I was thrilled to have Jeff Nelson on the show to talk about Spartans, Samurai, Ninja, developing confidence through jiu-jitsu, fight scenes in movies that drive us crazy, and pro-training at some of the best BJJ schools in the world.
Follow Jeff on Instagram (@thoughtandmindjj) and check out his book Ninja Punks, @*&% OFF! on Amazon!
Also check out my new book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indigo, or your favorite local bookstore!
Paul Kindzia describes himself as a "homeschooled, non-denominational, it takes a village black belt" and had a very unique route to getting his BJJ black belt. He was a ronin, training at different schools and did a lot of his training in his home dojo. This paid off because he was a top IBJJF Masters competitor at blue, purple, and brown belt, before being awarded his black belt by a coalition of other black belts (myself included) in October of 2024.
In this episode we talk about so many things, including
- How to get really good if you don't train at a top-tier school
- Key aspects of training safely
- How to say no to training with people who don't have your best interests at heart
- What you need to do to calibrate your skills if you mainly train one-on-one
- Cult-like dynamics at some BJJ schools
- What professional BJJ competitors do that sets them apart
- How to get promoted if you train independently
- How jiu-jitsu training has changed in the last 10 years
- And so much more.For more about Paul's jiu-jitsu journey check out his site, The Balanced Grappler (https://www.thebalancedgrappler.com/) and his book, Master Jiu-Jitsu, Master Life (https://www.amazon.com/Master-Jiu-Jitsu-Life-Extraordinary-Through/dp/069216197X)
Please give this episode a thumbs up and share it with someone else you think might enjoy it.
Thanks so much,
Stephan KestingP.S. Check out my own book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic at https://www.stephankesting.com/perseverance-book
Missing episodes?
Jost Kobusch is just back from Everest, where he is doing a multi-year project to climb the tallest mountain in the world... by himself... without oxygen... up the incredibly difficult West Ridge route in the middle of winter.
In winter, the effective altitude of Everest is over 9,000 meters, and the winds can reach 250 km/hour (155 mph). And - on top of that - the mountain was hit by a powerful earthquake while he was on it.
Find out...
How Jost Kobusch optimises his training The relative importance of physical vs mental attributes in extreme sport How he overcame a potentially career-ending injury The dichotomy of fitness vs experience for maximum performance What it's like to be a full-time athlete Jost's best advice for someone who is considering an Everest climb! And moreCheck out Jost's Altitude Academy https://jostkobusch.de/en/akademie/ and/or follow him on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jostkobusch
Finally, if you've read down this far, you must like adventure stories, so check out my new book, "Perseverance, Live and Death in the Subarctic" available everywhere you can get books, including https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Death-Subarctic-Stephan-Kesting/dp/1639368612/
Please share this episode with somone who you think will like it!
Stephan Kesting
Tyson Larone is a BJJ belt, a Muay Thai teacher, TEDx speaker, and a strongman competitor. In this episode he and I dive deep into exploring how BJJ can be used for self defense, including how context changes everything in self defense… adaptations that women and smaller people need to make… the problems with the one time self defense seminar model… the need for force-multipliers and whether guns can act as that force multiplier… the single biggest thing any man can do to keep the women in his life safe and more. We also perceptions and expressions of masculinity, conservative-appearing privilege, and much more. As always, Tyson brings receipts for everything he says.
IMPORTANT: This podcast was recorded in early December 2024 but only released in early January 2025. Therefore some of the dates referenced are incorrect. Tyson’s flashlight course IS currently available (at gethomesafe.online), Stephan STILL wants his Christmas presents, and his William Shirer Kindle offer is valid until the end of January 2025
Flashlight self defense: https://www.gethomesafe.online/courses School: Ironside Martial Arts: https://ironsidemartialarts.ca/ Tyson on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewarriorphilosopherig Tyson on Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thewarriorphilosopherCheers,
Stephan KestingP.S. Check out my @EssentialWilderness Youtube Channel - I'm putting lots of footage from my adventures in the North on it.
The standard BJJ approach of throwing newcomers to the wolves may work for young and talented athletes, but it's definitely not optimal for most older, non-athletic, or female grapplers (otherwise known as the vast majority of people). In today's episode I'm joined by Jesse Walker from Rough Hands BJJ in Louisville, Kentucky, to discuss the training methods and school culture that'll make jiu-jitsu accessible to (almost) everyone.
Check out Rough Hands BJJ training center in Louisville, Kentucky at https://roughhandsbjj.com/ and/or get in touch with Jesse on most social media platforms at @roughhandsbjj.
If you want to delve deeper into training methods that maximize results and minimize injuries check out the ground-breaking BJJ Games instructional I did with Rob Biernacki at https://www.grapplearts.com/bjjgames
And for specific techniques and strategies applicable to the older grappler check out the two BJJ for Old F***s instructionals at https://www.grapplearts.com/2-for-1-sale-on-bjj-for-old-fs/
Good luck with your training!
Stephan Kesting -
Kalle Beck has competed, coached and commentated in Strongman events and has helped thousands of people become much, much stronger. Here's how some of the lessons learned from Strongman apply to other sports...
