
  • Sales expert Meghan Lamle invested her last $200 into starting her business and turned it into $200K in sales before she burned it all down after she grew quickly and burnt out. She took a break from business, worked on her mental health and is back 4 years after that initial $200 investment scaling once again.

    Meghan talks about how imposter syndrome is always lurking, no matter how much revenue you bring in. She works on her mental health with therapy, hypnotherapy, mindset and breath work and nervous system regulation in order to squash her feelings of perfectionism. She learned to believe in herself and has been on a journey of unraveling her imposter syndrome while rebuilding her business to even bigger revenue successes.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How that first investment is the scariest How trying to figure it out by yourself doesn’t workHow monumental growth also can create massive burnout How she closed her coaching business and went back to corporateHow she rebuilt her coaching business while battling imposter syndrome, and massively increased her revenue despite feeling like an imposterHow revenue does not fix imposter syndrome How imposter syndrome will make you keep investing in skills you already haveThe benefits of hypnotherapy and investing in your mental health

    Here’s where you can find Meghan Lamle:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/meghan.lamle/

    Website: https://meghanlamle.com/



    Connect and Work with Courtney

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  • Getting uncomfortable isn’t fun! It’s not easy and it can hurt sometimes, but getting uncomfortable also pushes us to our next level. It’s important to move outside of your comfort zone because it allows you to learn, grow and expand.

    On this solo episode, I talk about the things that made me uncomfortable and how if I hadn’t done them, and continued to do them, I wouldn’t have businesses or a podcast today!

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    The importance of getting uncomfortable in order to move to your next levelMy hate of running and why I’m runningHow speaking live and hosting presentations once made me very uncomfortable, but I continued to do them and succeed in themHow when you work on one aspect of your life, it trickles into all aspects of your life and business

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

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  • SEO Expert and Agency Owner Kim Fischer went from finishing Grad School to bartending to entrepreneurship. She had been living abroad in the UK when the pandemic hit, and decided it was time to return home and start her SEM Agency 13 Emeralds Marketing. She was a woman in tech, and wanted to build a female-first agency that was for women and built by women.

    Kim talks about how she wants female entrepreneurs to feel comfortable asking tech questions because when she was first starting her business she turned to Facebook groups for advice and the predominantly male tech groups made her feel less than for not having all the answers. She ended up seeking out a more female-driven community and found the support she needed to build her business into a success.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    Starting a business in a pandemicBeing a female in a male-dominated industryFinding a supportive communityThe weird things people search on google What type of content to have on your website to boost your SEO

    Here’s where you can find Kim Fischer:

    IG: @13emeraldsmarketing

    Website: https://13emeraldsmarketing.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-fischer/

    Meet Dr. Megan Daley, host of Human on the Daley Podcast:

    Human on the Daley Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/human-on-the-daley/id1687235238

    Dr's Megan Daley's Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/moveonthedaley

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • August marked the second year of my coaching business! Woohoo! Two years into entrepreneurship and I’m running two businesses - my coaching business online and my local pet sitting business – and it has been quite a journey. A journey with some mistakes along the way!

    Mistakes happen in business, no matter what year of business you’re in. I don’t consider business mistakes to be a bad thing because I believe you only learn and grow from each one. And that makes your business even stronger.

    I made one critical mistake in my second year of business, but I also corrected that mistake in the same year. I waited far too long to dig into mindset work and instead focused on strategy thinking I needed to learn “how” rather than learn how to BE.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    Business mistakes I made in my second year as an entrepreneurThe importance of learning and growing from mistakes How I thought strategy was more important to learn over mindsetHow I learned to BE a business ownerHow I learned there are layers to mindset work The Catch-22 of not having the money to hire the coach, but needing the coach to receive the moneyHow we don’t need to know “how” it’s going to happen, we can just believe it willHow working on my mindset with my Empowerment Coach Andrea Crisp has changed my life and business

    Meet Andrea Crisp, host of The Couragecast Podcast:

    Andrea Crisp’s Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/andreacrispcoach

    The Couragecast Podcast:https://www.instagram.com/the.couragecast


    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Jenn Bieri was on the executive track at her accounting firm with a clear path to where her life was “supposed” to go, but she was continuously hitting burnout. She tried to pivot down different corporate avenues, changing the size or the type of firms she worked for, but her struggles of burnout only increased.

