FCZEpv0drM

    Meditation - Enlightenment: https://youtu.be/hAutjZTw33Q

  • February 2024 Feature: Girl Awakening Top Four Episodes!

    It’s been a hot minute since Girl Awakening began sharing with you the AWAKENING stories of many incredible Souls. We have no favourites, we are humbled and so blessed to sit with each guest and absolutely LOVE each and every episode we share with you. But as the analytics go, there are four episodes that reached many many of you - so we decided to re-share these four with you in service to the energy and activation that was created the moment they went out into the atmosphere!In no special order, February festival of Four with Brittany Laidlaw.

    An Earth Angel Activation is the gift to our blessed Mother Gaia & the divine feminine with the evolution of this beautiful Soul in her Awakening's!

    Brittany Laidlaw is a Somatic Ecologist, Rewilding Mentor, and Accredited Wayapa Practitioner with over a decade of experience leading embodied nature-connection programs.

    Britt holds a Master of Environment in Somatic Ecology, a Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Enterprise & is currently completing a pioneering PhD in Eco-Somatics.

    Co-Founder of NatureCulture, a social enterprise that offers immersive programs which reconnect people to the natural world & the wild parts of themselves. Within NatureCulture, Britt's programs specifically focus on midwifing the dormant potential within women through connecting to their wild feminine. She has recently handed over her reins in this space to focus on other areas of the Wild calling her.

    Today, her work primarily focuses on guiding women through The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for conversing with the body, soul, & nature -based on her PhD research.

    In this episode we walk barefoot on Earth into a complete breakdown, leading into an ebb & flow process of activation and Phoenix like re-emergence in a mind body spirit dance of allowance that was that was such a powerful dynamic in her awakenings.

    With the presence of plenty of Scorpio in her natal chart, Britt embraces what we love to call "The Full Lotus" - sinking into the mud in her process of letting go, letting go, letting go. To finally, a giving up of who she thought she was, then drawing on the fertility of the mud aka her true essence, in rising up as she discovers the harvest in the breakdown!

    There are an incredible number of gifts here for us all in Britt's awakening, you will not want to stop from beginning to end ! We suggest making a huge pot of herbal tea or mug of cacao and settle in, as you embrace the "the art of deep listening" in Britt's words.

    More about Britt here:

    Social Handles:
    Instagram (Britt personal - women & ecosomatic focus): @brittanyjanelaidaw

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnDmTs6413l_kJvuiyxTNg

    Programs & Research

    My signature in-person program for women where I guided women through The EARTHED Framework - Wild Woman: The Immersion: https://www.brittanyjanelaidlaw.com/wildwomanone?r_done=1 May 2024.
    PhD in eco-somatics - Exploring how dance can be used as a vital means of relating to & restoring living ecologies. Working closely with the Peek Whuurrung Maara people (Indigenous community in Victoria, Australia) to document their whale dance ceremony, how it's restoring the health of both people & place. My research has also led to the development of The EARTHED Framework, an experiential map for entering into conversation with soul & place. The framework integrates comprehensive knowledge from somatics, neuroscience, ecology, and mythology, as well as first-hand experience with Indigenous knowledge keepers & world-renowned experts within the rewilding movement.

    Books & Resources Mentioned:

    The EARTHED Framework Masterclass (free class) - https://bit.ly/earthedexclusiveaccess Book: Cathedral of the Wild by Boyd Varty Dr Martin Shaw - Mythologist Jane Hardwicke Collings - School of Shamanic Womancraft // https://schoolofshamanicwomancraft.com/four-seasons-journey/
  • February 2024 Feature: Girl Awakening Top Four Episodes!

    It’s been a hot minute since Girl Awakening began sharing with you the AWAKENING stories of many incredible Souls. We have no favourites, we are humbled and so blessed to sit with each guest and absolutely LOVE each and every episode we share with you. But as the analytics go, there are four episodes that reached many many of you - so we decided to re-share these four with you in service to the energy and activation that was created the moment they went out into the atmosphere!In no special order, starting our February festival of Four with Helen Padarin.Helen is a woman on a wonderful explorative journey into plant medicine and all that encompasses this modality. Her care and compassion for supporting humans in the best, holistic and cleanest way become very clear in this podcast. She has spent the past few years exploring these wonderful plant medicines herself, so she can then deliver and understand them at a very intimate level. We have our hands up to sit with Helen when she feels it is right to start integrating these into her own naturopathy clinic. Keep an eye & ear out for Helen for all that is unfolding in her powerful space.Helen is a Naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and author. She has been in clinical practice since 2001. Amongst Helen’s many loves of Mother Nature is her love of discovering the benefits of Plant Medicine and integrating this into today’s world, also the massive benefits nature can have on the healing body and psyche. Her mission is to educate and promote awareness about a truly nourishing diet and lifestyle for everyone. She is passionate about fermented foods and traditionally prepared whole foods that are free from damaging and unnecessary processing and additives. An adventurous Soul who loves as high as the mountains she climbs, is as colourful as the cultures and communities she immerses within and as infectious as the laughter that bubbles from the river of her essence, there is no question why Helen Padarin is one of our top four episodes with in the your Awakening series that is Girl Awakening

    More about Helen Padarin here:Website: ⁠https://helenpadarin.com ⁠ Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/helenpadarin/