Domen in Hana, člana SPiS Združeno kraljestvo, delita zanimivosti, drame in svoja mnenja o kronanju Karla III.
Opomba: podcast je bil posnet 6. 4. 2023, mesec dni pred kronanjem.
The Willow Project je največji privatni infrastrukturni projekt v Arktiki, ki ga sponzorira ameriška vlada. Zakaj je tako pomemben? Kako ga razumejo staroselske skupnosti? In navsezadnje, kako ga razumeta voditelja podcasta Domen in Mark?
Missing episodes?
Kdo so Inuiti? Od kod izvira ime Grenlandije? Zakaj želijo ZDA kupiti ta otok? Vse to in še več (na primer poskus izgovarjave najdaljše besede) v tej epizodi z voditeljema Izo in Markom.
Nekoč zgolj hipotetiziran Severozahodni prehod (Northwest Passage) med Pacifikom in Atlantikom danes povzroča geopolitična trenja. Komu pripada? Zakaj je tako pomemben? Dobrodošli v drugi epizodi arktičnih podcastov z Adelino in Marto!
Svetovno skladišče semen, sovjetska letovišča in rudniki, edino območje na svetu brez vizumov. Kdo danes tam živi in kako se spreminja okolje? Vse to in še več vam bo v prvem v seriji arktičnih podcastov predstavila Eva.
The Slovenian-Australian Chamber of Commerce and the Globallis Student Association for International Relations organized the first conference for young Slovenian entrepreneurs at home and abroad. The event was aimed at presenting six young entrepreneurs and their companies and discussing the issues and challenges they have faced in the past and those they are still facing today. Being a young entrepreneur is in itself a challenge and at the same time a unique opportunity but studying and at the same time founding and running a successful company is a completely different story. How do they do it and how can they do it better and where and in what way can we help them?
The event was done with the support of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad and the Directorate for Economic and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. Guest speakers: - @agency_statera (on Instagram), @Marcel Dover (on LinkedIn) - @ops_technologies (on Instagram), @Jakob Sadar (on LinkedIn) - @juicymarbles (on Instagram), @Maj Hrovat (on LinkedIn) - @beesmetic (on Instagram), @Rebeka Udvanc (on LinkedIn) - @epidemic_collabs (on Instagram), @Nika Kristina Butina (on LinkedIn) - @treecelet (on Instagram), @Miha Hrovat (on LinkedIn) Globallis: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globallis/
The Slovenian-Australian Chamber of Commerce and the Globallis Student Association for International Relations organized the first conference for young Slovenian entrepreneurs at home and abroad. The event was aimed at presenting six young entrepreneurs and their companies and discussing the issues and challenges they have faced in the past and those they are still facing today. Being a young entrepreneur is in itself a challenge and at the same time a unique opportunity but studying and at the same time founding and running a successful company is a completely different story. How do they do it and how can they do it better and where and in what way can we help them?
The event was done with the support of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad and the Directorate for Economic and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. Guest speakers: - @agency_statera (on Instagram), @Marcel Dover (on LinkedIn) - @ops_technologies (on Instagram), @Jakob Sadar (on LinkedIn) - @juicymarbles (on Instagram), @Maj Hrovat (on LinkedIn) - @beesmetic (on Instagram), @Rebeka Udvanc (on LinkedIn) - @epidemic_collabs (on Instagram), @Nika Kristina Butina (on LinkedIn) - @treecelet (on Instagram), @Miha Hrovat (on LinkedIn) Globallis: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globallis/