    After numerous panic attacks that landed her in the hospital, she found the energy side of yoga practice. It helped her stress level but the golden handcuffs of her career, salary and benefits held her tight in the corporate space until the pandemic gave her a wake up call, and she decided it was time to start her own business.

    Now, Jenn is an energy healer, yoga teacher and coach and she helps her clients with chronic stress and burnout restore their mind, body and soul with balance and healing.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    Pivoting out of the security of the corporate spaceIgnoring burnout because of a paycheckLearning how to slow down (even when you don’t want to)How yoga is more than an exercise routineThe benefits of restorative yogaLearning how to manage your mind in the silence

    Here’s where you can find Jenn Bieri:

    IG: @movewithjennn

    Free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/behappyandfree

    Meet Natalie Barnett, host of The Embodied Entrepreneur:

    The Embodied Entrepreneur Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-embodied-entrepreneur-podcast-with-natalie-barnett/id1665763758

    Natalie Barnetts's Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nataliebarnett/

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Both micro offers and long-term coaching are great options to enjoy when you’re seeking guidance in your business. Each offer type has value and purpose to the season you are in. But the expectations and results you get from each type of offer are vastly different, and in this solo episode I talk about how micro offers are for learning and long-term coaching is for implementing the things you’ve learned.

    I talk about my own experiences of wasting time and money and expecting results that weren’t possible because I wasn’t clear on what I had invested in.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    Benefits and differences between micro offers and long-term coaching How and what you learn inside micro offersHow long-term coaching helps with the doing and implementation of what you’ve learnedThe importance of knowing what you want, and your expectations before investing in a programBoost Your Business Collective, my intimate group coaching program, which is a program that includes the learning and implementing

    Find More Info About Boost Your Business Collective Here: https://goliveyourstory.mykajabi.com/offers/Uwncm4Bs

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Empowerment Coach, Badass Unicorn and Empowered Millennial Angela Gentile had been stuffing down her authentic self for decades, and had been trying to fit her life into a box that her environment told her she “should” live. She had a reckoning after her dad passed away and realized she had to break out of the box and live outside of the status quo.

    Angela explains how as a millennial she lacked an emotional toolbox to deal with her grief and emotions, and couldn’t find a space that allowed her to both be angry and tranquil in order to open herself up to solutions so she could take action. So she created her own space where she and her clients can zen, rage, heal.

    Angela talks about how it’s important to support and celebrate ALL life events, big and small, and not just marriage and kids. Because by celebrating the small things, they turn into big shifts and changes in your life.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    Being a trailblazer and breaking away from the normHow to find a new environment, when you don’t “fit” in your current environmentHow to open yourself up and realize that you control your choicesHow celebrating small victories should be the normHow getting uncomfortable, allows for big shifts

    Angela’s business has evolved and rebranded since this episode was recorded and is now called The Empowered Millennials. Sweat Remix still exists but the name of her IG and podcast have changed since this recording. Find them all linked below!

    Here’s where you can find Angela Gentile:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/theempoweredmillennials/

    Website: https://www.sweatremix.com/

    Podcast: https://www.sweatremix.com/podcast

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Burn out doesn’t always look like an explosion, and oftentimes looks more like little singes or little fires everywhere. Intentional Living Coach Tiffany Leader explains how burnout is often a build up of the little things, over an extended period of time, that we continue to ignore and numb out with Netflix or alcohol rather than deal with. It’s not always a giant emotional breakdown.

    In this episode, Tiffany explains how to recognize the little singes so you don’t reach breakdown level. Because no one wants that! You don’t have to accept burnout as normal and can learn to take care of yourself first.