Check out Kalle's site at https://startingstrongman.com/ and the Facebook group he runs (the biggest strongman community in the world) at https://www.facebook.com/groups/startingstrongman/
Check out Stephan Kesting's latest jiu-jitsu instructional, No Gi Pin Escapes at https://www.grapplearts.com/PinEscapes and also his book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic, with links for more information here: https://essentialwilderness.com/book/
Stephan Kesting -
One of the biggest trends in BJJ right now is the so-called "ecological approach." In episode 412 of The Strenuous Life Podcast I'm joined by renowned coach Rob Biernacki to discuss the do's and don'ts of game-based training. Check out Rob's instructional BJJ Games here https://www.grapplearts.com/bjj-games/ for more information.
Erin Herle is a BJJ black belt under Cobrinha and is a certified Mental Performance Consultant. In her work she uses an evidence-based approach and has a master's degree in sport and performance psychology. In this episode we cover overcoming the biggest barriers holding you back from performing to your potential, dealing with burnout and overtraining (and why they are different), hero worship in martial arts, and living the jiu-jitsu lifestyle.
Find out more about Erin and her coaching programs at https://www.erinherle.com/
Check out No Gi Pin Escapes, your masterclass at getting out from the bottom and getting your jiu-jitsu confidence back, at https://www.grapplearts.com/no-gi-pin-escapes/
Stephan Kesting -
Would you like a behind-the-scenes peek at what really goes on at one of the most successful grappling teams in the world as they get ready for ADCC and CJI, the Olympics of grappling?
Today I'm joined by Chris Wojcik, a standout grappler and the author of The Grappler's Diary, and we cover...
The qualifying process for ADCC, the Olympics of Grappling Training with a herniated disk How to go from enthusiastic amateur to dedicated professional What natural athletes need to do differently to compete in a sport rife with steroids How to train smarter, not harder Why B Team brought in an external trainer to prepare for ADCC and CJI ADCC vs CJI rule sets and strategies The future of CJI The role of wrestling and wrestling up in submission grappling Outside vs inside leglocks Top 3 leglock entries and top 3 leglock finishes The connection between leglocks and wrestling up Advice for practitioners feeling overwhelmed with the pace of change in the sport The mindset required for continual improvement in jiu-jitsu And moreFollow Chris Wojcik on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thegrapplersdiary/ and/or on his substack https://thegrapplersdiary.substack.com/
Check out my podcast-only leglock instructional special at https://www.grappplearts.com/leglocksale
And finally, check out the video version of this episode on my Strenuous Life Podcast Youtube channel here: https://youtu.be/aahJznxxEsE
Stephan Kesting -
Denis was one of the top MMA fighters in the world with wins over Minoru Suzuki, Murilo 'Ninja' Rua, Akihiro Gono and Marvin Eastman. In this interview he opens up about the mindset shift that took him to a 22 fight undefeated streak... how he dealt with the death of his fiance while competing for the biggest MMA organisation in the world... how fighters should know when it's time to quit fighting... and how MMA training has changed since the early days.
This episode is also available on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/bYfPiNUIWa4
Denis teaches at https://pinnaclemma.gymdesk.com/ and can be followed at https://www.instagram.com/thisisdeniskang/
Check out Stephan's new book, 'Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic' at https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Death-Subarctic-Stephan-Kesting/dp/1639368612/
Ramsey Dewey is an MMA coach now based in Shanghai, China. I really enjoyed our conversation which included...
How wearing headgear in sparring actually makes things WORSE for your brain His controversey with Master Wong Why China could take over MMA What self defense 'experts' get wrong What happens to martial arts that don't spar Ramsey's experience on The Ultimate Self Defense ChampionshipCheck out Ramsey's very popular Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@RamseyDewey
Find out more about the FREE Grapplearts BJJ Master App at https://www.grapplearts.com/masterapp
And please check out my brand new book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic, available on Amazon and all other online book retailers https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Death-Subarctic-Stephan-Kesting/dp/1639368612
Thank you,
Stephan Kesting -
I just did a 19-day solo canoe trip in the Canadian Arctic, and here are the 3 big lessons I learned!
If you want to see photos and a day-by-day description of the trip please go here: https://essentialwilderness.com/lost-in-the-barrens-a-solo-canoe-trip-on-a-remote-arctic-river/
Order my book "Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic" at the following places:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Death-Subarctic-Stephan-Kesting/dp/1639368612/Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/perseverance-stephan-kesting/1145682384
Indigo/Chapters: https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/perseverance-life-and-death-in-the-subarctic/9781639368617.html
If you'd like to subscribe to audio-only form this podcast please find it at the links below:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5NTGdrtMZv8JcxpUBcdREx
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/strenuous-life-podcast-stephan-kesting-grapplearts/id320705565?mt=2
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/stephan-kesting/grapplearts-radio-podcast
Stephan Kesting -
This podcast episode covers all the details and preparations for a long solo trip in the Arctic that I'm starting today! After 30 hours of driving and a 2 hour bush plane flight to Nueltin Lake I'll be heading north of the treeline direct into the Barren Lands of the Arctic.