    Tiffany talks about identifying what brings you joy and it can be something as simple as going outside. Tiny house living has been a passion for her because she loves having experiences with people more than she wants to collect stuff. So Tiffany has found joy in the RV lifestyle and enjoys traveling the country in an RV with her husband, and getting outside as much as possible.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    The definition of burnoutHow to have a rhythm of joy and workHow you have to make changes and stop saying it will get better “when”How your body talks to you before your brain doesThe signs of burnout and how you’re coping with itHow she decide to live a tiny house lifestyle while also starting her marriageHer travels as a full time RV-er

    Here’s where you can find Tiffany Leader:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/tiffany.leader/

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • It’s easy to get comfortable inside the network that you know, but it’s important to recognize that when that happens, it’s not moving your business forward and it’s time to find a new network – outside of your coach’s networks. It isn’t easy and it’s uncomfortable but it’s necessary in order to expand, meet new people, and build deep connections.

    Being in a room with like-minded women who are buzzing with expansion, creates a buzz inside of you. In this solo episode, I expand on my earlier conversation with Business Coach Amy Traugh from last week about the importance of community, networking and getting in the room.

    I’m talking about casting a wider net and getting in more expansive rooms, not your average weekly networking call where it’s small talk on repeat. I’m talking about rooms like retreats, conferences and masterminds where you can have genuine conversations that are on a deeper, more authentic and personal level.

    You get a bigger return when you’re spending more time with a group of women on things like a retreat, conference or long term mastermind. And that’s where the magic happens!

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    How being around like-minded women expands you The importance of opening up in the room and going beyond the surface of small talkHow intimate groups allow for deeper conversationsHow it’s uncomfortable to network beyond your coach’s network, but it’s necessary The importance of knowing your networking goal before you attend the event

    Meet Jackie Dragone, host of The Pink Business Club Podcast:

    Jackie Dragone’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjackiedragone/

    Pink Business Club Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pink-business-club/id1665751181

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Amy Traugh, a business coach, founder and CEO of The Moms on a Mission community and host of The Motivated Mompreneur Podcast, is changing the narrative that women have to choose between business and their role as a mom. She is on a mission to empower and educate women that it’s possible to stop the hustle culture, mom martyrdom and mom guilt and actually LIVE the life you desire most.

    Amy created a Facebook community, business, and in-person event because she knew she couldn’t be alone in not being able to find a seat at the table where she could “fit in” as a mom who wanted more than checked boxes in life.

    Amy stopped living a, “when, then” lifestyle, got quiet, learned how to ask for help and is now clear on the life and business that she wants.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How knowing and standing firm in your why, lessens the mom guiltHow women can find balance based on their season of lifeHow business owners often forget that you’re in the driver’s seat and can design your business around your lifeHow building genuine relationships is what moves your business forwardHow learning to ask for help makes you a better mom and business owner

    Here’s where you can find Amy Traugh:

    IG: @amytraugh

    Free Guide: Market Your Business without Spending a Dime https://www.subscribepage.com/marketingyourbusinessguideWebsite: themomsonamission.comPodcast: The Motivated Momprenuer Podcast (Streaming on all platforms)

    Meet Amanda Clark, host of Braving the Mountain Podcast:

    Braving the Mountain Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/braving-the-mountain/id1551028064

    Amanda Clark's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amandaclarkstudios/

    Amanda Clark's Website: https://www.amandaclark.biz/

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • The best stories are in the fails! Your conflicts, fails and struggles are the stories that need to be told. Those are the stories that people want to hear. The perfect stories are boring and not relatable. People relate more to the mess, because most people don’t actually have it all together, all the time.

    Your audience wants and needs to hear your fails, and struggles. Those messy stories and how you overcame the struggle is what will resonate with your audience and clients the most. So share them!

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    How the best stories are the failsHow perfect stories are boringHow a good story has conflict and struggle The importance of sharing your struggle because it makes you relatable How not taking messy action holds you back in business How your audience connects with you more deeply when you share your conflicts and do things messy

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • After a decade of doing a toxic dance in her marriage where she would chase and he would run, trauma-informed, life and marriage coach Becky Aste decided to focus on her own healing. Becky and her husband had tried everything, as a couple and individually, to save their marriage but the pandemic really brought their struggles to the surface and they were separated and on the verge of divorce when Becky tried one last thing.

    She found a course and coach who helped her to heal her nervous system and move trauma out of her body – and it saved her marriage! Becky – who was strung out on the hustle for most of her marriage and was triggered by everything her husband did or didn’t do – followed her gut, and focused on her nervous system. Becky and her husband rebuilt their marriage, and after educating and certifying herself in trauma-informed healing, she built a business to help other women do the same.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How many of us our spinning our wheels daily and wanting to give upHow to shift the toxic dance in your marriage even if your spouse isn’t onboardHow our body is keeping score and holding on to past traumasThe differences between big T and little t traumaHow the pandemic rattled her marriage to near divorce, but also strangely helped to bring them back togetherHow to ground yourself in a time of struggle

    Here’s where you can find Becky Aste:

    IG: @rebeccaleeaste

    Website: www.idobreakthrough.com

    Podcast: Your Breakthrough Blueprint

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • I had been receiving proof from the universe for months but I wasn’t listening. I wasn’t being open to receive the messages that I was being sent because I was looking at it from a different perspective. Once I flipped my perspective and had an aha moment, I was able to see what I had been missing.

    And this aha moment came about because of a pet sitting client. My main focus in business and this podcast is my coaching business and helping female entrepreneurs. But I also work with furry, four-legged clients too. I part time dog walk and pet sit as a supplement to my coaching business. It’s something I’ve fallen back on for years and in this episode I talk about how I got into dog walking many years ago, some of the animals I’ve had over the years, as well as some of the stresses that come with being a pet sitter.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    How I first became a dog walker and pet sitter The drama and stresses of caring for animal clients How the business that I don’t market at all is exploding with clientsHow to ask the universe for proof that it is possible How the universe sent me proof but I wasn’t listening Flipping my perspective and having an aha moment The universe proving to me how easy business can be

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • After feeling burnout from the pandemic and her full time job, and getting her driver’s license at 30 years old (when you live in NYC you don’t need one!) chef and traveler Alex Giel decided with her boyfriend to pack up their new car, quit their jobs and drive from New York to Costa Rica! And back!

    Alex says her road trip of a lifetime was a liberating investment in her happiness, and allowed her to shake things up in order to find a new perspective on life. Born in Peru, raised in Manhattan and now living in Philadelphia after her ultimate road trip, Alex who has been a vegan for 13 years began to veganize some of the traditional Peruvian dishes she loved as a kid, and her catering business The Vegan Lama or La Llamita Vegana was born.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How a joke around a crazy idea actually came to lifeHow to plan and save in order to spend months traveling on a budgetHow Alex opens people’s minds up to a new way of eatingHow the Philadelphia food scene has been welcoming and given her a sense of community How it’s possible to take traditional recipes and make them more healthyHow you’ll never regret taking a risk or going on an adventure and she wishes everyone could experience what she did during her travels

    Here’s where you can find Alex Giel:

    IG: @la.llamita.vegana

    Website: https://lallamitavegana.com/

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Sharing our mistakes with the world helps us all to grow further faster, and in my first year of business I made many mistakes that I share with you on this episode. You too will make mistakes in your business, and perhaps I can help you to avoid some epic fails by sharing my own with you. But I also don’t consider them failures, I consider them the places where I grew the furthest.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    How you learn faster when you make mistakesHow investing in myself helped me to grow fasterHow most of the returns on my investments have not been monetary and that’s fine by me!Knowing when it’s time to find a bigger bubble and expand your networkFeeling unheard, undervalued and taken advantage of when you don’t set boundaries The importance of both strategy and mindset work in growing your business

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Empowerment Coach, Author and Podcast Host Andrea Crisp set an intention for her vacation, and allowed her intentions and the time away to shift the energy within herself and her business. After a decade of being a leader in the coaching space, Andrea is showing up for herself in a whole new way. She’s living her life and allowing her business to have its own energy and tell her what it needs in order to flourish, while she thrives in her life.

    Andrea talks about how it’s so easy to fall into self sabotage and put up roadblocks that prevent us from receiving the things we desire. She reminds us that if we can dream it, it is possible. And how there’s always another layer to discover about ourselves when it comes to mindset work.