Once there, I'll be completely alone and out of touch for 30 days. The only written description of the river is a few pages in a book written by a missionary in the late 1800's.
The trip spans the Thlewiaza, The-Tinne, Kognak and Tha-Anne rivers and will probably include caribou and bear encounters, whitewater and giant ice-covered lakes, and insanely complex navigational challenges.
Once the trip is underway, I'll be sharing a few photos from the field a small satellite device So if you're interested in adventure and how well jiu-jitsu works against giant Hudson Bay Polar Bears then follow along!
The best place to stay current is probably on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/essentialwilderness/), although this page on Essential Wilderness (https://tinyurl.com/nunavutsolo) should have a map that updates with my location once I'm on the water
I believe that pictures from this trip will also get cross-posted on
Threads (https://www.threads.net/@stephan_kesting)
Tiktok (https://www.tiktok.com/@essentialwilderness), and
Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@essentialwilderness/community)
I'll be back to the world and jiu-jitsu in late July. Hopefully!
Cheers, Stephan
P.S. I'm telling my publisher that this is my official book tour, so if you haven't yet pre-ordered Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic (the story of another trip I did up there) then please help me out!
You can grab it at Amazon
Barnes and Noble
And Indigo. https://www.indigo.ca/en-ca/perseverance-life-and-death-in-the-subarctic/9781639368617.html
Short episode today with my friend Denis Kang sharing three ways that fighters have improved their training methods to get ready for MMA fights.
Denis fought for the first time in 1998 (in an event without gloves) and went on to fight a total of 55 times in events like the UFC, PRIDE, DREAM, Impact FC, M-1 Global, K-1 HERO'S, ROAD FC, and Pancrase.
Denis currently teaches MMA at Pinnacle Martial Arts in Richmond, BC.
Luke Thomas is one of the most influential MMA analysts in the game and the host of The Morning Kombat Podcast. I was delighted to talk to him today about
How the sport of MMA has changed The rise of Eastern European fighters Why is terrible behaviour of MMA fighters tolerated Can other MMA organisations ever rival the UFC Drug testing in the UFC Fighter unions and the Ali Expansion Act What Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson means for combat sports And more!Check out Luke Thomas's Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/ @LukeThomas
And, if you have a second, please follow my two outdoor adventure accounts to make my book publisher happy! https://www.youtube.com/@essentialwilderness and https://www.instagram.com/essentialwilderness should do the trick!
Thanks ever so much,
Stephan Kesting
In this episode I put on my adventurer hat and use my biology background to look at four studies and 352 aggressive bear encounters in Alaska to see whether bear spray or firearms was more effective at deterring aggressive black, grizzly and polar bear behaviour. The results may surprise you, but data doesn't care about your feelings!
01:28 - Introduction to bears spray vs guns
04:08 - Analysis of the first report, Bear Spray vs Bullets, Which Offers Better Protection, by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
04:30 - Analysis of second report, Bear Spray or Bullets, by Lynn Dickerson
08:57 - Analysis of third report, Efficacy of Bear Deterrent Spray in Alaska, by Smith et al.
16:48 Analysis of fourth report, Efficacy of Firearms for Bear Deterrence in Alaska, by Smith et al.
23:27 Summary and personal opinions
Please like this video and subscribe to my Essential Wilderness Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCujEWgySgpTa76dw__i_UAw
Check out my Essential Wilderness site at https://www.essentialwilderness.com
Follow my outdoors Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/essentialwilderness/
Sign up to get notified about my upcoming book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic at https://www.essentialwilderness.com/book
Thanks so much,
Stephan Kesting
There are times when it feels like life has you trapped on the bottom of mount against a vastly heavier, more experienced opponent intent on mauling you. The steps to deal with these two situations are the same.
Pass this on to someone you think it might help,Stephan Kesting
P.S. I made one little mistake in this podcast: Epictetus was a Greek (not Roman) stoic philosopher who lived in Rome for much of his youth serving the Emperor Nero, so he doubtless knew all about suffering.
Rob Biernacki is my guest today to talk about how injury and physical limitations have led to some of the fastest technical development of his career and the refinement of entirely new techniques like the Roadhouse Choke. Since some form of injury is inevitable there are a LOT of takeaways in this episode.
We also discuss the concepts of risk vs reward in your choice of techniques, how new techniques and technical refinements get adopted, the risks of the buggy choke, the barbell strategy for allocating your training time, how rule sets drive evolution of the art, and more.
Check out the Roadhouse Choke Instructional at http://roadhouse.bjjconcepts.net
And sign up for my free email newsletter at https://www.grapplearts.com/newsletter
Good luck with your training
Stephan Kesting
Many people completely run out of gas when they're sparring, and often this is because they are inadvertently holding their breath. In this short podcast I share four very specific ways that I've coached people past this problem and hugely improved their endurance.
Please share this episode with someone you think it will help.
Stephan Kesting
P.S. This episode is also available in video form here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umD_zc5Bd3M
P.P.S. If you follow me on social media only then we are all subject to the whims of the algorithms, therefore subscribe to my (entirely free) newsletter so we can stay in touch and I can give you tons of good stuff: https://www.grapplearts.com/newsletter
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