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How Andrea transitioned her empowerment skills and experiences as a teacher to a leader in the worship community, and now as a coachHow in the early years of her business journey she was filled with doubt and anxiety until she decided it was not going to define her any longer and she allowed herself to be seenHow there’s always another layer to discover about ourselves when it comes to mindset workHow setting intentions for everyday life sets you up for successThe more that you show your subconscious the proof of the possibility, the more you step into the belief of it

    Here’s where you can find Andrea Crisp:

    IG: @andreacrispcoachIG: @the.couragecastPodcast: http://www.thecouragecast.com/http://www.andreacrisp.ca/

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • I’ve been laid off from 3.5 jobs in my corporate career over nearly two decades. Each one sucked in it’s own way but each one also taught me how to continue pushing forward, and unknowingly helped me to deal with the next layoff.

    Oftentimes we attach our identity to our job title or role in life and when those things change (which they always do even if you aren’t laid off from a job), it’s hard to not feel like your identity has changed as well.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    The labels we give ourselves My own 3.5 layoffs from the corporate worldAttaching your identity to your career or self-imposed roles in life How to avoid heartbreak and losing yourself, when those careers or roles are removed

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Australian-born fempreneur Santina Rigano-Lesch decided to take a gap year to the U.S. to decide what she wanted to do with her life. After many pivots, jobs, businesses, self discoveries, setbacks and finding love, she’s made a permanent home here.

    Throughout her life, Santina has seen the big picture vision of what she wanted to achieve in life and business, while also mastering how to take the very next steps to reach her vision. Santina talks about her body love journey and how she created a business that provides a safe place for women to explore their body’s through dance. She also talks about learning to find happiness and success, outside of her business as she pulls back slightly to focus more on her family. Santina is no longer watching her life go by, she’s putting herself first and is LIVING her life and business!

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How Santina found her way to the U.S. and entrepreneurship Starting a business in a new country (more than once!)Teaching dance in a non-traditional way to kids and adults Breaking stereotypes, crushing limiting beliefs and re-inventing yourselfNo longer trading time for money and seeking more quality in life

    Here’s where you can find Santina Rigano-Lesch:


    IG: @confidentlyyou2IG: ddiyvas

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • What does it mean when you say you don’t want to be salesy in your business? I’ve said it! My clients have said it? But why are we so afraid of selling or being “salesy” when we first start in business?

    Listen to my journey of going from not wanting to be that salesy person when I first started my business, to coaching my clients through the same struggles, and ultimately finding that one person who was indeed salesy to me, and how to avoid it for yourself.

    Inside the episode I talk about:

    How trying not be a salesperson is hurting your salesWhen you believe in what you’re selling, you’re not being salesyHow to shift your sales mindset to a serving mindsetThat one person who was in fact salesy to me (and no, it’s not you!)

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.

  • Sales and Business Mentor Jillian Murphy talks about how she had to learn to detach from the outcome after a lifetime of seeking validation from outside sources.

    After decades of the outside world validating to her that she was “good enough,” she learned to find that validation and success from within. She stopped waiting for her clients to confirm for her that she’s an amazing entrepreneur and started believing it for herself!

    Jillian is an absolute sales queen and talks about how pricing your offers too low can give an impression that you're not providing quality. And she shares a story about a cheesecake maker who mastered the art of sales, and got her to buy a $22 SLICE of cake!

    Inside the episode we talk about:

    How having quality conversations and genuine connections builds community, network AND salesDetaching from the outcome and not seeking validation from the outside worldChecking yourself when thoughts of entitlement or always expecting a certain outcome in business start to creep inThe importance of pricing, and how pricing too low can make your service feel less valuable.

    Here’s where you can find Jillian Murphy:


    IG: @thejillianmurphy

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sellingsecretsforentrepreneurs/

    Freebie: https://thejillianmurphy.com/stories-that-sell

    Connect and Work with Courtney

    Follow @goliveyourstory and @thecourtneyelko on Instagram!

    Want to receive my stories and words of wisdom in your inbox? Join my email community here.

    Are you on the content struggle bus? Join the waitlist here for my content-focused membership, the Content Collective.

    Drop your email here if you'd like to know more about my 1:1 business coaching!

    Do you want to tell better stories? Click here to receive a free, recorded webinar in your inbox on How to Tell a Better Story.